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Adam Lambert will bring guyliner, not raunch to Musikfest

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, April 22, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 22, 2010

Below is an exchange between an Adam fan and Binky regarding Adam's performance at Musikfest this August.

Dear Pinky,

I heard Adam Lambert is coming to Musikfest. Are you planning to go to the show? He's been a bit controversial since his "American Idol" days. How far do you think he will go with his stage act?

Glammed Up in Glendon

Dear Glammed Up,

Pinky had a brief, season-long affair with "American Idol" a few years ago. It ended badly. Since then, to save herself the heartache, she hasn't paid much attention to the contestants, their talent or lack thereof, but it's hard to miss Adam Lambert, which is why Pinky may have to join the masses this summer at Musikfest.

Glambert will put on a good show and leave the Lehigh Valley suitably scandalized, but I'm confident that he'll skip the simulated sex act that left last year's American Music Awards viewers agog and aghast. If nothing else, that performance taught Lambert how important it is to know your audience.

Don't worry, though. There'll be enough guyliner, black nail polish and high notes to keep you and the other Adamaniacs happy.



Anonymous said...

this is a weir post!

Anonymous said...

Did Pinky/Binky see ADAM's performance/mentor on American Idol last week? If not ... too bad Pinky?Binky ... YOUR LOSS! ADAM is ICONIC!!

Anonymous said...

Pink is a huge Adam fan. I love her! She's always so supportive of Adam. During last year's American Idol, she said Kris shouldn't win and that Adam should have won. etc.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I was one of those'fans' who was 'agog and 'aghast' with ADAM LAMBERT! and I LOVED IT!!!

Anonymous said...

...the thing is, one of the things I've always thought about Adam Lambert is that he is actually BRILLIANT at knowing his audience for each and every performance/venue! Love Lambert's brains as much as anything else about him (well, almost ;)!!).