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Ask Adam Lambert a Question on CNN!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 30, 2010

Posted at : Friday, April 30, 2010

Adam is this week's connector on CNN. Here's the article and apparently you can ask Adam a question on that site and they may be chosen to ask Adam in an upcoming interview!

Adam Lambert made his name on the hit American television show "American Idol" and although he didn't win the competition, he didn't let that stop him.

The openly gay singer and songwriter has so far released his debut album called "For your Entertainment" and has already won artist of the year from the Young Hollywood Awards.

Lambert has also won the choice male in a reality show from the 2009 Teen Choice Awards.

The album also debuted at number three on the Billboard 200 selling nearly 200,000 copies in the first week.

However, although Lambert has achieved a great deal of success, his career hasn't been completely free of controversy.

During a performance of "For your Entertainment" at the 2009 American Music Awards, Lambert was seen kissing a male keyboardist as well as grabbing the crotch of another male dancer.

The ABC network received over 1,500 telephone complaints and Lambert was quoted as saying in "Rolling Stone" that "female performers have been doing this for years—pushing the envelope about sexuality—and the minute a man does it, everybody freaks out."

"We're in 2009—it's time to take risks, be a little more brave, time to open people's eyes and if it offends them, then maybe I'm not for them. My goal was not to piss people off, it was to promote freedom of expression and artistic freedom."

Here's your chance to ask singer Adam Lambert your questions.

Please leave your comments below and be sure to include where you're writing from.

Post your questions on CNN's website here!


Anonymous said...

Tickets!!!sorry off topic! twitter is reporting that Adam sold out the Norva in virginia today in an hour but just checked and tix are still available. It's in Norfolk, VA on June 30th- for some reason this show hasn't shown up on all the tour date schedules?? Got my tickets :) don't want anyone to miss out!!!!

Anonymous said...

lol he never grabbed a male dancer's crotch.

Anonymous said...

And he kissed Tommy the guitarist, that doesnt mind a bit of tactile behaviour.. all in the name of art..

Anonymous said...

ANON #1 Where did you order those tickets???? Please answer quick! I want to buy one.

Anonymous said...

what is it with F**kin America and the Bl**dy AMA's.....this is so HISTORY and OUTDATED!!
IT drives me INSANE why there is still such an ISSUE with this...
from a PUZZLED UK LAMBRIT !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, does anyone has a good question? We have to bombard them with questions. Let's think of once that shade positive light on Adam and that shows his insane talent.

Anonymous said...

this AMA thing is history, please let it die, driving me insane.

i noticed adam is not included in the time magazine 100 most influential people, why?? this poll misleaded the public, if by the end of the day, they, the editors and staff will make the decision and ignore the poll. obviously for them adam does not have influence on people but why bother to hold this poll??

i plan to write to the magazine to point out my view. would you?? i am even considering canceling my subscription.

Anonymous said...

can i just say to all Adam fans who spent they time Voting in the time 100 was such a FIX....SOME of the papers in the UK are saying Lady Gaga won IT?????? and no news reports from anywhere have mentioned Adam.......this is so wrong and why i will never ever trust the american press...its disgusting!!!!!!!!
we voters spent hours and hours voting and they cannot even mentioned Adam,s name
Lady Gaga and Ricky Gervais are among the celebrities who "most affect our world", according to a list published by Time magazine.
The eccentric pop star was called "an inspiration to other artists" in an appraisal written by singer Cyndi Lauper in the US publication.
Gervais made the list after hosting the Golden Globe awards and the success of his animated comedy show on US TV.
Oscar winner Sandra Bullock and Simon Cowell were also featured.
Saviour of pop
The X Factor and Britain's Got Talent judge was praised for having made "an indelible impression on global pop culture".
Also making the final cut of 25 was Twilight star Robert Pattinson, musicians Prince and Sir Elton John, as well as talk show host Oprah Winfrey.
She has made the list every year since it was initiated seven years ago.
Taylor Swift has scored a string of hit records
Kathryn Bigelow, the first woman to win the best director Oscar, made the cut, alongside fellow director James Cameron who she beat at the Academy Awards.
Grammy Award-winning pop star Taylor Swift was also on the list and one of the youngest artists.
Fleetwood Mac star Steve Nicks, writing in Time about the 20-year-old singer, said she was initially reluctant to perform with her at the Grammys due to their age difference.
"But her little face just lights up like a star, and I couldn't say no," she said.
"This girl writes the song that makes the whole world sing... It's women like her who are going to save the music business," added Nicks.
Time magazine's annual list of most influential people also had categories for leaders, heroes and thinkers.
IT IS SO UNFAIR ON ALL OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and ADAM

Anonymous said...

So all those times we voted for adam were a waste of time? dammn!

Anonymous said...

Taylor Swift save the music industry?????? Are you freaking kidding me????? this is outrageous! We need to start a petition and condemn this act, we all saw Adam finished @ #6 and his name needs to be amongst those mentioned on their website. Lets do it people. We can't just sit and watch while they rip off people like that. They did similar thing on Idol voting (season 8) and now this? I say ENOUGH is ENOUGH. And I hereby announce that as of today I'll cancel my TIme magazine subscription.
Screaming Sandy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Screaming Sandy,i totally agree......i am english and do not subcribe to the times!!!!!
its very sad that adam is not even mentioned at all,and very dissapointing for all the fans who spent hours voting for adam, i am not a lover of the American media.....since idol 8 and AMA,s and this all stinks of one big FIX because adam is gay!!!!!!!!!! no wonder adam likes the UK

Anonymous said...

Is Times associated in anyway with ABC????? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

no wonder adam likes europe -uk usa media is sucks-stupid-manipulator -bad attittude from day one.i bet times is connected to abc..

Anonymous said...

All adams fans subcribe time magazine cancel thier subscription thyre unfair hows that.
are they judas?

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget here that Adam Lambert was voted on People's List of World's Most Beautiful People (that means beautiful inside and out!). People mag. is probably read by more people in the world than Time mag. And, both magazines are owned by Time Warner Inc. They ARE giving visibility to Adam worldwide. Furthermore, everyone that is subscribed to Time mag. probably consulted the polling at some point or other on the web and certainly saw the ratings with Adam always in the top 10 in the world and Taylor Swift out of the radar and Robert Pattinson with less than 97,000 votes compared to Adam Lambert's 375,000 votes. Like Adam, I think we should always look at the positive sides of things, in my humble opinion.

Anonymous said...

I agree. NO TIME PRESCRIPTION FOR ME!!! Adam came NUm. 6. GAGA NUM 5. She gets publicity and Adam dosn't? What The F@K???
Go to CNN and Ask a good question for Adam. A question that give him a chance to SHOW the WORLD who he REALLY is and to give him a chance to put a SPELL on the WORLD!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow adam lambert is already an international world wide super star.when he was in tokyo japan they have this small concert-adam sing over there. 10,000 fans people tried to get ticket they coundnt. japan want adam to tour over there.
iceland fans want adam t tour in that country as well.indnesian want adam too sing-tour over there; one lady said;shes going to make a sparkly batik-design inspiered design clothes for him,also want adam to sing whole lotta love.

Anonymous said...

adam want you to sing time for miracle and sing freddie mercury song title;dont stop me now.also come to chicago-house blues-united center.iceland wants you.oh visit philipines also
korea and taiwan. u have lots of fans over there.

Anonymous said...

Adam hab been interviewed more than anyone I can remember, so we know so much about him. I cant think of another thing I need to know... that wont invade his privacy!

BUT, as for Time, I will certainly write to them. Just like the stupd 1500 called ABC, we should let Time know what we think!

Anonymous said...

wonder if it really was as many as 1500 more like would think folk had more things in life to do than phone in complaints about Adam when all they needed to do was get off their stupid fat arses and switch the F**cking TV OFF!
Honestly some Americans!!!! WHAT A YOU LIKE!!!

Anonymous said...

To those of you who will contact Time mag - please do so respectfully and reasonably... showing intelligence and articulateness in your complaints will give them more power!! For example, when those 1500 complaints to ABC were released publicly - the ignorance and bad grammar, writing, etc. was widely made fun of and completely voided any arguments/positions these "complainers" had ... so let Adam fans be on the other side of that and make our greivances known with integrity, eloquence and intelligence - Lambert's worth it.

Anonymous said...

wonder how you can get hold of these 1500 abc complanits,i would like to be able to read them,from someone that lives in Europe it would be an insight how the 1500 STUPID DUMBASS American's think,and wrote?
if anyone has any info about these letters,phone calls..please advise... from an interested Adam fan from Europe,
Religon,Selfishness,Greed and Money are the RUINATION OF OUR WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!