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Germany loves WWFM!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, April 24, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, April 24, 2010

Adam Lambert's second single Whataya Want From Me is blowing up on German iTunes! It is currently on the top 5 of iTunes! Knowing that Adam is going to Germany next week and he has a long list of promo lined up, this is a great way of welcoming Adam!

Click on image to enlarge


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Keep voting for Whataya Want From Me on the VH1 countdown. It dropped to #6 this week. We want Adam on top!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Adam likes to be on top. In so many ways. Loving our spangley, sparkley, frisky, sexy, glammy bb.

Anonymous said...

i'm so proud to be german right now.

Anonymous said...

we had german exchange students at my school and i was tempted to ask them if they were fans of adam

Anonymous said...

thanks germany for embracing adam.

btw adam slipped to no.6 at vh1 countdown, it was a big downfall. let us bring back adam to no. 1 next week. let us be united in voting WWFM unplugged as no. 1 and WWFM as no.2 so the votes will not be spread out. we can do it remember we come from PLANET FIERCE.