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Katie Stevens' reaction to Adam Lambert being a mentor on American Idol!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Katie got excited and surprised when she heard that Adam was going to be mentoring her and the other idols next week.


Anonymous said...

That was surprise all right - just not sure if it was in a positive way or not???

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm I have a feeliing she was a bit scared of Adam but then I remember she sang Feeling Good. She must be an Adam fan then.

Anonymous said...

I think it was in a possitive way.. Because if she wouldn't care about Adam she wouldn't have reacted in any way.. But this is going to be awesome.. They are going to be really comfortable with him

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I noticed the audience did not seem to react like I thought they would. They were very quiet. The other two girls just stared into space like they never heard of Adam??? Of course, they know it all and will only listen to themselves. Adam was so receptive of "some" of the advice he was given whereas I don't think these gals--maybe with the exception of Katie--will pay any attention. We'll see. They all can sing, but frankly they are ALL rather dull and boring.

Anonymous said...

I think Ryan announced it so fast in the midst of other information, people didn't quite focus on what he was saying. I have to admit I almost missed it and I was watching and listening for Ryan to say something. Adam is going to be amazing with these contestants. There are several he could really help Can't wait till next week

Anonymous said...

I also think that it was nice of her to give a reaction, as opposed to the other two girls who just sat there pretending to not know who Adam was.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that Adam will affect the viewer rating that much. None of the mentors do. But it created a great buzz, and more Adam in my television, the better!

I'm just waiting, kind of dismayed, the haters going "No rating boost! He is a failure, waah!"

Anonymous said...

Katie's reaction was just great and genuine. Not like the other two who just keep looking at the camera!

Super Sachiko said...

lol she's so cute!!

crys and siobhan probably knew already so they didn't react.

btw vote for siobhan everybody!!!

Anonymous said...

I think her reaction was in a good way. I hope to see more promos and stuff tho.

Anonymous said...

To Anon @ 10:42pm 4/7 - Yes, the audience reaction was kind of quiet - I was a little bummed and nervous to be honest... but I also actually think Anon @ 11pm 4/7 is correct in that Ryan kind of said it quickly, in the middle of some other stuff, in a kind of unexpected spot to mention such a thing for an upcoming week... I too was trying to listen for Ryan to say something about it and I didn't really catch it too well myself... does anybody else have an opinion on the quiet audience reactions? And also, does anybody know the scenario for who gets in to see the live shows on a weekly basis - other than the obvious people who are in like the first 15 rows and such?

Anonymous said...

i went onto ai website in july of 2009 and filled out a request to be in the in the audience (they have a section for that) and it said that you are placed on a waiting list and they will contact you when they have a spot open. i am still waiting.....

Anonymous said...

I watched the show , and some how I MISSED IT ??? TO FAST !!

Anonymous said...

I was watching the show, but only half listening at that particular time. Ryan said it so fast that I didn't know if he had actually mentioned Adam. I had perked up at what I thought was Adam's name but only really heard Ryan talk about Katie's jaw dropping and being glad she would be back next week. It was an odd mention at a meh part of the show. I don't think the audience had time to react when the attention was taken from Adam to Katie's reaction to the news. I am not reading anything in to the fact that the audience was quiet as I don't think the news had time to sink in before the subject was changed.

Anonymous said...

My ten year old daughter, who is a dedicated vocal student, who adores ADAM LAMBERT and knows about every single song he has sung.....(and her
Fiyero of all time!), would adore the opportunity
to sing with him! (She can sing a storm!) So hope the AI guys appreciate this amazing opportunity they have next week! How awesome is that!

Anonymous said...

Adam will make those rating soar beyond belief
next week on AI! At last some zest and professionalism back in the show at last! Thank God for ADAM LAMBERT!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait. How clever to bring Adam in on the show to raise ratings so desperately needed. We are in for a real treat people! Mr Lambert is amazing!

Anonymous said...

He can be my mentor anyday. Guy is outstanding.

Anonymous said...

Millions will watch the show just to see Adam Lambert. He is the real deal.

Anonymous said...

As i said before adma lmabert was born famous-likeable and good huiman being plus this year 2010 is adams good luck year according to his birthchart-birhtyear zodiac sign animal sign and.
hell be fine all his life- a phsychic comment.

Anonymous said...

Agree with all above. I thought Ryan would have made more of announcement but he kind of just said it quietly and I didn't here at first until seeing this today. Well the word is spreading so the rating will def go up. However, they might not let us know by how much.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a definite ratings boost! I give each contestant about thirty seconds with Adam before they fall under his spell!

Anonymous said...

One of the things that is strange about this group is they are emotionally stoic. Some of them can sing but no one seems to really connect.Look at the way they interact with each other. They spout out like this is my childhood song yada yada yada, cry but nothing really goes into the song.Either they just stand and strum and instrument and sing or stand and sing or sit and sing. BORING I don't even know if Adam can infuse life into them. But It will be wonderful seeing him again. RATINGS BOOST

Anonymous said...

Ryans timing was weird. I barely caught it and like others, I was watching for it. Actually if it hadn't been for Katie's reaction i might have missed it. Usually they announce with such Fan Fare. Next week is so and so and the Genre.
What's up with that? If you want the ratings boost you better mention he is going to be on.

Anonymous said...

if i was katie i would have screamed so loud out of happiness and shock!!

Anonymous said...

When i was watching this the night before. I didn't even notice Ryan said Adam's name all i heard Ryan said was Lambert. I agree Ryan said it 2 fast. and iam sooo glad adam's goiing 2 be on next week. cant wait!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let me just say that I disagree with anyone who says that announced mentors do not effect ratings. Wanna bet? I personally and literally know HUNDREDS, NO....make that THOUSANDS of people who are not even watching Idol this season, who are eagerly awaiting next week, both nights, just to see and hear Adam Lambert. Adam IS ratings baby! Of course, Idol is now struggling for viewers and lost the ratings contest last week to DWTS, so, they NEED someone like Adam to boost ratings and they know it! But you will NOT hear them announce that boost, lol. That would be tantamount to admitting "yeah, you're right...without Lambert, we're sunk!", LOL! Enjoy AI the 13th and 14th! I know I will! WOOT! ; )

Anonymous said...

It was very strange how Ryan just casually mentioned Adam's name as mentor. Typically, it it done with great fanfare, center stage, playing it up. This time it seemed to be done as a casual afterthought, and I think many people didn't even hear it. At least Katie was honest with her enthusiasm -- what was with the other 2 girls? They were sitting there looking semi-stoned. Well, this season's group is dull as dishwater and I'm not worried how the audience will react to Adam as mentor. They can sit there like stone if they want to. It's their loss! Many, many people and fans will tune in to see Adam mentor and perform. AI lost ratings to DWTS so they need to do something to KICK IT UP! Adam, please plant some seeds with this crew to grow some personalities! Love you BB, can't wait till next week! Vote for Adam on Time Magazine's poll!