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Picture of the day: Adam Lambert posing with Siobhan!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Don't forget Adam will perform on American Idol tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Siobhan was really overwhelmed by Adam and i loved that.. And i think she did great I don't know what the judges want.. They called Tim Urban perfomance great even when he has like a 2 note range and then comes Siobhan with this great range and they want her to be mediocre and stay with just one type of music.. They're Lame!!

Anonymous said...

I love Siobhan and she is original so, why are the judges so snarky to her? None of the judges could sing like her--not even Kara!

Adam was a fabulous mentor--so sincere. He really feels the music.. even when they were singing a few bars (to him) you could see him move his body. He knew exactly what they should be doing so he does have a 6th sense about music, performance, voice,etc.

Anonymous said...

Loved watching her be smitten with Adam!

Here's a fun article about behind the scenes on the show last night, and the parts about Adam are wonderful.

Anonymous said...

yes, i did not have any idea why the judges claimed tim urban was great! siobhan was way better than time. hope siobhan stays.

cc said...

Siobhan and Mike were the only ones who hugged or shouldered Adam. If you watch, most of the other mentors are hugged..tell you something? I am all for Siobhan...

Anonymous said...

It looked to me like Siobhan said something silly to make Adam actually laugh instead of giving him a chance to pose for the camera like she did. lol

Anonymous said...

I cannot work her out. Is she a nerd trying to be differant or is she just putting on an image for the show? Something does'nt seem to fit somehow.

Anonymous said...

They look adorable.

Anonymous said...

no offence... but I felt that Siobhan has no match to Adam's incredible vocals! Ok I know that she tries to be different but most times... her screams in her performances... were sucks!!! I totally agree with Simon's comments about her voice being screechy etc. etc.

just bcoz Kara once compared Siobhan with Adam Lambert... that doesn't mean she's anywhere near... her talent ... is like billion times far away from our talented Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

^^ your comparing performer that aren't even the same in the styles. She may no have controls over her screams all the time, but she tries new things. I see her as her own person, unique and talented, but still leading. The comparisons are ridiculous.
Yes Adam is of course better, but she is her own artist and thus shouldn't be compared the same way, because it's like comparing a fantastic and famous painter to a sculptor who is still learning - the differences are too different to be fairly compared.

~ Emmaline ~