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Review of Adam Lambert in Heaven London

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, April 27, 2010

British fans of US talent show American Idol are in for a treat in the next couple of weeks as three of its competitors are turning their attentions to the UK. Season 3 winner Fantasia Barrino is popping to these shores to play a headlining show at London’s Indigo at the beginning of May. Season 8 stalwart Allison Iraheta drops her debut single “Friday I’ll Be Over You” around the same time and the true star of that year’s Idol Adam Lambert releases his album For Your Entertainment.

Mr Lambert has already hit the European promo trail, with volcanic eruptions slightly scuppering the second half of his UK plans, finally landing in the capital again in time to sit on Lorraine Kelly's sofa and play a couple of sets at London’s Heaven venue.

I was lucky enough to gain admission to the second show, a gig organised by HMV for fans who pre-ordered Adam’s album. HMV seem to be doing this on a regular basis these days with recent gigs from Alphabeat and Paul Weller coming to mind. It’s a great way for fans to get up close and sample their faves in intimate venues.

There was certainly no shortage of Lambert fans in the building, with an audience response usually reserved for a more seasoned performer (or possibly the Jonas Brothers!), with screams and calls filling the arena before their Idol's entrance. The crowd were certainly a mixed bag anyway, ranging from trendy teens to a large amount of women who looked as if they should have been camping out for a week outside the Albert Hall waiting for Cliff Richard tickets rather than getting down and dirty to the Glam Popper!

Adam’s set was pulled from his Electro Pop album and showcased the show stopping vocals that were a major part of his Idol success. I must admit I championed Miss Iraheta that season till she was despatched in fourth place but I always looked forward to seeing what Adam had to offer each week and I certainly wanted him to win when it came down to the final two.

Adam's set was short and sweet, with seven songs delivered to the excited crowd. The man was joined by a team of dancers for part of the set spicing up the evening's proceedings, with their raunchy moves adding to the Lambert package. Mr Lambert's certainly no shrinking violet mind you and was happy enough to join the fun, with crotch grabbing, squatting and gyrating the order of the day.

Adam took plenty of time to thank his ever faithful fans, spending periods just taking in all the cheers, cat calls and whistles that headed his way. Although a very charismatic performer there was no sense of arrogance, with the Idol star coming across as very likable.

Set highlights included opener "For Your Entertainment", "Fever" (a song written by the glorious Lady Gaga) and last song of the evening "If I Had You", with Adam telling the audience "No matter what colour your skin is, no matter who you fuck, no matter what God you believe in, no matter how old you are, we can all party together" and party they did!

Adam's show was very entertaining. My three song allocation in the photo pit was immense fun and I enjoyed the rest of the set almost as much! He certainly deserves a lot of success in the UK so hopefully his album will do well. I'm sure there wont be much of an opportunity to catch him in similar sized venue on his next return to this country anyway.



Anonymous said...

nice photos and good review!

Anonymous said...

I like the part about how Adam just drunk in all the applause and admiration, but never came across as having an ego! Hooray - he deserves it! And it's true - you will never find anyone wiht less of an ego than this charming man.

Anonymous said...

Nice review and more fans for Adam. It's not just the voice. He charms everyone with his humility and playful personality.Next trip may be the Palladium or to sing for the Queen! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

tomorrow the voting at the 2010 Time 100 poll ends...susan boyle got 9,000 votes in one day, she is #7...adam #6....would be a sad day....they are voting like crazy......i have been posting for weeks on this site...not too many devoted adam fans...only a handful..thanks for the hard work...yes it was boring...but he is worth it!!! good day!!

Anonymous said...

Vote people! HEAVEN was awesome! ADAM really rocked that place and I have'nt recovered from
it yet and never will! Can't wait to buy the album.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE VOTE GUYS.... We seriously CANT LET Susan get ahead of our brilliant "iconic" superstar. Here are a few tips to make the Time poll voting go faster..... When you type in the security words they are NOT case sensitive. Dont waste time with the caps! Also, a little keyboard shortcut for you....if you hold alt and hit tab several times until you get to the screen you want it makes it faster to go in between whatever applications you have open. I recommend only having 2 or 3 internet pages open AND THATS IT. Use alt tab to go in between them as they reload.
Its our last night to vote....lets go FANS....VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Time VOTING is over ... ADAM maintained the 6th position thanx to those devoted fans who fought off the SuBo votes but kept well ahead of her.

Final results:
5) Lady Gaga = 567,166
6) ADAM = 372,180
7) SuBo = 152,798

Good work ADAM fans!!