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Adam Lambert and David Cook not on 'American Idol' finale, stirring up 'false' controversy

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, May 27, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, May 27, 2010

While the "American Idol" finale was a who's who of chart toppers - Janet Jackson! Christina Aguilera! Joe Cocker! - two "Idol" alums were conspicuously absent from the proceedings.

Season seven winner David Cook and last year's incendiary runner up Adam Lambert both gave the Simon Cowell love-in a miss.

Cook was the only "Idol" winner not to take part in the "Together We Are One" performance that included winners Kelly Clarkson, Ruben Studdard, Fantasia, Carrie Underwood, Jordin Sparks, Taylor Hicks and Kris Allen.

The 27-year-old singer-songwriter could not attend the finale because of a scheduling issue - he had a charity event in Kansas City, his rep told Access Hollywood.

"Congrats to Lee Dewyze! So sorry I couldn’t be there to see all my fellow idols," Cook tweeted Wednesday. "I'm there in spirit!"

Meanwhile, a rep for Lambert has denied reports that the "For Your Entertainment" singer missed the finale because he failed to show up for rehearsals.

According to, Lambert was not "interested in changing his performances to suit [producers'] standards" and that "his non-appearance will be played off by claiming Lambert is sick."

Roger Widynowski, Lambert's rep, says that this report is false.

"That's completely fabricated," he told Entertainment Weekly, adding that Lambert came down with a case of laryngitis over the weekend and was placed on vocal rest in order to prepare for his Glam Nation tour, which begins June 4.

"He was never confirmed to do the show," Widynowski said. "He never skipped rehearsal,"

Lambert defended himself on Twitter Thursday morning.

'All i ever heard was:"you've not been asked to perform on finale.Would you like to sit in the audience?" Me:sorry-Too much work to do today,' Lambert wrote.

He later lashed out at the news outlets that reported the false information.

"Sick of certain journalists and jealous people in the industry trying to stir up bulls--- drama," he tweeted. "Must not be getting laid. GET A LIFE! HAHA"

NY Daily News


Anonymous said...

adam lambert; hoarseness.laryngitis
smoking/singing and yelling.. also due to colds/dry invironment.strep infection(be careful)
product that maybe of help throat coat/an herbal tea preparation.
bil clinton-bob dole who proclaimed that it was a big help.
tips; remedies; apple cider vinegar; gargle warm water in it.-use it for seven hours-taken every hour.

ginger root after you sip it/this tea also works
for trying to get ur voice back after a cold.
honey/lemon-makes good gargle-very soothing for the throat.
ice-suck on it-will stop spasms in your throat.
lozenges-suck on it periodically to moisten ur throat.
sea salt-make a gargle with water siveral times a day.
gargle; onion syrup/honry/lemon with cup of water sip slowly.ive done it.

Anonymous said...

don't worry anon above, adam knows what to do.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:01 Good Gawd! You've done this? You've got to be crazy - what else did you do during the day or night? lol

Anonymous said...

Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

adam better not be smoking ..

Anonymous said...

i think some fans thought Adam was holding a cigarette whilst Adam was in London last..but it was only his white pen for autographs LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if Adam was ever invited to be in the Simon tribute or was this just about Adam not doing an actual performance? Did he even know about the others who were going to be on stage for Simon?

Anonymous said...

According to WE, the gathering of former contestants was a last minute idea, so Adam apparently didn't even have a chance to decide whether or not he would be involved. So tired of all the negativity directed at such a nice, genuine, talented guy. He, of all people, does not deserve this. We love you Adam. Don't let the turkeys get you down...

Anonymous said...

Awwww poor Adam... why must he face all these?? he is such a nice guy.. never offend anybody.. yet some ppl out there r just so mean to do this things to him...

Adam do take care of ur health n wish u best of luck for ur upcoming GN tour.. This tour will be proof to those jealous ppl that u r capable of being the BEST Entertainer ever!!!

Good Luck Love!!!

Anonymous said...

Who really cares! Adam would have stolen the entire AI show (which became the Simon Cowell show anyway), because he is in a league all
of his own. Plus he has a full on Tour to concentrate on which will be totally awesome!
We will be in for a treat, there is no doubt about that!

Anonymous said...

Adam truly detests smoking - has made that point in several interviews. He just works so hard, drives himself like the wild man we love and that magnificent voice has to be babied at times. Happened a couple of times last Summer - remember? Will suggest this again - maybe we could do without the Meet and Greets to save his voice for the ambitious stage schedule?????