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Adam Lambert is a La Bruschetta Boy!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, May 15, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, May 15, 2010

From JustJared:

Adam Lambert has a lunch meeting at La Bruschetta Ristorante in Westwood, Los Angeles on Friday (May 14).

Tonight, the 28-year-old American Idol vet performed at the Wango Tango concert at LA’s Staples Center. Other musical acts include his make-out partner Ke$ha, Usher (and his protege Justin Bieber), Ludacris, Akon, B.o.B. and Iyaz.



Carlos said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Well, despite the shirt - I think he looks great! Happy, fresh and handsome.

Anonymous said...

he got his favorite boots fixed!!! yay!

Anonymous said...

RealMusicBlog - here we go again gang. A true fan of Adam's who's putting conditions on him or they will stop listening. Get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

Well, I am afraid I had to look up baphomet and Aleister Crowley - I was raised Catholic - this stuff is foreign to me, but, I believe, if Adam is into into anything it is Astrology, I am sure he just liked the colors and thought the shirt was kind of mystical. He probably just thinks it's sort of rock and roll. Let's not make him a Wicken because of a colorful tshirt ok.
Geez!!! he just wanted to look nice at lunch.

Carlos said...

Anon 1:33 you're right I'm going to delete my comment. I just reacted in a negative way

Anonymous said...

RealMusicBlog I just went to your site and it says it all. "Internet: It doesn't make you stupid, it just makes stupidity more accessible to others." While I'm not fluent in Spanish, it seemed to me that you are not among Adam's best fans or critics, but you are more accessible, I'll give you that.


Carlos said...

LOL anon 1:41
Well that spanish article was about how everyone reacted against the AMA perfomance but praised Britney and Madonna for doing similar stuff

bec said...

RealMusicBlog: Thanks, I don't mean to judge you either, just my thought about it.
1:33 -

Anonymous said...

Love Adam new look! He looks younger now than before!! n slimmer too!!

nice hair Adam!! love ur style n u hv great fashion sense!!

Anonymous said...

I love his fascination with egyptian imagery/hippy utopian shiznit, lol illuminati

whatevz, its just a shirt guys, no one's pulling a cap on ya

Anonymous said...

Adam can wear what he wants to wear. i think he looks hot in whatever he puts on. Love you Adam.

Anonymous said...

and if they were putting a cap on you, so what??? Adam can sing(that's what should really matter to everyone), he's fun, he's entertaining and I love his look wether it's a crazy outfit or jeans and a cool t-shirt for lunch(by the way if anyone wants to read simbology properly they should go to college first, so they'd understand that the t-shirt hhas no demonic elements, and if it had that would be cool as well..lolz)
Adam can wear anything he wants as we all can and if u don't like it then toughen up and get over it or find another artist to follow(though you'll regret it when he reaches worldwide Either way, Adam is beautiful inside and out, just saying...

Portuguese Fan

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with the T-shirt? I thought the motifs looked really different and mystical and that's about it.

pat said...

My gawd......some of you need to let go of your Adam obsession. He looks good and better yet he looks happy!! I myself don't get some of his outfits or his hair and makeup choices. But that's Adam. I like him as a person and a singer. You got to take him as he is or you got to let him go.

Anonymous said...

It looks like it is a beautiful day and he looks happy. I personally love his outfit. It's bright and looks comfy and he loves those boots. Looks like he is about enjoying the day.

Anonymous said...

The message on the shirt says it all "Love is the law" - It doesn't get any more positive and good than that and that is what Adam is all about. It is is a very good lead into his next single IIHU. I love the shirt. As Adam would say, it's not that deep. Just enjoy.

Anonymous said...

a tempest in a t-shirt....have fun,
love, dana

Anonymous said...

I think the shirt looks cool.I would wear it myself. if he knows what it says that nice but truelly why do any of us care what the hell shirt he's wearing?

Anonymous said...

"The message on the shirt says it all "Love is the law" - It doesn't get any more positive and good than that and that is what Adam is all about."

I agree! I didn't know the shirt says that.

I want to buy that shirt. Does anyone know where to buy it???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think Adam has a great sense of style. Love this look.

Anonymous said...

Young! Fresh! Adorable! What a munchable, lunchable - on his way to a great evening, doing what he loves best - FOR US!! Wonder who the lucky person was who got to stand over him and take his order and make him smile with just a big sandwich and a pickle. ENVYYYYYYYY!

Anonymous said...

Glad Adam got his fav. boots back! Looking good! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

How clever to match the check shirt with the python boots (yay, the muppet went to the doctor!)...Adam's innate sense of style is amazing, he makes it look so easy!

MiMi said...

He is so adorable!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my f'ing gawd, I've eaten in that restaurant, it's in my neighborhood in L.A. in the middle of freakin' nowhere on Westwood Blvd and if I had seen him coming out of there I would have passed out cold.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:59 lucky you!

Portuguese Fan

Anonymous said...

Glad I missed the post about the shirt. (deleted now) My immediate response to the shirt was : COOL shirt!

My next response was like some of you others: Yay! He got his favorite boots fixed!

I LOVE seeing Adam looking relaxed and happy like this....!
