Adam Lambert's WWFM is #1 in Germany for a second week straight!
Filed Under (charts,what ya want from me ) by Admin on Friday, May 21, 2010
Posted at : Friday, May 21, 2010

Adam Lambert's second single Whataya Want From Me stayed on the top of the overall German Airplay chart for a second straight week! It is also #1 in the Youth & Mainstream chart and #6 on the Singles Chart.
Credit: hooplamagnet
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excellent news,hi kris fan kristy,good news dont you agree,love adam
LOL. I bet Christy is thinking of something to say to this. Too bad Kris is not even on the top 100 in Germany.
This is excellent news!!! Go Adam, Go!
im happy for adam lambert hes a real deal- hes a real singer and well-experience a true gifted human being.
Please don't mention Kristi. Don't stoop to her level. Just be positive and enjoy Adam's success. He is such a talent.
i agree anon above, let us not go down to christy's level, not worth it. she loves to antagonize, let's focus on adam alone.
Let's just congratulate Adam on all his success
DC Canadian
Well done to Adam and for all the German fans for making this happen for Adam
International Stardom has well and truly happened for our Beautiful Adam...hoooray
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Great news for Adam but are you people 5 years old? WTF does Kris Allen have to do with this news?! Some of you kids need to grow up. I don't even know who Kristy/Christy is and I could care less.
Yay German fans, keeping our golden boy on top where he belongs! You all have excellent taste and know who rocks! funbunn40
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