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Adam Lambert tweets about tour rehearsal and defends his band and dancers

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Adam came to the defense of his dancers and band today on twitter. Maybe he was reading about the fans' negative comments regarding the dancers lately? But apparently, a few people are tweeting negative things to Sasha and the other dancers.

"Excited for rehearsal. It's all comin together. My band and dancers are my family! We're putting together an amazing show.Get into it! No H8. If anyone has negative thoughts bout my crew-just don't bother coming to the show. Your loss. :) the Glam Nation Tour is all bout LOVE. All r onstage b/c they bring a special, unique energy to the show, the songs, and help me be my best. If I want them there so should u! :) U come after my glamily, I come after YOU!! :) peace."

-Adam Lambert


Anonymous said...

Good for u Adam. I agree with him and behind him all the way. I am proud of Adam for having the balls to call on all the uneducated fans.
Show some respect , ppl
Adam is so special. Love him.
Gina. Who cannot wait to see Adam in concert.

Anonymous said...

Sad that he has to remind people that it is him who is creating this. I personally like his dancers and trust his creative juices. Can't imagine anyone telling Gaga to get rid of her dancers or what to wear. People need to stop treating Adam like they own him.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more. I hear sh!t like this all the time. Why do people think they know what Adam should do or what's best for Adam better than he does? So sad that he or his dancers heard of of this crap.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is listening to his fans about their concerns but it is his show and I can see he is trying to accomodate us but keeping what he likes also there is something for everyone

Anonymous said...

i like adam but he needs to be careful, fans can be sensitive and they could go the other way. fans are the ones who will make him. i must admit, deep inside, i think his dancers are quite old to be grinding around him. good luck adam.

Anonymous said...

Maybe some fans think he was more succesful last year than this year..

Anonymous said...

I actually admire Adam for not kowtowing to some of his fans. It is is career to make or break and he should call the shots. Personally I think the dancers have gotten better with each performance and I love it when he joins them in their routine.

Anonymous said...

....go Adam!! call 'em out!

Janet said...

It's one thing to not like what one sees on stage and so on. Another thing entirely to tweet mean things to his dancers, crew or friends. Some people are so clueless, they think they are entitled to say anything under the umbrella of internet anonymity. It's so sad that people choose to be hurtful. I have my opinions, too, but I will publicly take what ever Adam offers us and be bloody glad of it! He's enriched my life so much already, I owe him that.

Anonymous said...

Glad Adam sticks up for his band, Sasha loves to share maybe too much. Adam sounds a lttle testy. The one dancer Taylor is aweful, IMO, the fans are not brain dead but rudeness is never acceptable.

Anonymous said...

This is Adam's show. He will do it as he chooses. He will create it as he sees fit. He will choose who does what in support of his efforts. He is creative, talented, energetic, beautiful inside and out... and talented beyond measure. It is SO wrong that he should even have to address this stupidy. Like he said - if you don't like it, don't go. It is so sad to me that he has to deal with this. With technology and being hidden behind computers, people feel they can say anything to anyone and don't have to take responsibility for their hurtful words or opinions. Lots of hate that is typed. People feel the right to criticize and comment, often without concern for the recipient(s). I think it is time that we as a human race reflect on the damage that we do with our words, spoken or written. It is all about building people up, giving our hearts and supporting each other's dreams. This saddens me so much to see such a beautiful human being (Adam) have to deal with those individuals who are unconcious, jealous, hateful or close-minded. He should be enjoying his rise to stardom. It seems like he just keeps getting beaten up. I don't like his hair. I don't like his clothes. I don't like his sexuality. Gay. Too gay. Not gay enough. He sang it different. He sang it the same. The dancers are to close to him. I don't like that the dancers left the stage and then came back on again. Oh, please people. Enough. Honestly, people, we need to remember that we are just fans and on-lookers to Adam's career. We can support. We can cheer him on. But really, we don't have any right to place judgement. Like he said - if we don't like it, go elsewhere ... but don't be hateful. He shows extreme loyalty to his friends and family - a very honorable trait. If I ever was attacked verbally by someone I would want Adam on my side. Love him. Support him. Or just move on. I have to agree with Adam. And, honestly, I feel angry that he should even have to address this criticism. Those who are bent on making critical remarks...take a moment to think how you would feel...put some empathy in place BEFORE writing those damaging and hurtful "comments". In Adam's's about LOVE. And it's not that deep.

Anonymous said...

Adam, you are the best!!! Just because ppl voted for him and buy his music they think they can say bad things about his dancers? This is so sad and embaracing!
I really hope that most of his fans are more educated.
BTW. What with the comment that last year Adam was more famouse??
Look at him now. He is all over the world.
Ok, let's stop all the negativity and look forward to an amazing summer with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:40 PM AMEN

Anonymous said...

I would never never and have never tweeted him about anything, let alone about his dancers. But I agree with 2:00. Adam should be careful. A LOT of us don't like think the show is good with the dancers and aren't going to think so just because he says we have to. I understand Adam saying that this is his show and this is how he's going to do it, but there's something I don't like about his attitude.

Anonymous said...

Well said Janet at 2:33, I agree... and I agree with a lot of 2:40pm. I absolutely knew he was going to tweet about this sooner or later (I am nothing special, not God and I know that!!, but just from following Lambert I knew he would address this evenutally, I even mentioned it subtley here on 24/7 a week or so back). It's not a matter of having the opinion, I think Lambert would be okay with that - or even with sharing it quietly and kindly and sensitively - it's a matter of being so demanding and rude, so picky and hard to please... and maybe, just maybe, it hurt his feelings a bit that too actually!

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that the bad comments came from haters. What do you think?
Me too, I Would want Adam on my side. He is sooo loyal and that's an amazing traits.
Love him so much. Maybe more now that he shows he is protective of the ppl he loves in his life. Some of us should just be as lucky!!!
Can't wait got IIHY video and the tour.
Go Adam. You are one in a billion !

Anonymous said...

I feel a little angry that Adam wants to hear no criticism, but he wants to hear all the grand comments.
By the way, I am one that does not like the energy the dancers bring to the show and feel more like saying it now than ever.

Anonymous said...

@2:48, I just posted @ 2:52, I do also see your side actually... again, I think it's just a matter of being unkind that's the root of the issue, maybe, for Lambert... and he got testy and tweeted, as he is only human too. And I also think it has something to do with the fact that so many FANS are being demanding and a bit inconsiderate - that's what I sort of subtley mentioned last week on 24/7 (and got slammed for it mind you :)). Go back and trace through some of his tweets to Sasha and Taylor - there's a larger story to be had here.

Anonymous said...

If everyone who didn't like the dancers, as he asked, few would show up at his show. Most people are going anyway.
He's going to have to learn to take the good with the bad. He needs to show more respect to his fans.

Anonymous said...

I am on a site where I know for a fact that they are Adam's fans and they do not like the dancers. They are not haters. I do not believe any haters have been saying they do not like the dancers.. Haters would want Adam to have the dancers in the show.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:04

Honestly, Adam is very respectful. That is his nature.

My question is - How much of this criticism of your loved ones would you take before you said enough. I respect him for saying - enough and hurting my glamily is NOT ok.

Respect goes both ways.

Anonymous said...

I don't think he is telling us not to have an opinion, he is telling us to be respectful in how we say it. His dancers are people and they do not deserve to be hated on. If you don't like them fine, but don't spew hatred towards them.

Anonymous said...

The comments I've seen about not liking his dancers have not been disrespectful. I may have seen a couple that were disrespectful, calling them ugly, but most have not been.
If Adam was merely saying have your opinion but express it without being hateful, I would agree. But that's not what Adam's saying. He's saying, don't be critical. He's saying like it or you are not a fan. Don't come to my concerts.

Anonymous said...

Be true to yourself, Adam.

The same people who are dissing your co-workers/band/dancers and friends are the same ones that are telling you you need to respect your fans. These are the very fans that have no respect for you. These are the fans that have no life of their own. They got nuthin else to do. They need to show their respect for you.

Rock on! ----- VIVA ADAM LAMBERT!

Anonymous said...

I have published a LOT of positive posts about Adam. Probably 200 positive things and one negative. I'm not going to write that I loved this this and this and while feeling I HAVE to only write the good.

Anonymous said...

@2.02, couldn't agree with you more. Having an opinion is one thing but to be rude, criticize and ask an artist to change their performance for the few who do not like the dancers is not only insane but totally out of line. What other artists bends to that kind of crap, none should. The fans who don't get this need to grow up or go away. Adam does not need fans like that. Go Adam go! Be true to yourself! Don't cave under stupid fan pressures! That's why I love this man, he is a brave, beautiful soul and of course one of the best performers on the scene today.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the artist and people just can't tell him what do to and not to do. Remember - he is the one with the unique talent. It is his creativity that makes him so great. Love you, Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam should have just not kowtowed and not told his fans not to express their true feelings.

Anonymous said...

The FEW who don't like the dancers?

Anonymous said...

Agree totally with anony 3:13. Adam owes his fans his best performance, and the decisions are ultimately his as an outstanding artist.

That being said, people are entitled to their opinion as Adam often states. But people are not entitled to the unkind, negative and hateful remarks they are apparently making towards his dancers. Something made our boy angry and defensive. He has pretty thick skin, so I have a feeling, it was pretty major.

I have only seen his dancers on television. I have not seen a live performance. That can totally change the perspective. The Zodiac performances I have seen always include numerous dancers, and Adam seems very comfortable among them, and they do seem to "stimulate" his performances. My thoughts are that if the dancers make Adam happy, we should be happy for him. Hate is just not acceptable here.

Go Adam. Looking forward to seeing you and entire crew in Denver. <3<3<3

Maria said...

I like that Adam is being so protective of his Glamfamily.

Anonymous said...

I understand some of the fans don't want these dancers and he's not going to replace them for the tour so..

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:25

Writing what we feel is OK certainly, as long as we are coming from a kind heart with good intentions. It's the cruel, hateful, intending to be hurtful comments that most seem to be addressing here.

Anonymous said...

It's okay not to like the dancers. it's NOT okay to send mean tweets. and I think that's what Adam is talking about. If anyone respects opinions, it's ADAM AMBERT. He believes that we SHOULD have opinion, but don't be mean I think the tweets were very negative. I would do the same as Adam. I would cal on them. Goodfor you. I you are a fan and know Adam really well, then you know why he was tweeting the above message.


Anonymous said...

3:25 YOU need to grow up. Adam never had to change anything. No artist should tell his fans not to be honest even if it means they have to hear negativity at times from fans.

Anonymous said...

True anony 3:21. Adam protects his family like you would protect your family. If nasty or critical remarks were made about him, he would let it slide. These remarks were about his family, and to his credit, he came to their defense. His dancers were clearly hurt and disheartened (witness the early tweets on this subject), and this clearly made him feel bad and angry. He is working his cute little butt off trying to give us a "once in a lifetime" show, so cut him a break. He is an artist. He is probably tempermental. He has already admitted he's a control freak. This is what he wants.

Adam will not fall on his sword either. If he finds it's not working, he will make a change. Right now, I would say to everyone to let the boy alone with his creative juices. He is a super nice man, so cut him some slack...

Anonymous said...

Well said,2"10!!!I can't believe the nerve and meaness of people actually tweeting the dancers/Adam and insulting them in that way! I don't blame Adam one bit for setting these fair weather fans straight. It's not your production, glamfamily friends of many years for you to think you have the right to control. Adam is the main attraction! Are his dancers that big of an issue to insult him and them in that way? If it's that big of a problem for you, don't go, as you don't have any regard for Adam and people he cares for anyway. This really sickens me, how hurtful and insensitive people can be. I expect it from the trolls and haters, but not from Adam's so called fans. It's fine to have preferences,like hair which is a harmless opinion, but bashing his people and concert shows a lack of respect. I'm so sad for him and his dancers. funbunn40

BugLady said...

"It's okay not to like the dancers. it's NOT okay to send mean tweets."

Thank you GINA for your post. I agree with you 100 percent.

Think of Adam's position people!

Anonymous said...

knowing Adam, he tweeted because there were BAD comments and he is going to nip it at the butt. wouldn't you??? I hope you will protect your love once. WORDS CAN BE VERY HEARTFULL!! we all know that.
Can't wait to rock with you this summer!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope he's only talking about the tweets directly to him, because it would be wrong to tell people like us that we can't express our honest thoughts and feelings on these blogs.

Anonymous said...

I love that Adam supports his friends and fellow performers. He is so unselfish sharing his talent as he did on Idol. He's always supporting other singers.

Agree with opinion that haters shouldn't go to the concerts. He doesn't need those people to sell out. The fans that are threatening to "turn" are not really fans. They are conditional fans. Adam is where he is not because of his fans but because of his ability and talent!! You voted for him because of him and his music. The American Idol gave him a venue, but he figured out how to work it with his unworldly talent. At every step, Adam has thanked Idol and gone out of his way to say he "loves his fans."

Some already "turned" because of AMA. Those were the conditional fans. If there are more of you turned off by Adam protecting his family, I would say follow someone else that suits your sensibilities better.

What do you want from him anyway?

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam clarifying that he was only addressing mean and nasty tweets written to him or his crew. To tell people on blogs like us not to address our honest thoughts and feelings or don't go to his concert is wrong.
I stll plan to go to his concert, but I like the dancers and the whole situation even less now.

Anonymous said...

Anony 3:51. Don't do him any favors. Sell your tickets. He doesn't need you.

Anonymous said...

Get off your high horse, 3:50. It is not being a hater to write on a blog your honest feelings about the dancers. If people were tweeting Adam ugly ultimatums, that's different.

Anonymous said...


Sell your computer. You don't do him any favors by telling people not to blog their honest feelings and thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam. I feel like his grandmother-worry and pray he stays true to himself. He is the best ARTIST and entertainer since Elvis. Actually he is better than Elvis (IMHO). I am worried about all the times he talks about Red Bull to get up.
I want him to stay healthy and take care of himself. I want him to be around forever. He truly has made me listen to MUSIC again! As my friend said-Wow, you've come a long way from Josh G. and I couldn't be happier!

Anonymous said...

Adam is genuine. He has no filters and is honest a rare trait that we all could learn from. When he saids it is all about LOVE he wants his fans to "GET IT". Adam is NOT saying he does not listen to constructive feedback. But there has been far too much negativity and Adam is correct in calling that out. What a gem of a friend he is and in building a Glamfamily to bring out the best in him. It's time to allow Adam to create his Glam Nation VISION - and we need to support him 200+% -- after all that is what a true fan is.

Anonymous said...

"Fans" have asked Sasha (dancer) a number of incredibly rude questions/comments on the Formspring chat that she kindly set up to interact with fans. (So far she's answered more than 900 questions.) People have said "We are fans of Adam, not you" and accused her of "using" Adam to build her own fame. People have accused her of giving away secrets about Adam, when she scrupulously doesn't answer personal questions about him. People have called another dancer "hella awkward" and worse. THAT'S what Adam is talking about. It's unbelievably rude and inconsiderate. It's really beyond belief and it's embarrassing. And those are just the questions she's chosen to respond to.

Anonymous said...

For the love of Adam Lambert - grow up, people! Adam doesn't owe us anything, we owe him, assuming we are TRUE fans!
Let him do his job, create his career as he sees fit and prepare himself & his crew for the Glam Nation Tour IN PEACE & HARMONY!
I for one can say that he has already now given me SO MUCH, lifted my spirits up with his flamboyant and extraordinarily beautiful personality and that unsurpassed VOICE of his!!! I have not seen him perform live, most probably never will...but I have a lot to thank him for! He totally woke & shook me up - and yes, made me truly listen to music again. I'm so happy I can at least follow his career from a distance via internet. I hope he will stay true to himself and has the strength to endure all the crap ignorant and small minded people keep gushing his way with the help of modern technology! Just embrace what he has to offer, it's his show, ADAM RULES!!!

Listen to FYE lyrics, it's all there - let him entertain us:

Lets go
It’s my show
Baby, do what I say
Don’t trip
off the bits that I’m gonna display...

Oh, do you know what you got into?
Can you handle what I’m bout to do?
Because it’s about to get rough for you
I’m here for your entertainment

Anonymous said...

Right on Adam we are GLAMILY!!!!! Those who don't like . Don't watch.
It is about Glam and Adam and being a part of something. If you can't bring your family and friends what is the point.

Anonymous said...

adam lambert has common sense he belive in equality. treat everybody equal good man. keep the dancer theyre sexya swell can dance beautifully.adam lambert is always famous all his life. h ewas born famous and very loyal affectionate guy as well-his birthyear 1982 it says loyal-famous-affectionate. (from a phsychic commnet)

Anonymous said...

You are too funny anony 4:08. Great reminder. Wow, so much hate on this proAdam site. Come on Kris fans, join in.

Thank you 4:04 for telling us some specifics. People are sounding off without knowing what they're talking about. So what else is new!! You're so right. Those questions and comments should not be made. Adam is goodness and gold. He is love and kindness.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's message. He's brilliant. "All we need in this world is some love."

Love him more all the time. I so look forward to the love we are going to feel at his concerts.

Anonymous said...

Agree with anon 4.04, I don't think its these message boards Adam was refering to, its all the personal messages to Sasha and Taylor. By reading other boards they got very mean and personal.
Personally I like the dancers, I love it when he dances in time with them. But I wouldn't like to see them on every song, and Adam has already said they're only for certain songs. He wants to put on a show, and dancers are part of that.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

It's so embarassing that some ppl would be so mean to Sasha or anyone!
I am very very proud of Adam for protecting her. If you are a fan you should be proud of him too. We fell for someone SPECIAL!!
I feel lucky to have fallen under his spell. Adam is a very very specail person.
BTW. Do you know ANY artist/entertainer that sticks for his friends like adam does???? I don't. But please share if you do.
You go Adam. I am with you all the way.

Anonymous said...


The dancers are Not on every number. Only the fancy once. U r not going to see them on Broken Open or Soaked or Sleepwalker.
But if Adam wants them. Then he SHOULD do it.
It's HIS show and I can't wait to be entertained buy Him.
I am ready!! Lol

Anonymous said...

TY 4-44 end of story

Anonymous said...

I don't like watching the dancers with Adam but I would never say anything mean about them.

I just like to watch Adam perfom by himself. I find the dancers distracting. I think they dance too close to him.

I don't have anything against them but I don't want to watch them.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with 4:08

Adam owes us nothing. He's already given generously of himself and continues to do so.

Anonymous said...

What was that excellent advise from your Idol?

Keep your eye on the prize.

Anonymous said...

HUH 5:08

Anonymous said...

Right on 4:46

Sticking up 4 family is 1st in my book. Go Adam.

Anonymous said...

I just admire you Adam. I admire your sincerity and sense of friendship and commitment to what you believe. It's all about love. You know they can trust them and they know they can trust you. This is the best thing ever in a team. Success is better when shared with the loved ones.

Anonymous said...

Why all the surprise and negativity for the dancers?!?! Adam has mentioned dancers numerous times in regards to putting on a show. As for the quality of the dancers..... I believe it wouldn't matter how the dancers look or danced, there are some people who just like to find fault because it isn't how they would do it, and you just can't please everyone! And some people just don't know enough to keep their opinion to themselves.

Anonymous said...

Here is a thought? Do u think Gaga's. Fans tell her what to do? Do u think she hibes a hoot?
Adam cares about his friends. My hat is off for him. He is an amazing human being. We should all b very proud to have fallen for someone sooooo special and real.

Anonymous said...

I, personally, do not like his dancers and I have a right to my opinion. I NEVER hear any complaints about his band so I don't believe people are complaining for the sake of complaining. Yes, they are his dancers but we are paying for the tickets and I think it is wrong of him to twitter what he did. If there is that much backlash he better have a second look at his dancers!!! Does he want to sell tickets or not - his choice. I have always been on Adam's side but not this time.

SailorMoon said...

I actually think it would have been better if Adam doesn't tweet this. He will piss off so many oh his fans......

I mean, I am not personally pissed at the tweets as I have absolutey no problem with his dancers but I think the way Adam said it was a bit "negative" to the fans...

Anonymous said...

Good Lord .... here we go again. On AO, I wouldn't even read the posts about the dancers because there were some very hateful things being said about them. And if alleged fans were sending hateful messages directly to the dancers, then they deserve this verbal lashing from Adam. I will not post my opinion on the dancers because it is irrelevant. It is Adam's tour and it is his decision on what he wants during the tour. I despise Twitter because I feel like it is a huge invasion of privacy when tweets are posted everywhere on the Internet. This will make the news and guess what? Glamberts as a whole will be considered BSC again.

Anonymous said...

Wow.. I'm kinda exhausted after reading so many comments above me!

Ok ppl.. we Adam fans love him, don't we? Please show some love by respecting his request, that is to love his Glamily!

Hope this episode won't ruin his upcoming GlamNation tour and I wish Adam and his entire entourage best of luck!!!

I'm so proud to be Adam's fan and even more proud to learn that he would stand by his Glamily's side in defence when something happen

Anonymous said...

The main thing I have against the dancers, is not actually the dancers themselves, but the stage, It usually too small, and Adam and the band are pushed out. I know he likes the smaller venues.I don't think he realizes yet, that he can carry the whole show himself, he is one super star. I hope he doesn't get more than four dancers

Anonymous said...

This is one of the days when I daydream about being Adam’s manager! ;-)

First, if Adam is responsible for the dancers, then any negativity about them would probably be interpreted as a criticism of his choices. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s easy to take this personally. It’s not uncommon to be a little bit more sensitive of the employees you’ve hired versus the ones you’ve inherited.

Second, I love Adam’s defense of his dancers. My personal experience is that people that work for you (unless it is a family business) should not really have familial expectations. You can like them, respect them and defend them but there may come a day when the business comes first… just sayin.

Finally, if one of those dancer is sharing criticism with Adam that somebody randomly tweeted to whatever—then that person may be creating a problem and needs to get their professionalism in check. People sometimes say mean things to you at work…so? Unless it was information that could have damaged the tour then said dancer should have kept the info to him/herself—Adam should be put in a position of feeling he has to defend an employee over something like this-- there are probably so many critical issues that need to be address and this is a distraction. It’s doubtful that having the dancers (or not)would keep anyone from attending Glam Nation dates but a “testy” tweet from Adam (who is new to this and under a lot of pressure) might sway potential fans, some 470,000 on Twitter alone, and that affects *everyone’s* paycheck--Monte just had twins for goodness sake!. Sometimes you have protect the boss from himself!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the person above, he/she put it best. I don't twitter so am not sure what happened but am a counsellor and would advise Adam to stay out of it. I am a big fan and he is swaying me in the wrong direction. He probably has more important things to worry about and the dancers may be his friends but this is business and he can't force them on his fans. Hope his fans hang in there but don't like "if you don't agree with my decision, don't come to the show". Does he want to be successful or not!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMFG....Poor Adam all this SHIT on the eve of his Glam Nation Tour
I LOVE Adam UNCONDITIONALLY..with dancers,with hair up or down..all this week there have been alot of negs on this site complaining about dancers or Adam's hair,saying how tired Adam is then moaning because he is not touring in certain areas of America...
foR f**ks sake Leave the Guy alone...
its very sad that Adam has to tweet these messages to certain (fans/haters)..Adam performances have been Fantastic with his Wonderful band and personally i have never had a problem with Adam's dancers,i think they give Adam more confidence with his own struting on stage,...if his dancers are a problem then take Adam's advice and don;t bother going to his gigs there are plenty more true fans that would love your tickets.... i am too focused on Adam to even think bad things about his dancers,
come on everyone **chill out** love Adam and his Glamily I DO...
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

glitzylady said...

Well, you know it has to be BAD when Adam has to be so stern with his fans! So sad to hear about this!!!! Also, really ridiculous to think that a few of us feel so "entitled" that we want to tell him what to do with his fabulous tour. For what its worth (probably 2 cents!) I really think we should remember that Adam has come from a theater background and loves the group dynamics of theater performances. He is very loyal to his friends and wishes to include them in this show and it seems only fair to welcome them without criticism. Nothing wrong with an opinion but to attack them personally is wrong. They have been Adam's friends longer than most of us have been fans. I'm guessing that his live show will be a much better venue to appreciate the dancers than a TV type situation where the camera is moving around, seeing things from angles that may not be the best, and the camera is often showing only part of the whole picture. I also think that the routines have improved quite a bit since we first saw the dancers.A work in progress. I really like some parts of the choreography quite well, particularly when the dancers are in sync with Adam. And quite honestly, I spend most of my time with my eyes glued to Adam anyway, so whomever he wishes to have on stage with him, during those numbers, is fine with me! (Just so they don't block my view!!!) I am guessing too that the really nasty comments toward his dancers are from very young, immature so-called "fans" who somehow gain a sense of power from tweeting that crap. And, probably from some of those "haters" and trolls who like nothing more than to say ugly things about Adam and are now branching out to those around him. I can't believe that any true fan of Adam is going to say those truly mean and hurtful things that have apparently been said to specific dancers, but then what do I know???. I am so excited to be going to his Glamnation tour and am so happy that he is putting together the show that he has obviously dreamed of for so long, and hope is is not too angry and discouraged by all of this. He is obviously under a huge amount of pressure to get this all worked out to his satisfaction by next week, has had a terrifically busy schedule for so long, and needs all the love and support he can get, so I would suggest we all send that to him, via Twitter, etc.., to let him know how much we are looking forward to this summer. I don't do twitter (yet..) but maybe some positive posts on AO would also be appropriate. Some of that UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for Adam that most of us profess would be wonderful right now!!!!

Anonymous said...


Question: We know the only reason he has Taylor is because he is f***ing him, because that boy cannot dance and is hella awkward looking. They went to Cabo together, right?

Answer: taylor is straight... and you are rude

10 hours ago

Lisa said...

I am on Adam's side. I think it's ridiculous that some people are sending offensive tweets to Adam's glamily. That's ridiculous! I hope after this, those people will grow up a bit.

But I hope this does not generate bad publicity for Adam's tour.

Anonymous said...


Question: Sasha, we are fans of Adam, not you. People you think are your fans on Twitter and kiss up to you just want to get to ADam.

Answer: thanks for reminding me of something i already know :P im not changing who i am just because i got this job and i never once thought or had any thoughts about having more people or "fans" follow me or ask me questions on here. Im a person with my own carrier and I dont get happy when there happen to be more people who decide to follow me because they are fans of the person I work for.... Ive had this account and my twitter account long before i had this job and Im going to have it long after Im a dancer for Adam. Ive tried to stay positive but its people like you who think everyone wants to be famous and will do anything to get it that gets to me. I couldnt care less if there were thousands of people following me or just my friends and family.. Im never going to change who I am.
Some of the questions I get on here there are people saying that they are Adam fans but they ask and say such rude things and I was confused as to why would you first say your a fan of someone then right after bash him... Honestly I couldnt care less if I get rude shit on here about me... it doesnt affect my life one bit.... shit I wont lose sleep over it. Ive said over and over that I know most of the people are fans of Adam and of course theyre gonna ask me questions to try and get more info about him... but just take a look at all of my questions on here and see my answers.... if you notice... i dont answer questions abut Adam :O crazy right? So please if you dont like me then chill... you dont know me.. i dont have time for people like you sry... LOL and im glad you speak for all of the Adam fans out there.... have a nice day :P

9 hours ago

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, 7:34.

I can't believe people asked those dumb questions to Sasha! It's so mean!

MiMi said...

Good for you, Adam. A loyal loving man to his friends and family! So looking forward to seeing Adam on tour. He can do anything he wants when he perform. I see only Adam no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 4:04 for enlightening us with some facts. Wow, never would have guessed this BS was going on. It's just plain rude, overbearing and wrong. Having an opinion is one thing but, being downright nasty is not acceptable.
When Cam came in, it took a little getting used to because she was new. Now, love her and so happy that she tweets to us and sends pics! The dancers come in and it takes a little getting used to, again because it's new. It's often a good idea to give something new a chance before you form an opinion. Once I rewatched Leno and Ellen several times, I began to really like the dancers and liked the great moves Adam shared with them. In addition, he still had some of his own moves that were fantastic as well.
I trust Adam's creative skills and jugdement. I absolutely know that his concerts will be amazing and I am so thankful that I get to go to several. I am looking forward to Adam and Co. entertaining me!

coloforadam said...

No filter - snipe about his friends/family/relationships/those who have stood by him through this wonderful journey and he is not going to remain quiet for long. I was blown away by the race for tickets for the Denver show that lasted all of 10 minutes before they were completely sold out. I can't believe that there will be a single one of us in that audience who will be anything but charmed and blown away by EVERYTHING he presents on that stage. The negative squeaks on this blog or any other are pretty damn inconsequential in the long run.

Anonymous said...


Question: Are you enjoying using Adam to make yourself famous by letting his fans ask you inappropriate questions about him?

Answer: lol wow... i only answer questions about me hun...and if there are questions about Adam i dont answer the inappropriate questions about him... chill people goodness wheres the love? haha you should see the questions i do get and never would i answer them.... seriously.. lighten up folks lifes too short to live in hate :/
and i dont see how i could get famous by answering questions or giving advise... im just being me

5 days ago

Anonymous said...


Did Adam ask you to sign a confidentiality contract? I hope so, because you are definitely being inappropriate with the way you talk about him.

? i dont know what way you mean... lol maybe you should take a look at the questions on here... i respect Adam as an artist and my friend... would never disrespect him... there has never been a time where i ever spoke bad about him.. sry if you read something the wrong way but thats not who i am :/

5 days ago

Anonymous said...

I do not know what was said to the dancers, but at least most of them suck. Losing my objectivity on Adam is suffient for me. No need to love the dancers when they put forward amateurish performances. And yes, Adam is right. If it bothers me enough, I will not bother showing up. He is not the only singer in the world. Have to admit, although his loyalty is admirable, the tweets are turn off for me. I still love Adam. But to demand his fans to love his friends independent to their work, is to take our love for him for granted.

Anonymous said...

There are many sides to this for sure but without reading this site and just seeing the post on twitter (I follow Adam not any dancers) I think it was a harsh reaction from Adam that should have been directed personally somehow to those few who were offensive. Maybe he could add "you know who you are". Or just take his own advise and "keep it about the Music" He is only adding fuel to those who love to hate on the web for some sort of reaction. The dancers should close their accounts if they are not enjoying it and find some other way to connect. In anycase I am glad I checked this out here to find out just what the heck he was talking about. There are some cruel people in this world. I also wish they would stop the hate.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:09 pm

Read the tweets again. I don't think Adam demanded that his fans love his friends independent from their work. Adam did say not to hate on them and that The Glam Nation Tour is all about LOVE. Adam's fans do not have to love his dancers but they do not have the right to write nasty comments directly to them on their blogs/twitters. Adam considers them his glamily and is, of course, very protective of them. I am protective of my family, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

Poor Sasha. Those mean questions directed toward her are nasty!!! It's bullying! I'm so happy Adam's got her back. I can't believe those fans are "fans". I think they're trolls.

Anonymous said...


Question: You seem very sweet, but I really am so disappointed that when I see Adam sing now on TV or on tour this summer, it's not about him or his voice anymore but instead some overdone production which distracts from his talent. It makes me sad.

Answer: Honey its all about him... he makes final decisions on everything.. hes the boss! everything you see on tv or on stage hes the man that says whats what... its ok to have an opinion though no worries :) but when people say things like that they dont realize that what they see its his artistic vision or creation whatever you want to call it... Im sorry you feel that way but he has to do what he likes not what everyone else likes.. imagine how crazy that would be if he did what everyone else likes lol... cant please everyone im afraid... but thank you for your opinion :)

2 weeks ago

Anonymous said...


Question: Hi Sasha..I admit..wasn't a fan of dancers with Adam...but WOW..You certainly have changed my mind! are awesome.Love your look!

Answer: :) its ok everyone has their opinions.. most people want to have just Adam up there anyways because duhh hes the star and they dont want anyone else taking away from his performance.. But if you think about it the only dances we dance to are the ones that are mostly going to be playing in clubs and such... so the more dance type songs Adam wanted more energy on stage so people would want to get up and dance with us.. its all about love no one is trying to take away from his performance.. were all here to make everything fun for the audience and fans :)

2 weeks ago

Anonymous said...

From - Sasha Mallory

Question: what is adam like in real life? does he throw fits?

Answer: Nooo never.. hes the coolest most down to earth person ever. And I wouldnt lie about that. He treats everyone with so much respect and he works incredibly hard. Hes always wanting to learn more and more dance steps and get them right. Its also good that he has a great sense of humor too.. In rehearsal one time the band broke out in like this jazz elevator music and he went right along with them be bopping and scatting it was great
He makes everyone feel like family its awesome :)

2 weeks ago

Anonymous said...

i hate twitter!!! why would you waste your time on it!!! so glad i don,t twitter
sasha just close your account!!

Anonymous said...

BLESS YOU ADAM, for standing up for your dancers. I do not understand the negativity of some of the fans here. Your dancers add to your performance, and they do it very well. It is sad that some people feel the need to criticise, in a not so nice way.

Anonymous said...

do we need to see these negative tweets stop keep posting them on this site

Anonymous said...

yes sasha just close your account then you would not have to read or answer them,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the posts and link to - Sasha Mallory

I was wondering what Adam got so pissed off about. Good to have some info. I, myself, like to get the story, if not whole but at least part of it, before I comment.

I admire Adam for standing up for his glamily. Monte did say in one of his interviews that Adam is very loyal, so I expected nothing less from him. Fans do not have to love the dancers but they do not have the right to spew H8 on them.

Anonymous said...

I Love Adam and his Band and Dancers
so looking forward to seeing the Glamily on Glam Nation Tour,Love Adam

Anonymous said...

I believe that we should just trust adam. He's weathered blows terribly well, and if he is able to weather backlash about being gay, and controversy over a performance, he is certainly able to get away with something as trivial as dancers on the tour.
I am first to admit I'm not the biggest fan of the dancers in "If I Had You", but people need to bear in mind that public performances he has done with dancers (that are televised events) aren't full scale, full-glam level that they will be when tour comes around. Just because we adore adam doesn't mean we should expect him to do everything the way "I" want it, or so on. He works his heart out for us every day, and has worked hard for his dream to take flight, and he still is met with nonstop streams of complaints by haters and fans alike, albeit for different reasons. I think we need to just be able to understand that while he does all he can to please everybody, he is unable to please every single person every single time, and that's just how life goes. I trust his judgement, and if he says that the dancers will be kick-ass by the tour, then I believe that they will be kick-ass by the tour.
Frankly, I'm shocked that fans can get so crazed that they send insulting messages and tweets to adams band/dancers about something as downright SILLY as having dancers in concert! There are people out there who need to learn boundaries, patience, and understanding, and I pity that they are the ones that are often able to get attention and provide bad reps to the rest of his loyal, commited fans who aren't here to judge or hurt.

Like adam said, the tour is all about love, and I for one do not want to encounter a rude fan insulting the hard-working dancers who are almost as dedicated to adam as we are, if not more. My new motto for Adam, "Peace, Love, and Lambert." The three things I unconditionally have faith in, and hope that other fans do as well.

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

I luv Adam & the band.I think the dancers are improving in their routines from where they were in the beginning.I think the dancer Brooke is a beautiful girl.When she smiles she lights up the stage. Don't mean this negative but the pants Sasha and she wore for the Leno show were not very pretty. The tops didn't even look that good with the pants.
IMO they were unbecoming.I don't know who is picking out their costumes but that is the person Adam needs to meet with. Fashion is a big part of Adam and their outfits just don't go with him. I am glad they got rid of those god awful hose they were wearing. I wish Adam would look at the replay of that show and I honestly beleive he would see what I saw. He has a different view of them when he is on stage and does't see what we see.This is not meant to attack anyone or hurt anyones feelings, just see that this is a area that could be improved.

Anonymous said...

HUH what dancers my eyes are only ever on the Beautiful Adam Lambert and Glitterbaby Tommy xx

SailorMoon said...

I personally LOVE the dancers. :D


Anonymous said...

All you need is Love!!
Adam is so sussed!!
love the man and his Glamily

Anonymous said...

love adam lambert love his dancers and his band.

Anonymous said...

Lol... the questions posted sounded like those coming frm paparazzis!

I think it's abt time Adam appoints/employs someone realiable to be his spokesperson. In times (of 'crisis') like this he needs someone to speak on his behalf. Adam is an Entertainer and he has to focus more on his Entertainment Business and not this tweet-twaat things!

I wonder what happen to his minders/assistants? How is it that no one frm his management step forward to clear the air!! Hope Adam can give his full concentration to his first BIG Project - The Glam Nation Tour.

I can understand the pressure that surrounds him right now.. Adam put all ur worries behind you and give ur all into this Tour!!

Wish u best of health, luck and lots of Love!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't you "fans" think maybe you're overreacting a bit? Adam expressed himself. Get over it. If it's too much for you, maybe you shouldn't be calling yourself an Adam Lambert fan.

For me, he's the best thing that has happened in the world of entertainment.

Anonymous said...

I admire Adam's character so much. These people are his family and just as I would defend my family, he is not going to stand by and let people be disrespectful to them. It is one thing to have an opinion, but to send nasty messages to people he loves is totally out of line. Adam's video for IIHY will say it all. Love your family because nothing is worthwhile without them. That is why all of his close personal friends are in the video; they are his family. I think it is admirable that he did not forget his friends but in fact shares his success with them. I have nothing but the utmost respect for Adam because he did not ignore it; he had to put a stop to it before it got out of hand.

I also love Adam's talent and creativity and cannot wait to attend his concert and see him, his band, and his dancers.

One P O'd Lady said...

I am ashamed of about half of the people on this post. You are entitled to your opinion, but Adam is not and it is Adam that you have professed to love and adore and etc., etc. Now you hate him because he disagrees with you? Who the hell do you think you are? This is a man who has come into our lives with the best voice in recent history and you want to tell him how he should perform and with whom? Do the other half of us a giant rest and get over yourselves. Give the man a break. You belong on another site, not this one.

Oh, and I'm ready for you now. Bring it!!!

One P O'd Lady

Anonymous said...

Old MaMa Here:

Count me right along side of you One P O'd Lady. I thought Old PaPa and I got rid of the haters, but I guess we got our work cut out for us. So sad.

Anonymous said...

24/7 Do everyone on this site a favor and remove this blog, please.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, Adam, with fans like these you don't need any haters. Sorry.....I won't be back to 24/7. This hurts.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is about LOVE. His TRUE FANS, THE VAST MAJORITY OUT THERE have not tweeted hateful personal comments to his dancers. So, no offense taken by his tweet. If you are being defensive then you are condoning the hateful comments - it's as simple as that. These aren't valid opinions they are filled with HATEFUL words meant to WOUND people. Not cool. Not acceptable. I'm with Adam 110%. Let's celebrate the music and performances where Adam, his band AND his dancers give all they got to entertain people. LOVE ALL OF YOU.

staygold said...

people "hide" behind blog posts and spew really hateful remarks-so I say YAY FOR THE FAN SMACKDOWN!!!! I don't get the "hate on the dancers" thing. It is just plain WEIRD. I personally love them-wanna be them-can't even begin to dance like them. I am guessing 99.9% of Adam's fans don't waste their time on this petty crap. I have NEVER respected an artist as much as Adam. FAME IS NEVER MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE LOVED ONES YOU SHARE THAT WITH. Adam loves his real fans-there is NO doubt about that. That is why he is so beloved-thanks for being YOU-Adam-I ADORE you!

Anonymous said...

Here we go again, oh the drama! I haven't figured out yet why people make such a fuss? The way I see it, if you don't care for the dancers, don't watch them. I'm sure we all go to different functions and fail to appreciate everything 100% but it doesn't entitle anyone to direct hateful, hurtful comments towards another.After reading all the comments and information about this situation, I can only say Kudos to Adam for standing by his people. Let's not forget that it's Adam's show and performance, and anything and/or everyone he wants around him makes him happy, then it can only translate into a better performance to behold. That being said, people need to chill and enjoy, if it's not your cuppa, then move on instead of trying to stir the pot...quite simple actually. Remember "entitlement" is not attractive.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Can't believe people were tweeting rude things to Sasha! Adam and his band and "crew" have all grown and evolved and Adam has developed quite a stage show! Bring it on Adam! Can't wait to see your Platinum ass in concert! Loved that routine on Leno! Let's RAWK!

Anonymous said...

It's time to re-evaluate entertainers using Twitter,etc. and allowing fans to become so possessive and personal with/about them. There should be some respectful distance between fans and entertainers IMO.

These dancers, musicians and Adam should not be communicating to fans because it establishes a false relationship to them. Once that door opens--they let everyone in and then it has to be monitored by them. Why would Sasha respond to those people? She should not take their bait period. Making these crazy rude fans important by responding to them, will only fuel their egos and give them more hubris to keep dogging them.

The whole group should close ranks, turn off the Twitter to the world and rehearse. So, many of us have purchased tickets to see Adam. If the dancers want to lap-dance my husband--I'd let them so, I could see this fabulous singer live and in person--hopefully, up close!

My advice-let's put all this energy into something like getting angry about BP and their oil spill? Now that is something to get enraged about. Let's tweet rude things about BP instead.

Anonymous said...

Here's a great quote I read...."The kindest words are unkind words unspoken!"

Go Adam!

Anonymous said...

Obviously, “fans” that said these totally rude and disgusting things to the dancers are not really fans, are haters posing as fans or are undiagnosed individuals in need of professional help. However, this only seems to highlight the need for more control in how staff, band or dancers use social media. Setting up one of these with no moderators or filters begs the crazies to show their asses. Whose idea was it for Sasha to setup a formsrping account?

Anonymous said...

5:32, agree with a lot of what you say, and 5:50 as well.

Anonymous said...

Love ADAM SO much because he comes out and says it as it is......right down the line!...and this time to defend his 'crew' from negative criticism. How admirable is that!!!!!!Even I am tired of trivial stupid remarks as if everyone has ownership of ADAM himself....and insulting the dancers is totally bloody ridiculous!.......
Never underestimate ADAM LAMBERT....He is a genius performer who will, along with his dancers, cause one massive glitter explosion on
the GN Tour!....and watch people eat their words then!

Anonymous said...

EVERYBODY DANCE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

lol! Adam's fans are the MOST FUN/INTENSE and CREATIVE people ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE in the world-peace/love

Anonymous said...

Wow, I have no idea what's going on and I'm glad I missed out on the drama that happened yesterday. Poor Sasha, though, if people were twittering her shit. That sucks. She's been real cool with the fans.

I'm seeing Adam, his band and his dancers on July 28 in Costa Mesa...I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

Anonymous said...

HEY FOLKS, Don't mistake between "comments" and "disgusting attacks" towards ADAM's crew! Fans should unite together to fight BACK on THOSE HATERS who PRETEND to be ADAM's FANs and trash around! They use oppty when people have comments and use their DIRTY TACTICS . EVERYONE That is their intention due to ADAM's succes, don't fall into their traps . ADAM and his CREW ROCKS no matter what !!!

Anonymous said...

Are the dancers that bad? Can't be. He wouldn't have them in his show, right?

Anonymous said...

HEY FOLKS, Don't mistake between "comments" and "disgusting attacks" directly sent to ADAM's crews! Fans should unite together to fight BACK on THOSE HATERS who PRETEND to be ADAM's FANs and trash around! They use oppty when people have comments and use their DIRTY TACTICS . HATERS use oppty when people talked and made comments on dancers and sent direct attacks to ADAM's GLAMILY/DANCERS. EVERYONE, That is HATERs' intentions due their jealousy to ADAM's success, don't fall into their traps !!. ADAM and his CREW ROCKS no matter what !!!

Anonymous said...

Whoever own and monitor this blog, please remove HATERS' intention to destroy ADAM FAN BASE!! such as Anynomous May 25, 2010 3:53 PM. Remove him or her plsease !! Hey Haters, This is only a place for those who love ADAM ! Don't try to use your dirty tricks to destroy ADAM fan base! That is SATANIC acts !

ADAM only address his comments to THOSE WHO INSULT his dancers by sending direct message to them !

THAT Is LOW , very LOW and I AM WITH ADAM 100% to fight against THOSE DESTRUCTIVE ACTS ! NOH8!

Anonymous said...

If you want to express your opinion to Adam about his shows or offer constructive criticism, and you absolutely had to use twitter, the proper way would be a polite tweet to Adam. Not rude, hurtful tweets to his dancers. I don't understand. If someone was really an Adam fan, why would they even think about being rude to him or anyone he likes? How someone expresses his or her opinion makes all the difference in the world.

Anonymous said...

Apparently people were posting unking things directly to his dancers and that is not right. You haven't seen Adam's dancers live so how can you know what you think for sure. Let the man put his show together and take it on the road. If the professional critiques pan it, so be it, but he can't kowtow to everyone's opinons. Plenty of us like the dancers. He has to do what he believes is right and see how it turns out.

Anonymous said...

The Dancers are fantastic ! Cannot have any better team ! Can't wait for Glam Nation Tour !! LOTS OF LOVE to ADAM, his band, and His DANCERS !

Anonymous said...

Love to Sasha and the other dancers !!

Anonymous said...

May 25, 2010 3:51 PM Seriously do you think Adam was talking to blog people??? That is just uneducated. He is talking to tweeters who have been unkind to his dancers "directly" and him about them. He doesn't read these stupid blogs and he isn't saying to have an opinion. Do you not know him at all by now??

Anonymous said...

It's not the peace sign it's the victory sign..

Anonymous said...

It's MU. God save the Queen by The Sex Pistols and I'm too drunk to fuck..

Anonymous said...

re anon May 25, 2010 3:51 PM

Glambrit Isle of Wight was so right with her words

p.s goodbye former Adam Fan and good riddance!!

so looking forward to glam nation tour with adam and his glamily
mother hen

Anonymous said...

Excuse me anony 9:04 a.m. 5/26. I am 3:53 you asked to site manager to remove.

I do not think it is constructive for people to threaten to turn against Adam or feel reluctant to go to his concert because Adam has come to the defense of his dancers who were being verbally abused. If a person is offended by what Adam stated in his Tweet after understanding the context, they should not burden themselves with having to attend a concert.

My point was that there are thousands of people looking for tickets that will gladly take their place. My family is travelling 1,400 miles to see Adam's concert, and we are thrilled just to be able to see this wonderful man and his crew.

For you to make the statement that I should be removed from this site for expressing my opinion is unkind and uncaring. These are not the thoughts or actions Adam would want us to have. I am not posting again under this topic. I wish all of you well.

Anonymous said...

Pretty Vacant anf Sex in the City, God I'm drunk..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't you worry the Finns are gonna sort it out..

Anonymous said...

huh sort what out??

Anonymous said...

I love beautiful Adam, his band and the dancers. Can't wait for the Glam Nation Tour to start. Im gonna be glued to my computer and Youtube durig summer. With Adam and his crew comes great entertainment. Just enjoy! Adam is the best gift ever!

Anonymous said...

anon May 26, 2010 1:22 PM
yeah me too..i can see alot of very late or should i say early mornings sat at the computer waithing for 24/7 to show us everything at every gig on this wonderful Glam Nation Tour with Adam and his Glamily..Lucky Americans
Adam has said but no dates or places confirmed that the Glam Nation Tour will tour Internationally including UK
Yippee now thats what i wanted to hear
love all you Glamberts,glambrits,Lambrits and any other BERTS out there
love and Stuff..Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

re anon May 26, 2010 6:47 AM
Can we stop Dancing now as my legs are hurting!!

Anonymous said...

Dancers are fine ,glittery accessories to adorn our beautiful gift from the universe, Adam. If after seeing these mean spirited tweets and cruel remarks to the dancers and you still think Adam did not have the right to call out these rude, classless individuals, than I question your logic and appreciation of Adam. I'm all for free speech and right to a opinion, but the remarks to the dancers were insensitive and meant to be cruel. They are just doing a job,trying to entertain and never should have been the target of such verbal garbage. Love Adam even more for calling out this abuse. Give him a break and let all of the glamfamily enjoy this amazing experience and entertain us. Love, people. It makes the world a happier place. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I agree with somebody above that this blog should be removed. it evokes too much negativity.
I love and Adam and support him in everything which makes him happy. I think that he will make us happy only if he is happy. The very thought that sth could ruin his smile and excitement and consequently ruin his positive effect on us scares me. I just want happy Adam around forever. He cures me. But who will cure him if he's down?:(
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

I'm an Adam fan and am going to one of his TN shows. But I'm not one of the super obssessed. I can't imagine anyone tweeting a celebrity they don't know personally for any reason, let alone a negative one - especially from persons calling themselves fans! I suggest you all pay a little more attention to the people and world surrounding your own life and just enjoy Adam for the entertainment he brings you. Isn't that why your supposed to like performer? If it goes deeper than that and you find yourself obsessing over a stranger's every move, then I'd say you have a problem.

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is anything wrong about being emotional about something which inspires you. I think most of us have a life of our own, work, go out with friends, have relationships etc. But it's not everyday an Adam Lambert comes along. He's just an ispiration and helps others become who they want to be. At least that's how I feel. But it's true that some people treat him as if he was their puppet and that's not fair to him at all.
Poland Loves Adam