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Bill Kaulitz answers a question about Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Here is the Adam parts. I think he talks about Adam towards the end of the video.

Sascha (to Bill): So, Adam Lambert is totally in love with you, how do you find that?
Bill: I actually don’t know about that exactly.. I have to say that I actually don’t know him..
Sascha: But he told me that
Bill: I don’t know him exactly.. or rather I don’t know him at all.
Tom: We always get asked about Adam Lambert, but we don’t know him..
Bill: No, we don’t know him, I’ve never met him, so far. I don’t know a lot of his music at all, I just saw his a bit of his video and the song, but I don’t know him at all.
Woman: Would you actually like to get to know him?
Bill: Uhm.. I can’t say that.. It depends on how he is.. well, if you meet somewhere, then of course, why not.. but it hasn’t happened so far.
Sascha: Okay, then…
Woman: Thank you.


Credit: alreference


Anonymous said...

Oh, gosh, gee whiz, that was enlightening.

Maria said...


He's not so likable. The way he answered the questions....

Anonymous said...

OMG WUT!!!?!

Anonymous said...

They are not very smart, are they?

1234 said...

After so many nice things Adam said about him. This is what he has to say about Adam??? What a jerk!

Anonymous said...

Bill sounds dumb. He said he doesn't know Adam at all. Then he said he saw Adam's video and song....

Then he repeats he doesn't know Adam. What a strange answer.

Anonymous said...

Adam never said he luvd Bill. Only thought he was cute. get ur facts straight idiot

Anonymous said...

adam, please don't bother to talk about this guy ever. don't give him any publicity, people never heard about them until you mentioned bill. learn from it.

from your loving friend.

Anonymous said...

you'll be sorry bill, adam is such a star.

Anonymous said...

This interview just illustrates two reasons why I love Adam so much. He's polite and articulate even when he's being asked an awkward or off-topic question. Little Bill could take a lesson.

Anonymous said...

LOL Bill is such a failure.

Adam gave him so much publicity. The least he could do was to thank Adam. I didn't even know who Bill was or Tokio Hotel was before Adam mentioned him.

Anonymous said...

How come Bill never told them that he's following adam lambert on twitter? He tweeted few but Adam did't reply. At least don't say that they don't "know" him?
Adam is not in love with Bill, he just say Bill is cute! You know Adam is playful/flirty..
Well, at least Adam is genuine, honest and smart, and definitely more handsome than this weirdo.

Anonymous said...

What lame answers!!! "we don't know Adam Lambert.." - that sounded arrogant to me!!

C'mon bill.. r u serious abt ur answer?? or u just afraid that fans will start comparing u n Adam again??!!

Anonymous said...

@ one of those anonymous, Bill Kaulitz does NOT have a twitter, those are fakers lol.

And are all of you crazy or what, i find NOTHING wrong in Bill's answer. What were you guys expecting him to answer LoL?

They are being honest, they don't know anything about adam lambert, i mean they know who he is but they no nothing about him, do you know what i mean. I understand what Bill is saying.

Anonymous said...

Why would that woman say Adam said he is in LOVE with Bill. He says he has a celebrity crush and thinks he is really pretty - in love is not a Adam's words at all. What can Bill say, he doesn't know him. So what - this is silly

Anonymous said...

ok bill is sooo much better than adam sorry

Anonymous said...

Stupid questions,misleading, not cute, answers dull, a complete waste of time. Tired of people trying to make connection between Bill and Adam. It's getting old. Making me cranky! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

i agree with funbunn40. they keep making a big deal out of the whole Bill-Adam thing. And it's obvious the journalists mix things up and try to make a gossip about it. it's getting boring. Bill just meant he didn't know him personely. of course he knows who he is - they play WWFM all the time in Germany.
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

this is the 1st time i see bill kaulitz, he looks feminine!and thin too. mmm....i don't know......

Anonymous said...

yes, i agree anon above, bill looks femine than adam. maybe because of their limited english, they did not mean harm about not knowing adam but they kept repeating even the twin brother.

Anonymous said...

Sooo this guy does NOT spend 24 hours a day thinking of Adam Lambert?
What a scandal!!! I mean, Adam mentioned him once, right? Now his whole life should be centered arround that guy he never personally met or talked to!

Seriously, the world is not as small as some people think it is...

ammused observer

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't know whether bill is straight or gay but it almost seems like he is trying to distance himself from Adam and it could be because he doesn't want people to think he is gay? eh I don't know.

Anonymous said...

I interpreted this exchange differently. Bill is what, like 20 and media reports have listed Bill as straight for years and yet he could have simply said something like ”that’s flattering, but I’m straight” instead he says he hasn’t met him but he has seen his videos. So he knows a) Adam is very male and b) Adam is very hot. I saw his response as kind of playing a little hard to get—without perhaps totally outing yourself before your are ready. Everyone throws themselves at Adam but if you REALLY want his attention it might be a good tactic to be a little coy – just sayin

Anonymous said...

@ May 27, 2010 6:08AM
I have to agree with you. Bill has said that he is NOT gay. Personally, I don't believe him, but that's what he's said. Bill seems very smart, so I'm sure he's more aware of Adam than he's letting on. He probably knows Adam is openly gay and has a crush on him. Adam has talked about Bill a lot, maybe too much. To me, it seems a bit awkward when Adam goes on and on about him when he knows that Bill wants the world to think he's straight. Bill might think that if he's associated with Adam, it will refuel the gay rumors again. He probably wishes Adam would stop talking about him.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I meant to write @ May 27, 2010 5:53 AM as the post I agree with.

Anonymous said...

Bill is just being honest. I love both Adam and Bill, but have known about Bill for much longer.

Also, Tokio Hotel are huge in Europe & probably have a much larger fan base than Adam so I don't think they need to be thanking him for promotion like some of these comments are saying. :/

Anyways, love them both. <3

Anonymous said...

I think Bill is just being shy. And awkward. I like him.

I love Adam more tho.

Anonymous said...

agree strange short answers!
but i do like Bill and his brother because they have great respect for ANIMALS...and for me that is so COOL in this day of Music Stars who are draped in alsorts of animal skins,they are so Ignorant ESPECIALLY Rihanna!! and Kelis
from an Devoted Animal Lover..Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

AYA said...

I agree with the comment of @Anonymous - May 27, 2010 8:30 AM

As a Tokio Hotel fan for the past 2.5 years
(and bill is my favorite) in my opinion, Bill probably doesn't want to be connected to openy gay Adam. I think that he is afaid even to say that he is flattered by what Adam said about him. Bill denied rumors about being gay - for years. He wants to be nice and politicly corrent from one hand, but doesn't want the gay isue to appear again.and he is not dumb or condesendent, the whole band are sweet and intelegent people, and I love them very much:). I love Adam also by the way.

Anonymous said...

Bill K is so feminine. I know he has been asked if he was straight wonder has someone asked his gender identity? Of course, just because you GI to one gender or another does not dictate your sexuality.

Anonymous said...

Yes, in the past 1/2 year, Bill has probably thought specifically about how to answer Lambert questions if asked, as he seems to be concerned that his being straight is kept in mind. (until he says differently, he is straight). But having said that, he could still answer such questions with a little more articulateness, but I'm just being picky, he seems nice.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm sorry but I think Adam is acting like a groupie and not like a fellow artist who just happens to admire Bill. And Bill tried to answer as politely as possible without giving media any chance to make up some further connections and headlines. I think he's just over all fed up with questions involving sexuality in any way because the media usually ends up insinuating him being gay what ever he says.

Anonymous said...

I am shocked at the way you are reactiong to Bill's answer here. I honestly can't see anything wrong with it. He says that he doesn't know Adam personally but he has seen his video and heard his song. He also says "Well, if we meet somewhere, then of course, why not?"
But he has been fighting the gay rumours for 5 years, so I understand that he doesn't go "Yeah, I like Adam too, we should meet up even though I am not gay!"

Bill is an extremely polite boy. He is lso quite shy. Give him a break.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I didn't find the comment rude or unpolite at all either. If Bill doesn't know Adam personally or professionally so well, what can he say? Should he pay back some empty compliments about Adam if he's not familiar with he's music or with he's personality? You seem to forget, that even though Adam has known Tokio Hotel and Bill Kaulitz from their public life for a long time, Adam self can still be a rather unknown artist outside the United States. For example I knew Adam only because I watched a few episodes from AI, but I didn't know anything about his doings after the show... I don't really see anything odd with it, if Bill (who's been touring all over the world and having a busy busy life) isn't either so up to date with all the new hip artists.

I found Bill's answer to be very neutral and polite and I didn't see any harm intended.

Anonymous said...

Looking at the video, I don't see any disrespect directed towards Adam in spite of it probably being the 500th time (anyone would get sick at
being asked the same thing over and over) Bill has been asked of this.

Tokio Hotel are a German band with a mostly European fan base just as Adam Lambert's fan base will be mostly American. It doesn't mean they must know who the other person is. Bill may have looked at Adam's music and video out of curiosity since he was being asked about him so much just as you or I may look at something random on YouTube out of curiosity.

Also, to defend Bill, the media and people have been questioning his sexuality for years even though he's said time and again that just because one wears makeup and has styled hair then that person must be gay! He is right it is such a cliche.

Anonymous said...

I bet you can't copy his vocals. Your just trying to draw attention to your self.

Anonymous said...

Yeah right. Who is babling about who in the interviews? The poor guy is just sick of hearing Adam fantarding him everywhere.

Anonymous said...

To one of the other people who commented that Adam never said in his own words that he "Loved Bill". Idk if they'll let me post the YouTube link to the Adam Lambert video.
They might delete this but oh well:-(
I think both Adam AND Bill are awesome and I'd like them to at least be friends-they both seem to have so many great things in common:-D

Anonymous said...

Go to You Tube and paste this in the search bar...

"Adam Lambert about Bill Kaulitz Part 3 (updated version)" ...
and you'll see Adam say he loves Bill.Personally, I love them BOTH!

Anonymous said...

Bill doesn't even have a twitter... why are people saying he has a twitter? and why are people getting all mad at Bill when he didn't say anything disrespectful towards Adam?? I mean what did you expect him to say? he obviously doesn't know Adam, so that's exactly what he said.

Anonymous said...

I don't see why people are bashing Bill for what he said. He answered honestly. He said nothing degrading about Adam, so what are people whining about? Was he supposed to be fake and lie like he knew Adam or something? I mean really people, get real. When he said "It depends on how he is", he meant that if he was stuck up then he wouldn't want to befriend him (which we know Adam is nice). He wasn't saying anything bad about Adam at all, so stop bashing him. Not to mention he also said "well, if you meet somewhere, then of course, why not.. but it hasn’t happened so far." ...So, yea..uh..nothing rude at all in his answer.

Katrinabell444 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Katrinabell444 said...

I love Adam Lambert, and I really love Bill Kaulitz, but i think that if they met Adam is going to pressure bill into something he's not used to. Bill's not gay, and if i were Bill i'd stay away because Adam is a pusher and i'd stay away from him. I love Adam i love his music but sometimes instead of just being friends with the person he has a crush on;he takes it the wrong way and forces that person to like him. it's not fair.

Katrinabell444 said...

P.S people think that because Bill dress like a female he's gay. So all you press people need to implying and try to make it seem that he is. and besides adam seems like a jerk for what he's doing to bill. so adam i love you your my idol and so is bill leave him the hell alone that way and just be friends!!!!! is that to hard?!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well did you people who are bashing Bill even listened the whole interview? Bill is excited and speaks like a machine gun through the whole interview. I honestly can't hear anything insulting in the way he answered the question. Just ratatatatatata -answer once again. "No I don't know him, I only have seen some parts of his music video, but I don't really know him at all, so I can't say anything about him, blaablaablaa." So he is not so familiar with Adam or with his music and can't say so much about it. Big deal. He said politely that if they would meat somewhere professionally, then yeah why not? What is so insulting about that? He was just being honest.

Anonymous said...

I like Bill and Tokio Hotel. They are so famous in Europe. More than Adam. For me Adam is a new star. I have known Tokio Hotel since 2005. But i like Adam's songs as well.

Anonymous said...

Yes i totally agree with you. There was nothing arrogant about bill. The twins were being honest. Besides many people think that bill id gay though he's actually not. So he wanted to clear an answer to his fans that he had no idea about adam and he's perfectly straight when it comes to males who like him. That's it. Both adam and bill had thier own success by thier own hardworks. There's nothing to be so selfish comparing thier popularities.
When it comes to knowing adam, i really didn't know him untill i saw him singing mj's black or white as a tribute. And that's the only video where i saw in my life. Only once.

Anonymous said...

Lmao shame poor adam lambert, yes I saw this video a long time ago, for those of you who think bill sounds dumb shut the eff up, he has an accent and his english isn't perfect, and for those of you who is calling him a jerk, don't be ridiculous, adam lambert is Billa's fan and Bill can't go around pleasing all the fans who have a crush on him...., next, Bill says he doesn't know adam, he saw a small part of a video, that doesn't mean he knows adam at all... So don't go saying he answers strangely because he didn't... He doesn't know adam lambert and adam lambert copies Bill, I mean come on sure you idolize him but have some originality Adam Lambert 8o... And Oh by the way Adam doesn't give Bill publicity... Bill takes himself to the top along with Tokio hotel and Bill is wayyyy on a higher level than adam lamber can ever reach... #HighClass

Anonymous said...

Bill doesn't know Adam Lambert, and he said he doesn't, nothing rude about that, Bill is just being honest... Bill isn't a jerk, he just spoke the truth... Adam shouldn't think that because he is famous, Bill would immediately recognise him, adam is a new idol and will take him long to earn respect of older idols... Adam is just another one of Bills fans just like any other fangirl and boy in the world... Bill said if they met professionally he wouldn't mind... Bill is indirectly saying that he isn't have a relationship with Adam
Besides Bills seems to have a thing for angelina jolie :D I don't blame him...