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Fake Rumor of the Day

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, May 26, 2010

This fake rumor started circling around the net ever since Popeater posted this "exclusive" on their website. This is 100 percent untrue and fake because Adam said on twitter a week ago that he was not asked to be on the show.

Here is the article:

Exclusive: If you thought tonight's 'American Idol' finale was going to be drama free, think again! Inside sources tell me that after Adam Lambert did not show up for 'Idol' rehearsals for the big finale and sendoff to Simon Cowell, the controversial alum's appearance has been canceled, sending the show's production into bedlam. Find out why things fell apart ... after the jump!

Sources tell me that Adam did not show up for rehearsals, sending producers scrambling because they weren't sure "if Adam is sick, being a diva, or worse, planning something that he does not want people to see."

That eventually led to nixing his performance altogether. After 'Idol' producers tried to work with Adam's reps, it was decided it was best for him to just not be involved in the show altogether. While a deal could still possibly be struck to get him back on the show, at this time, it seems he won't be on the finale.

Oddly enough, on May 19, Lambert wrote on Twitter that he hadn't been scheduled to perform on the 'Idol' finale, saying: "Unfortunately not performing on Idol Finale. Guess they have plenty of artists booked." It's possible that this was either true at the time and changed later, or it could have been a diversion to make his appearance a surprise. What's certain is that my sources tell me he was definitely supposed to perform tonight, denial or not.

My sources say his non-appearance will be played off by claiming Lambert is sick, but that the real reason he won't be there is because he isn't interested in changing his performances to suit their standards.

If you recall, Lambert shocked the American Music Awards viewing audience with a highly suggestive performance that included him making out with both male and female performers. With the 'Idol' finale being a live broadcast, perhaps they just didn't want that risk.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Big bulshit. Why do u bother posting it here when u know it's one big BS????

Maria said...

"Why do u bother posting it here when u know it's one big BS????"

To let people know that this is fake. Duh. I'm glad the warning about this rumor being fake was posted before the article. That way, people know it's bs before reading it.

glitzylady said...

Guess the problem is that this headline is featured prominently on AOL right now so people are going to believe it. Hope someone with the authority to take it down from AOL does so AND posts an apology ASAP. It is being presented as fact, not rumor. Sad.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha! laughable!! this is truly a fake story.

just watched the idol final: BOOOORRRIIINNNG! and lee actually won, another ONE. hope crystal will be big (maybe not as big as adam) and be successful.

Anonymous said...

This article by Popeater is being picked up by other sites, and this info is being spread throughout the web.

After watching Idol finale 2night, it is likely that Adam was invited to participate in one of the closing events where several formal winners and dozens of former participants went on stage to pay tribute to Simon. The ones who appeared in addition to the winners were those who have been reasonably successful in the business.

We don't know and will probably never know, but it is possible that Adam's management tried to negotiate some type of solo appearance for him, and those discussions were not successful. I'm sure they would have loved to have Adam just show up on stage with the rest of them but did not have or want to give Adam a solo spot. He does tend to take the spotlight away from everyone else.

Adam has always been open and transparent, so I am accepting that he needs a vocal rest. Heaven knows, that boy talks a lot in addition to putting everything into his songs. This is a good enough reason not to be present on Idol. It certainly is not the diva complex as this would be so out of character for Adam.

And least we not forget, he is getting ready to embark on his tour and likely has been rehearsing his a** off.

The web manager is just passing along information that is rampant all over the web. It is Adam news whether we like it or not.

Anonymous said...

Adam wanted to appear on the finale and was not asked!

Anonymous said...

That pisses me off, Diva,or planning something people did not want to see. That angers me to no end. AOL you better take that crap off about Adam. He has done nothing but sing his butt off the past few weeks. AOL you should be ashamed and you should get your facts straight. Believe me if Adam was going to be on Idol they would have advertised it because the two shows he was on had the biggest ratings this year. Take that AOL and your big rumor because it is false.

Anonymous said...

I got the impression when he tweeted he guessed they had enough people to perform without him that he had been slighted.You know...he just opened up and made himself so vulnerable when he sang on Idol this year when he said he owed everything to Idol.....really laid himself open wide and then they don't ask him. If it was a matter of Idol not wanting Adam to have a solo spot, well it was their loss. I just want the truth to come out because we know that Adam is NOT a diva, and would NEVER do anything offensive on the Idol stage. I pray that this story gets straightened out so people don't get the wrong impression of our kind and sweet spirited man. I am so sad for so many reasons right now.

Anonymous said...

I am glad Lee won. He hadn't been in the spotlight that much. They were pushing Crystal all year. She needs to clean up that hair of hers.

Anonymous said...

Adam should sue them for defamation of character.

Anonymous said...

gosh... why would ppl want to talk rumours about Adam Lambert!! He is such a nice guy!!

Glad that this fake news is posted so fans out there won't get confused!!

Anonymous said...

It is Adam who needs to clear this up (and fast). He usually is so good about tweeting, why not let people know he was advised by his doctor to take it easy but he would have loved to have been there to honor Simon. This would take care of a lot of the Internet buzz.

Anonymous said...

This finale was absolutely terrible. It seemed everyone sounded terrible, except for Janet Jackson, and she just did her usual lip syncing, but the performance was interesting and good. The group songs were horrible. I watched only for Christina, and I didn't think she sounded good either. The members of Chicago can still sing, but it was so boring! Too bad Adam wasn't asked to appear. We need to spread the word on all the sites that Popeater is lying. It only wants publicity. It didn't say that David Cook was asked and didn't appear! All in all, a very poor night of American Idol. The producers should have been smart enough to schedule Adam singing IIHY.

Anonymous said...

Idol has been boring all season except when Adam was on there. If he had been on there tonight he would probably been crowned for 2008 since they got it wrong. I don't buy this crap about Adam not being on tonight for the reasons they gave. He had already been on there this year and his preformace was spectacular. So please somebody freaking tell me why would they be afraid of him now. He was well aware of the time slots. I think he is smart enough to know where the line is. I really think if he had been on there tonight people would still be raving about his great performance (like we did when he was on mentoring)and may not even remember who the winner was. They didn't want AI9 winner to be upstaged. Why don't these rumors have to be verified? I do worry about Adam not resting himself and his voice. He was on 2 TV shows last week and played Sat at a concert. He has a lot of shows to do in the next 3-4 months. He is going to have to rest it every chance he gets.

Anonymous said...

Whoever put this out about Adam is ROTTEN, because it is not true!! It makes me sooooo maaad!! It is very easy to see through. You couldn't have Adam perform on the same show, or even be there because it would remind people of the Truely Great performances Adam gave last year.(who could ever forget "Beth" and Adam's performance with Kiss) Adam's presence would OVERSHADOW Kris Allen, because he is by far the dominant force there.

Anonymous said...

There are so many nasty and childish remarks about Adam on Popeater already. Sounds like "mean girls" in high school, saying things about his appearance, etc. So sad how ignorant people are. Good comments are also rolling in, with many stating that the article is an outright lie.

melissa toronto said...

I am sick & tire of all these rumours. Its like the tidal wave that never stops. Poor Adam, what a price to pay to be famous. Big talent with a big heart constantly getting s**t on. I really feel bad for him & it hurts me as a fan. Take care Adam, your loyal fan forever!!!

Anonymous said...

Why do people have to hate? There are so many other singers, celebrities, etc. that could be attacked. Obviously, it's because they are not gay. I think that a lot more people would have accepted Adam if he hadn't done the AMA thing. I love Adam, and I didn't like the performance. It was so high profile and so many people were offended by it. They think it gave them the reason to hate him. I don't know how long it will take for people to let that go. WWFM has sold over 1.22 million copies in spite of these ignorant people and their hate. So hopefully, it will get better, not worse.

Anonymous said...

Why the hell do you post this BS?? Adam is a hard worker and clearly said he would not be on the Idol Finale. It really ticks me off the Idol Chatter is linking into this to cover their own BS buns for not scheduling Adam. The rags that are posting this article are associated with TMZ and liars. Second time Idol producers have thrown Adam under the bus and it is pathetic. He works so hard and would never do this crap.

Anonymous said...

Idol finale---- boring ,few exceptions"Christina Agulara,Sorry Adam wasn't there .kept hoping but figured his tour is so close he must be busy.
Didn't matter who won ,both were not inpiring--no"For Your Entertainment".I'll miss caustic Simon but I'm sure they'll find another.

Anonymous said...

There is an article on Google about ADAM being on VOCAL rest after he STRAINED his voice. I believe it was ADAM's rep who told Access Hollywood that ADAM was on VOCAL rest. It also said David Cook wasn't there because he had a charity event in KC. But all the NASTY sh*t is on there too. People are going to believe what they want to believe no matter who denies it.

Carlos said...

I'm not sure if this is a rumor.. How did that people know Adam was going to be announced sick by RCA?
Almost every idol and runner-up were singing tonight on Simon's farewell.. Of course i don't believe the BS about Adam being a Diva but i do think he had some fight with Idol producers

Anonymous said...

I have said since feb., that Adam need look at possibly the greatest rock vocalist the world has probably ever seen and look at how his run became retirement, MR. STEVE PERRY. Lets see, 1978, 10 month tour, 2 hours a night, 12 conseutive years of doing this, maybe the toughest songbook known to man, a international superstar just up and retires. Yup, welcome to 4 octaves and stardom Adam.

Anonymous said...

Yes, "hmmmm..."

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed Idol for three reasons tonight:

1. Bret Michaels' surprise performance. So glad he's getting better after the ordeal he has been through.

2, Adam WAS there. Didn't you see him? His green lasers were used twice and everyone in the audience cheered because they knew what the lasers meant.

3. Adam was mentioned for past amazing moments on Idol - "Adam Lambert and Mad World" were the words used by Ryan.

All ya gotta do is put the pieces of the puzzle together. He wasn't there in person but they brought him there in spirit.

Love and Light

Anonymous said...

I think it was impossible for Adam to be there, How could they fit him in, he is a star above all others, what would they do, give him a group part? He has said that the group things was the only thing he didn't like doing.Its probably why he got to mentor, no other person on AI has been asked to mentor. They had to do something for him, I bet he has had the producers scrambling all season, as to how AI could recognise him this season. He is the biggest star they have ever had. He might be on vocal rest, but I doubt that it has anything to do with him not being there tonite.I think Adam will rise above all this, with his talent, he cannot lose.

Anonymous said...

So upset he wasn't there............more upset that AI hasn't explained his abscence. Hope this rumor mill stops now. Adam....please tweet us and let us know if you are okay!

Anonymous said...


adam is not 'totally in love' with bill. PUHLEASE

Anonymous said...

Here is an article from Entertainment Weekly that disputes this via an Adam rep:

"...he failed to show up for rehearsals is filled with “false information,” says a rep for the season 8 runner-up. What happened, says 19 Entertainment’s Roger Widynowski, is that, like most major Idol grads, Adam was approached by producers about being a part of the telecast, which included seven out of eight previous Idol winners and a stage full of additional bold-faced show alumni paying tribute to departing judge Simon Cowell. Lambert, however, came down with a case of laryngitis over the weekend, and with his Glam Nation tour set to begin June 4 in Wilkes-Barre, PA, he was promptly placed on vocal rest. “He was never confirmed to do the show. He never skipped rehearsal,” adds Widynowski."

Anonymous said...

Adam just posted this tweet:

"Whew got home from the last rehearsal for my Glam Nation Tour round 10pm. Loooong day. I met w the lighting designer...costume designer..."

Anonymous said...

He;s also just posted several more saying that he was on vocal rest yesterday due to a throat bug, and that he hadn't been asked to be on AI in any capacity, and that his tour comes before AI.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

So sick of the trouble makers using any rediculous excuse to dredge up ama awards.Puleeze! He's been on so many shows and countless interviews, always responsible and professional. He's never not shown up for a scheduled appointment.I don't know how these weasels get away with their slander. It's so tiring. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Just read this thought some of your would be interested it sucks how reporters can make up stories!!!! Poor Adam lucky we all love him.....
In a series of Twitter rant, Adam defended his situation, saying both rumors are wrong. "Would have loved 2 have been at the Idol Finale to wish Simon farewell and support the finalists, but this tour for my fans is my priority," he began with the real reason.

Shortly after he posted another tweet, saying "I have now just been made aware of more gossip and rumormill: First of all, i was never asked to appear on the finale in any capacity. 2nd: I DID come down w a throat bug most likely caught on my flight back from this past weekends' concert in Boston."

He was particularly disappointed at irresponsible reporters who spread false stories about his absence. He wrote, "sad that Im forced to defend myself bout situation no one pointing fingers knew any factual details about. Im working so hard on this tour!! All i ever heard was: 'you've not been asked to perform on finale. Would you like to sit in the audience?' Me:sorry-Too much work to do today."

ead this for everyones info!!!

Anonymous said...

We that know Adam don't believe a word of that article. What crap.

Anonymous said...

I agree the article is BS....

Anonymous said...

I pity Adam...if he performs on the finale, Kris Allen fans will be bashing him...would say AI pampered him,...if he appears on the show, people would say he steal the spotlight...if he didn't show up, then he's being a diva...WHAT A CRAP!

Anonymous said...

He has always been totally honest and upfront and if he says he was not invited, believe him. They had their reasons and he has his wonderful career and US(die-hard fans) and the journey goes on. Only contestants who got the highest votes on each season, appeared. Nothing to do with who has gone on to be a lasting star. He is certainly on that list and that's all that matters.

Anonymous said...

well, it's called "popeater" after all...


Anonymous said...

Good for you 24/7 -- you called it right. I totally believe Adam. He is honest to a fault. Daughtry wasn't there either, and Adam is almost to his level. Will be after his tour.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a 55+ cities almost sold out Tour this Summer, and the Tour hasn't even started. He was not asked to be on the show. Then someone suggested he come sit in the audience? Can you imagine the pressure he is under getting everything together for the Tour? Plus he has public appearances and performances here and there, plus he just returned from Europe. I don't think I would sit in the audience when I had soo many important things to do.

Anonymous said...

This is plain crazy stuff! Adam has far too important committments to work on other than appear on AI.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

love you Adam!! thats all that really matters, we all love you buddy :)

Anonymous said...

AOL needs to run an apology story on the internet.

The most boring finale in AI history. I wish Lee and Chrystal all the best. They will be fine.

Adam stole the show and he wasn't even there. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Let's trend Adam tonight. :)))))

Anonymous said... we go again.
its bloody annoying for any international fans..
while Adam was on his Amazing International tour having the time of his life working non stop promoting himself everything was Fun and POSTIVE
as soon as he's back in America..the VILE AMERICAN PRESS and SHOWBIZ REPORTS...out come all the BULLSHIT AND CRUEL BLATENT LIES..AND AGAIN THE MENTION OF AMA'S (f**cks thats so OLD news!!
I cannot believe the American press give ADam so much shit..its DISGUSTING!!!
as for POPEATER...why mention the AMA,s along with all the lies,
as for American Bleeding Idol....sit in the audience!!!!!!!
Adam has said nothing but nonstop praise for american Idol.why don,t they come clean and tell the truth.
american idol is dead!!simon knows it thats why he left to bring X Factor to your country
again hurt and upset again by the way Adam is Treated by the Bloody awful American media
love you Adam and so hope your Glam Nation Tour is not overpowered by any NEGATIVETY!! but with MUCH LOVE
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Waste of my time I shouldn't have read through this shit.

Anonymous said...

and you wonder why rock/pop stars take drugs!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Glambrit Isle of Wight UK