Ultimate American Idol power ranking! Adam Lambert is #5
Filed Under (American Idol ) by Admin on Monday, May 31, 2010
Posted at : Monday, May 31, 2010

5. Adam Lambert
Risk-taker. Game-changer. Showstopper. Season 8 runner-up Adam Lambert is all these things and more. The San Diego native turned up the heat on the competition with his ultra-expressive, highly visual performances and an otherworldly wail. Now with Adam's "Idol" reputation preceding him, a radio hit under his belt, 600,000-plus albums sold and a coast-to-coast tour about to kick off, he's more popular than ever.
The Top 5:
1. Kelly Clarkson
2. Carrie Underwood
3. Jennifer Hudson
4. David Cook
5. Adam Lambert
To see the Top 120, click on source.
Los Angeles Times
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Yay Adam is the only non-winner on the Top 5.
He's #1 in my book, but in good co. and it's an honor for him out of 120 to be #5. funbunn49
They ar ranking him with Kelly who's ben saling for 9 years??? Give Adam couple ore years an he will surpass her and Kerri.
I hate this charts. Yo haveto compare apples with apples.
Don't ge me wrong, #5 is AMAZINGnd he is only out in the market for 6 mounths.
They should see how all of them did after ONE year. That would give you an indication of success.
It's STUPID!!!!!
I am so proud of Adam, he fight so hard for so long for being different, finally is getting rewards & success which he so deserved.
LOL This list is dumb! Kris below someone I have never heard of???? LMAO! So lame list
Give him some time and he will be #1. The last sentence says it all, his fanbase is growing and growing at this moment, he's all over the world with his song WWFM. Our radiostation is holding an other contest to win tickets for his upcoming Glam-Nation tour, and again they get many messages. The also wrote that Adam is on his way to become a worldwidestar. How awsome is that!Hollandfan
It was the same with the Billboard rank.How can you compare a season 8 with a season 1,2or 5?
Give him time.he is going to be the #1 and not just among the Idol's
Sorry peeps, Jennifer Hudson didn't win Idol.
In the article, there are only 5 pics for the 120 AI participants mentioned, and Adam's is one of them!
- First pic is Kelly Clarkson with Fantasia on AI set
- Second pic is Carrie Underwood
- Third pic is Adam Lambert
- Fourth pic is Constantine Maroulis
- Fifth pic is David Archuleta
it won't be long now until Adam will become one of the biggest stars this planet has ever seen.
well done for reaching no 5 ( for now )
Love this Man so Much,
3 more days and Glam Nation will be kicking off
Get Ready to Rock Glamberts
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Somehow I find the article a kind of one-minute research made by trying-hard critics wanting some attention by using Adam Lambert's name for fame. It is now a common knowledge that Adam Lambert is the best ever find of American Idol and therefore, it is so ridiculous for him to be ranked along with those amateurs though some of them have been SO lucky just like Jennifer Hudson who should not even be on the TOP 50.
- Sheila, AR
How scientific is this?? Pure crap.
Adam is a Sure Fire Winner
Adam is in a league all his own.
I am sorry that article was stupid and unqualified. Thrilled that Adam came in as one of the top 5, but seriously it was just 16 peoples opinions and it wasn't based on any clear critera. Lee was at least 10 points ahead of Crystal, Kris Allen #8, and it just seemed bogus.
Adam is God
Bottom line, no matter what the article was based on, Adam is rising so quickly that its just a matter of time before he IS #1 on the list, and a whole lot of other lists. He's really barely begun, he's done so well, and he is definitely # 1 for me. Has been since day one of Season 8, no question. He is the only one of the "top 5" listed that has that potential to be a world mega-star, in my humble opinion. We'll see where he sits on that list in a year or two.....
CONSTANCE, (wtH) is higher than kris, daughtry etc on this list... making it invalid.
Lol such a fail list tbh. Guys, Adam doesn't have to be #1 in everything to be amazing and fab and successful. Otherwise it gets annoying. Like Bieber. Unless, of course, its over a long period of tiem
To 11:13 Its all a matter of opinion, really, on ANY list, unless it is based on particular facts and figures (money earned, albums sold, etc.) and that's all that most of us have: opinions.... So guess they are all valid for each of us, at least that's how I see it! Its just fun for me to see his name up this high on THIS particular "list", and as Adam is so often quoted, "its not that deep". Obviously he has a ways to go, but I'm there with him, cheering him on and any little bit of positive affirmation is always appreciated and enjoyed, wherever it comes from.
adam does not need this ranking, he is already no. 1 as far as fans are concern. what was the basis of this rankings anyway.
My POV - so what that the list is weak in merit - it's still pretty cool that he is in the Top #5 in their minds and puts his name out there in a positive light, or at least certainly not a negative light!!! I get that the validity of the ranking is weak - but his placement is still pretty good publicity nonetheless IMHO.
I can live with the ranking as long as its positive publicity where Adam is featured prominently. Clearly, this is not based on records sales because that would put Archie and Clay higher. OT—but I’m scratching my head at a few of these others.
Yes 11:16 and others - that's what I think is kind of cool - the fact that the ranking WASN'T based necessarily on facts and figures and more ... how shall I say ... feelings/prediction/potential/talent/preferences/what's hot etc.
I adore Adam and think one day he will be #1 but for now this poll is pretty subjective I think the top 3 are right but why is david cook up there and not daughtry who really is only one of three who are true big hits with sales and a tour, Adam will get there but he's just starting out but I can see having him high due to his effect already and the anticipation but some of these others I don't get, so I just say HUH??
o, right, they didn't rank for International star.
obviously, there is only 1 international super star ever from AI, Adam Lambert.
Kelly, known partial globally as a singer. that is all.
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