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GQ's Second Attempt at Critiquing Adam Lambert's Fashion Style

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, May 20, 2011

Posted at : Friday, May 20, 2011

From GQ Magazine:

Adam Lambert in Los Angeles.
"This is an improvement, Lambert! Of course, once you hit rock bottom, there's only one way to go. We applaud your use of color something besides black. Next time, don't coordinate outfits with your buddy though."


Anonymous said...

I hope Adam doesn't lower himself to respond to this. They're just trying to goad him into another rant and that just feeds their sickness. What a low class magazine. Damn. Stay above it, Adam!

Anonymous said...

So Adam hit rock bottom. What a dumbass thing to say. GQ wouldn't see fashion if it was thrown in their face, other than chinos!Adam always looks gorgeous and no one can rock an outfit like him!

Anonymous said...

I will not go to their site, they obviously want hit by using Adam's name . Cheap shot!

Anonymous said...

Since when is jeans and jackets "coordinating outfits?"

Anonymous said...

Oh come on guys its kinda funny and its almost like they are calling a truce.

Anonymous said...

Oh fuck you GQ. And that's not his "buddy" It's his lover. Get it? GQ just wants to improve their hits and rating.

Oh, they're not calling a truce 8:24. Those are fighting words, but they--not Adam--need the publicity. Major conservative right wing prudes.

Anonymous said...

What rock bottom???

glitzylady said...

.....and they failed miserably again!.....just have to laugh at this point...not taking it seriously..I hope they keep trying until they get it right! LOL!!!! My vote is still for Vanity Fair or Details...GQ..meh! (and I really don't get the rock bottom comment, unless they are referring to themselves! LOL!!)

Honey said...

= GQ's Second Attempt at generating hits.

Anonymous said...

I think they are talking about Adam's fashion sense when they mentioned "rock bottom"

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that as Adam dresses for the day he gives very very careful consideration as to whether GQ will approve - yeah right.

Anonymous said...

They are assholes! and don't know jack shit about fashion.

I'm sure that Adam is laughing his head off at this one.


Anonymous said...

I bet Adam does answer this with his usual extremely clever answer.

Anonymous said...

Adam will smartly ignore this time. He gave them enough pub. Wonder what they think about Steven Tyler.

Anonymous said...

LOL, once a bore always a bore.

Anonymous said...

please adam, don't go down to their level. they are not worth it.

Anonymous said...

You know, once you are in the public eye, you will be critiqued for each little thing about the human body and the way you dress it. A couple of examples for you-a few months ago, the camera showed Oprah's shoes, and the shot was so close, you could see all the terribly dead skin on her feet (her heels). A lot of women were abhorred. A rich woman with dead skin on her feet?. Next example-many movie stars don't realize that very close facial shots will pick up nose hair, if they have it. Notice it on very close shots of stars. Typically, people cringe when they see nose hair. Young women talk all the time about guys who have nose hair and hair on their backs. Remember Adam and his shots with the pratically naked model. How many comments were made on his chipped nail polish even though the pictures were breathtaking. One more before I kill this subject. TEETH! You can be the most brilliant, talented, perfectly dressed man or woman star but if you have yellow teeth or crooked teeth, you will be graded for it. Hence, all the comments about Prince William amd his yellow teeth on his wedding day. Someone, somewhere out there is grading us all the time, and especially the stars. Forever, jealously rears its ugly green head and any hit on bodily imperfections and clothes is the easiest way to rouse publicity against that person. GQ is homophobic and for some crazy reason, they have chosen Adam. As Nancy Kerrigan said as she lay beaten on the ice, "WHY? WHY"?

Anonymous said...

Are they joking with Adam? I don't get it. I must be too naive to understand why they are picking on and watching Adam??? Adam, don't respond. Don't give them the publicity/hits. Adam You are gorgeous and have a wonderful fashion sense. No one can rock an outfit as well as you do whether it's jeans and a jacket or a fabulous tux like you wore at the Grammys. All heads turned when you walked by. Hope you are just laughing at GQ.


Bing said...

@glitzylady ditto on they must be referring to themselves LOL exactly what i was thinking that's why they need hits badly. No better way to be noticed but to be with the name ADAM MITCHEL LAMBERT and as it is Adam is his own publicity machine, as what an old poster said.

This is totally an act of desperation on their side. They must be so envious of Adam's physique and his incredible and avant garde fashion sense that none of them has at all. An excellent taste in fashion can be learned but not everyone can acquire the flare. Obviously Adam was born for clothes that is why he can pull off anything he desires effortlessly. And before i forget i guess breeding has a lot to do with it as well. Poor poor poor GQ, barking at the wrong tree.

Agree with @ANON 7:58PM such a cheap shot ;(

Bing said...

Ooooooops sorry that was supposed to be flair hahaha!

glitzylady said...

You know, I think "flare" was perfectly appropriate in the context of Adam Lambert..He shines brightly, his talent is blindingly beautiful, and he is a beacon of light AND enlightenment in this crazy world..You were right the first time!

Two definitions of "Flare":

Flare (pyrotechnic), a luminous device

Solar flare, an eruption of plasma [and light] from the surface of the sun

Both could be used to describe Adam Lambert, the "light" and aura he emits. Just a thought... ; )

Bing said...

Oh thanks so much for that one @glitzylady, you said it perfectly. Just seeing him smile brightens up my day already and hearing him speak soothes my spirit. So it's in my subconscious :D Thanks again @glitzylady specially for all the links and info you've been sharing here and kind regards.

Anonymous said...

Good God people, Adam has better things to do then to respond to this silliness!
Let's go watch some Adam video's or read a book!

Anonymous said...

Anon. 10:07 - true, true. Sadly true.

Adam doesn't fit GQ's "criteria" and people are always uncomfortable embracing that which is unfamiliar to them, as it can be "scary". So they lash out. Lame - they really sound like a gossip rag, not the high-class, sophisticated men's mag they were once considered.

However...I must say...I have often seen pix of Adam and Sauli and thought they looked awfully matchy-matchy...just sayin'...but Adam can pull off whatever he chooses to wear, and - what I like the most - he takes fashion risks...sometimes tough for guys. So - BRAVO Adam, for wearing what you like with confidence!

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

@11:58 PM
Gosh! Who said Adam needed to respond? Most thought it was pretty silly and hilarious...No need to yell! : )

Anonymous said...

PS - Glitzylady, I left you some fashion tips for the apocolypse back on that thread about Adam rehearsing for his Moscow show (or whatever) - read them, quick, because it's already Saturday!! Hmmm, wait, the world hasn't ended yet (*scratching head*)...when they said "Saturday", I guess they didn't specify the time. ;)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

A buddy is below-standard, but whatever. If GQ want to please the homophobes, it's their business.

Anonymous said...

Someone email Adam's Track Of My Tears pic to GQ magazine. I'm sure they'll love that style..

glitzylady said...

@Adam Fix
Yes! Thanks I found the Apocalypse Fashion tips! Oh, about the time for the end of the world: I heard it was either supposed to happen at 12:00 noon..or 6:00 PM local time..apparently it's a sort of "rolling" apocalypse ..happing in I guess we'll see what happens. So far, so good! LOL!!!

glitzylady said...

Ooops..meant to say "happening" in waves...

Hk fan said...

well, its currently 4.30pm here on sat, and its gone very dark with torrential rain...could this be a sign?
As to the topic, its too pathetic to even warrant a mention.

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^______^cute:
adam so cute and sweet and handsome ^_^

Anonymous said...

I thought we were rhe only ones cyber stalking too!......everybody loves

BB.....wsit till Russia gets a look at our Rock


Anonymous said...

Hmmm - HK fan - that does sound ominous! I am going to bed now (almost 2am Seattle time)...if I never wake, it's sure been fun drooling over Adam w/all of you...thanks for all the smiles (and tears, on occasion)!

- Adam Fix ;)

Anonymous said...

@Glitzy - a rolling "end of the world"...that sounds interesting. Like a giant wave, sweeping the globe? Causing total destruction and annihilation time zone-by-time zone?

Ok, then, I will keep an eye on twitter in hopes that those who have already experienced the end of the world will shoot us a few quick tweets about it, from the other side! :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Sauli will laugh to this though. That he got himself into GQ magazine, like a celebrity he is.

Anonymous said...

I must agree with GQ on sauli's too matchy outfit on this one and others. Adam looks so gorgeous but... sauli needs to show more of his own personality on fashion like he was on BB. Brushing up. Now it looks like wearing Adam's second hands. I know he can do better.

Juust sayin' lol.

Anonymous said...

"Second hands" is top fashion in Europe. Sauli hasn't americanized yet.

Anonymous said...

Every time I see Adam strut down the street.....I think to myself being female....."You can't touch that"

Anonymous said...

Nasty comment by GQ. :+( Btw, what does GQ actually stand for? Go Quietly or is it a relative of IQ??? ..... LOL

BB always looks brilliant and I'm not concerned that Sauli dresses in a similar fashion. They look mighty fine, together and apart. :+)

I hope, like the rest of you, that our Glam God doesn't give this comment the time of day, let alone reply to it.

Anonymous said...

I have been corrected by my better half. The Apocalypse doesn't happen today, the Rapture does. All of the good people will be raptured up to heaven while the rest of us will be left behind gnashing our teeth until the real Apolcalypse on Oct. 12,2011. Anyone going to a Rapture party?

If you're planning on being raptured up, there are some enterpreneurs who will take care of your pets that were left behind, for a fee. They've already made over 30,000.

Anonymous said...

GQ you know you want Adam.He would make a great Model for your cover, would breathe some life into your boring rag.Go for it you know you want to.

Anonymous said...

Too matchy-matchy? Maybe Sauli should promise to wear a plaid shirt on the days that Adam wears a black jacket, and vice versa.

Anonymous said...

Sauli wearing a plaid shirt? wow, I like to see it in public! or was he already?

Anonymous said...

GQ + Gentlemen's Quarterly

There not acting like gentlemen anymore.

Anonymous said...

That + sign s/b an = sign.

Anonymous said...

It seems that they want to dress matchy-matchy. I think it's cute. Adam has been using blue jeans lately more.

Anonymous said...

Sauli wearing a plaid shirt? -

Look at the pictures of the boys getting their tats.

Anonymous said...

@anon 4:43

Damn, I missed an opportunity to make money. I should've offered to provided a service such as this for a fee.

Newfie Duck said...

Anon at 4:48 A.M. Love it, love it, love it. So true!!!!! And as Adam, himself, would say "it's not that deep" guys. Enjoy.:)

Anonymous said...

When your sales are low I guess you will do or say anything to improve sales.

Anonymous said...

A star with their own style is competiton for gq. Most women dress their men. I am thinking gq is in serious trouble since most of Adam's fans are women at the age they have alot of influence on husband and sons. (Not to mention all the young men who want to impress their girfriends that are fans.)

Anonymous said...

GQ=Gay Quirt=loosers. They do not know anything but their chinos and shirts. Adam is always stylish and gorgeous. As Sauli is a guy too he doesn't have much alternatives than jeans and tees/casual shirts. They seem to like same kind of clothes. So why is it so terrible to match a bit especially when in love. Black to Sauli and light to Adam. They have changed colours with each other. Sanni

Anonymous said...

Sauli commented somewhere that maybe next time they go out he should wear a dress and stiletto heels(referring of course to their difference in height) I think that would be awesome if he would pull that off. But then of course they would have to deal with comments that he is Adam's Bitch. Either way once the Fame Tornado hits you it seems you are fair game for just about anything no matter what you do.
This world seem to turn around the Axis of Evil Comments and putting people down.

Lizard eyes

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

LOve to see Adam and Sauli together on cover of GQ magazine.

Anonymous said...

good or bad still publicity........

What can we do ADAM IS A SUPERSTAR and we just ignore or the negativity......

Laughter is the best medicine that's all....

Can't wait to see him in MOSCOW!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!

coloforadam said...

"F.." GQ. To put a different twist on Simon's quip, asking Adam (or any rocker) to stop wearing black is like complaining that the cow moo's!! Mags like GQ are probably always pissed because black has been the total fashion for so long and they can't change the styles every 3 months so we all have to go out and buy new clothes .... purple and chartreuse and orange! Love that old come back of Adam's when they asked him what he wears when he goes to 7-11 to by Cheetos.... "orange" said our "cute dork" (who actually never eats crap like cheetos).

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:27 AM

Thanks - Gentlemen's Quarterly. They should act like gentlemen.

Anonymous said...

Re: The "matchy matchy" comments

If you observe how most men dress, you will immediately notice that they dress to blend in with all the men in their group, office, etc. They most definitely lean toward looking the same as opposed to women, who do everything they can to stand out and look different. I suppose it's not so different with Sauli and Adam, although we've already seen Adam take careful fashion risks at major public events. Those are calculated style choices and I think it's plain ridiculous for GQ to grade Adam on his everyday clothes. Those two boys are to DIE FOR and can pull off just about any look they want!!


tess4ADAM said...

Quick!! Someone send GQ a pic of ADAM from the Paris shoot Dec. 2010 ... put that on the cover of your RAG if you want to sell copies ... it would be another sell out like the RS cover .... just a suggestion ... what do you other Glamberts think? As for ADAM & Sauli wearing matching outfits ... why not? It might just start a TREND in the fashion world ... ha ha ... wonder what GQ would have to say about THAT!!


tess4ADAM said...

Just a thought ... they may not like his style ... but they still include ADAM in their magazine keeping him in the public eye ... good/bad ... who cares ... still publicity ... others don't HAVE to agree w/GQ ... JMO


Ashlee said...

"Buddy"? So they're homophobic too?

Anyways, their attempts at saying that Adam dresses poorly really isn't working. It's just sad.

Anonymous said...

So everytime guys wear jeans and a t shirt, they are matching? haha. That's all most guys ever wear for casual.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Adam will wear in Russia? To me, hs looks hottest in jeans and a T-shirt. He was saying more leather and less glam.. Wonder if the band will be "matching", jeans, boots and tee shirts. Also wonder if there will be the kiss..

glitzylady said...


I agree, I think Sauli and Adam are not really trying for the matchy look, its just that they have the same general wardrobe..Heck, my hubby dresses like that when he's going out..jeans, great t-shirt, and dark leather jacket..looks good too. And the same might be said for me on occasion..jeans, great t-shirt, dark leather jacket..guess we're all trying to copy Adam! LOL!!

And yes, not that I care what GQ says, and I doubt Adam does either, but they need to get with the program on what Adam could do for a cover..Think about the Details cover in November of 2009..if that wasn't a masculine Alpha male gorgeous look, I don't know what was! Maybe time to revisit the Details article..Being that its a slow Adam news day and all.

Details Cover: : ) (OMG! Eat your heart out GQ!))


ET Video:

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady 11:15a.m

Great idea to visit Details Cover and article (got mine at home to enjoy all the time!) and great links for those that don't have the Magazine! Thank you for all your great ideas and links to anything Adam.


Anonymous said...

@glitzylady! Thanks for the Details links! I love the photos and the video is funny. By the way I wear jeans, my fav tees and black motor-cycle leather jacket. So we are all Adam copies ha? Ronnie

Anonymous said...

Isn't there a saying that goes something like
"criticism is the best form of flattery" or is it
"jealousy is the best form of flattery"?
Either way, GQ looks bad.

Icon said...

uncle Ronnie

I have a few questions: I've just turned 1 year old and my fur is sort of changing it's natural color... I'm very into Rock'n Roll fashion not only because I'm a GlamberCAt but mainly because I'm grey-striped in many nuances from «ice grey» to «very dark grey» but guess what? The very «ice grey» is turning into BEIGE!!!! Is this a good color, does it get well along with the other greys? Do you think I should dye those areas (most on my chest and under my arms? Or should I ask mommy Fan4fun to pierce my nose like uncle Sauli or my ears and nipples like uncle sweet Adam? Would «GQ» approve my style? Would you? Would 24/7 Paradise? Meaw????? Let me know, please. Waiting for. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Rapture was supposed to begin in New Zealand latitude and work it's way around to east coast of USA about 6:00 P.M. So far, New Zealand is hunky-dory!

The worst thing about this is believers have sold homes, quit jobs, etc. Sad and sick. I wonder if Westboro church is packed and ready to go?......................JAK
One hour to go!

The Dark Side said...

Can't really remember GQ going after anyone before this. Why Adam, why now? A mystery, or are they looking for some publicity and response. Well we all know they are getting response from Glamberts worldwide. This is pretty funny. I love Adam in all black, or in whatever he chooses to wear. I might buy subscription to GQ if they put Adam in their dated mag and bring it into the 21st Century.

Adamluv said...

Pitiful attempt for attention. Dont give it to them!

Anonymous said...


The quote is "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"......I take a book of quotes with me to read while waiting for Dr. appointments. Since I wait so long I know a lot of quotes!!JAK

This has to be a record of sorts.....Adam is famous enough that he has a whole magazine as a troll!!!!!!!JAK

Anonymous said...

This rag is always crushing someone. Don't give the satifaction of even commenting or going on their website...they get hits and paid money. You see they love to piss off Adams fan because of the loyalty thing. Sometimes we have to take the high road and not fall into their hate trap. It just makes us looks foolish as fans. All we can do is support Adam and quit getting mad at cheap shot and false statement. That's hollywood's down side. The crap this man has endured. I am so proud of his mental toughnes.

Anonymous said...

@Icon-son-glamcat-dear! You are no "hot-dog" but a "cool-cat"! Any colour becomes you, even beige! If you have EGO, as uncle-Adam does you can wear pink (good colour). It doesn't have to be black always. So rock on Icon! Uncle-Ronnie

Anonymous said...

GQ is a non entity to me UNLESS adam is on the cover or in the mag in a positive article. otherwise GQ does not exist and will not get my money. that's what it's all about. on another note: adam and sauli are flawless in their appearance and make my heart go racing. anything he decides to wear ( yes, even the glam poncho) is full on fashion and looks fabulous to me.

Icon said...

@@ uncle Ronnie

Thanks, uncle... Meow-wow!!!
Your advice came just on time!
And now I feel gooooooooooood! Rockin' on sooooo gooooooood! Yeah! «Beige» is now welcome to my fur, thanks 2U!
PS: Licks in your ears, uncle.

Cheril said...

Congratulations GQ with the last tasteless comment you have officially shown that you have no style. Adam had countered your first attack with a funny snark back atcha, and a peaceful exit referring to free publicity for GQ. GQ counters with personal attacks. The only one that has hit the bottom is GQ.

thelens world said...