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5 Reasons Why Adam Lambert’s Glam Nation Tour Is A Must-See

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, June 29, 2010

He came. He saw. He covered the stage in glitter.

On Sunday night (June 27), Adam Lambert played to a sold-out crowd at Baltimore’s Rams Head Live as part of his first headlining trek around North America dubbed the Glam Nation tour.

The sometimes controversial, all the time intriguing glamster took fans on a laser and leather-filled ride through his debut album, For Your Entertainment. Lambert used the album’s title-track to mercilessly tease the crowd of mostly women of various ages and glitter coverage into swooning, screaming fangirls.

When he finally appeared — tall, dressed very Boy George-esque with a top hat perched on his head, simply gorgeous — at the top of a staircase directly in the middle of the stage, the screams grew deafening.

The screams never died down even as Adam traded high-energy tracks like “Fever,” “Strut,” and “Music Again” for soul-stirring — scratch that — soul-slaying easy listening numbers like “Sleepwalker” and “Soaked.”

The Glam Nation tour is a must-see. Here are five reasons why:

* 1. The opening acts, Allison Iraheta and Orianthi: We weren’t forced to yawn through a bunch of lame show-starters. These ladies put on rockin’ performances and even showed what Girl Power is all about when Orianthi joined Allison onstage for “Don’t Waste The Pretty.” Allison has blossomed immensely since her time on American Idol. She delivered her performance with confidence and fire. Orianthi, who was handpicked by Michael Jackson to play on his ill-fated This Is It tour, easily shamed male rockers twice her age with her guitar skills.

* 2. It’s not just a concert, it’s a chance to play dress-up: Fans took advantage of the Glam Nation’s number one unwritten rule which states you should show up in you most outrageously glam gear. Walking through the venue, I spotted men in tight leather, women in sequins leggings, black eyeliner for days, and buckets worth of glitter.

* 3. Girls — of all ages — just want to have fun: Glamberts are often accused of being a bunch of middle-aged women. Nothing wrong with that, but you’d be very, very wrong to assume that’s where Adam’s appeal ends. Girls of all ages were at the show to get their glam on. The best part: seeing a girl who had to be around 16 years old with her mother and grandmother all dancing and singing together.

* 4. The covers songs: Each act performed at least one kick-ass cover song: Allison took on Pat Benatar’s “Heartbreaker,” Orianthi and her guitar shredded through Prince’s “Let’s Go Crazy,” and Adam gave a scorching rendition of Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire.” (*Tears!* *Sadness!* Baltimore didn’t get Adam’s much-buzzed about “Whole Lotta Love” cover.)

5. THAT VOICE: Sure, you’ve heard Adam’s voice on TV and on the radio, but there’s nothing like hearing it live. Trying to explain it is a waste of time. Watch the video of “Soaked” above. Take how great it sounds there (minus the screaming fans) and multiply it by five. You might come close.



glitzylady said...

Fabulous review, did someone from here write it because they were dead-on and sounds just what we all say!!!! A million times better than the Washington Post thing. Yay, Adam!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, go to the source and live a comment too if you can. Very funny and interesting conversations are going on there.
Great review.

Anonymous said...

Talking and screaming during Adam's ballads is
just rude......

Anonymous said...

Att. paragraph#3:
«seing a girl who had to be around 16 years with her mother and gradmother, all dancing and singing together»... and I ask to myself, if this is not a family friedly show, what the hell should it be?
I have no family but my friends all have.
I'm so glad to be alive and in a good mind health and open spirit to understand that this amazing young man who I fortunately love soo much, more than to «be an icon» came to us TO BE A LINK for so many family's broken chains. Thank you so much, sweet Adam! And thank you to your family too.

Anonymous said...

Wow, great review.

Stephanie said...

A-MA-ZING review! Perfect for people who's considering going to the concert this summer!

Anonymous said...

I can not formulate an expression using words from any language that would even begin to describe how pissed I am that I can't go to any of the concerts.

Anonymous said...

It is beyond rude that these fans talked, screamed, even tried to sing (??) along with Adam. STFU when Adam is singing ballads. You cannot even come close to Adam's vocals and never will. Are you idiots trying to show that you know the words? Sorry, don't mean to talk to fans on this site because I know they know better. I'm just venting because it spoils it for everyone. With apologies to Baltimore's good fans, sincerely hope other venues are more civilized. BTW, it's not as bad to rock it out with the fast numberts when band is loud, but pleazzzzze not on the slow ones. Let the voice come from Adam.

Anonymous said...

See? Adam has brought us "back to the future". It is like if the best from the past in music world melts with the present and projects into something new. He reminds me of talented rockers of seventies and eghties (I am 52) but with a very new style. I remember Ryan (the judge from Idol) telling him to become a classic rock singer. He chose his own way which is that strange exciting combination we fans love so much. Some people still don't get it. They will, I am sure.

Anonymous said...

This is a ditto, ditto to Mr 8:46PM. I wanted to choke something when all the talking and screaming was going on during the ballads. HOW RUDE!!! Yes, it did ruin it for the rest of us. I'm glad also that they purchased the tickets and came to the show,,, BUT, next time respect the man when he is singing his beautiful ballads.

Lisa said...

The one reason I go to Adam's tour is because he can sing LIVE. Most of the musicians today DO NOT sing live GOOD. Adam nails every single one of his performances. I think going to an Adam tour is worth the money. Going to Britney concert, on the other hand, is a waste of money and time. She lip sychs all of her songs.

Glitz and Sparkles said...

Have you all heard/seen Adam sing "The Prayer"?
I love that song and him singing it.
He is so's the link if you haven't enjoyed this yet.

Gotta gotta hear Adam in person...just have to find a way...Lucky everyone who has.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I saw that performance. It's beautiful. Adam is so versatile it's crazy.

Anonymous said...

I have serious pre-concert jitters. Guess I can't believe that you can actually see a dream in person. I am totally paranoid that I will get some paralyzing illness, the car will break down between Colo Sprgs and Denver that night, my ticket will have some online problem and be rejected at the door, a tornado will roar over downtown Denver and the concert will be cancelled. Now, none of these things have ever happened but their possibility is ruining what should be happy anticipation. I've never really suffered from paranoia before but then I've never had such an obsession as our glittery, wonderful Adam. Help!! Any suggestions!!

Anonymous said...

^ OMG, that's hilarious! I've been fearing the exact same thing: fatal illnesses and acts of god sweeping over the Seattle area for the first time in the history of the world, on the very night Adam's supposed to play here! Or, I will suddenly be told I need to wear a full-body cast for the remainder of my life...starting that very night. Well, I'm going to his show, damn it, no matter what! People will have to make way for me AND my body cast!

- Adam Fix

coloforadam said...

Thanks Adam Fix - it helps to know I'm not alone in my quest of those magic 65 minutes. We jest, of course, but with a layer of cold, silly fear. I too will arrive on crutches, with the steering wheel of my car in my teeth, with a large menacing club in hand should anyone even begin to question the validity of the tickets and with ruby red slippers to click away any weird, Rocky Mountain weather!! All the better to fall at his feet, my dear.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:59 Honey - When these feelings come over you, and they will continue to, I promise, I'd like to pass on to you the words of wisdom my mother used to tell me when I was upset about something...And my mother was a very, very wise woman. Ahem... she used to say "just when you think nothing else bad can happen to you - hang on to your a$$ cause you're going to get kicked in it real hard."

Hope that lifts your spirits just a tad and yours too, Adam Fix.


Anonymous said...

^ LOL - yes, indeed!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Coloforadam - the above goes for you too, my dear.


Anonymous said...

anon 9:59

omg you forgot to mention the Eisenhower Tunnel. Better mention it real quick or it will get you on the way to Denver.

Anonymous said...

Soaked was written by Adam and has such special meaning for him, you'd think his die hard fans would give him a little respect and listen with their mouths shut.

Maybe duct tape should be sold somewhere closeby for those of us who want to hear the entire concert.

Maggie Longfellow


Anonymous said...

I seriously LOVED this, as it's TRUFAX:

3. Girls — of all ages — just want to have fun: Glamberts are often accused of being a bunch of middle-aged women. Nothing wrong with that, but you’d be very, very wrong to assume that’s where Adam’s appeal ends. Girls of all ages were at the show to get their glam on. The best part: seeing a girl who had to be around 16 years old with her mother and grandmother all dancing and singing together.


My sister and I and my fifteen year old niece all LOVE Adam. Best way I can explain it is that Adam's creative/sexual vibe is both powerful and positive.

My god it's...FUN!

Does that make sense? I don't think it really has anything to do with him being gay, either. Adam has all this incredible charisma that just charms your socks off, and I can't recall a male singer that's been so, well, playful, both onstage and off.

I mean, he's very hot, but it's not serious, and there's not that negative"I hate women vibe' that's part and parcel of a lot of rock and roll and rap. Adam is very comfortable with women, he enjoys them, you can just tell. And again, that adds to the wonderful female energy, along with some serious male testosterone (Tommy kissing!) that seems to be present in his concerts.

No wonder everyone has an orgasmically good time. :)

A bit freudian here, but it's a pretty fascinating phenomena.

glitzylady said...

I seriously worried about my Stub Hub e-ticket with someone else's name on it not being "real" when I went to River Rock in Vancouver....I kept thinking WHAT IF THIS THING IS FAKE AND I AM HERE IN A " FOREIGN" COUNTRY AND CAN'T GET IN TO SEE HIM !!!???? AARRGGGHHH!!!! The Stub Hub people would have heard me all the way from Vancouver to wherever they are located-I was SO grateful when they scanned it and it was okay.....Another case of Adam-xiety...

glitzylady said...

@anon 10:55pm

Thanks for reminding me about the other thing that happened on my way to Vancouver from the Seattle area: I drove up by myself, was meeting a friend there, and was unfamiliar with the traffic up there: Friday afternoon, and lo and behold a TUNNEL was between me ( it goes under the river) and Adam. Well, there I sat, for what seemed an eternity, while the minutes were just ticking away, nothing was moving and I was having heart palpitations and an anxiety attack and wanted to just scream at everyone to get the F*** out of the way. That was after waiting about an hour at the border crossing and then having a long "conversation" with the customs agent, who after asking me about my entire life story, asked me among other things why I wasn't staying at the casino hotel where the concert was-WHAT??? Was that a trick question or did she wonder why I was so stupid not to be staying in the same hotel as Adam. Actually a very GOOD question...So, good advice to beware of tunnels, check for the possibility of traffic issues, and make sure you put gas in your car....

coloforadam said...

Fortunately the Eisenhower tunnel is not between Colo Sprgs and Denver - Just 60 miles of I 25 that can present everything in July from snow to elk. Maybe I better go a week ahead and camp out in a downtown hotel next to the Paramount...No, that would make me really nervous. Thank heavens for Jack Daniels Black Label - think I'll mix one up right now and CALM DOWN!! (Listening to remix of FYE from I Tunes and jeeeeeeeeeeeez it's hot!!)

melissa toronto said...

Nothing will prevent me from going to see Adam' concert unless I am dead! A few years ago when I broke my shoulder cut my ankle when I slip & fell in the washroom at the early morning, that same night was going to the McDonna concert. I told the doctor no one can keep me in the hospital. So I went to the concert that night in pain & my partner acts as a body guard so nobody could bump into me, Lo. Adam is my addiction, so nothing will stop me from seeing him. Oh yes, here's a videos (don't know where to post this, so here it is) someone was talking about Adam telling the security to get out & then say take the pictures bitches to the audience during SFW, OMG! ( Here's another video of all the hotness put into one. Don't bother taking a shower now, do it after watching it LOL..(

Anonymous said...

I was at the Atlantic City NJ show and the crowd was so quiet during "Soaked" that you could hear a pin drop, except for the girl who yelled "Marry Me" - lol. I was in my own world listening to him sing, it was an absolutely beautiful experience I will cherish always.

Anonymous said...

I was at this concert and i was mesmerized throughout the concert so if I was singing I appoligize but I really wasn't aware. btw if anyone is holding out and not listening to the video's of adam in concert, it really won't matter because seeing him in person is totally on another level. so enjoy!!

Anonymous said...

well i would like to wish a very safe journey to everybody that has a concert coming up...and as i've said before, i very much look forward to reading all of your adam experiences...gosh i even feel excited for you.

i've decided if i'm ever lucky enough to see adam live, i'll probably make a fool of myself and just cry...the emotion adam makes you feel is unbelievable...a few tears have been shed just watching the other artist has ever had this effect on me.

chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx

staygold said...

I was at Foxwoods and EVERYONE was singing to ALL the songs and it was awesome. If you feel it-sing it-have fun an get your SCREAAAAAM on! 11:01 "Soaked" written by Muse. 2:52 no apologies needed for having a good time "(love is all WE need)"

Anonymous said...

To all you guys who are fearing something bad will happen to prevent you from getting to your show okay - I WENT THROUGH THE SAME THING... I'm totally chuckling as I'm reading through this thread. There was bad weather forecast in the area for the day - I was totally anxiety ridden all day about it, couldn't enjoy the happy anticipation...we didn't get tix in mail but rather opted for pickup at box office, and I was sure there was going to be a problem with that...thought someone was going to get sick, the list just goes on and on... but I knew when we started out on our drive, within the first few minutes Prince's "Baby I'm A Star" came on the radio (Love Prince, Adam reminds me of him in some ways) and then I just knew that everything was going to be fine and it was going to be an awesome experience and night, and IT WAS. If you have a minute, check out these lyrics, so fitting, great beat to the song too, when it played on radio (and I was just about to put FYE cd on, but was listening to radio for a bit) I just knew all was going to be great:

Prince -

Baby I'm A Star Lyrics

Hey, look me over
Tell me do u like what u see?
Hey, I ain't got no money
But honey I'm rich on personality
Hey, check it all out
Baby I know what it's all about
Before the night is through
U will see my point of view
Even if I have 2 scream and shout

Baby I'm a (star)
Might not know it now
Baby but I r, I'm a (star)
I don't want to stop, 'til I reach the top
Sing it (We are all a star!)

Hey, take a listen
Tell me do u like what u hear?
If it don't turn u on
Just say the word and I'm gone
But honey I know, ain't nothing
Wrong with your ears
Hey, check it all out
Better look now or it just might be 2 late (just might be 2 late)
My lucks gonna change tonight
There's gotta be a better life
Take a picture sweetie
I ain't got time 2 waste

Oh baby I'm a (star)
Might not know it now
Baby but I r, I'm a (star)
I don't want to stop, 'til I reach the top
Sing it! (We are all a star!)

Everybody say, nothing come 2 easy
But when u got it baby, nothing come 2 hard
You'll see what I'm all about (see what I'm all about)
If I gotta scream and shout (if I gotta scream and shout)
Baby baby (baby) baby (baby) baby (baby)
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah (star)

Might not know it now
Baby but I r, I'm a (star)
I don't want to stop, 'til I reach the top
Sing it! (star)

Baby baby baby
oh baby I'm a (star)
baby baby baby
(We are all a star)

(Baby I'm a star)
We are all a star

We are all a star

Baby, baby, baby, baby,
baby, baby, baby, baby
We are all a star

{Backwards talking in the background}
"Like what the fuck do they know
All their taste is in their mouth
Really. What the fuck do they know?
Come on baby. Let's go... crazy"

*and everyone did indeed go crazy!

Anonymous said...

Just reading those lyrics from Prince again makes me think of's like they were written only last year or something for ADAM to sing to use, some specific lines especially :)! (I'm being Adam-centric again, I know I know).

Hey Melissa Toronot - thanks for that tip on the Sure Fire Winners/DC thing - I read it on your other comment on a previous thread and checked it out - sooo frickin' hot! That song is a sleeping giant IMHO, a total gem. There was another steamy hot sensual rendition of SFW from a concert - like sometime within the first 6 shows or so - I'll have to find it, I forget - but I have a feeling you'd love it! Thanks for your other links and comnments to me on that other older thread - I haven't responded over there yet and it I never do - thanks, and thanks for the better version of the IIHY frisky dance w/ Brooke, love it!

And speaking of thanks for comments from other threads - thanks Fan4fun June 29 8:27PM for your comments to me in some of the previous threads. And your comment here "... came to us TO BE A LINK for so many family's broken chains..." I love that comment - and it made me think of how I saw, at my concert, not only scenearios where there were generations of WOMEN together - but I saw a whole bunch of FULL NUCLEAR FAMILIES - a Mom AND DAD with their children of both genders... it was AWESOME.

Anonymous said...

Melissa in Toronto, THANK YOU for that!!! (And for the Milwaukee WLL, after mindchnger's channel got suspended. I was feeling awful that day, UNTIL you gave us the link - and I played it and smiled for the first time all day! Even other Adam stuff on here hadn't been able to elicit that reaction, but that Milwaukee WLL.....OOOHHH!)


Anonymous said...

@melissa toronto....

again, thankyou for the link, you are spoiling us.
all i can say is WOW adam was on fire during SFW, and when he said take the picture bitch ha ha i thought it was hysterical. ...
hands up who wants to be one of adams bitches, i know i do.

@adam for your mum saying "hang on to your a$$, i love that as it sounds like my life. keep your chin up and all that.

chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

Baby,baby,baby,baby - we are all a FAN!! of that wonderful Star!! Thanks Mass Glam Fan

Anonymous said...

Love this review <3
Very well-written