“If I Had You” Music Video debuts this Friday, June 11!!
Filed Under (article,If I Had You,news ) by Admin on Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Note: We just got word that Adam’s new video for “If I Had You” will be debuting here this Friday, June 11. Coincidentally enough, we just received the following missive about the video from Adam, which is part of our continuing series of VH1 Posted entries. Take it away!
The “If I Had You” video shoot was something I had anticipated for some time. In addition to the fantastic beat and melody, the song’s lyrics are what really stand out to me about this uplifting jam. It explores all the glitz of life in celebrity culture but reveals how it can all be a facade without true connectivity to others. The message is one of Love. Over the past year, in addition to my unbelievable opportunities, I have also been faced with the unique challenge of staying positive in light of some critics and closed mindedness. My friends, family, and my devoted fans have been a key force in keeping me grounded. I wanted to make a video that paid tribute to the wonderful people who’ve inspired me to become the artist and spirit I am today.
Director Bryan Barber’s video treatment fit so perfectly with my intention! His vision was so clear! I was a big fan of his previous work and he was so easy to collaborate with. The type of gathering he wanted to re-create was one similar to the Burning Man Festival I have often cited as a major artistic turning point in my life. The impact of this experience has mostly to do with the eclectic community that it draws. About 5 years ago, after growing bored and unsatisfied with the cliché Hollywood “scene,” I discovered this fascinating counter-culture of underground designers, performance artists and various bohemians. So we agreed to invite my real-life friends to be a part of the video!
To ensure an authentic representation of unique individuals, instead of using one stylist, everyone was asked to dress themselves however they desired. All we told them was: “Psychedelic tribal party in the forest!” One of the main themes I wanted to get across is that no matter your race, sexuality, age, or religion, we can all come together in the spirit of peace and love and have fun!

We shot overnight near LA’s Griffith Park and had a blast. I had way too much fun in my trailer getting styled. I was dressed in Galliano, The Blondes, and Skingraft. We fused high Glam rock with a boho-tribal-world traveler vibe. I’m lucky to work with such a creative glam team!
I was also thrilled to feature my band, dancers and a special guest all of whom will be appearing on my upcoming Glam Nation tour.
I believe that this video is the perfect follow up to the angst of “Whataya Want From Me.” If that song begged to ask the questions, this one joyfully gives the answers. Enjoy!
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OMG 2 more days!!!!! I thought we'll never get to see this video at this pace lol. But Im so happy!
SOOOOO looking forward to seeing the If I Had You video. It's been a long wait, but by all accounts (specially Adam's above) it will be a blast and a great summer for all of us watching, singing and dancing to "If I Had You"!
He is so damn intelligent.
Soooo Exciting, cannot wait. Being Adams fan is NEVER BORING!!!! Adam always makes happy when I am depress. Love Adam. Thank you!
I love Adam for all that he is and for all
that he aspires to become.. He has gifted us
with his talent,intellect and beauty.
I'm so excited I could cry.
If I Had You is one of my favorite songs on the album and I am so excited to see the video.
ADAM has all the qualities that really matter ... VISION, INTELLIGENCE, TALENT & LOVE! With those as his mainstay ADAM is destined for SUPER STARDOM!!! ..LOVE & LIGHT to you ADAM!!
Way to go, my mancandy! :D I can't wait!
Adam Lambert is one stylish, edgy, charismatic, and talented performer. He is intelligent and articulate in the discussion of the concept for the IIHY video. He is fortunate to have so many creative and caring people around him. Can't wait to see the video with its message of peace, love, unity and fun.
IF I HAD YOU will be the song of the summer. Can't wait. Hope the video lives up to expectation. Adam always does exceeds them.
I agree 5:04pm - I don't even remember what being depressed feels like since being snatched up by this beautiful guy who just demands love, joy and fun!! This vid will be another celebration that we can spread around anytime. Can't wait for the next one!!
Crap, why did I check this site before finishing a paper I have to do!! Big mistake :)... I'm sucked in and totally wired. I have to get off this site and on to my work RIGHT NOW. Damn you Adam Lambert fandom... LOL
oh yay! right as I finish finals! my art2D and Francais finals are on friday, then I'm home free! I've been pulling a couple all-nighters cramming the past two days and that'll be like a jolt of caffeine right through me!! ahaha can't wait!!!
OK, stupid me, I should be studying right now, but I just HAD to check the new updates . . . mistake!!! I have Honors English, Biology and History exams tomorrow and I'm only partway done! Damn you adam for being too intruigingly amazing!!!!!
ok, quit cold turkey. Riiiiiiiight NOW!
damn still here. wondering how wonderful his music video will be. He looked so hot in the previews.
ok, right, cold turkey. see y'all on FRIDAY for his music video PREMIERE!!!!
~ Emmaline ~
@Emmaline, cold turkey won't work when it comes to Adam Lambert. I've tried and failed miserably. Here I am, typing away, when I should be doing my job. I just can't help it. He's like a drug, and he makes me happy! :)
Get back to the books Emmaline!! (and I have to get to my paper typing too :)...I will if you will, lol).
hahaha I know, I tried though :)
and to anon8:27 I've been working for four hours and still haven't finished! it's gonna be an all nighter tonight!!! sucks too cause I really need an A on all of them to kick up my GPA.
but I hope you're doing well on your paper! If I can you can! :D
~ Emmaline ~
This video will be a beautiful, loving tribute to the friends that have been with him from the beginning, inspiring and supporting him and also acknowleging us and fans everywhere. Another thoughtful act on his part, sharing his success with those who truly care for him. Another reason why I'm so crazy about him! I hope this video will set new records and make the naysayers sit up and take notice!! Good luck on your exams, Emmaline. Do it for Adam, but most importantly for yourself!!! See you Friday! funbunn40
Fans are really going to have to help by "clicking on" his video wherever we can (MTV, VH1, Fuse...we'll have to see where it becomes available) as far as the internet goes. And as for Itunes, I'll buy it the second it's available - have two iPods in the family - will purchase it on both, but after that, I can't throw more money at it unfortunately. But wherever I can give it hits or vote for it when and if that time comes, I will do so big time!
I will purchase the VIDEO on both ipods - that's what I meant in my comments above, it that wasn't obvious... I already bought the IIHY single on both ipods (which already had everything else Lambert's put out on them to begin with... and that's why I can't throw more money at it once I buy the video on both ipods :)).
There is so much about Adam that makes us love him. What is so often overlooked, I believe, is his incredible intelligence. This young man did not just happen to get lucky. He has obviously worked hard and planned his dream step by step. The fact that he is so entertaining, talented and the sexiest thing walking the planet is all for us to enjoy but I hope he gets the respect that he deserves for being brilliant.
Yes 6:43 - I very often add to my comments when blogging - that AL's brains are as sexy and wonderful as anything else about him... I've always thought that, as I'm sure many of his fans do!
Can you imagine this video picture matted and framed on your wall? The colors are beautiful and you can gaze at him every day! They should make copies and sell them at the concert.It's really a great piece of art. Would you contact Sony? What do you think? funbunn40
I agree , funbunn40. This would make great poster. I would buy it I'n a heart bit.
Just like I buy anything Adam.
Sometimes I get so excited thinking what the future will bring with Adam around.
My life never been so exciting !!
C u guys tomorrow when we'll talk about the video.
haha I'm counting down by my finals. Tuesday: Gym Final. Wednesday: Honors Geometry Final. Thursday: Honors English, History and Biology. Friday: French and Art2D. Then Summer and ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sleep, summer and Adams new Music Video is my rewards for stupid finals <3:D
~ Emmaline ~
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