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Adam Lambert Fans - The 'If I Had You' Video Project

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, June 10, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, June 10, 2010

A group of Adam fans got together and created this fan video in anticipation of the official music video of If I Had You, which will premiere on Vh1 this Friday (tomorrow)!


Anonymous said...

Ooo, I wish I had known about it:) Could've put in my own two cents! the video is awesome and really funny at times:) Great job Glamberts:)

Anonymous said...

This is soooo cool! Great efforts to put this together with all those Glamberts from everywhere! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to love the Glamberts almost as much as I love Adam... Great job

Anonymous said...

Brilliant Fun! Loved It!!
Well Done Glamberts,Glambrits and Lambrits!!
Thanks for showing us your Love for Adam
Yeah, Glam Nation to UK Please
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Awesome vid! Glamberts are such die hard Adam fans! Gotta love it!

Lisa said...

I loved it! I'm so glad to be part of the fandom. Full of fun people!

Anonymous said...

Great ALWAYS! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

This video is so awesome! I really hope Adam gets to see it - it would make him so happy and proud!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant, wonderful, fun . I guess this proves Adam's point we can all come together and PARTTY !
Love it

Anonymous said...

Adam should be very pleased to see his very cool fans. Very liberal.
You gotta love it. Fun and sexy. You guys rock!!!!


Anonymous said...

Video is going to be delayed coming out. I'm sad because I was looking forward to seeing it tomorrow. But, it may be to close to GaGa 's release of Alehandro. He would have to compete with gaga. This is probably a good thing to not compete with her. Next week. I hope.

Anonymous said...

Thats a shame, I was really looking forward to it. It seems to be taking a long time.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Yep, delayed, sads... this quote below is from VH1, this link:

UPDATE (Thursday, 6/10 @ 6pm): Tough news to share with you guys. We just got word that Adam and his team are putting the finishing touches on the “If I Had You” video (yay!), but this means that the debut of the video is going to have to be bumped back until next week. Our apologies, we’ll bring it to you here on VH1 the second we get it in our hot little hands!

Anonymous said...

don,t be sad guys,its only for one week..we have so many videos coming in from Glam Nation Tour to keep us busy and we can keep popping back to Leno and Ellen to see live performances of if i had you,
Love to the all Glamberts everywhere,
Adam Adorable Adam so in Love with you
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Great job Glamberts!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


We were So close lol. I was actually counting down..... :(

KO said...

This is not good. I was hoping I'll wake up to the video tomorrow. Guess not.

Anonymous said...

This is totally adorable/fun/hilarious-made me grin like a Cheshire cat. Kudos and applause to all who participated. You are all awesome! I hope Adam sees it, as this is the best part of fandom.

And le sigh. Delay. But infinitely worth the wait...

Anonymous said...

ADAM is getting some bad press in the Chicago Tribune & another paper in some burg in the upper midwest. Not saying very nice things about ADAM. Go to Google & check it out. Don't know why he even bothers with places like those. There are so many others who would DIE to see him in person.

Anonymous said...

Okay! These are the two articles on Google:

Morast: Glambert doesn't talk about his music

Chicago Tribune: Adam Lambert vs. Lil' Kim - the face - off

Both very NASTY articles

Anonymous said...

this vedio is wanderful good job

Anonymous said...

Chicago is a big city. They loved him on the Idol tour.One person from Chicago Trib. doesn't speak for the city. Will try to track down that article and contact these shortsighted neanderthals. Adam's sold out concerts tell the real story. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

All of the fan video's show how really creative Adam's fans are! Doesn't matter how old or young they are these fans are awesome. That was such a fun video.

Anonymous said...

F**king American Press!!!!
Whats the matter with them!! are they trying to destroy Adam???? and for what reason?? because he is Gay!!!
I am not even going to read the Negative Reports,
They will eventually drive Adam away from America and Adam will choose to live in UK or Europe!!
where he will not have to put up with the homophobic CRAP!!
why bother reading it guys it will only upset you,lets just carry on enjoying Glam Nation Tour
24/7 don,t print these reports on this site it will spoil our Our Buzz of the Glam Nation Tour
a very pissed off ENGLISH FAN!!!!!!!!!
I will always Love and Defend Adam
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

This video made my morning! Thanks to all you creative people involved...and of course....THANKS TO ADAM!!!

Anonymous said...

happy to be a part of this video :)
and i just love the mini tommy :)
Hes sooo cute!

Anonymous said...

got my I tunes card for mothers day so I'm ready for the vid when it's ready.

Light & love

Anonymous said...

how great! this video filled me with joy!!

thanks funbunn40 for the neanderthal comment. being a critic gives way too much power to just one opinionator IMHO...


Anonymous said...

My Dad always told me, "Never give anyone the power to break your spirit!" The neanderthals have limited brain capacity. Pity their ignorance. I'm going to try and enlighten them, but don't have much to work with, Dana!

Anonymous said...

I gave The Chicago Tribune a piece of my mind }not that I can spare it} about the Adam, Lil Kim amateurish, really stupid article. They must be hard up for fillers or can't afford to pay a real journalist. Where's Neil when we need him? ha ha funbunn40

Anonymous said...

There you go, Adam fans, there is your liberal media for you. You think it is conservatives who write this crap, it's not, it's liberal bloggers and columnists. They should be ashamed of themselves. This isn't even journalism, it's hate speech.

Maggie Longfellow