Adam Lambert in Dutch magazine STARS
Filed Under (article,magazine scans ) by Admin on Sunday, June 13, 2010
Posted at : Sunday, June 13, 2010

(Translations by idmv84)
Adam Lambert
Adam Lambert (28) quickly became a celebrity when he participated in the eighth season of American Idol. He didn’t win the talent show, but due to his extravagant appearance and him being openly gay he received more attention than winner Kris Allen. STARS spoke with Glambert in his hotel room when he was in the Netherlands for a lightening visit to promote his hit What Ya Want From Me.
Adam Lambert was born January 29 in the American state Indiana and he grew up in San Diego, California, where he moved to shortly after his birth. Early on it was clear he was a born entertainer. ‘At school, at home, with friends… I was always performing. I even re-enacted scenes from The Little Mermaid. Everyone said I had to do something with it. When I turned ten I got my first part in a play and I knew then that I belonged on the stage.’
Classmates thought he was weird. ‘Guys were supposed to play basketball or baseball and not sing and act. Sometimes they called me names like ‘f**got’ but I was never really bullied which was probably because I avoided getting close to those bullies.
Coming out
After he finished school at 18, it was time for a change. ‘A new school, a new start. I finally dared to tell those close to me that I was gay. I was terrified of the reactions because no one I knew was openly gay. Luckily everyone responded fantastically.’ Adam moved to Orange County to start his college education, but studying didn’t turn out to be his thing. ‘I wanted to be an artist and for that you have to be in LA. I decided to chase my dream and quit my studies after five weeks. I moved to LA and worked in several different jobs to pay my bills.’
Drag Queen
Nothing was shocking in LA and so Adam started wearing makeup. ‘I experimented with it in my room when I was younger, but I always quickly removed it afterwards. In LA I could finally do what I wanted. I met a lot of beautiful drag queens in the gay scene and thought that was fantastic. I became a sort of drag boy and walked around in huge platform boots and wore outfits Lady Gaga would be jealous of.’
A star is born
His career was slowly progressing. With a couple of friends he formed the glamrock band The Citizen Vein and they performed frequently. For the first time he could make a living from his music. Further he got different parts in musicals like in Hair and Wicked and he performed regularly in The Zodiac Show, a popular cabaret.
Coming to Holland
When Adam was in Berlin for the musical Hair in 2003, he got four days off. He immediately jumped in a car to go to Amsterdam. ‘That was really great. So great I don’t quite remember. Well, I do remember, but I’m not gonna tell!’
American Idol
At the age of 27 Adam assessed his life. Did he want to continue his work in musicals and stuff? ‘I was missing something. Some sort of moment. And then I saw an American Idol commercial with a call for new talent. I switched on my laptop and signed up.’ The rest is history. The judges loved Adam and judge Paula Abdul predicted in the first live show that Adam would make it to the finale. Adam himself remained cool. ‘Every show I expected to be voted off. I thought America wasn’t waiting for someone like me. I’m a little weird and chubby and not exactly a girl’s idol.’ But America loved Adam from the very start. When he became the runner-up, that fact caused a riot, because the winner, Kris Allen, wasn’t vocally as good as Adam. Did his sexuality keep him from winning? ‘Maybe, but luckily I got a record deal afterwards. It didn’t really matter to me whether I’d won or not. I just felt my life had positively changed.’ And it had. Adam conquers the world while Kris… what does he actually do?
Fame has already provided Adam some very nice things: money, free clothes and lots of fans. ‘I get emails from young girls, but also from older guys. From a beautiful drawing to strange things such as sex toys and worn ladies underwear… The other day I got a bathing suit from an older woman. She wanted me to wear it and then take a picture. Why would I want to do that? Yuck!’
Strangely enough Adam receives most criticism from the gay community. ‘Makeup is for women and would give the gays in America a bad name. Bullshit! Recently I got scolded by other gays. WTF?! Straight people aren’t really afraid anymore of some eyeliner and eye shadow. Look at Bill Kaulitz, David Beckham and Christiano Ronaldo.’
Adam is a happy single guy. He isn’t hard to chat up, but he is hard to ‘keep’. Who wouldn’t he mind waking up next to? ‘I love Gossip Girl. Not only because the series is really good, but also because it features Chace Crawford. Man, he’s hot!’
Images via idm1605
Credit: idmv84 (adamlambertetc)
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Well this is different. Sounds like a different Adam. First time I heard reference to him being called faggot in HS. He probably wasn't bullied because he's a big guy and could take care of himself!!
He was a drag boy/queen--WTF. Wonder if something got lost in translation.
Article sums up Idol results nicely. Kris Allen wasn't vocally as good as Lambert. Yep, that's it exactly.
I agree with you anon 8:13. I think a LOT got changed around in the translation (thanks btw to whoever gave us the words!). Some of this article doesn't sound like stuff Adam would say. Except for maybe the Chase Crawford thing (how cute is that!!). I feel kind of sorry for Kris. It's not his fault he was pitted against the best talent Idol has ever seen but America was leary of.
i agree this doesnt really all seem like adam talking..
and him saying "hes not exactly a girls idol"..uhh guess again bb:)
This is just a translation. Of course, it won't sound like Adam. The translator did a pretty good job btw.
Poor Adam was harassed by homophobic jerks in high school. :(
This certainly didn't sound like Adam. Obviously a language barrier or translater embellishing maybe. He definately wasn't chubby during Idol and wouldn't say Kris didn't sing as well, among other distortions. Language can be tricky tho'.Looks like a good sized article.
I wish I went to the schools Adam did. There was no way for me to "avoid" bullies!(BELIEVE ME...I TRIED!)
I used to get shoved into lockers, get "Kick me! I'm a fag!" signs taped to my back and get harassed in the cafeteria and much more.
I couldn't "avoid" it. At first I would try to ignore it but it didn't work.
Then I tried to "tattle" on a guy who repeatedly kicked me in my back in the cafeteria day after day(we had "assigned" seating so I couldn't move.
After I repeatedly told on him I they just told him to "stop it" but did NOTHING to punish him or correct the situation.(I HAD BRUISES ON MY BACK!) Eventually I became fed up and splashed very hot soup right in his face which burned him.
Then it became about "What I did wrong" and I was brought to the Principal and denied that I had been harassed and that the staff didn't do their job.
I then threatened him with a lawsuit by explaining that even though I didn't have money I could EASILY find a Lawyer who would be willing to take up my cause for free.(And it's true...Lawyers no right and wrong and some will take cases for free to make a huge name for themselves)
All of a sudden I wasn't "in trouble" anymore!
And dude that kicked my back was suspended for 2 days and after was moved to a new table in the cafeteria!
At least I never brought a gun to school though!
You do HAVE to fight back in certain situations though!
If I Had You will premiere tomorrow at 12 p.m!! Adam said it on his twitter.. GOD i can't freaking wait!!!!!!!
I'm sorry for rambling but...
If you are in school and being teased so bad that you're considering ending your life...(I WAS)
You go to to the principal of your school and demand action be taken or otherwise you will call every lawyer in the phone book as well as contact your local TV news stations about the situation.
Also it wouldn't hurt to strap a tape recorded to your chest everyday and flip and change cassettes in between classes!!!
It's easy to run into homophobia in a school but the problem is many of the teachers/staff members might also be homophobic and if thats the case you need to fight them "THE RIGHT WAY"!
This doesn't just go out to gay people....many others are hardcore bullied in school as well.
The method I just mentioned though will SCARE staff at the school into action if you're being bullied and nobody cares!!!!
Josh, I'm so sorry to hear about your past and your experience with homophobia. Homophobia is disgusting. I have witnessed ALOT in middle school and high school and it's very hard to watch.
And thank you for the inspiration talk.
I have never been bullied but I hope people who are being bullied should take action. It's important to get rid of the pests than have it persist.
I was bullied in high school for being fat but I got over it. I'm in college now. Thank god for my friends for being there or else I would have hurt myself.
I think the world that Adam is in now is totally different. He was or is gay when girls wouldn't give him a half smile but ironically now his love and support are mostly from women. He sees and feels a much different enviroment. I love Adam and I sometimes think that he might be battleing on who he may preferr. This is a super change for him. Ironically it's all the millions of women in his life that adre him.
Hey Josh, thanks for sharing that story. My 8yo son is often bullied at school too and I feel so helpless in not being able to watch over him 24/7. But that hot soup story.. wow, I'm imagining something like the one from the movie Watchmen! Thank you!
And thank you too, to the translator for taking you time to translate this for us. btw, I think Adam would actually say 'Ew' instead of 'Yuck'. LOL!
Maybe those words weren't exact his, but this translation is accurate. I bought that magazine and that is what they wrote. Hollandfan
Josh, I'm so sorry to hear you went thru all that. Good to hear how strong you are. Few have the strength to overcome bullies. They always run in packs and authority lets themselves be guided by these bullies. It's not only the bullies that need serious guidance but the school authorities that want to be popular instead of doing the right thing.
Thanks Anon @ 1:38/Hollandfan. I think the basic flavor of the article sounds EXACTLY like Adam. Adam has mentioned, while on Idol, and since, he sometimes feels chubby... Adam was clearly a huge CLUB KID and maybe everyone reading doesn't know exactly what that entails in it's entirety, but there are certainly enough pics out there to get informed...Adam has previously spoken about many things in this article that it touches upon. Sometimes I think his fans need to remember ALL sides of AL, which is not to say that posters/commenters above were necessarily taking issue with what was said or how Adam was being portrayed, but more they were just commenting that it seemed something was lost in translation (though Hollandfan @ 1:38 has helped with that)... but I do sometimes think fans push aside elements of AL's being that don't serve their own preferences. Seems to me (don't know him obviously, can only go by the HUGE amount of media out there that can be consumed) that AL is immensely, as he says, left of center, and what some would call mainstream, gloriously so IMHO, and that should never be dulled down by his fans. Someday, hopefully, we'll live in a world where somebody's being what is currentlyn considered "untraditional" won't be considered outside the boundries of normal at all but just an example of life's wonderul diversity. Agan, not saying that anyone was suggesting otherwise - but just noticed the few comments that this article's translation didn't sound like Adam - maybe not semantically, but overall tone-wise, I think it sounded exactly like Adam (wonderfully so.) Just one person's POV.
I thought it sounded just like Adam too, and I remember him saying he punched a guy for calling him a faggot once + about the club scene. I didn't know he ever considered himself a drag boy, but love getting new info like that!
I think it sounds exactly like Adam. He was called a f@ggot, though according to Adam, not too often. He has mentioned Chase Crawford before, and the comment about Kris was not a quote from Adam. That was the author's comment, which is really quite a good question!!
What is it about high school - everyone trying to be like everyone else? Then, as adults, our uniqueness is the greatest thing we possess and we embrace our special weirdnesses! Hang in there, Josh!! High school is barely a blip on the big screen of life!!
Thanks for sharing your experiences,Josh. It will give strength and hope to others.Some kids can be cruel and don't know who they are.The biggest bullies are the most insecure and they never can control your mind. They are the afflicted ones. funbunn40
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