Adam Lambert Interview with Chad Kennedy
Filed Under (interview,twitter ) by Admin on Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Here's the new interview that just ended a few minutes ago! A lot of new info! Thanks to Chad Kennedy on twitter!
by chadkennedy:
On the phone with @AdamLambert
Turn of century New Orleans meets classic rock, Adam describes the tour - says it is "it's own little world."
Adam says the tour will mostly be family-friendly
Adam on American Idol finale: he wasn't invited to perform only sit in audience, says tribute to Simon was organized last minute, no drama
Adam on being an out gay artist: challenging but he likes the novelty
Adam on tour: trying to give the show a world to exist in, will be very visual, theatrical
Adam on tour: psychedelic rock glam, punk rock/retro/vintage - Skin.Graft is designing costume pieces for the tour which he is excited about
Adam on being out: He says he came out because he knew it would be a hell of a lot easier, no point in keeping the secret, not a big deal
Adam on not giving him presents on tour: more meaningful to just have you there taking in the show, as much as he loves the thought
Adam on American Idol: Amazing platform, great challenge, teaches you a lot, but recording industry much different world
Adam on tour production: been very involved with the creative process, knew what he wanted it to be
Adam on recording album: really exciting to have access to best producers in the biz, that was the highlight for him
Adam on Twitter: amazing medium to communicate with fans, likes that he can directly express himself honestly to you guys
BTW, tour being "family friendly" was not direct quote from Adam, my own summary of what he said. Will have his quote for you in full intvw
Adam on how he's grown since Idol: trusting his instincts and learning to compromise what he wants vs what great minds in industry want
Adam says expressing his sexuality scares a lot of people, but his performances will reflect the emotion in his songs
Adam on imitating his style now: always flattering, sometimes a little strange. Just doing what he's always done, hard to believe
Adam says he's not really a gambler, won't be gambling at casinos on the tour. I'm surprised, anyone else?
Adam on tour message: strong message of love, cliche but true. Show is built for the fans! Inviting audience to take journey w/ him
Adam on tour (cont): show starts w/ seduction, journey into the unknown then heartbreak, honesty and ends w/ celebration, joy, love
Adam on sexuality scaring people: maybe AMA performance was too much, but can't sit and worry, that's not art, just needs to express himself
Adam says he learned the most from Linda Perry on recording this album
Adam on his image: can't listen to the critics, have to follow your own instincts, trying to stay true to what his goals are
Adam on Max Martin: Max is one of the best in the biz, knows what will sound best, he trusted that, always been a fan
Adam on tour costumes: "goth before goth became a cliche"
That's all for the interview with @AdamLambert! He was so nice!! Hope you guys enjoyed! Full interview on @teenscene later this week! :)
The tour sounds like it's going to be an amazing show! Adam seemed to know exactly what he wanted. Can't wait to see how it looks!
SOURCE: Chad Kennedy's Twitter
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Awesome! Great mention for Linda Perry too. Love
Adam singing her songs! Glam Nation Tour is going to be mind blowing!
Wow! Sounds f@ing amazing. How will I wait untill July???????
I guess I will just keep requesting his songs. Voting on much music blah blah.
Oh yes , I will watch him on YouTube every f@ing day. That's what I will do.
Summer is here !
Lucky Me, My Adam loving friends and I got tickets for July 6th. We are eagerly awaiting this day to come. We Love You, Adam!!
This was a great interview. I can't wait to see the video.
Chad is right. The tour sounds like it's going to be amazing. Can't wait.
It sounds like Adam's dream tour is going to become a reality. He has to be so stoked. His wild mind must be going 1000 miles an hour, thinking about what he will do next. Sure hoping I can see him clearly from my seat in Cleveland. I feel like it is going to be Christmas in July!
Hey 24/7 - I don't know how to suggest an article in the proper way, sorry, but just going to post the link here:
I know that 24/7 won't want to put up every article from local papers from every city that Lambert will be going to this summer - but I thought this article had some great tidbits.
This will probably get posted to:
**damn AMA complainers... I'd be happy to see another dose of that performance :)... AL says he's bring out plenty of sexy and sensual, so I trust him, but I for one wouldn't mind one bit a dose of the AMA scenario...but I really truly admire the business savvy he's exercising in keeping the lessons he's learned the past year in mind when mounting this show - so I'm behind him 100% if he reigns in the sexy a bit... just hope we get as much as on the AI tour (when you go back and look at the footage, he was really uber sexy!). I always say - think Lambert's brains are as hot as anything else about him!
Adam is soooo sweet, no gifts just strong message of love. No problem, VooDoo love spells is casting your way. Hope you can handle all the GLAMBERT LOVE & naughty minds haha. This tour is going to be F#*@ MINDBLOWING, can't wait to see him in mid-June & Aug..oh my god, I am so pump now, ok calm down, don't get too excited. Almost pee my pants.
"The show starts with seduction"
As if we need to be seduced... :)
We're already there...
"once I'm in I own your heart..."
Double Yum
1:57 "once I'm in I own your heart..." yah and every other friggin part of my body.
Triple Yum
So true 5:05, so true... from 1:57.
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