Adam Lambert at the MuchMusic Video Awards
Filed Under (pictures,video ) by Admin on Sunday, June 20, 2010
Posted at : Sunday, June 20, 2010
Adam performing WWFM!

SOURCE: Adam Pictures
Adam performing WWFM!

SOURCE: Adam Pictures
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Just saw his performance live on the show EST - straightforward performance-wise - which was good IMHO, vocals AMAZING as per usual (and hate to dis - but one young female who opened the show - her vocals - not so much...but she called our boy a "personal fav" so I guess I can cut some slack :)).
He looks GORGEOUS! I know I know - like...DUH :)
Whoa, cant beleive I am first to comment, Our boy looks gorgeous as usual, so exciting for him, will keep checking in for updates and results. Thanks for this, Jan, NZ.
Did Adam win for Best International Video yet?
thank you thank you for posting!!!
can someone pleaes post the link to the stream!!!! Thanks!
OMG he looks great!
I LOVE that tie!
That female was Miley,who on Idol as mentor had said Adam wasn't her type of music, or something to that effect, but her new video sure has an Adam flavor to it! lol I can't believe how fast you got this up, 24/7! Amazing!So was Adam! Young fans screaming and singing along to WWFM. He always gives a perfect performance and it was soooo good! Perez Hilton said earlier that Adam was one of the performers he was looking forward to seeing and just now, relating backstage gossip, said Adam was waxing his uni-brow.Meant to be a kidding remark, along with one about Miley and Katy Perry. More mention of our super =star that never hurts! funbunn40
Adam takes such great shots! it doesn't matter which angle it is! His performance was awesome...but he only get to sing one song... because I would have wanted more..ok maybe just one more...don't wanna hog the show!:) I liked the matching tie and boots! You're the GREATEST ADAM!!!
Not digging the hair but he's sexy.
He is soooooooo gorgeous!!!
Adam gave a rendition of WWFM that was PERFECT for this live outsidse venue (tons of people and a full out version of WWFM that the fans loved!). Adam knows how to perform and adapts to each individual event like no one else can.
Good interview, great performance and very stylish look for this talented, edgy, charismatic individual. Adam Lambert is amazing both musically and visually.
OMG THE PERFORMANCE IS UP! I just refreshed the page and there it is, the perfornmance of WWFM!!!
Gonna go load it and watfch it.
I like that bow at the end....So kind and humble.
Great performance as usual.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh so charming ,so perfect,makes it easy for us to love him
FIXED! :) So sorry our Adam didn't win :( but it's ok, to us HE is the WINNER :) There will always be other awards to win and besides he is still so wise..and look where it took him...beat that! Give him another year, he'll clean up those awards! :)
I think Miley just won in Adam's Int'l category. I think. Whatevs. And yes funbunn40 - I'm first commenter and I was referring to Cyrus - tried to be a little subtle :), shouldn't be dissing, I know, but man - she was bad, BUT I actually do think Miley has a lot of vocal and musical prowess. And also to be fair to Miley - that thing she said somewhat negative about Lambert was on a radio interview (maybe seacrest) and she was, to be fair, ASKED about him, being attracted to him in a romantic way... and having been put on the spot, she just sort of said he wasn't her type... I think that is all that was. But yes funbunn40 - I won't say Cyrus is copying Lambert as of late, but she is SOOOOO taking aesthetic and thematic cues from Lambert w/ her song and especially the video. (and in fact, Kesha just had, on the award show, peacockish looking feathers or something like that on.) And I didn't like Perez Hilton's uni-brow comment at first, but you're right, just another mention for Lambert... and that Perez - he just can't keep Lambert off his mind, very clear (and hey, who could blame him.) If any blogs pick up Perez on anything 'though, it will be the comment about Miley wearing underwear, after what just went down about that, it won't be the Lambert comment IMHO. But anyway, blah blah blah, Lambert looked amazeballs, and sang beautifully!
Adam's friends with Katy Perry??
I can't believe how fast this site is updated!!! Hey Dude, you're doing such a great job for all of Adam's fans!!! Thank you so much! :)
oh yes Anon @ 7:36 - and not just acquaintences either it seems.
Yes Adam is friends with Katy Perry. they went to a Halloween do together, last year, and they tweet each other,
Did Adam lose to MILEY?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I couldn't watch the show so I have no idea but thats what anon 7:36 said!
What is this world coming to?
Yessss he won!!!
YES OUR ADAM WON HIS CATEGORY !!! :) I think it confused us. Bottom line... HE WON!!! :)
Hey funbunn40 - me again Anon @ 7:36pm Jun 20 - also, regarding that Miley Cyruy radio interview where she was ASKED about Lambert - I believe this was before AI season 8 was even over, I think. (Just to be fair) :).
Ick - snooki on right now - I mean, I really do try to conduct a "live and let live" lifestyle... but no... why is she even invited?? I guess it's a pop culture thing
oohh Lambert just being show for his award NOW
holy frick he just won
woooohooo....he won!!!!!
fuc_ers - they cut him off!!!!!!!! Damn you live televison who needs to get to their commericals!!!!!!
Adam Just won He was so shocked and I am so proud of him.....He looked so happy!! Congrats Adam on your much music award(much deserved)
Adam actually knew Katy Perry thru another friend before American Idol.
Adam and Katy went to the Michael Jackson This Is It Premiere together (His 2012 video was showing at the end of the premiere).
and he looks great
Please someone upload the bit where he won. I didn't get to see it. I sure hope someone has it.
Oh Adam, I am so happy for you. You Won!!!
Canada love you.
O M effing G - I've just commented like the last 3 times (except 7:51)... I'm a grown adult and I'm so excited right now. Congrats AL!!! Good job fans!!! So happy for AL right now. Dang that they needed to cut to commericals!!!!!! But surely he'll get good press out of this! Yay. Now, on to concentrate on VH1 and my local RADIO STATIONS!! ('ya know, when my real life isn't getting in the way :) LOL LOL)
OMG - Miley starting up "Can't Be Tamed" right now - feel like I'm hearing a little sitar or middle eastern flair on the opening music - soooo taking cues from Lambert
omg,,,,,,omg ,,OMG ,,,,GO ADAM !!!!!!!!!!
and tribal feel/vibe to back up dancers... hmmm wonder where she got that idea....
and the crowd just ROARED when she finished, showing their love for her performance... they should check out some of Lambert's performances!!!!!
oh whatever, no need for me to be cranky I suppose - Adam just won - holy crap!!!!! Happiness all around. Yay.
Show is over after her I guess, ending now.
Congratulations to Adam the first of many I am sure. Hope we get to see the clip of him receiving his award. Thank you so much for the quick updates.
Wow, the show just ended and already 40+ posts, and the performance!!! You guys are amazing. I didn't know Adam was up for 2 different awards. Congrats on your win, Adam!!! Just one of many. And I agree....HOW DARE THEY CUT HIM OFF LIKE THAT?!?!?!?
H He deserves this and more all We know he is the better and more complete artist of this time. The next king od POP-ROCK...
hot dam
This win in a fan-driven/voting scenario makes me all of a sudden feel totally empowered as a voting fan!!!
Wow!!!! I knew he deserved to win, but I really wasn't expecting it, considering the competition! Adam should be so proud of himself and hopefully he feels the love from all of his fans tonight!
PEOPLE THE CLIP IS ALREADY UP ON 24/7's main page. Go check it out! i'm crying!!!!
Wow where to start!
Firstly as you all know as i have made it clear over the last few days defending Adams Haircut from all the disliked shaved head fans uproar lol!!
I LOVE THIS LOOK!! good job i am sitting down as Adam,s Beauty is making me Dizzy
Bloody Beautiful is our Adam,
Stunning Look, Loved the Hair,Loved the Suit and of Course LOVED ADAM mmmm very Delicious and Tasty!
Loved the Classy Car Adam arrived in,
Loved all the Canadian Fans Bless them for making Adam feel so Welcome you did a Great Job!
Great Performance!
Interviewer was a complete DORK!! IMO
Miley Cyrus so annoys me at the moment last week she was in London making out she was kissing a dancer and thrusting her crutch into dancers faces..Hang on a minute...theres some serious DOUBLE STANDARDS going on with this and she is 17/18 !!
When Adam did this an Atom Bomb of Disgust and Uproar went off!!!and Adam is a 28 year old Guy!! Miley is so trying to jump on Adam's bandwagon and copy Adam ...but we can all see it quite clearly Miley!!!stopid girl!!!
Wheres Adam Fix she needs to see these Fantastic Videos and Pics of the Delectable Adam
God hes so Hot and Darn Sexy
Hi Funbunn... I read your message and Loved it glad you found mine interesting too..its so nice to have such great friends on this 24/7 site...have you noticed alot more new fans on here and some are using name tags which is Great,
Hi to Everyone on 24/7 the best Adam site ever
Hi Adam Fix, thanks also for your great message its nice to know we have the same veiws in our music and our love for Adam which is out of control but we Love it don,t we?
that also includes all other regular Adam fanatics
yes i know its 4 in the morning again so much to see and watch & listen too, but i can't sleep until i have had my full dose of the quite frankly irresistible Adam Lambert
Love that Lambert very much Indeed
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Adam, Adam, Adam Congratulations to you. We knew you'd be a star, but this soon? I'm on cloud nine right now, just waiting for you to drift on by. You are the most ________ (fill in the blank) Way too many words to describe you and your gloriousness. Happy days are here again, the stars are bright and clear again. In under one year away from the Idol tour, our guy wins an international award for acting and singing. Sorry, I'm babbling. YEA!!!!!
Iconic is too small a word for Adam Lambert!!!
Adam's Eve
i have just read the Update,
Hey Glambrit Isle of Wight UK - I'm excited to see what "Adam Fix" will say too - she's gonna freak out. I reply to her comments a lot - gotta give myself a tag, you told me to do that months ago actually... still haven't :)
Bestest news ever so happy for him!!!!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
So agreeing with you about Miley Cyrus. I just wonder how proud of her Billy Ray is about now. I can't imagine watching my 17 year old daughter doing the things she gets paid to do. I guess it's all about the money.
I must give her a compliment - she looks great on the radio.
Maggie Longfellow
hI June 20, 2010 8:31 PM
what great news for Adam and us
yeah please give yourself a name tag its so nice to natter to each other...yeah where is Adam Fix she really is going to Freak Out!!
what a Great Day...award yourself with a name tag
Glambrit Isle of Wight..
i am never going to get to bed now,
i'm too BUZZIN to sleep
soo soo happpyy for our adam. well done you deserved itl
Not to be snarky, but is Adam the only artist there who can, you know, SING?? Although I like K Perry also. As for the rest, they rap (talk nasty real fast IMHO), squeak/squeal, or just shout lyrics. I know, I know..feel the love...but honestly. Congrats to Adam, There will be MANY more to come.
Hi Maggie Longfellow,, so glad you can see and agree with the pathetic Miley!!
What wonderful news i must go and shake my other half out of bed and them him all about this great news..poor guy the things i put him through with my Adam addiction lol
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Anon 8:17 Feels good doesn't it. Sore fingers and broken nails. Letters missing from keyboards. All in the name of Adam Lambert! Good on us all.
Yeah Stanley @ 8:41pm - man, it really does! :). 8:17 here (and about 4 other posts too, lol, excited tonight).
Hey Maggie Longfellow - always love your posts.
fan voting really works. lets work on iihy. go to scroll down and bubble in iihy and vote.
@Anon June 20, 2010 8:40 PM - I hear 'ya. I know I know too :), supposed to be feelin' only love tonight, and I am, but sometimes the facts just hit you square in the face, sometimes the elephant is just smack dab in the middle of the room - AND SO YES, AL was one of about only 3 performances tonight that sounded impressive vocally!!
YES Anon at 8:55 - the Sirius voting is really easy - everyone go vote
anon 8:05, LOL @ ur comment! that was exactly what I said when I saw the tribal-fire-dancers at the begining of Miley's can't be tamed performance. I saw Adam's at the Glamnation on the 12th last week and it seems Miley is copying Adam a lot, from themusic video, fierce style,Kissing girl on stage to this tribal dance stuff. How lame can this girl get? I have no freakin clue.... Anyways, I am so excited adam won. I just opened a wine and I already drunk half of the bottle all in the name of happiness and being a proud fan of this amazing guy. I say this is just the beginning! Congratulations Adam! and to all the Glamberts out there, Cheers!
Btw, what is that white car? I love it!!!
ADAM WON!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are commerical breaks really important enough to cut off Adam?
I think NOT!!!!
Damn advertisers... you know they'll get their panties all in a bunch if they don't sell their products... it's what makes the world go 'round...
... but just for tonight, Lambert's message of Love will make the world go round, if even only a little
hey guys check out photo no 2 on enlarge at the little girl to the left of Adam you can just see her eyes and hands stretched out with pen and pad waiting and hoping for Adams signing,aah bless her
so cute..
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
So thrilled (not really an adequate word but will have to suffice), that Adam won, and over all of the other nominees, he must be just out of this world with happiness right now!!!! Just proves his "fierce and passionate" fans are truly a force to be reckoned with and the naysayers can just crawl back into their little dark and dismal caves.
Guessing Adam Fix is still out cold on the floor after all of the Adam gloriousness tonight, but we'll be hearing from her after someone is finally able to revive her. Either that or she is watching the whole thing for the 50th time, something I intend to do after I finish my little note...
LOL - OMG, you guys are too funny!!!
I love "talking" to all of you, gushing over Adam together ('cause my husband, and the rest of my family for that matter, thinks I've totally lost it - but YOU all understand)'re so thoughtful...wondering where I am! Ha, ha - you're cute! Thank you. What a great little Adam-extended-family we've become! :) I am not able to log on until late at'll usually see my comments start showing up between 10 - 11pm.
Anon 8:31 - c'mon, "identify" yourself, so we can say "hi" more often!
GIOW/UK - cracking up at all your hilarious comments!! Love the excitement - right there with you!!
Glitzylady - ha, ha!! We don't own a t.v., so I haven't seen any of the rest of the awards, and don't care to - from everything you all are describing. Sheesh. I only have eyes for Adam. Wait, are there even other performers out there?? Who knew?
OK - now, on to the man of the hour. His royal Glam-ness.
THe boy looked SMOKIN' HOT!!!
* Skinny leopard tie? Check.
* Matching leopard boots? Check.
* Hair (extensions?) hanging down to jaw on one side, shaved up the other? Check. (OMG - dying over his awesome hair!! Don't care for the shaved lines, but love the long, asymetrical style - YUMMY!)
* Skinny suit to show off sleek yet powerful physique? Check.
* Pimpin' white car in which to make an not-to-be-ignored entrance? Check.
* Make-up absolutely perfect? Check.
* Sparkling smile in place? Check.
* Pen for signing autographs? Uh oh, where's the pen, Adam? Someone get this man a pen, quick! C'mon people, ain't got all day - his fans are screaming and he is so gracious that he needs to sign EVERY thing they put in front of him until someone drags him away! C'mon, c'mon! OK, there you go - just in time - whew! Check.
* Let the awards begin.
And - yes, the bastards! Adam was so cute/sweet/thoughtful/generous (as usual) to thank the fans first, but after recovering from the shock, it sounded like he was getting ready to thank others but they cut him off. Awwww, too bad. Oh well - HE WON!! Let's just celebrate that!
- Adam Fix
Agree with Adam Fix, my husband keeps telling me there's something wierd about how much time I spend on the computer searching out Adam, keeps telling me I'm a stalker..(he doesn't know the half of it). Still it keeps me happy so he should be glad, still just about manage to cook his dinner each night.....
Congrats to Adam, nobody deserves this more than him.
HK fan
HK fan - you cook? Wow. I'm impressed. That's something I don't do unless I can't help it! :)
So you cook AND stil have time to stalk Adam? What's your secret? Ha, ha!
And let's not kid ourselves. We ARE stalking him, from afar. No harm in that, as long as we behave ourselves and are nice.
- Adam Fix
To Adam Fix,
I do cook, through necessity not desire, frozen and ready cooked meals are not that readily available in HK, and what there is is very expensive. But I must admit, I've overcooked a few things recently as I keep forgetting about them whilst 'stalking' Adam....
HK fan
Just watched the performance video again, did Miley seriously say at the beginning that she would like to give AL makeup tips!!!!!
HK fan
@HK fan and @Adam Fix
My husband cooks dinner out of self preservation....I use the excuse that he gets home from work way before I do but in reality I don't mind a bit that he (sort of...) likes to cook!
Gives me more time to catch up on the daily dose of Adam ("just checking my email"......) Which takes a lot of time these days.... Also gives me a chance to read this site ("What are you laughing at...???" "Oh, nothing....." "Who are you writing to???" "Oh, so and so") He knows perfectly well what I'm doing but has the good sense not to actually come over to check....Keeps everyone happy that way!
Happy stalking (on the internet of course...)!!!!
To Adam Fix - your post was hilarious! He is such a star. That pen scenario was so cute and funny:) My boyfriend thinks I've lost it too but thankfully he's understanding and doesn't criticize if I don't neglect him while pondering Adam.
I think AL looked delicious on this red-carpet - loved the tie and matching shoes, as well as the hairdo - makes him look VERY sexy. The performance of WWFM was spectacular (as usual).
Poland Loves Adam
@HK fan ... No ... Miley said she'd like to get some make up tips from ADAM ... then added that he was her personal favorite ... quite a turn around for her. It was inevitable ... NO ONE can resist our boy!
@Anon 9:03PM ... I believe the car was Rolls Royce ... could be wrong tho' ... tess
woohoo so chuffed for adam, fantastic news
i thought miley said she would like to give adam some make up tips...what the heck, jog on silly.
adam truely is the most gorgeous man that ever lived...EVER!!!!!
this is just the start of wonderful thing to come, and i'll be right here enjoying the ride
very happy brit fan :D xx
Our sweet Adam made it!!
He got the award! He got it!
Amazing....he looked in a such happy beauty!
Way to go, sweet Adam!
What a good way to start a new week (for you and for your fans too)! Congratulations!
God bless you, Adam! You deserved this award, you deverve all awards! You are the only and one, my sweet shining star! I would die for you!
Sheer perfection! So gorgeous, gorgeous!
OMG!! I'm thrilled that Adam won!! He's showing everyone (especially DJ's that won't play his music) that he's a force to be reckoned with!
He looked incredibly HOT.....and i must eat humble pie and admit, his hair is definitely growing on me.........:)
Amazing, just AMAZING!!!
So happy for Adam. Congratulations! You have worked incredibly hard for this honor. I truly don't know how you have so much energy to move from city to city....doubt if you are actually reading this, but just wanted to say how much I appreciate you as a great talent and a courteous and humble (and very good looking) man.
I'm a va.. beach lady, but I see you are coming to my original home, Norfolk.
Adam, you are the epitome of a strong positive person, you must have studied metaphysics at some point in your life.
Congrats also to 24/7 website for such a pleasurable visit, and I truly love the comments, some of them are absolutely hilarious.
thanks for all the NEW news, and the anon posts.
Adam always makes me smile.
Hey fans - Ryan Seacrest's American Top 5 added back WWFM as a choice for voting. By refreshing, you can shoot in 5 votes in under 5 minutes... vote if you can, here's link:
maybe we can get WWFM to #1 on adult comtemp., think it's at #2 right now??
Wow, looks like I missed a party amongst you all! So just wanted to say "Hi!" I havent been posting as much with so many comments already on each page + am a bit behind with so many concert videos to watch, etc. lately.
I thought I was going to be able to see the video of him winning, but no?
And, anon at 7:02, yes, Adam is very into metaphysics, and "is very fond of" The Secret. He just mentioned that again in a recent interview.
HK and Anon 2:35am;
Miley DID say she would like to GIVE make-up tips to AL. Does she not know that he was performing on stage before her father grinned at her mother in "that way"??? And yes, that was a white or cream Rolls. Very Classy, of course. Nothing but the best for our boy!
Thinking about Adam's win made me smile at work today and kept me on an emotional high. Even now when I view the videos - tears come to my eyes. I'm happy beyond words that he is receiving the recognition he soooooo deserves.
I look forward to reading your comments (Adam fix, funbunn, hk fan, glambert isle and others) You are so right on with your posts and funny!!
I've learned so much on this site and the updates are fabulous. I think I also qualify as a 'stalker' but can't help it. "I need my daily dose of Adam."
Chances to see Adam perform in person aren't too promising at the moment - we're in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. My girlfriend and I have released our 'request' to the universe and are waiting for our 'reply' ??!!!
So having 24/7 is the greatest!
I evolved from 'anonymous' to my new identity....
@Glitz and Sparkles 8:44
Congrats on your emergence from anonymity to an identifiable entity.
Maybe we are related, we share the same first name!!! :-) LOL!!!
So guessing you are in Hawaii???? You just never know, Adam may decide he needs a little tropical vacay and could do a little concert at the same time ???!!! If so, I'm there!!!!
Aloha Glitzylady...or should I say 'sistah'...?
You are correcto mundo...Hawaii it is.
Aloha Glitz and Sparkles,fellow Adam Addicts! Nice to see another "name" with which to laugh and moon over Adam! Love reading all of the posts, appreciate your comments, Glitzylady, UK Isle of Wight. Saw part of your beautiful Isle on tv re: yacht race and thought of you. Also appreciate anon June 20 7:36 more accurate info re: Miley's statement about Adam, etc. Great post, Adam Fix! Funny as usual,still laughing! Yesterday my laptop flamed out had to be from all the hot energy over Adam! Left me totally in withdrawal with no Adam news, but all is right in my little world again!lol For those as upset as I was over Adam's award speech cut short, it's on Access Hollywood, with an additional spot of him before the awards.It's on one of 24/7's little squares that you see under the videos,today, but I don't remember which one.He was able to finish his thanks. So happy for him!!! What a difference voting makes! Yay to Canada! Lovin' life!!! funbunn40
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