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Adam Lambert wins "Fave International Video" at the 2010 MMVAs!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, June 20, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, June 20, 2010


UPDATE! Adam just tweeted!

" Thank you fans and thank you much music"
2 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone


SmileyFace said...

I am so happy right now. I had tears in my eyes. All those voting paid off! Thank you 24/7 for posting this video so quickly. Love Adam so much and I can't wait to see him win more awards in the future. Such a wonderful and beautiful moment.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You're quick 24/7 - so good.

Just commented on the other thread (many times :)), but my last comment was that, gosh, this makes me feel so empowered as a voting fan. Gonna send in some votes to VH1 RIGHT NOW, and email my local radio stations I think :).

So happy for AL. Wish they didn't have to cut to commercial - just cuz HE IS SO POLITE and would have wanted to make some thank-yous I'm sure... but I guess he'll have some other press opportunities to do that... oh, the good press!!! Yay. Congrats AL. Good frickin' job fans!

Maria said...

So Adam won?? 0.0 That's crazy. I didn't expect it at all. I thought Gaga or Miley would have taken it.

Anonymous said...

Cute cute cute, so happy for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Screaming from the roof tops wooooooo hooooo
Congratulations Adam you deserve this!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm at work now and had to literally cover my mouth from screaming in delight!!!! Congratulations Adam!!! I'm so glad I voted for you! Kudos to Diane Martel and the whole crew that made this AWESOME video!!! :D

Lidia said...

Congrats to BB. He so deserved this.

Anonymous said...


HiHi said...


Anonymous said...

WE WON !!!!WELL HE WON !!!! AND WE WON !!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Validation --ABC, AMA, American Idol (runner up), and the haters that just like to spew hatred in this world when Adam sends forth love.

Anonymous said...

We did it!! I doubted that I would waste my time voting but I DIDN'T! It works!

let's do the same for Vh1!

Anonymous said...

yay, yay, yay! it was worth voting everyday for adam.

Anonymous said...

Yes validation I suppose Anon 8:32 - but I don't even care about the ABC type crap... I just want the frickin' radio station program directors to add IIHY and giving it some airtime!!! But for tonight, let's rejoice I guess, no sour grapes :). O M effing G.

Anonymous said...

What's going on with me? Tears are flowing down my face.

Adam's GlamBird

MiMi said...

Adam, you deserve the award and many more. I am ecstatic that he won!!!! So humble when he accepted. Just a joy always. I wish they would have alowed him to talk a little more. Oh well. Keep voting on VH1 everybody!! Let's get If I Had You to #1 where it belongs.
Thanks Adam Lambert 24/7 for this great site.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was cheering so loud I woke my baby up. Now he's in the room with me watching Adam perform WWFM again.

So happy for Adam. This is the first BIG award for him. you can tell he was surprised when he accepted the award.

Anonymous said...

@ Adam's GlamBird

...tears for a good guy achieving something hard-won

...tears for a kind soul taking a lot of unkindness and perservering

...tears for another small sign perhaps of a world that's changing for the better, that's more accepting of diversity

...tears for someone with some extraordinary TALENT being recognized for that

we could all go on and on and on

...tears of happiness, what could be better

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, ADAM! YOU DESERVE IT! He's so nice, he thanks his fans! Thanks to all of our efforts also in voting! More to come!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS ADAM!!! This is the first of so many awards to come.. And be sure that if we can vote for any award we will make you win =D

Anonymous said...

I was so happy when they announced Adam's name. Congrats Adam - you deserve this and many more are to come. I love being an AL fan.

Anonymous said...

Why do I have the feeling that I'm going to be spending an awful lot of time on the computer in the next day or so :)!! Oh Adam Lambert, I really need to go to bed now, but I just... can't let you go...

Yep Anon @ 8:58 Jun 20 - I love being an AL fan too!

Anonymous said...

re.. 8:42 PM love this comment
I was cheering so loud I woke my baby up. Now he's in the room with me watching Adam perform WWFM again
i have just flipped out running around the house at 5am in the morning freaked my cats out who are now hiding under the sofa, its ok they love Adam as much as i do LOL just not so keen on mum running around like a school girl!!
i am now going to jump on the bed and wake my partner up..poor guy the things he puts up with, with my crazy Adam addiction!!

wheres Adam,s fix she needs to be at this party
so so happy for Adam and all the Glamberts,Glambrits,Lambrits and all the Berts out there also big shout out to the Fantastic Glamily BAND
This is one of the best days ever,i am so buzzin with happiness

love this comment from 8:30 PM
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

WooHoo!!! So happy for him!!!

Anonymous said...

I screamed so loud my mom thought someone was breaking into the house. lol
Congrats Adam!
I feel all those hours of voting paid off!!!
He totally deserved this!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can someone with better hearing type out everythign Adam said when he accepted the award? Thanks!

Stephanie said...

Yeah Adam Fix is missing the fun!

So happy for Adam. I hope this is the first of many awards for him.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:17...

I think Adam said this:

“I usually don’t win things, I’m usually the runner-up. So thank you, I won something.”

Anonymous said...

You're NOBODY'S runner up Adam!
You won this time!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


I bet all of us are so happy cuz our votes
have paid off !!! Ooooffff!!! We will do
even more next time for IIHY video !!

Anonymous said...

How sweet of him to tweet to say thank you to the fans. Love that man. Always so polite.

Anonymous said...

Adam you are our GLAM ROCK SEX GOD and well on the road now to becoming the ICONIC STAR WE KNOW YOU ARE.
Love Everything about Mr Adam Lambert...WINNER..
love That Lambert so much
Glambrit Isle of Wight Uk
Hi Stephanie yeah wheres Adam Fix maybe she was there??????

Anonymous said...

I knew he would tweet - but how polite that he did it so quickly - so much going on right now I'm sure.

Also - just read on another blog ('though my heart and focus lie here at 24/7 I swear!!!!) a funny comment about - something cute where a Lambert fan said - yeah naysayers, those 15 minutes of fame for Lambert are soooo running out aren't they - NOT... something like that... was funny, and TRUE

Anonymous said...

He has worked so hard. Overcome so many obstacles and he hung in there. I tear up for the feeling he must have awesome. He is so strong and so beautiful. Keep voting and never stop. He thanked his fans the very first thing. Only one Adam.

Okay said...

I'm actually very happy that he only thanked the fans. Because we are the ones who made it possible. :D

Anonymous said...

This is so exciting, hope all the pain in the "neck" dj's see this and start playing his music, so happy for him.

Now let's get friends to buy his album and get those sales up!!

vote vh1 like crazy this week!!!!

glitzylady said...

Missed the part of the show when he won, had the family over for Father's Day and although we watched his performance, had to be sociable and play a family board game. Just before they all left, I jumped on here to see what was happening and LO AND BEHOLD!!!!! ADAM WON!!!!! We are all Adam fans here in this house (one of the HOUSE RULES) and we were all yelling and cheering, no pets to scare, but the neighbors might have wondered what was going on.....So thrilled, loved his cute brief thank-you to the fans ( the "I'm usually the runner up" got a big laugh here- he always knows what to say!) ,and we were all so excited that he had won over all of the other "big guns"!!! So HA, HA, and HA!!! A whole lot of validation and maybe a little more respect from the press is in order. Congratulations Adam, always # 1 in my world!!!

Anonymous said...

"Also - just read on another blog ('though my heart and focus lie here at 24/7 I swear!!!!) a funny comment about - something cute where a Lambert fan said - yeah naysayers, those 15 minutes of fame for Lambert are soooo running out aren't they - NOT... something like that... was funny, and TRUE"

LOL! Naysayers and Haters are so funny when they say Adam's 15 minutes of fame are up. Adam's here to stay. He's going to be in the industry for DECADES. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Adam!! So happy n proud of U!! More awards to come... this is only the beginning!!

All our efforts to vote for him paid off!!

Love u so much Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lamber is here to stay for a long, long time because he's got real, raw talent..."HE IS NOT A FAD"! Give him a few more years he will be as big as the late Michael Jackson!


Anonymous said...

I can't help but wonder what American Idol Executive Producer Ken Warwick is thinking about Adam "struggling" now. I'm laughing because "He or she (as the case may be) who laughs last laughs best." HaHaHa

Oscar Wilde

Marianne said...

What a beautiful moment in Adamland history.

Glamberts all around the world RULE!!!

Anonymous said...

WhamBamLamberts United and see what we did! We showed everyone who the most talented and beautiful man on the planet is. Be proud. Be very proud. This is the first of many to come. Hats off to everyone.

Love and Light

Anonymous said...

You might not recognize me. I'm usually a tad calmer. But tonight is historical. Yea!

Love and Light

Anonymous said...

So thrilled for our boy. Just showed this to my daughter, she said Oh he really was born in the wrong era as he looks like an angel from the 80s. I am glad he wasnt an adult in the 80s or we all would not have has internet acsess then and would have missed so much. So happy, happy, happy, thanks 24/7 for the quick updates. Jan. NZ.

Anonymous said...

"I usually don't win things"

Awww Adam, you're going to winning hundreds and thousands of awards from now on! We have your back!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Adam! You so deserve this award! I was screaming, laughing, crying all at the same time! I am so happy right now! All the voting paid off! Yeah!!!

You are a mega talent and this is just the beginning for you! Your fans are going to be with you all the way on this fantastic journey!

I am so very proud of you. Thank you for all your hard work....I will always support you!

Anonymous said...

Hey people - souns like I am SO late to the party - but better late than never! Thanks for thinkin' of me! :-D


You GO, Adam! Beating Lady Gaga to win this award - amazing, fantastic, monumental, a moment in history, the tide turning, the pendulum starting to swing the other way, the earth and planets shifting in their axis, birds chirping, sun shining, children laughing, glitter sparkling, feathers flying, people rejoicing, corks popping, much kissing and hugging all around...the world is as it SHOULD BE!!

This is karma, people. Adam is pure goodness to his very core. He's patience. He's love. He's tolerence. He's humble. He's able to turn the other cheek. He's humor. He's F'n sexxxy. He's got god-given talent so beyond anybody else out there right now that's it's almost a joke. He so, so, so deserves this! Finally - the good guy wins!!

(*** me - throwing sparkly confetti in the air and jumping around! ***)

Adam - you DID it! We knew you would!!

- Adam Fix

Justina said...

Oh god this is so cool! I thought Lady Gaga had it in the bag but Adam pulled an upset. So exciting for him!

GagaFan said...

YAY~~!! Adam won!

melissa toronto said...

I just got home from the MMVA show, it was crazy & jam pack. Lots of Justin & Miley's fans. When Adam won I scream like a crazy teenager, look like a idiot but I don't care. All that voting really paids off. I didn't get to see him performing because I was standing in front of the wrong stage for 3 hours like a sardine. URRR...(there's more than one stage) There was no set list & no notice which stage the stars would perform. Not good!! This weekend has been Adamtastic. I was also at the concert yesterday, Adam brought the house down, lots of people only came for his set. People were screamning & standing for the whole hour. I was pleasantly surprise he perform the Glam Nation set, since they advertise as a Radio Concert. So I brought concert tickets in U.S. just in case. I wish he did WLL for encore, OK call me greedy.(miss the meet & greet Urrr...again) Here's another disappointment. We video tape almost the whole set, but we didnt know how to down load & then find out we needed certain tools , then the problem with the only 10 min thing. At the end, I am so upset that there's no video to show everyone who couldn't attend his concert. I am sorry!! Sob...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

tonight - we all won...congrats to us.

Anonymous said...

Hey Melissa Toronto - don't beat yourself up about the video...that's what 24/7 is here for - they are ON it! If there is an Adam video to be seen, they will show it to us, because they are THAT good. Just hearing about your experience is good enough for us (although it didn't sound like it was all peachy - but so happy that you got to even be in his presence - yay for you)!

And those 12 year old girls, screaming in the front at Adam's show? That'll be me when I see him in July. It'll just erupt out of me...won't be able to contain it. And don't care.

- Adam Fix

Mika said...

melissa toronto, you go girl for the scream!!

And it's too bad that you didn't get to see him live due to being on the wrong stage. When I was watching the live performance, I thought Adam was going to appear on the main stage but it turned out he was at the stage all the way to the right. So I guess they should have said something.

Thanks for the "live" summary!

And congrats to Adam and thank you 24/7 for always being the one to bring the joy to us!

Anonymous said...

Well done to Adam, you so deserve this, hopefully its the start of many. And congrats to the fans for all their voting.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

And thank you, Canada, for loving Adam so much! Warms my heart. I'm all gushy and fuzzy right now. He so deserves all this love and admiration.

Can you believe not much more than a year ago, we didn't even know who he was? Unthinkable, now! Like there was a big void in my life. And I was getting way more sleep. ;) Adam - thank you again for making the choices you made and gracing us with your presence. So glad I'm experiencing all this. So exciting and well deserved!

OK, I need to shut up now. :) Just so excited for his big win tonight! Feelin' the love.

- Adam Fix

Shirley said...

Adam Fix, just wondering, where in the US are you ? You're always commenting at late night! I'm in the west coast. I take it you're in the east coast?

I live like 20 minutes from where Adam supposedly lives but I don't have any celebrity luck so I have never seen him.

oh well, good night to everyone! Been a great night. Rewatched the performance 3 times and the award video at least 10 times!! love bb's short speech.

Shirley said...

Also, HK fan,

"HK" stands for Hong Kong? Right? Always wanted to know!

Momof3 said...

I think I'm late to the party. You guys are already saying Good night to each other!! I blame my hubby! LOL.

Anyway, I'll be quiet near the corner while I catch up and watch everything.

Anonymous said...

Hi Shirley - I live in Seattle. The emerald city. The city of grey, rainy summers...well, this year, so far! :( But when the sun comes out, the sky is a brilliant blue, the whole city sparkles, the mountains blind us with their snow-capped beauty, the air is so fresh it's almost minty-fresh and the whole place just takes your breath away! But you gotta wait for it.

Kinda like Adam - brilliant blue eyes, blinding white smile, takes my breath away, minty-fresh, sparkly, had to wait for him...ha, ha! It all comes back to Adam, in the end, right? :)

- Adam Fix

bec said...

Congratulations Adam Lambert! You deserve it and I hope it is the first of many and that you have many more awards in your future!

Anonymous said...

It's 3am in Charlotte and am too excited and happy for Adam and all of us to sleep.I have a new dislike for tv commercials! I wish they could have given him more time to speak{like an hour!}but he thanked his fans,sweet man that he is and never will be 2nd in anything that he does.So happy for what he has accomplished and what's to come.Hope he gets to celebrate and take in the love! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

To Shirley,
yes HK stands for Hong Kong. I'm a Brit but have been living over here for 13 years.

HK fan

glitzylady said...

@Adam Fix 11:43pm

We may live in this crazy grey rainy city (truly gorgeous when the sun is shining), but boy does Adam brighten things up for us, and so does your fabulous descriptive prose! Heck, the weather might even be a blessing, if the sun was out more often, we might even have to go outside! Of all the summers, this might be the one to stay inside (seems to be so far: rain, rain, and more rain) and watch Adam videos, heaven knows I have enough trouble keeping up with them anyway, what with work and all taking up all of that valuable time. Just have to watch the highlights as it is....

And to @ funbunn at 12:00, yes an hour would have been appropriate....

Again, yay Adam!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to ADAM who more than deserves this award. I'm so happy for him. He is the BEST!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I `m so happy! We love you Adam!!!!!!
Russian fans support you!

Anonymous said...

ALLELLUYA!!!!!!!!!!! He so deserves to finally win something! I was so happy when I watched that clip I had tears comin' down my cheeks too:) It is a memorable day in Adamland and for his Glamily, as someone said before. So glad I voted and proud to be a Glambert!:)
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

Hurray for ADAM!! Hurray for ADAM's fans who NEVER GIVE UP no matter how HOPELESS it may seem!! I VOTED the WHOLE time that the show was on AFTER ADAM performed. One vote after another ... I was astonished that there was no waiting ... like before. I am an ETERNAL OPTIMIST!!! AND IT WORKED!!! Now back to VH1 & ALL the REST!! GOOD WORK ADAM & ADAM FANS!

BTW ... did I mention that ADAM was the MOST GORGEOUS STAR on the MMVAs tonight? Well .. HE WAS!!! AND IS!!!

nicandace said...

Congratzzz Adam!!! Super happy for ya!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Adam!

I am very HAPPY for Adam!

daydreaminmylif said...

Blessed art thou among women...GaGa, Miley, Ke$ha, Taylor...he was so happy...YAY Adam...goin global!
I wonder what he'll look like at say age 50 or 60 when he's still bringin houses down!

Anonymous said...


Just as GORGEOUS but a bit older is my guess. IMO

daydreaminmylif said...

An Adamgasm!
There are some amazing pics of Adam's Riverside Concert UP CLOSE. Go there to check them out...especially the Adamgasm'll know it when you see it! I'm feelin feverish!

Anonymous said...

Congrats ADAM! I'am proud of you and us Adamfans, all that voting paid off. Finally your first award, you deserve it. Hollandfan

Catharine Sloper said...

Yeah, I think we are all so totally excited by this award for Adam. We've been watching Adam's journey step by step, moment by moment, hour by hour, holding our breath at every new obstacle, crying at the ups and downs, now we fans get the award--Adam's thanks. How totally awesome! Love Adam!

Anonymous said...

OMG.go ADAM !!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

wooohooo huge congrats to adam, sooo chuffed he won he really deserves it!!!!

he looks totally stunning, got the stomach flippy thing going on rude to cut to ad break, i could listen to him forever

very happy brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

Now. VH1top20 countdown.
We can do this. When they said his name, I was jumping , I was sooooo happy.
Ad am is number one!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sooooo happy for Adam! He deserves this, only the beginning of many great things to come for our superstar! Congrats Adam! We love you!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Adam. Just shows what a devoted fan base he has. I don't tweet or anything else but I always vote for Adam; I am sure there are many like me that are faithful Adam Lambert fans. Adam deserves this award and many more; he has paid more dues than most and is by far the most talented. Thank you 24/7 for keeping me informed about ADAM LAMBERT! (and fuse.)

Australia! said...

Heart super full for ADAM!!!! The world has woken up to the awesomeness of ADAM and it will never be the same again! ADAM will now emerge into an International SUPERSTAR....a title he so deserves and one he truly owns!

Anonymous said...

Just over a year ago this amazing artist appeared before us on the stage of American Idol and thousands embrased his charisma,voice of an angel and loving attitude toward others. You gave us a gift and did not even know it Adam. Our gift to you is what you always wanted; all the love and support back. We follow you 24/7;(no pun intended)watch each moment because it only gets better with each song, each video, each interview. You said you wouldn't let us down and you haven't. We won't let you down either. This is just the beginning for you! Take it in! Enjoy and we will be right here with you.
**A special note to 24/7 this site is so amazing in keeping us posted.........much thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

GLITTER covering the entire planet right now!

Anonymous said...

from malaysia,

mama shouts congratulation adam!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He should win everything !!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

I bet you couldn't wipe the smiles off of his managers faces all day today lol.

Anonymous said...

Hey fans - I just noticed that on "Ryan Seacrest's American Top 5" that WWFM has been added back again as an option for voting!! It's super easy - try to take a minute and send a few votes into that. Just hit refresh and you can shoot 5 votes in under 5 minutes no problem. Link:

This MMVA fan driven/vote win has totally inspired me to vote more on VH1 this week!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

GOTTA LOVE IT ! #1 OUR GUY , MR. ADAM LAMBERT !! and he looked soooooo goooooooood !!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

your fans love you , Adam

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

VOTE ! VOTE ! VOTE !!!!!!! VH1

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree this was a historical moment for Adam and his fans. Personally, I was hysterical when I found out about it from this site. Go Adam! Many more mountains to climb, seas to cross, and skies to reach but all these are nothing with your dedication and devotion to your craft. As for your fans, we will stand by you no matter what!

Anonymous said...

JUST CHECKED - VH1 Website - No. 1, If I Had You, No. 3 - Whatya Want From Me and No. 5 - For Your Entertainment!!!!!!!!!
He's dominating the top 5!!!!!!
Finally - where he should be.

Anonymous said...

congrats to the hardest working, most gracious man in the music much more to come!! does anyone else think the NY concerts will be very important for him??

donnaw said...

OMG!!! I am THRILLED for Adam!!! I just know this is going to be the first of MANY awards!!!
He looked sooooo HOT on the red carpet, and i have to eat crow and admit that i LOVE his stylin' new do!!!! :)
I just hope that all the freakin DJ's out there now realized how popular...(and talented) Adam is and will play his stuff a bit more!!!

Anonymous said...

This just proves that if all Adam fans band together to vote for something, it WILL WORK!! So let's do this again for the next one!

Anonymous said...

No other artist has so many different ages in such a large group of fans, ALL CONNECTED WITH LOVE!
Go Adam! You will rock for ever and we will be always supporting you!


Anonymous said...

I am absolutely thrilled for Adam! Just over the moon! I'm sure the neighbours heard the screams
coming from our house haha.
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy or a better singer!

Anonymous said...

lets make IHY, #1 ON VH1 TOP 20 !!!!!!!! VOTE

Anonymous said...

This makes the disappointment of a year ago after 4 solid hours of non stop VOTING even tho' only 1 hour only counted ... DISAPPEAR!!! I am in my HAPPY place now ... my UTOPIA!! The SMILES on ADAM's face make all the sleepless nights of INCESSANT VOTING WORTHWHILE!! ADAM IS THE WINNER & now the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS IT!!! Am I NUTS??? You BET I AM!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah for us - fan voting was wonderful but the credit all goes to Adam. He is so casual and cheerful about things in interview but the stress and work and organizing and multiple decisions and dedication is all Adam. What really connnects us with him at these moments is that we NEVER give up and he NEVER gives up and that will join us together for a very long time. I'ma SO happy!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has a band ,( thats great ) should they be on the red carpet with him ???

Anonymous said...

Re 8.47am
huh Adam has a band where have you been???????
have you not seen the Glamily!!!!!

band on red carpet as much as we Adore the band
Red Carpet reserved for Mr Adam Lambert

Anonymous said...

Also re 8:47 am
Many of the nominees were solo on the red carpet. Adam's video was nominated, not the "Adam Lambert Band" and that band was not the group recording the cd. Where the whole band was nominated, such as Hedley, which is the name of the band, not the name of the lead singer, Jacob Hoggard, or any of the members, they arrive as a group.