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Adam Lambert Performances at KFEST

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, June 6, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, June 06, 2010

Here is the setlist

Music Again
If I Had You

INTRO + Music Again

Another version of MUSIC AGAIN


Whataya Want From Me



If I Had You


Anonymous said...

he's so sexy & adorable, esp on his white shirt!

Shirley said...

Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

when was this kfest?

Shirley said...

KFEST was an hour ago, I believe.

Anonymous said...


Ami said...

LOL i didn't know about this KFEST thing. This is a surprise for me. But YAY. Gonna watch all of them now.

Anonymous said...

Adam looking good even in the heat and humidity of the Sunday afternoon sun in New York. He certainly didn't let down his fans with his amazing performances taking a short detour from the Glam Nation Tour.

Crystal said...

Still waiting for SLEEPWALKER >.< Why haven't they uploaded it yet? (My fav song)

Anonymous said...

Adamazing at his best - he just knows where he is, how to present, how to dress, the energy to kick out and OMG, lovin' the sunshine on that gorgeous face and rockin', long, leather legged BOD!!! "we have you, Lamberlicious and that's pretty much the only thing we ever need".

Anonymous said...

God damn he looked good!! ADAM - your shirt accidentally got tucked into the front of your shirt! You can't go out on stage looking that sexy...c'mere, and I'll help you get it out!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

He glams up nightime, glams down daytime. Always a look for the right occasion and too hot for makeup in that hot sun. Love that beautiful, sweet face, sexy bod, all of him!!He always gives full energy to everything he does. Never a 1/2 way performance and got a better glimpse of his dancers that were full of energy in the heat.Hope our overseas and Latin American friends are getting all that we are in US. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Oh, Adam. You bring so much joy into my life! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Crystal said...

YAY SLEEPWALKER is added! Thank you!!! Now the whole set is complete.

Watching them all over again. yes I'm so bored lol.

7788 said...

That was a great set of performances. Adam is Prince Charming. Fav performance from KFEST is Fever. That was amazing.

Rebecca15 said...

Adam is so beautiful. LOVE HIM!

It's so strange that people in my school loved Adam during Idol but now they've forgotten about him. :( Looks like they all moved on to someone else. They're missing out! But I won't move on to Justin Biever or whoever's hot right now. Adam will always be my fav!

7788 said...


Are you in High School? Is Justin B. really the hottest singer right now? I mean, I would get if middle school girls love him but high school girls really are very open about their love for Justin? That's crazy.

I looked up YouTube a few weeks ago to see what was the whole Bieber fever was all about and saw him live for one of his song BABY or something and he was REALLY bad. He's not a good singer when it comes to live. So I didn't catch the fever.

Rebecca15 said...

Unfortunately, it's so widespread in my school. Though Adam was the hottest topic when he was on American Idol and almost every one of my friends voted for him, but now no one talks about him anymore, which is a shame because I really want to talk about Adam's music, not Bieber's.

Hopefully Adam's next single will do the trick. If I Had you sounds like a song everyone will like in summer.

Anonymous said...

Ew. Justin Bieber is young enough to be my son. :P

@Rebecca15: I know how that feels. Nobody IRL that I know loves Adam as much as I do, well, except my sons. :(

Anonymous said...

I'm in High school too and people only talk about Lady Gaga lol (who I love too!)

Selena in Chicago

Momof3 said...

OMG my hubby and children just went to bed and I was getting ready to go to bed too but I thought to myself, "Oh I need to get my Adam fix. Maybe there's some new pictures"...little did I know there's 7 new performances waiting for me here! This will keep me up till 1 am i'm sure.

Thanks 24/7!

Anonymous said...

can't wait for the versions with fixed sound. I thought it was cute how Adam freaked out when tommy was getting to close to him on Fever. He promised everybody his performances will be family friendly;p

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:40;
Adam is young enough to be MY son, but no "ew" factor here ;) lol!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is the best entertainer bar none..

Vocals to die for,personality galore and

hollywood handsome to boot .I just love him for

making me love music again.

Anonymous said...

Adam is not hurting for fans...He is a man that is sexy as hell and I think that may scare alot of parents who don't want their kids to think the same thing they do.LOL!! Once people catch on they never let go because he has true talent. I won't bash other artist..they all work hard at what they do and I would never bash someones fan base..that is what this is all about freedom of expression. Let's leave out the unflattering things because that just isn't a kind approach to anything. Let's love 'em all.

Anonymous said...

Awesome stuff! Just sheer brilliance from Adam
always. Love the boys too!

Anonymous said...

Was there something wrong with the mike when Adam was singing Sleepwalker? His voice did not come through and the band was too loud.

Anonymous said...

I am sure once Adam's Glam Nation Tour comes to everyone's attention, Adams fanbase will grow even faster,
Hi funbunn, i am enjoying all the Videos of Adorable Adam's Concerts,thanks to 24/7 as always
they sure do look after us all!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

daydreaminmylif said...

Hey 24/7 PLEASE POST that I received this from Oprah's website:

June 7, 2010
TUESDAY'S SHOW: The Biggest Stars of Reality TV
Your favorite reality TV stars are here! Adam Lambert, Heidi Klum, Randy Jackson and more. Plus, a fierce half-off deal just for Oprah Show viewers!

Shirley said...


I believe that is an old show. We saw it already. If you missed it, you can search for it on youtube or on 24/7..... Adam looked amazing in it! ^^

Anonymous said...

I listened to K104.7 Woodman & The Morning Show this morning. This was the 1st time I’ve ever listened to them….just wanted to hear what they were going to say about Adam. Annie said that Adam was gorgeous and she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. All she can say to him was “You’re so gorgeous.” She also said that Adam smelled really good — like baby powder. Most of them were very complimentary and really liked him. They said that the crowd loved Adam. One guy said his favorite was a toss up between Adam & Aaron Fresh and he said that Adam was so great live. But I didn’t like this one guy who made fun of Adam sitting on a stool for WWFM, then kinda imitated him singing, and the same guy also imitated him, using a feminine voice, when I think Adam said “It’s time to get sexy” before the Fever performance. I thought it was disrespectful. But overall great comments.

Anonymous said...

adams soo fricken amazingg omg obsessed:)

and people at my high school all talk about adam soo many love him<3
and not many people like bieber..thank godd

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon @ 11:22am June 7th - thanks for your post, very interesting!!

And Anon 11:39am June 7 - thanks to you too, glad to hear it!!

Anonymous said...

To Anon @ 11:22am 6/7 - when the one guy sort of made fun of Adam, how did the others on-air react? Were they polite, unwilling to challenge the one critical guy?? or what?? I'd be curious to find out if you check back on this thread and have a minute to reply. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Maybe 24/7 can get a clip of k104.7. Thanks 11:22 and also for Oprah's clip on Adam info. She comes on at 4:00 in Charlotte and think it is a rerun, but I would check every day this week, as sometimes the day may change.Even tho' it's a rerun, I still will watch anything with him on it. Hi Glambrit Isle of Wight! Glad you can see what we see. Don't know how we would have survived without the UK,others and 24/7 keeping us in Adamland. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

justin b is a donny osmond clone

Anonymous said...

June 7, 9:25 am--I totally agree about the Adam and Tommy moments--always very cute.

Anonymous said...

American DJ's are a bunch of homophobic pricks who think they're hilarious (when they are often not) and like to hear the sound of their own voices. There. Now you know how I feel. Bunch of jerks...twats...

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I told the dj's that I don't like their Beavis and Butthead type of humour and it sure worked in my country..

Anonymous said...

A lot of American DJ's do have a rather "frat boy" mentality don't they. And definitely a "like the sound of their own voices" thing going on - I agree with you "Adam Fix".

I listen to Boston and Prov. stations - they're pretty good actually, fairly evolved, I'm lucky. ALTHOUH, I must say that I'm surprised at how long it is taking these Boston/Providence stations to play IIHY... Boston/Prov. likes Lambert, were way a head of the pack on WWFM, getting a little annoyed, but I'll keep respectfully requesting!