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Adam Lambert performing Mad World In Zurich

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Adam performed a month ago in Zurich on May 3. There was no good quality videos out of that show but someone finally uploaded a nice quality performance of Adam performing MAD WORLD.


Credit: GlamRockGodUK


Anonymous said...

Bloody Beautiful
What a Great Team
makes me so Proud to be English everytime Adam performs an English Song!!
Love that Lambert Very Much Indeed xxx
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

He's speaking Italian....

Maria said...

That was beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I was upset earlier due to a bitchy friend but after watching Adam perform, I feel much better. LOVE YOU ADAM!

Anonymous said...

Looked like Adam and Monte could barely contain themselves in their seats and LP was in his own world as usual :)

DC Canadian

Anonymous said...

omg this is the best version of mad world that I have ever heard.

Anonymous said...

3:45-46 ish his high note sounds like the one from is anybody listening? anyone agree haha weird, or maybe i am just tired ha

Anonymous said...

Oh thank goodness I was hoping better versions of this set would surface. This is one of my very favourite versions of Mad World that Adam does, he is just beyond awesome. Please, please, please someone find the rest, it was so good to see Adam singing this. Thanks to whoever it was, you have made my day.

Dianne, New Zealand.

Anonymous said...

Wow, it was amazing.
Check this out, mentions Adam:

I thought it was pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

This actually was my least favorite version of Mad World. I like his other acoustic versions, especially AOL sessions and the later Idol version. The original melody is so beautiful,this just didn't work for me.He's so creative and some times it doesn't work for everyone. What he did with Ring of Fire and WWL and really every song he does is brilliant. Thought Monte and Longineau were great as usual. Only my opinion. Love Adam, just not this rendition.Hope I don't upset anybody. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

boy oh boy! this version is really amazing. thanks adam for giving us beautiful music.

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful but I hate the guy who did the intro.He is an a$$

Anonymous said...

Great! LOVED it. His voice is amazig.
You made my day, Adam, Love yu.

Anonymous said...

Awesommmeeeee!!! Crazzzzzzyyyyyy!!!! Siiiiiiccccckkkkk!!!

Woooowww.. this is the BEST version of Mad World so far....

I love love love this performance!!! Thank you for posting!!!