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Adam Lambert short interview post performance at KFEST

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, June 7, 2010

Posted at : Monday, June 07, 2010


Anonymous said...

If you have time, go to this link and vote for WWFM:

That's Ryan Seacrest's American Top 5. And while you're there, go ahead and use the "Submit Request" box to enter IIHY as a request. They won't put it up as an option for quite some time I'm sure, if at all, but it's another way to let them know fans are wanting Kiss to play IIHY.

Also, vote at OHP (open house party) - you can email during the week and don't have to deal w/ the phone stress like on Sat. and Sun. nights.

And if you have time here and there, make sure you visit VH1's "Posted" for Lambert so it gets the HITS! (I open up a second window and run his videos there as well, I just run HIS videos).

Maria said...

Thanks for the reminder and links Anon #1

Anonymous said...

I am listening to the Top Five on Q102 and they just played IIHY and it is number 4.

Anonymous said...

Yay Anon @ 2:07/June 7 - thanks for letting us know!! Man, that makes me happy.

Anonymous said...

vh1 has some great photos...thank you vh1!!