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Adam shaves his head!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, June 17, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, June 17, 2010

"Calm down... Just shaved one side... :)"

-Adam Lambert on Twitter


Janice said...

WTF OMG NO!!!!!!! >.> *cries*

(Sorry for the reaction but I LOVED his hair!)

Anonymous said...

Stunning and breathtaking.

7788 said...

Janice, like Adam said, CALM DOWN! (lol)

Janice said...

I know but I still feel weird. I mean, why would he do that? That's a strange thing to do, especially to one side.

Anonymous said...

Cute. It'll grow back anyway and now he looks like Tommy.

Anonymous said...

I heard he lost it to a dare.....

But bb looks hot even if he's bald.


Anonymous said...

Only on one side!... it's part of Glam Nation Glam per Adam. Relax! it looks great with some bling on it! :) Something fun and different, to change thing up a little bit.

7788 said...

Janice, hair grows back very fast and quickly. Don't worry about it. I'm sure this is a one time thing for Adam.

Anonymous said...

He did this in the middle of the tour?!!! What's he thinking?!!!

Kiki said...

YOU LOOK SO COOL ADAM!!! But I know someone on twitter who stopped being a fan after Adam tweeted this picture. Weirdo lol.

Anonymous said...

It's HAIR people. Don't we change our hair all the time?

Anonymous said...

I may be in the minority. But I think it's fierce!

Anonymous said...

hello fans, please don't forget to vote for adam on vh1 top 20 countdown. we could do multiple votes. i vote at least 100 times a day or more. we could spare our 30 minutes a day for our adam.

Anonymous said...

shave or no shave ,doesn't change my status as a big fan of adam.

Anonymous said...

LoL someone stopped being Adam's fan after seing this? Really? I wonder what he/she was thinking... Adam's hair obviously has fans of its own. xD

Rinoa said...


glitzylady said...

He is gorgeous no matter what....and I like it, its fun and different, and he did look REALLY great in Milwaukee...a little hint of that strawberry blond hair!

Anonymous said...

vote on VH1. here is the link,

Anonymous said... <-- the link to VH1 voting.

twyla said...

I like it! NO qualifications. Very HOT!

He can keep it that way as long as he likes.

maybe he's tired of the hot humid weather he's been encountering on tour.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT!!!!!

Those who stopped being a fan because of this. Let me just say GOOD RIDDANCE!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks BEAUTIFUL,Delicious and Sexy AS ALWAYS... I Love It,
this is the Fashion Guys, Adam is a Fashion Trendsetter Remember!
Lots of European Guys wear their hair shaved!!
Any Fans who no longer want to be Adams Fans because he has a street Cred hairstyle well goodbye then former fans!!
Honestly it is Adams hair he can wear it anyway he wants it does not affect his Voice,
chill out you guys,
Adam changes his look on a daily basis, hes just done the retro Presley Look, now hes on tour doing his thing,
anyways that gorgeous neck needs kissing join the queue everyone lol
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

LOL!! Adam shaved just a small portion of one side. Not his whole head. Last concert videos show what he looks like. Still has lots of hair.

Anonymous said...

Those Lips, Those Eyes, That Nose,That Hair, That Neck,GOD I LOVE THIS MAN, He's a DREAM
Calm Down you people have you never been to the hairdressers? Adam's hair grows really quick, we all love the shaggy look it will be back when Adam wants a change, LOVE ADAM, LOVE HIS HAIR,
this Guy is RED HOT mmmm

Anonymous said...

funny thing- hair grows back, but look at the reaction he's getting- heh's gorgeous no matter what, just leave those eyes and face alone!!!

Anonymous said...

"just leave those eyes and face alone!!!"

AGREE!!!! as long as he doesn't mess up his eyes, voice, facial features, i'm cool.

Anonymous said...

for all you guys who don,t like Adams Hair go and watch the HD Video at Milwaukee Concert of Music Again and i think you will change your mind!
Adam is a Raging Torrent of Sex Appeal
Love Adam Love his Hair
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

LOVE the many surprises Adam gives us...the shaved hair is just one of many fashion statements he makes. Super, ultra cool!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL you guys!! its only a small section of hair
you are all over reacting again
i think it looks dead cute hair or no hair,i will always love Adam

Anonymous said...

Janice the only thing that is weird is your over reaction about Adams Gorgeous Haircut, pull yourself together woman!! and deal with it!!

MiMi said...

Vote on: VSpot top 20 countdown Just type it in your search engine, the page will download. Just vote for Adam for #1. You do Not have to fill in the entire grid. Just Adam.

Anonymous said...

So much overreaction and shock for nothing! haha!!

One thing I learned about Adam over the year is that his hair grow fast.

Anonymous said...

He looks SOOO Fucking HOT!! R u kidding me????
He ia an eccentric ARTIST! what were you thinking? He is ITCHING to change. I am not that talented, but I am an artist and I HAVE to change it up ALL the time, or I go crazy!!
He is keeping us on out toes and I LOVE IT! I get excited just thinking about Adam.

BTW keep voting VH! top 20.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam, and shaving his head is not going to change that. BUT, Adam, why did you do that. Your hair was sooo good. I think I will go cry. This is one of those "OH NO!" moments

Anonymous said...

re 7:38 PM
WHY?? a OH NO moment?????
hair grows and its Adams hair,just because we are Adam,s fans does not mean we Control everything he does!
go and check out the HD Video at Milwaukee Concert of Music Again
Gosh folks you drive me f***in crazy with your DAFT comments,Hair grows,stop being F***in DIVAS

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This picture is breath-takingly beautiful! He looks like O'Conner's brother here. Or boy George's much better looking son.

I wonder if he had pushed budget so far to the edge, he had to cut hair dye cost in half? : -)

This is now one of my favorite.

Anonymous said...

I am soo sorry about my whineing -"oh no momment". I just checked out the WWL acoustic video. I didn't know it was possible, but this little bit of shave made Adam even Sexier. He is soo HOT in this video, I feel like I just had a triple shot of Viagra for women. I'm going to say it, Adam keeps me Turned On all the time!!

Anonymous said...

So, whilst cruising the web, I found this little gem, detailing Aquarius traits. Aquarians are:

* Friendly and humanitarian
• Honest and loyal
• Original and inventive
• Independent and intellectual

And the also like:

fame and recognition, personal privacy, rainbows, dreams, magic, change for its own sake, eccentricity, surprises, and living within their means despite the many temptations which constantly surround them every waking moment.

While I am not a believer myself, ZOMG, this does indeed sound like AL. 'specially the 'change for it's own sake' and the 'surprises' part.

And I honestly LOVE that Adam loves to experiment with his music, his voice and yeah, his look. (And I adore the above picture-yum!) This means Adam will never be put into a box, and we lucky fans will never know what to expect.

Too cool for school, Mr. Lambert.

(Also happy to hear that while you love to shop, you will never max out that card.)

Anonymous said...

Adam's Manager ...Simon Fuller will join the likes of Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley and Jack Nicholson by getting his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Anonymous said...

A little section of head shave is ok (hopefully no more) Now he and Tommy are matching.. As long as I can see the bangs down on his forehead - that makes his eyes look so good. Plus we get to see armpit hair now! haha

Anonymous said...

ha ha that reminds me of last year during the AI tour when everyone was commenting on Adam's armpit hair or lack of it until people remembered he is a natural ginger. Is there a part of Adam's anatomy that hasn't been discussed, so funny. BTW ever notice he has big feet!!! Let's go with that one!!

glitzylady said...

Just wanted to add one more comment to my earlier one: Isn't this why we love him so much, he is constantly changing his look, always a little unexpected but ultimately exciting and edgy. Singers are a dime a dozen, but Adam is always uniquely Adam, and I wouldn't want him to change that, ever! (But then everyone is entitled to their opinion on the hair.....) I truly like this "look" and after the initial "Whoa! what's this" thought, and after watching some of the latest videos (especially new favorite, added to the Fantasy Springs "original"!) I think he looks absolutely stunning and ........well, what else is there to say!!!! The best of the tour so far, and that's saying something!!! And for anyone who stops following him because of the little hair trim, well, too bad for them! Rock on Adam and keep surprising us (although I do hope he keeps most of the hair :-) !!!) Wonder if he'll let that section grow out "natural", as in strawberry blond, i think that might be rather cool! Only time will tell....

Anonymous said...



I absolutely love this. He looks fierce. And when I saw his hair like this in the videos, I got a little girlie-boner. Sorry people, but it's true.

If he wants to shave it into a mohawk, I think he would look amazing!

Now...I would've thought, when he shaved his hair down that far, his "original color" (strawberry blond) would be at the roots, so this is interesting that he managed to have "black" roots. Wonder how he did that. Must've left just enough hair, with black dye on it, as stuble. Hmmmm.

Adam, you always give me something to ponder.


- Adam Fix

therese said...

I am sure he got his 'dye job' along with the haircut, thus the black roots. Adam always keeps us guessing doesn't he? He must lie awake in bed always thinking, 'how can I change it up now?'.

For those of you (probably all of us) who bought Adam's cd with the collector portfolio, look on the 8th page. It looks almost exactly like it does now except the shaved part is a bit longer and there are no razor cuts into it...

Anonymous said...

I love Adam. However I'm not a fan of the shaved side. Love him anyway though.

Anonymous said...

I just want to know whether adam will have to dye his scalp as his hair grows back. Worry more if he starts to get tattoos on his face or body.

Anonymous said...

Whats the hair got to do with the talent? He would be talented and sexy even without hair!

Anonymous said...

Luuuuve the hair!!

Lose the ugly top hats, yuk

Anonymous said...

Adam NEEDS to go and live in EUROPE or the UK
i cannot beleive all the FUSS you Negative people are giving Adam so much shit just because of his HAIR!!!!!!!!! I know you are all Americans because you act like you were born in the last century, WHY do you all act like you are his MOTHER!!!
International Fan that LOVES ADAM!!

Anonymous said...

as for the ugly top hats we English Folk tried to warn you of the dangers of the Vile Boy George!
Brit Fan:)

twyla said...

Adam, if your reading this, I think you are soooo much fun. It's a riot to hear peoples radical reactions to all the benign things you do. Rock on, Honey! LOL

Anonymous said...

twyla - i totally agree with you. people are such idiots sometimes on how they react. they should really take a chill pill. all we can do is laugh at them. Adam is great - especially when he shaves his head, gets tatoos or does whatver the hell he wants.
To Adam fix- I think he looks straight from planet fierce and I'm right with you when it comes to that girlie boner;)So hot and rock and roll!
I would support him even he decided to get a boob job. people should really stop getting so heated over nothing.
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

Why get so worked up about the hair? There are more important issues(in the world) to be concerned about. Put your energy there. Besides it has always been about his voice, this talent Adam has to entertain the audience. His connection is pure electricity and he is a dynamic performer both musically and visually. So just sit back, relax(well maybe not after watching WWL) and just enjoy this stylish, edgy, charismatic artist.

donnaw said...

First off, i just got back from 6 weeks in the UK and i didn't see ANY shaved heads....whole OR partial.
Second of all, i LOVE Adam, but i HATE the shaved head. Oh well, it will grow back and it really is just an extension of his artistry.
The thing that r-e-a-l-l-y concerns me are the ear plugs that he's been using to stretch his ear lobes.....i really hate them.
But i know none of this is my business!! Just let his fabulous music continue!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adams hairstyle will not damage Adam but all the comparisons to boy george will he is such BAD NEWS
stay away from that dickhead

Anonymous said...

Re donnaw 6.15am
First off, i just got back from 6 weeks in the UK and i didn't see ANY shaved heads....whole OR partial.
where abouts were you in the UK!!thats a lie shaved heads are all over the UK!my god you people are the laughing stock of europe with your uptight remarks,take the chill pill,poor adam all this nonsense about his hair!!
get with it people!

Anonymous said...

donnaw were you in hiding while in the uk! or just walking around in blinkers as you HATE shaved heads,your'e funny,and you so have a problem now its his ear lobes!f$$king hell woman how old are you? another funny american.
brit fan:)

Anonymous said...

Oh,okay --- as long as it's only one side

donnaw said...

Honey i'm not THAT old, but i probably am older than you! And i wasn't walking around with "blinders" on......
There were a "few" shaved heads in Camden, but come certainly wasn't the "look" around most of the UK!!!!
We're all entitled to our opinions.....Christ, i LOVE Adam, i just am not too crazy about his new do......... It certainly doesn't change my opinion of him......he's an artist and i know its just one way of him expressing himself!
Don't get so freakin' strung out over my opinion!!! (kiss kiss!)

Anonymous said...

I'm a veteran punk rocker and this hairstyle is not so unusual to me. Many of my friends who have been in and out of punk rock bands have had haircuts similar to this. I even knew a singer in a punk band from Berkeley who had a double mohawk back in the 80's. So to me, this is simply a continuing evolution in the kind of punk/glam hybrid style that Adam is creating.
So let's just chill, "It's not the worst crime, our souls will be okay..."

Anonymous said...

@Tony...He loves Boy George!

Anonymous said...

tony - He loves Boy George

Anonymous said...

i don,t think i have ever heard Adam say he Loves Boy George?????

Anonymous said...

RE.. 10:25 AM,,i totally agree with you
i am also a veteran punk rocker and this hairstyle was and still is worn by alot of guys and girls in the UK
my partner had a mohawk in the late 70s and i had a jet black shaved sides spiky flat top with floppy spiky fringe...gosh it only seems like yesterday
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Hamid Khalid said...

Yes, I was like, Oh my God, with the hair, Could I stand there and collect it as he shaves it off. But yeah, oh my God, with the hair thing. He likes to change things up, I guess, and I suspect he'll do a lot more before the end of his tour.

Anonymous said...

The sad part is that his hair doesn't grow fast enough to allow him more different styles.

Anonymous said...

not true 11.32 am
!Adam hair grows really quickly thats was he can mix it up with differnt styles

Anonymous said...

Sending Minoxodil, Fed Ex,asap! ha ha Adam must be laughing his a$$ off at all the controversy!Tough to fantasize running your fingers thru stubble. Love him no matter what, but if he ever goes any where near a plastic surgeon it will make me cry! So funny how he creates such passion among us, not that serious! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

to all the negative are all pathetic
all this over a haircut..go do something worth while..volunteer at a children cancer hospital, go help out at an animal shelter and leave Adam alone....losers

Anonymous said...

amen to the above...people you got to stop feeding the fire...its bad for Adam....he's got enough going on.........please stop!!

Anonymous said...

yes come on everyone,
this is a HAPPY time for Adam and US,
Adam has just made US a Brilliant Happy Fun Video and some of you are using far too much Energy with the dislike of Adam's Hair,
Adam is Beautiful,
Adam is a Trendstter,
Adam is Unique!
thats why we LOVE him!
ADAM with his Hair in whatever style
Love that Lambert very Much Indeed
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Donnaw said...

You're totally right.....AMEN!!!
We love Adam cuz he's matter what he does.
And he still isl GORGEOUS!!!!

Anonymous said...

HEY! People! Just re-watch some of ADAM's Idol videos & his most recent vids from the Glam tour. Watch & listen to ADAM. FUGGEDDABOUD the hair. WATCH the body language & the BEAUTIFUL EYES! LISTEN to the PHENOMENAL VOICE!! FUGGEDDABOUD the hair!!