Glam Nation Tour at Harrah's Ballroom in Council Bluffs, IA
Filed Under (pictures,tour news,twitter,video ) by Admin on Thursday, June 10, 2010
Posted at : Thursday, June 10, 2010
Down The Rabbit Hole
Mad World
Voodoo, DTRH and ROF

Adam comes on stage!

Another view of the crowd.

Adam taking pictures with fans.

Adam's dressing room.

Picture of the audience.

And here's an interesting tweet about the audience demo.
"Fascinating demographic mix at Adam Lambert concert. Not as many 20-somethings as i would expect. Lots of 50+ men and women though. Odd."
Down The Rabbit Hole
Mad World
Voodoo, DTRH and ROF

Adam comes on stage!

Another view of the crowd.

Adam taking pictures with fans.

Adam's dressing room.

Picture of the audience.

And here's an interesting tweet about the audience demo.
"Fascinating demographic mix at Adam Lambert concert. Not as many 20-somethings as i would expect. Lots of 50+ men and women though. Odd."
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WOW ,Look at that crowd. Is this his largest so far? Anyhow we 50 something year olds know Talent what we hear it and Adam is Talent with a capital T.
Adam Rocks it!
I bet those people are Freddie Mercury fans. They see him in Adam.
Lambert must come to Europe for the 20-something :)
I see nothing wrong with men n women age 50+ going to Adam's concert! As Adam said before.. no matter what ur religion, race, color, AGE, etc. etc. we can all party together!!
My husband n i, both in our early 40s enjoy Adam's music! N we definitely will go to his concert (hopefully he include Singapore in his Glam Nation International Tour)!
Adam is a very talented, brilliant, charming, entertaining artiste n his music appeals to fans of all age group WORLDWIDE!!!
Love u sooo much Adam!!!
Or they see Elvis in him. Or they just like our boy and enjoy his crazy vocals. Or they want to be entertained like they haven't been for a long time. Or they just want to party and have fun. My turn coming soon.
Read on Facebook that lots and lots of teens wanted in, but venue prohibits anyone under 21 years old!!! One lady was lamenting that she could not go with her 19 year old daughter. There's something wrong with that.
That would explain to some extent why it's an older crowd.
Does anyone know why they allow teens at some venues and not at others? That seems very strange unless they have gambling on site or something. But this looks outdoors. I don't get it.
Is Adams dressing room really outside? You should pay double for that show LOL
The guy who wrote that comment is from Omaha, Nebraska. He was just tweeting to his 200 followers that he was as Adam's concert. He is simply saying that there are NOT AS MANY 20ers as he had expected. But, as mentioned above, if that venue did not allow teenagers to the site, people should not expect to see any there!!
I think it's absolutely incredible that there is such a huge turnout to Adam's concert if the venue indeed did not allow teenagers in. His voice and persona DO REACH all age groups and genders. A true star.
that crowd is hugeeeee:)
but adam has soo many younger fans too! his fans range from like 5-85. his fanbase is so diverseee! its not allllll oldiess
Some casinos have rules that prohibit under 21...Maybe it varies from state to state. Both concerts in Vancouver earlier this year were 19 and over....
As an "older" fan, I really do admire Adam's talent and his lovely spirit. For me personally , there is NO comparison to anyone, (like Elvis or the others sometimes mentioned), he is just so uniquely "Adam"! I love him for who he is now, not who he reminds me of! I have never been so enamored of any performer before this, and probably never will be again! I still find that a bit strange, that he would have such a powerful effect on me, but I am just going with it , and savoring every minute of this amazing man's journey. Just defies rational explanation I guess!!! As someone said, we older fans have seen a lot of performers over the years, and just appreciate talent when we see it! Plus he is a REALLY nice guy! (Not to mention he LOOKS good........)
I know I shouldn't be but I'm so surprised at the age of most of the crowd. That's impressive! Adam's making them listen to music again!
It's the SPIRIT of rock and roll that knows no age - somehow Adam just sweetly gives permission for anyone to express that spirit and the hell with rules, snobbery and the conventionalities by which we all thought we had to live!!
Shirley above: So agree with you. Adam's music and persona are what will make him a legend in the long run. EVERYONE who meets him or sees him perform live are mesmerized by him.
I spotted a lot of middle age men in those pictures! Why aren't they participating on the Adam forums or blogs? I never see them post! But it's good to know Adam appeals to so many demographics.
this venue is for 21 year old and up, it's the rule of the law here. they posting it on the tickets. but allison still can perform here, unlike the other 2 casinos performances later on. so, good for her :)
adam's fans are from toddlers to 89 year old :)but mostly girls/women :)
I Feel like a stalker seeing Adams dressing room....
don't you just Adore this Fantastic Beautiful Man Adam who has cast a spell on so many fans
This is such great news and SHOULD be all over the American news Reports!!to bring together so many groups of people is Massive NEWS
congratulations Adam on the Fantastic success of GLAM Nation Tour and its only been the 1st week,
thanks again 24/7 for looking after us with all things ADAM...
I am Loving following this Glam Nation Tour sat in my home here in England
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Tell me. How can you tell their ages with that crowd photo. You can barely make out their heads. Kind of a sweeping generalization, if you ask me.
there is a good group of guys on here who have been sending comments can't remember all the names......Josh,Stan,Martin,Robert sorry if i have left out your names but i know you are out there,
wonder how you guys feel about all of our open love letters to Adam, sorry but we have no control we LOVE the Man so Much xxx
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Wow - the size of this crowd is amazing!!! So excited for Adam! Who cares about the demographic, as long as they all share a love, fascination and obsession for Adam, it's all good!
- Adam Fix
You said it 'perfectly', glitzlady. As a fellow older fan, I feel exactly the same way as you do: "I have never been so enamored of any performer before this, and probably never will be again!"
Am going to 2 concerts in CA and CAN'T WAIT! Love AFL!
Just wanted to comment once more about the "demographics" of Adam's fans. In the two concerts I will be attending, the ages of our "group" of fans range in age from 8 to 60, including family members and friends. Three generations of our family will be going together to one of them, and we are all die-hard fans. Appreciation for his talent knows no age limits, at least in my world! My husband insisted we start voting for Adam on Idol last year, which was really totally out of character for him! Each of the three concerts I have been to has included a wide range of ages and sexes. More women and girls perhaps, but lots of men as well. And indeed the best part is, he is selling out these venues almost as fast as the tickets go on sale, which is what really says it all! He must be so happy and feeling very loved.
nothing wrong with middle age fans, they are the one with $$$$.
gee, kris allen will be glad to hear this tweet, after all he criticized adam's middle age ladies dancing with no rhymth found.
Today I bought my High definition#15 Sally Hansen irridecent blue nail polish.{reminds me of Voodoo colors. Check it out! I'm one of the older Adam addicted and can hardly wait for July 2nd. Never have I been this nuts over a performer and it's so much fun.I hope I never grow up! Is the 21 age limit for all of the concerts or just casinos? Will he and Allison do a duet? Hope so. Love to see them together. Glad it didn't rain tonight for fans! funbunn40
I have learnt music many years(mostly classic) and also like pop culture in my generation around the 80's.
But I give up pop long time ago after I moved to Nothern America. It is Adam his music that make me listen to it again. He is really talent in every making of his CD. I love most of his songs, even though my boys like them too.
ADAM appeals to all ages, ask my 8 year old!
My grandson age 8 yo goes around the house singing all the songs from ADAM FYE album. Knows all the words .. his faves .. FYE .. TFM .. Can't Let You Go .. puts them on repeat & drives hubby out of the house. (LoL) NEVER watches TV anymore .. just ADAM on the computer. Oh Yeah! Voodoo is another fave. ADAM is bringing a lot of HAPPY to a lot of people and I am one of them. Bless You ADAM!!
my son is 13, and loves ADAM !!!!!! and girls !!!
Older guys know the score—whether they are in to Adam’s music or not if their women are – it’s a win for them. All they have to do is eat their pineapple and play their position!
I am sure because the show was advertised for people over 21, the crowd was older, but it's sad for the younger kids. There were all ages at the Wilkes-Barre concert. I don't understand why the kids were banned in Iowa. Midwest conservatism? I used to live there. Anyway, seeing Adam singing and performing live is the experience of a lifetime. I will never be the same, and yeah, I'm over 50, and haven't felt this way in many moons. Adam is a joyous creature in a chaotic world. We are lucky to have him.
Well, there is some confusion and misinformation about "who" his fan base is comprised of and what their ages may be. The youtube of the 12 yr old girl saying,"I love you" to Adam repeatedly is proof that he has fans from at least possibly 80! I see no problem with that.
I also wonder if all the venues let in anyone who is not 21 and up? The two venues I am going to have 7 bars at each location. Not that they wouldn't card someone..just saying, that who knows the rules at each venue regarding age requirement.
The people who dislike Adam will be pointing out that he ONLY has 50+ yr old fans..which is not true! Love,
"All they have to do is eat their pineapple and play their position!" IS so funny. Good one 4:13.
Glad to see the older crowd going out to a concert and Adam's, probably because it's a casino is why the age difference, check out the other casino's he play's, but I am from Des Moines and I am glad to see the crowd in Iowa turn out, he is a great entertainer and I am glad he is getting what he deserves, plus we all forget he bad things just for a little while and enjoy ourselves with some happiness
I love this quote from above 8:10
"It's the SPIRIT of rock and roll that knows no age - somehow Adam just sweetly gives permission for anyone to express that spirit and the hell with rules, snobbery and the conventionalities by which we all thought we had to live!!"
Ditto to 6:00 AM quote who quotes 8:10 quote about the spirit of rock & roll!!
There is a misunderstanding going on above. You had to be over 21 for this CASINO (gambling)location. There isn't an age requirement for most of the shows. Adam and Allison have not done a duet on this tour. Allison is opening for Adam, not singing with Adam. I have a question, if this is Harrah's Casino and you have to be 21, why is it outdoors?
The two venues in WA state are both "all ages" (for instance...) just some casinos have age restrictions, probably state liqueur laws in some states. I believe the majority of venues on his tour are open to everyone. His earlier concert at Fantasy Springs was at a casino and all ages were allowed in, just depends where you are located. And am hoping that perhaps Adam and Allison will do a duet on occasion during the tour, wouldn't that be fun!!! You never know! They may surprise us, as Adam frequently does.....And I do also love the quote from 8:10 about the SPIRIT of rock and roll....As a "baby boomer" I love that little bit of "the hell with the rules" attitude, with a wink and a smile of course. We boomers were pretty good at that at one time, so may be part of the attraction...
I'm one of those 'odd' over fifty fans. I was at this concert and it was the first I've seen him live. Even tho I've been his fan since he first appeared on TV, I was deeply honored to hear him sing in person. He was even more sensational then I hoped for.
btw, Adam Lambert reminds me of Adam Lambert. Why would anyone assume we don't appreciate him for himself.???
Such a good point 9:06. Blogs keep trying to search for a comparison for our age group - that he must "remind" us of someone from our wild pasts. NAH!! Adam brings to mind no one but Adam - he may have been personally influenced by other artists as most are, but he is totally unique and a phenomenon all unto himself. The only thing that truly amazed me at my middle age status is that I could still react to someone like this ... jaw dropping, breathtaking adoration.
Don't worry about the age differences, music is universal. If you like his music, it does not matter what age,color or sex. Adam is here to unite all of us to enjoy his music. He will be a world wide star that consist of young and old as it should be.
Although Alison is opening for him, wouldn't it be great if she came back at the end and they did a duet?
I love how he protects her like a big brother.
Can't wait to see him in MA.
Adam and Allison have a great"sibling affection" for each other that's so nice to see and they really compliment each other on stage. They have electric energy and they play off of each other so well. I hope Adam would consider giving us that extra treat and maybe some photos or video of the 2 of them. Glad she's on the tour and how he looks out for her. He will be a great mentor. She has the talent, but is young and he can help her avoid the pitfalls. So nice to see. funbunn40
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