"If I Had You" Music Video Postponed till next Friday!
Filed Under (If I Had You,news ) by Admin on Friday, June 11, 2010
Posted at : Friday, June 11, 2010

Attention Adam Lambert fans! According to an update from VH1, the "If I Had You" music video will NOT debut tomorrow... VH1.com: Tough news to share with you guys. We just got word that Adam and his team are putting the finishing touches on the “If I Had You” video (yay!), but this means that the debut of the video is going to have to be bumped back until next week.
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oh! that's such bad timing for me! No adam reward for finals, and I'm gonna be out of town with no internet that day! :(
Well, i sure hope it is edited to the best of adam, because adam is perfection personified in music videos
~ Emmaline ~
Same with me. I'm on vacation starting next week and won't be back in town until the end of June. I won't be checking the internet :(
Guess I'll miss the video and a lot of Adam fan for a while.
I'll be watching the debut no matter when it is. Social workers don't get vactions but they sure need the glam and the positivity of a little Lambert everyday!
I'm a work at home mom so I'll definitely be the first to watch the video online lol. No vacation here as well.
There are internet cafes all over as well as computers in most hotels for the use of guests. But, good luck to everyone travelling trying to view "If I Had You" because all of the computers mentioned above may well be extremely busy next Friday!!!
^ So true. lol
Ho , I was so looking forwRd to it. But if Adam is not ready then he knows best!
It will b worth the wait, I am sure.
Recently bought a lop-top that travels EVERYWHERE with me now, with the excuse that "I have to check my e-mail" HA! You know what the REAL reason is, don't you???!!! Most hotels have free WIFI and so does Starbuck's etc., with a registered card, not to mention all of the other places, so unless I'm camping in the wilds somewhere (not a likely prospect for me, like those comfy hotels and a hot, or occasionally the needed COLD shower after these videos....), I can keep up with our boy (and of course the e-mail....)
And was disappointed to see that the new music video was postponed another week but it will undoubtedly be worth the wait. Adam is a LITTLE busy now, so probably hasn't had time for the final approval and tweaking. The suspense...!!!!
Where do they say next Friday? It says next week. Do they only debut new videos on Friday??!!!
Darn, got up early (sat morning here) to check it out, Oh well the suspence makes it sweeter i guess, and there will be a good reason.
well, at least that explains why I didn't see it this morning or any comments on here about it!
Adam honey, if you want to wait another week, I say: anything you want babe!
@glitzylady @ June 11, 2010 11:49 AM -
You are a riot. Loved your post!
YES MVs mostly debut on Fridays and Mondays.
yeah we're in a car driving to the south for moms families "Decoration Day" in the family cemetery on the piece of a mountain owned by my moms family (goes back since settlers in the south prolly, really small, just a cemetery), so no matter what I won't be able to see it, but I'm impatient for more adam - so he better be KICKING ASS!!!!
hahah i was a tad bitter up above because I had finals and was running on 1 1/2 hrs of sleep and sheer willpower - but aced all my finals!! Just in time (I thought) for IIHY MV, but i can wait. he better be gorgeous in it (not possible for him to be UN-gorgeous, but just saying')!!! :P
~ Emmaline ~
Emmline. So proud if you for acing your finals.
Yes, it's hard to wait for anything Adam. Buy if anyone can do it, we can.
Now, I am more on the edge of my sit.
I hope you all are still requesting iihy and wwfm and fye.
Also Ryan seacreast top 5. Daily u can vote. Adam was 1 yesterday. After u vote u can request a dong. U know what to request!
What a bummer! But I'll wait.
I just hope they don't postponed it five times like Gaga's ALEJANDRO.
Great job, Emmaline! So glad you did well on your finals!!The wait for the video will be worth it and libraries have computers too to catch up while you're on vacation. Have fun! funbunn40
I kinda see this video as a real fast paced kind of video.kinda liked several small clips flipping back and forth..part of it he's at his concert like the one in PA and then the other part is really realistic like he's in his bedroom and these shawdows run by his window...and then the video jumps back to a concert..and then Tommy's playin with the band...
Congrats! Emmaline!!! School is very important. I'm going myself and in my last semester. I have wanted to turn my car around many mornings, but something Will Smith (of all people) said one time has stuck with me and kept me going: "Do what you gotta do to do what you wanna do." Very simple, but makes lots of sense.
Not trying to be nosy, but did your mom ever come around about the concert? My fingers have been crossed for you.
this may give me my fix after withdrawal symtoms after seening him in Columbus,Ohio. He just wants it to be perfect I am sure. That OK I can not wait to vote vote vote on VH1 and put him at the top of the " heep" like we did with WWFM. I am so excited about Monday night. It will be epic!
justpeachy, she hasn't come around to the concert, and I've just given up trying. in the next couple years he'll have a longer and (hopefully even better) tour that I will drive myself too, If I'm not in college yet hahah. was disappointed at the timing and stress that it had taken place under. Still a bit bitter, but he's too good to just disappear. I'll go to his next one, and he'll maybe even more spectacular.
And he'll still be gorgeous.
And thanks guys about the exams. I worked really hard studying for them , and hoping for adam as a reward haha. But sleep, and summer will do in the beginning hahaha.
I still can't wait for the music video, I have some type of feeling that it will be his best haha. the creativity holds so much promise for me, but I still love the beauty and simplicity and emotions in WWFM, and the symbolism of FYE. I can't just say which is my favorite . . .
~ Emmaline ~
i waited so long ))))))))))))))))))-_:
Gonna be out of town for Adam's debut of If I had you? The concierge in your hotel will help you. Go to the local library, they all have computers. You don't have to miss this.
Emmaline: I am so very proud of you and the way you have accepted the reality of what is.
You are one fine young woman and I, for one, am glad to see you posting here.
Love and Light
Will ADAM's IIHU debut be on VH1 TV like WWFM too or just on the internet? Hope it's BOTH!
Just wanted to add to Gina's post that not only can you vote for ADAM WWWFM on Ryan Seacrest Adult Top 5 list & submit IIHU request but there is a continue link to America's Top 40 countdown & ADAM is behind Selena Gomez as most voted for ... I have been trying to keep up but her fans are just too much for me .... so if you go there to vote continue on & HELP me out PLEASE! .. Thanx ADAM fans
Can't wait for this. It's going to be awesome!
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