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Glam Nation Tour at Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania PICTURES and VIDEOS!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, June 4, 2010

Posted at : Friday, June 04, 2010

Whataya Want From Me







Voodoo/Down the Rabbit Hole/Ring of Fire

Low Quality for now....


Anonymous said...

wow, thank you 4x! i've been waiting for these and other updates!

GagaFan said...

The stage reminds me of Gaga's! I can't wait to go see him this July!

Maria said...


Anonymous said...

Been waiting here in New Zealand for these. thanks so much for letting us share!! Looks amazing so far.

Anonymous said...

I hope you find some video for us. I missed the upstream tonight. These pics are great though!!.
I'm not going to see them until August... Can't wait

MasterPlan said...


Anonymous said...

One of the pics had a ring of fire.Hope it's for that song. Loved it on Idol. Thought it was sensuously brilliant and gutsy of him to do it.He has to be in laser heaven. So excited for him!!! Can't wait to see more videos, so I can prepare myself to be blown away in Charlotte. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

OMG! thanks for posting and sharing adam's performances, awesome.

Anonymous said...

Yay for the performances!!! Hoping for HQ pictures next.

Anonymous said...

Those were great performances.

Anonymous said...

He puts all of himself into his performances. WOW
Can't wait till July when he cones to my state.
Take care of yourself Adam

Anonymous said...

Thanks once again for pulling all these great vids together so quickly !!
I think this is the best version yet of "Whataya Want From Me"...his voice is amazing and he just looks so completely happy and pleased with his fans...wonderful!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome show....just like he promised us. He is a magician on stage and knows all the right things to do lighting wise, musically, visually, and just fills up our souls with happiness. I love how happy he looks in the songs. Everyone...this is his dream come true......he has to be higher than a kite. This show is going to bring him a lot of new fans....a bigger fanbase....and a lasting fanbase.

Anonymous said...

***WOW!!!!*** Adam looks amazing - LOVE the make up, the outfits (OMG, there's those pants again...hope he wears those when he comes to my town!) his powerful/angelic voice, his beautiful face, all the costumes, the lighting - everything! I am swooning right now! That was orgasmic (sorry - can't help myself)!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! This looks amazing, so wish I could go. Keep posting them.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

It is me? or he sounds like he is trying to take care his voice?? because he doesn't reach the high notes maybe it is on porpouse because he is even sick. Poor BB more concerts on weeekend I hope he takes care.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, Adam had a wardrobe malfunction, too bad it wasn't where we all wish it sad. :( Check out the If I had you video....

Anonymous said...

He did a interview where he said he worked with vocal coach and arranged the songs to keep his voice in tip top shape for such a intense tour of 70 dates so that we all would get to hear him at his best. Those wailing screams that we all love are hard on his voice. He looked so happy that it was a great show and I loved how everyone screamed for him in the thanks for loving me part of WWFM.

Anonymous said...

^ totally agree - everyone singing along, and screaming during the "thanks for loving me" made me SO happy for Adam!! He did radiate pure joy in these videos. I am so happy for him - he has worked so hard for's his dream come true. We do love you, Adam - thank you for entertaining us.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Oh - AND - if he performs Ring of Fire when I see him live...? I think I will faint, then die of hapiness. Thank you Adam, for reading my mind. This is exactly the song I would die to see you perform live and in person! When I saw you perform this song on Idol, I became your dedicated fan forever.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

thanks for posting all these great pics and videos of Adam's first headlining tour. I'm sure a lot of fans are gonna be wanting to see the tour now. Just want to let you guys know that there are still tons of tickets available for this tour in so many different cities but you gotta pay for the premium which unfortunately are unbelievably insane indeed.Log on to, Adam's venue in Costa Mesa, Ca. and this will take you to Mike's tickets. Search for Adam Lambert's concert and you"ll be surprised at the selection that they have. THis is kinda similar to Stubhub but on a bigger scale. I don't know how this company can do this but they are a very legitimate company who's been in this business for quite sometime now. PLease checkout this site and please pass the info around. Many thanks.

Anonymous said...

Please don't clobber me. I wish he'd have ROCKED it and done less shows to save his voice. Boring pop concert. Adam can do so much better than this. Disappointed. On the bright side, he sang pretty.

Anonymous said...

theres always one who has to have a moan!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is the most gifted/talented entertainer on the planet!

Anonymous said...

people talking about him not wailing...well I think what tiny if any restraint he had in his voice was incredible he has never sounded better..he didn't over sing anything it was fantastic and perfect.....especially Sleepwalker and If I Had You and Strut and Down The ............well you get the idea :))

Anonymous said...

Adam is just taking the Zodiak on tour.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


True! That was the most intense and beautiful show has ever done! Amazing! And yes, HE DID ROCK!
He the best performer, singer, and entertainer on the planet.

Anonymous said...

Ring of Fire was beautiful. I wonder if Negatives The moment of our love would suit his voice. Negative is the flagship of the Finnish glam army.. :)

Anonymous said...

Anon 12.26 yes he has what seemed to be a wardrobe malfunction but he was so intelligent as to make fun of it. That dance with the girl was just yummi! His fever performance was better than ever. His voice was amazing. And he did more that "just taking the zodiac on tour", give me a break! He has zodiac influence but, didn't he do more than that. I think he did. These were poor videos and even so, he sounds and looks amazing. It must be because I love that man, sooooo sexy!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG did you see his expression in WWFM when sings "thanks for loving me"??? He was really touched by the public response!!

Anonymous said...

We all keep trying, and we're unsuccessful. It simply is not possible with the words we have availble to describe how we feel when we listen to and watch him perform. He's absolutely beautiful!

Catharine Sloper said...

I enjoyed the eyeballs popping up--that was great, and I loved his top hat and streamers on his arms. His voice sounded absolutely great and he seemed very much in sync with his performers and with the audience. I loved the triangle on his forehead--it seemed to be a great finishing touch. He seemed confident and happy. What more could we all want?!?

Anonymous said...

Even with all his stage experience, American Idol, world promotion tour, etc., this HAS to be the pinnacle...his OWN concerts, his most special fans screamin', rockin' and applauding - you bet that is emotional and it showed. He will warm up a bit as things get rollin' and more routine. Honey Lamb, you are THE BEST...sounding and looking AMAZING!! Can't find words to express .... just, Gratitude!!

Anonymous said...

yes, just wait till about the 5th show !!!!!!!!!!!omg...............

Anonymous said...

Thank You SO MUCH for all the pics and vids - this blog is such a treasure for so many, but especially for us, who are not able to see Adam LIVE (at least not before he comes to Europe)! Could please put here the set list, songs in the presentation order, if possible - thank you!

Thousand (minimum) kisses & hugs to our Glam Master, what a man, what a man...let's see what a ride he is giving us this summer...

Anonymous said...

His own show - and just brilliant!!

Look who's not the "understudy" NOW!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting all these vids for those of us unable to get tickets to the Glam Nation tour. Adam Lambert is one stylish, edgy, charismatic, talented performer. He seemed happy, energetic, and focused on giving his all to each song. He is in his element on that stage and is just such a dynamic personality and thankfully we are all able to be there on his journey to rock god super stardom.

Anonymous said...

Adam's great, best, super super super

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the pics and vids. I love the pics from back like this so we can see the entire stage. So happy that you guys who are attending the concert, share your experiances with those of us who can't attend.

Anonymous said...

That ankle length coat is the best thing i've seen on him so far.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing with us! I loved the entire thing, outfits, vocals, make-up - it was WOW!!!
By the way, how can anyone say it was boring?!! I mean sure if you're watching it at home, like me, you might think it was boring-which was not my case, I loved it!- but the screams in the vids and then the timed silence when he sang the ballads then the standing ovation and huge applauses should speak for themselves..what a great concert!!!can't wait for tonight!
take care,
Portuguese Fan

Anonymous said...

how amazing, i can't believe the emotion i feel by watching adam. i got giddy tears. fantastic!!!
can't wait to see him in the uk, i might just explode.

brit fan :) xx

Anonymous said...

Great show. Adam is the greatest. Love him.

Anonymous said...

He looked genuinely touched, when he sang thanks for loving me. Ai first I thought I was imagining it, but several of you picked up on it too.It probably just hit him, the enormity of what he had accomplished and how much he is loved. Thanks for these amazing videos, especially for those not able to see him in concert.I have tickets, but can watch him over and over and if I'm far away, still have these close up videos to remember. Yay,24/7!!!!!!!!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for posting these videos for those of us who can't make it to a concert. Adam is so AMAZING.

I LOVE the jacket he was wearing for Strut.