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Glam Nation Tour in Hammond, Indiana

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, June 17, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, June 17, 2010

Voodoo and DTRH

Ring of Fire




Whole Lotta Love

Mad World


Anonymous said...

Thanks again 24/7 You're always the best!!!!

Anonymous said...

By the way, I like his hair. Internet keeps saying he is trying to look like Boy George ?? I can see that the shot their talking about might make them think that but I think Adam did that shot for effect and it worked!!! Sure were a lot of posts about it. I think Mr Lambert respects Boy George a great deal but he is nothing like him. Adam is one of a kind and one of the best live performers around. I hope they give that equal time. That's all.

I too say, thanks 24/7 -

Anonymous said...

Do you think AL knows about this site???

Anonymous said...

i will not dismiss it if one of adam's family is running this site, it is so updated compare to other blogs.

Anonymous said...

THE BEST !!!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah,Adam should totally find out about this site if he doesn't know about it. it should get a personal award from her or something. if he ever forgets what he was doin a day ago he can always check it out himself;p
WLL kills me each time. It's like having sex while singing a song. totally mind-boggling how he does that!
ps. he has such a great ass- just a nice touch to that beautiful voice.
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

this is the no.1 site of all time, they know what he's doing before he does it !!!!!!!!!! lol LOVE IT !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, the guy is perfect!! From the voice to his cute ass. Lol
I hope he is going to to WLL on all the shows. I think he knows the reaction it's getting. I did on twiter and facebook . He likes to know what his fans are thinking and what was the reaction.
I know I was dying during WLL. Especaially the one in Milwaukee. This one kiiled me, I watched it at list 2o times.
Please vote countdown. The last day is today
not sure how late but when you vote it will tell you.
Also, request IIHY AND WWFM.

Anonymous said...

Guys. Please please top20 countdown.
According to my iPhone, Adam is almost 40.0000vites behinds sugarland. He was leading all day yesterday.
Please keep voting. Last day today. You can vote untill evening. Not sure what time.
Please put on Twitter and facebook.
Please. I feel that this week is huge for IIHY.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Videos again, thank 24/7 for EVERYTHING ADAM XX
I really wish people would NOT keep comparing the Beautiful Adam to F**king Boy George.. this man is VILE!!
Love the Hair, Love Adam but bloody HATE Boy George so much Enuff said
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Adams hairstyle will not damage Adam but all the comparisons to boy george will he is such BAD NEWS
stay away from that dickhead

Anonymous said...

Did Boy George have a shaved head? I only ever remember him with long dreads. Personally don't see the likeness.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Plz vote vh1 Adam is slipping after sugarbaby. Please vote vote
www. top20countdown
u can vote over and over

Anonymous said...

I may absolutely perish during Ring Of Fire if he performs it in Denver!! Honey-Baby-Glam-Gorgeous!! Love the new hair-flash!! Must be the Tommy R. influence. They are all so HOT, YOUNG, CURRENT, WONDERFUL!! It must be somewhat tedious and stressful to 1)live on a bus and hotel rooms 2)be away from home, friends, family for months 3) Perform the same songs over and over and make it real and psssionate each time. If he needs to shave something or pierce something to mix it up and keep it new, more love and power to the gorgeous Adam - we can't get enough!! EVER!!

Anonymous said...

So excited, I turned on Jump Start this a.m. and Adam's IIHY was on twice....
Let's make it #1...VOTE...
By the way---I love anything he does with his hair or his a...

Anonymous said...

Love Adam

Anonymous said...

I have watched every single posted videos from different cities and I still couldn't get enough of it! So addicting, makes my day go by so quickly!:) I guess that's what they call... LOVE!!!:) for ADAM LAMBERT...HE'S THE BEST!!!

Anonymous said...

Mad World AND Whole Lotta Love woo hoo!!!
What more could we ask for?

Anonymous said...

Alot of people say that he resembles Elvis Presley, which he accepts as a compliment. But maybe he wants to be known for his own looks and style. He has been changing his hair style a lot lately. Maybe the humidity has had something to do with it, He can't seem to keep his pompador style in place, even with hairspray. When he was singing he was always pushing it off his face, like it bothered him. But whatever style he uses he still looks great.

Anonymous said...

I don't have Twitter but if anyone else here does .. why not TWEET this site to ADAM so he'll know it exists. VOTE on VH1 Top 20 countdown starting at 11AM EST Saturday until 11PM EST Friday every week. VOTE only ADAM & VOTE as often as you can .. there is no limit.
VH1 countdown show airs Sat. 3Am-5AM EST ... 9AM-11AM EST ... Sun. 8AM-10AM EST & Tues. 9AM-11AM EST. Hope this was helpful for everyone.

Anonymous said...

HK Fan, Adam is beautiful, boy george is an ugly nasty brute of a man,he did and still shaves his ugly fat head,love the hairstyle but adam ditch the ugly "boy george" hat you dont need to be compared to that low life piece of scum

Anonymous said...

This version of SLEEPWALKER is the better of all the Glamnation tour in my opinion , What range, voice and energy, i don't think anyone can sing like him., it is unbeliable.