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Glam Nation Tour in Mystic Lake Casino, MN

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, June 13, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, June 13, 2010











CREDIT: methosgirl


MiMi said...

The most gorgeous sexiest adorable man in the world!!!

Maria said...


I'm going to catch up on my Adam performances today.

Need to find a job. Wish I can work for Adam. haha

Anonymous said...

YAY ~ thanks for posting! <3

And Maria, YAY For you too! <3

Anonymous said...

Absolutely agree MiMi "The most gorgeous sexiest adorable man in the world"!!!

And without a doubt the best videos audio and visually from ALL of his performances so far...
Thanks so much for the great job methosgirl... a real tribute to an incredible and amazing talent!!!

Magiclady said...

Bebe really seems "on" in these performances.

Must have had some energy drinks! Lookin gooooooood!!!

and I agree the vids and sound are the best!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for these vids for those of us unable to get tickets to the Glam Nation Tour. It's great to watch Adam who is a such a dynamic performer both musically and visually. He is one stylish, edgy, charismatic and talented guy. There is no one in the music industry quite like him...just super. Adam,the band, and the dancers make up one happy, energetic, glam family. Rock on!!

Anonymous said...

Initially my favorite song from Adam's CD was MUSIC AGAIN. Then came WWFM which I can't get out of my head. I hum or sing along with it on the radio all the time. Now it's going to be IIHY with its energetic beat and positive message of Love. All these songs are so good and Adam Lambert did make me "want to listen to music again". Then to watch him perform them makes each one even better from this talented man. Can't get enough of him so keep the videos coming from all the Glam Nation tour concerts.

Anonymous said...

Keep telling myself that I'm not going to watch cuz it's a long time until Denver show & I want the moments to be fresh but........who can resist! Max on the energy, Max on the style, Max on the flash and glam and sexiness!! How does he keep the pace and it always looks spontaneous and unique. LOL bb

Anonymous said...

I love that Strut performance.

Anonymous said...

Great videos of our boy. I can't wait for Adam to release Can't Let You Go as a single. IMO it's the song that shows his vocal ability to the max. The lyrics are absolutely beautiful. He's one hot, sexy and very talented man.

Anonymous said...

Lovin Longineau's side pony tails. Cute

Anonymous said...

adam was amazing at the Mahnomen concert too. The best concert ever! I can't pick fav cause he was amazing through the whole show. I was screaming like a 12yr old girl the whole evening..LOL FYI I am 29. There were a lot of people from Canada and an amazing crowd. BTW, Allison and Orianthi were incredible too, Allison is a powerhouse, amazing vocalls (btw she looked very skinny) and Orianthi was super amazing on the Guitar. And Adam was wow,I don't even has words to explain how I feel, he was just WOW... I am speechless!

Anonymous said...

It is so amazing to watch a man meet his destiny.

Anonymous said...

I didn't orignally like the dancers, but I think they are a great addition...the performances have been fine tuned and will get only better over time. Adam dancing is fun to see and it really makes all this, not just a concert, but a multi-dimensional performance. The band is great too, of course, and I love the interaction he has with all of them as well. Well done! I get to see him twice in Washington state! I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Adam could put drug companies out of business: Watch Aftermath at least once daily instead of taking an antidepressant!

Anonymous said...

There were people being goofy and noisy during Broken Open - How can they do that??? That is the most spiritually mesmerizing song EVER!!

Anonymous said...

Haven't watched all the videos yet... but just had to jump to this comment section and say - wow, babyboy seemed soooo happy in IIHY. So psyched for him, he deserves to feel great! He keeps getting looser and looser, in the best possible way. He entertains me, that's for sure. Love the guy.

Anonymous said...

Also meant to say that - man, the extended recording Glamily does not disappoint, do they?!!! Sometimes today's technology is frustrating, but man, thank goodness for it!!! These vids are great.

Anonymous said...

Loved the playful "Fever" rendition. Liked Taylor Greene's playful look. And holy fick, as if the bare feet weren't enough, if that friggin' shirt keeps going up I'm going to melt!

Anonymous said...

Going to two shows, and let me just say that it's probably a good thing afterall that I don't have great seats because if I were in the first couple of rows, I think I'd probably spontaneously combust before the end of "Fever"!!

Anonymous said...

Lambert plays role of rock star at Mystic Lake

"Idol" hero's entertaining show was more stagey theatrical than spontaneous rock.

Minneapolis StarTribune Review / Last update: June 13, 2010 - 4:56 PM
On "American Idol" in 2009, Adam Lambert showed that he is a star. On Saturday night at sold-out Mystic Lake Casino, Lambert proved that he is a true star -- a musical-theater mega-talent playing the role of glamorous rock star.

His voice was you-should-be-starring-in-"Phantom" fabulous. His outfits were David-Bowie-Spiders-from-Mars marvelous. His stage manner was sexy, smooth and you've-been-onstage-so-much confident. But this irresistible star was more stagey theatrical than spontaneous rock 'n' roll. Still, it was highly entertaining, a splendid balance between emotional vocalizing and merry fun.

While becoming the runnerup on "Idol," Lambert came across as the son of Robert Plant and Freddie Mercury (if they'd somehow procreated) who was raised by Gene Simmons and Cher in Las Vegas and Hollywood with frequent visits to Broadway. He could rock and wail, dress up glam and camp it up, surprise and mesmerize -- with both his arrangements and his look. He could play any role -- and adapt to any musical style -- for his two or three minutes in the spotlight.

For his Glam Nation Tour, Lambert, 28, got to choose the roles, looks and contexts. As director of this musical, he conceived a reverse-intuitive beginning. The house lights went dark, the stage lights came on and a slide of Lambert appeared on a screen at the back of the stage as a recorded version of "For Your Entertainment," the title song of his debut CD, played in its entirety. But there was no Lambert. This was hardly a star entrance.

The show ended abruptly 63 minutes after that first recording began, meaning that the star was onstage for a mere 58 minutes (including the two too-long exits for costume changes). That's too little show for a $69 ticket.

At least Lambert gave the female-dominated audience its money's worth in the vocals, wardrobe and dancing departments. His outfits suggested Prince if the Purple One had been more goth than glam. Lambert came out in a long purple leather coat, with fringed sleeves and fur epaulets, black leather pants, a black top decorated with silver sequins, a black top hat covered with purple fishnet, fingerless black gloves, plenty of guyliner, and glitter on his eyelids and forehead. Sporting all that finery, he opted to dance barefoot.

Lambert proved to be a graceful and enthusiastic dancer, though all his moves were choreographed. Four backup dancers appeared periodically, greatly enhancing the New Orleans-flavored "Strut." Lambert's four-person band was a good fit visually and usually solid musically, though its groove didn't make him strut on the Queen-ly "Surefire Winners."

Lambert offered 10 of the 14 songs from his album and two tunes he'd covered on "Idol" -- Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" (his voice went up higher and higher when he sang, "Down, down down") and Tears for Fears' "Mad World" (which was more about singing than performing). Almost all of his numbers sounded more lively and immediate than on the album. Highlights included the stripped-down "Whataya Want From Me," the hymn-like "Soaked" and the catchy "Fever."

Befitting a musical, there was little room for spontaneity -- save for Lambert's cut-loose solo dancing in the home stretch of "If I Had You" and his unguarded, this-was-really-fun-wasn't-it smile at the end of that song.

For set list, go to Jon Bream • 612-673-1719

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:49

I spent $150 to see Adam in Fantasy Springs for a one hour set and I felt I got more that I paid for in that one hour - although I would have loved to listen to him for hours. There were many who paid lots more. Adam gives 200+% in every performance. To suggest that $69 for for 58 minutes of an Adam performance is too much is...well, in my opinion...just ridiculous. From what I have seen on all the videos, it is a fabulous performance, filled with showmanship and amazing vocals. Adam is a mega-talented singer and stage performer. What in the world is wrong with him combining ALL his talents to provide a world class show? It looks pretty fabulous to me. I know I am going to enjoy every second of the 2 shows I am going to...with all the flavorful fantastic-ness that is Adam. I realize most of the article was positive, but there were a couple of comments that rubbed me the wrong way.

Anonymous said...

All in all, a pretty decent revue. Thanks for posting.I like the theatrical bend to his concert. It's what makes him unique and brings so much more to the audience. There's excitement, drama and that out of this worldly voice.Love the dancers and interaction with Adam.All seem more polished and at ease now and can feel the acceptance and love from the fans. It's all working and they can all be so proud. Can't wait until they get to Charlotte.Band is great as always. A perfectly blended glamfamily. Can't wait to see Allison and Orianthi too! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

No matter what singer I'm listening to,what star in a show I'm seeing, what movie star in a new movie,I always replace them in my mind with ADAM."Oh Adam could do this so much better."

In my mind's eye Adam Lambert is the ultimate 'STAR'

Anonymous said...

Best video and audio so far! Adam is so charismatic and delicious!

Ariesglam said...

I was at this concert... his bare feet are the SEXIEST!!