Like Adam Lambert's new music video? Then vote for it!
Filed Under (If I Had You ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fans are trying to get Adam to debut at #1 next week on VH1's Countdown! So, please vote!
CLICK HERE TO GO TO VH1's website and vote!
It's easy and quick. Do it for Adam!
Sceencap Image Via @operaglam
"IF I HAD YOU" Music Video on Vevo YouTube
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I already have maybe at least 20x today! :) and will do it religiously!!!
THANK YOU 24/7 for posting this. You dont' know how much I have been tweeting this lol.
Wow, this is so easy. Vote, vote, vote...repeatedly. Get Adam #1 with his new video. It's the best.
Is it just my internet or what? There's comments published on all the threads but on the main page, it shows "0" comments.
I vote for Adam every week. I really hope he debuts at #1 though I doubt it becuase it rarely happens.
I think Adam will debut at #5 or #3.
Mandy, I heard Google is experiencing some troubling changes to Blogger. My blog is experiencing so many problems as well. Hope nothing happens to 24/7. Love this site!
can't see the vid iihy. it's blocked
am in malaysia.
we have to do it for adam folks, vote as many as you can till the arms and fingers drop. keep refreshing.
trying to vote 100+ every day.
do you have to fill in the grid ?????? or just Adam ????
JUST ADAM - do NOT have to fill in the whole grid!! Really!!
I've been voting several times a day 25 votes & up each time! GOOD NEWS!! Just turned on my VH1 TV station & IIHY video was ON THE AIR!! YAY!!!! OH! It's sooooo much BETTER on TV ... clearer & doesn't seem as distorted as online. ADAM IIHY vid sighting ... 9:10 AM EST ... keep an eye out everyone ... maybe it will air every hour at 10 min. after!!! YAAAY!!!
ooohh thanks Anon @ 6:29 6/16... I'm home for a few more hours - I'll turn on VH1. Yay.
Be sure to also watch the video online at Vevo and MTV. MTV has less than 200 views. And be careful on VH1. If you don't stop after the video, it begins to play Kris Allen. If you don't stop the video to post a comment, the comment may go into Kris' comments.
To Malaysia, try seeing the video on Not sure, but that may work for you.
To Anon @ 7:09am and others - regarding VH1 - play IIHY from this link:
and then, I think, that if you don't quite catch IIHY as it ends, it doesn't go to LLWD but goes at least to another Adam Lambert video, 'ya know what I mean?!!!
Vote people. And yes, make sure you give Vevo and MTV some hits too, especially Vevo!
Voting like crazy - love you Adam!! Hey, how do you turn off that ad at the top of this page that covers the next article. It is covering the vids of the Milwaukee performance from last night. There is no way to close it and even if you watch it once, it just repeats and DOES NOT GO AWAY!!
Love it! Was soooo happy to catch this on VH1's jump start this morning. Video is even more amazzzin on the big screen! There's so much going on in it- that I'll have to watch it over and over to make sure I don't miss anything :)
It was great to see that Adam was listed as VH1's most visited artist- 3rd day in a row as far as I can tell- and the IIHY video was the Gungh Ho video of the day- not sure what that means but it sure sounds good! Love VH1 for giving Adam all the promo he deserves- maybe MTV and the radio DJ's will start to catch on!
Can't wait to see the Adam live in just 2 more weeks in Norfolk VA!!
I've already voted 20x today - will vote more later! Let's make it #1!!!! And, just bought tickets to see him in OKC - yippee! (already have tix for KC :)
just keep hitting "rank em again" you can vote non stop!!!!!
@Anon 9:10 ... Just to clear up the Gung Ho thing ... during WW2 ... this is a Chinese expression (I think) which means "Everybody Work Together (common goal)" .... from the movie "GUNG HO" ... I asked my hubby & he saw the movie way back then. So my interpretation would be 'most asked for' video ... probably determined by number of views on So keep VOTING HEAVY EVERYONE!! ADAM is #1!!
Anon 9:10 and 9:40
Gung Ho now means "ready and willing." As in "everyone was gung ho to see Avatar"
Can we get a clarification. As I have always understood it, you have to fill in the whole grid for the vote to count. I heard mixed instructions in the past.
You're talking to a voting machine here. I vote VH1 a minumum of 1000 (that's thousand) times almost every day. Won't be home Friday night, though. Ugh.
do NOT have to fill in the whole grid.
Twenty votes a day..every day. I did for WWFM and now that Adam's back on the VH-1 Countdown
I'm voting twenty tines a day for If I Had You.
Let's do it!
I have been voting on my iPhone and Adam is on top. But keep voting. I don't know why on mt phone it shows the results but not on my PC.
I hope it's right I am voting like crazy. I think it's very very important for Adam to be num 1 on his first week.
Please please keep voting.
We can do this. No one is going to mess with Adams fans. Lol
I have NEVER in my life voted or requested any thing.
Adam is driving me crazy. I will do anything for him.
Crazy Gina
the video gets a 10 as far as the fast paceness but what I feel is that we probably want to see more of you you know your flesh, your soul and that hat covers it up an
hi Everyone.. i have been voting alot this week
calling all UK Fans you can Vote Too..its Easy
come on everybody lets go and get this wonderful video to the top
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
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