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More Glam Nation Tour Performances in Toledo

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, June 09, 2010

More videos from last night are uploaded. Enjoy!


Voodoo, Down The Rabbit Hole, Ring of Fire Medley


Another version of WHOLE LOTTA LOVE


Anonymous said...

OMG, that was awesome, I love Adam singing WLL this way, Robert Plant should never sing this song ever again, it is Adam's song, I feel like I've just had sex, LOL. He is amazing, totally mindblowing. Love you Adam and thank you for being you.

Dianne, New Zealand

Anonymous said...

Is he wearing that malfunctioning shirt again?

Anonymous said...

FINALLY WWFM! I have been waiting forever.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Dianne/NZ - and GOOD sex too ;)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love the acoustic version of WWFM. Each time Adam sings it he changes it up a bit. He is one stylish, edgy, charismatic, and talented performer. Adam asks "whataya want from me"? Well, just more of the same with those magnificent vocals, those special interviews that we can either watch or read and the vids that we get to see for all of the Glam Nation Tour venues during the next few months. Thanks for taking all of us along for the ride.

Rosie2 said...

We must now develop a completely new language for the Adam experience. There is nothing currently available that will do it justice. He is beyond talented, exciting, arousing, breathtaking, beyond any adjective that I can think of . . . Help me!

Anonymous said...

I agree Rosie2. We need our own "Adamspeak." Anybody out there clever with words?

Rosie2 said...

A few come to mind . . . adamlicious, adamgasmic, adamtastic, adamonderful. Also, we could have the Adam swoon, the Adam shiver, the adamdiction, the admr (adam daily minimum requirement) (only we haven't yet established what that is). Mmmm, I'll keep working on it. Help, anyone?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thanks for the video.

Anonymous said...

Another WLL video.....soooo fantastic! This one is clearer.

Anonymous said...

Adamoration !,,

Rosie2 said...

Yay! I love our new language!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 7:29 June 9th - I LOVE YOU. Just checked out your link for WWL...


NO words

except to maybe say that the videographer of that vid was frickin' close...I think I might have rushed the stage if I was that close and had that blood pumping though my veins... either that I would have stood there completely still, mesmerized, frozen, experiencing shock and awe...

well, I guess I did have some words afterall. Okay, I'm off to watch the vid again. Hot daayum.

Anonymous said...

okay, me again, 7:45, with one more thing about the WLL vid... who else here has to watch these sorts of videos a billion times because every time you say "Okay, this time I'm going to watch for just the vocal, or the band, or atmosphere around him, or the audience reaction or whatever... " and then once again you end watching the whole time at his pelvis level :) or just zoned in on his face?? Am I right fans?! And hot damn, those sex faces are going to be the absolute death of me. The only thing that I can seem to tear myself away from the undulations for (w/ the sexier performances like this one I mean) is the sex face! LOL. I know I should be commenting on the vocal, and mutha of gawd it was on fire, but damn, Lambert puts this out there peformance-wise so what am I supposed to do? :)

Anonymous said...

HOT DAMN is right - I watched that YouTube link as well, and now I'm all hot and tingly.

7:53, you say you mean to watch his videos over again and pay attention the band, atmosphere, etc... I say - Adam has a band? There's atmosphere to be observed? He could be standing in an empty room, for all I know, because my eyes are rivited to him. HIM only.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@ Adam Fix/9:56 - Funny Adam Fix!! :).

And yeah, I've kinda picked up on that about you, LOL, that's why I posted that "WooHoo" fan video link on the other thread... I was actually thinking of you when I did so, seriously!! :). I actually just commented to that effect minutes ago on that thread when I saw you'd commented about watching the vid. Hilarious! Well, Adam Fix, I'm right there with you... totally addicted, totally in over my head, and loving it. (but really, I do love his vocals most of all, so amazing, just a total gift to us).

Anonymous said...

oh and Adam Fix - regarding your comment on the other thread "Adam Lambert: VH1 Posted Promo - Screaming Fans"... yup, the person with whom I share my bed is reaping the benefits big time as well... has no complaints at all about my current interests. ;)

Counselor said...

To get the full effect of Adam, you need to be able to see him. Toledo is my first concert on this tour and I hope there are not too many General Admission standing room only venues because you're too close, it's too hot, and there are too many tall people in your way. If Adam did not have the stairs, or if he stayed stationary at the mic, only a few would be able to see him. Standing just 3 deep at stage left, I could not see any of the dancers do their routines. Thank God for the tour videos. Some one on the front rail had to be the videographer because it would have been near impossible anywhere else. The stage height appeared to be only waist high and there was a 3-4' ramp that went up toward the stage making those in front even more of an obstruction for everybody else. Most venues have a pit that is lower but not the Omni. There was a warning on the internet about this venue but I like everyone else wanted whatever we could get of Adam. I hope Columbus at least has air conditioning. Adam complained about the heat at Omni. He used a large towel to wipe off the sweat and threw it into the audience to one lucky person. The really nice part of the Toledo tour was that Monte and Tommy came out to visit with the crowd for about an hour before they opened the doors. Tommy came out in the rain after the concert and talked, signed autographs, joked around, flirted, drank a beer, took pictures with anybody who wanted them, and almost had to be pulled onto the bus in order to leave. He was 'soaked to the bone' literally from the rain and I hope he doesn't catch a cold. Adam would have been stupid to come out in a cold rain at this early in the tour with the dates so close. Hope he does come out at one or more of the additional five I'm attending. Adamtastic gets an A++++, Tommy gets an A++++, Monte gets an A+++, Band performance gets an A+++, couldn't see much of dancers to rate, Omni F---, sound check technicians get a D--- (especially on the quiet songs in the middle - Adam came across very distorted) Toledo fans get an A++ for behavior.
Allison gets an A++ (for an 18-year-old she owns the stage and is 1,000% better than she was on the AI Tour - I attended 3 of those)
Emergency vehicles took at least 2 away on stretchers between 10:30-11:00 PM. Several had to make their way outside before the concert ended because they were 'losing it' from the heat.
Sorry for the long post.

Anonymous said...

Don't apologize for the long post - I was very interested, thanks. For those who weren't, it's called "free will" :) and skipping to the next comment.

Anonymous said...

Air condition is a must. Why they don't just cancel the concerts in such hellholes before anything happens.