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Pictures from last nIght in Hammond, Indiana

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, June 18, 2010

Posted at : Friday, June 18, 2010

SOURCE: mindchnger (200 more pictures at source)


Anonymous said...

hot Pots.

Guys, We HAVE TO KEEP VOTING VH1top20 countdown. I vote on my Iphoe when i am out and i can see the results and Adam drops o number 2.
Please keep voting it's the last day for this week, but I TRULY think that is an IMPORTANT week for Adam, And for IIHY.


Anonymous said...

OOPS. HOT PHOTOS. This Damn keyboard.


Anonymous said...

Hi Gina, Hot pots made me laugh so much,thanks for that,yes i have been voting on YH1 all this week, i plan to vote again in a moment come on everyone its so easy to vote and no silly names to tap in
yippee the GLAM BULGE IS BACK,
love Love that Lambert so Much
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

these pictures enlarge BIG
Love the Adam and Tommy pic,and the Look on Adam's face with the dancers infact i Love them all, come on guys he looks Beautiful with the Haircut,i love it,
loving Adam very Much
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

hot pot Gina good on yer for making us laugh xoxox

Anonymous said...

go and see the other 200 photos

Anonymous said...

Somebody said, (who knows, if true), that there were a lot of sparkly boys from Chicago there and though I don't know how you could tell for sure (?), Adam sure seemed on fire in the vids.
Maybe men are coming out to see him more now. I hope that makes Adam happy. Also, these pics are great.

On the vh1 voting -- someone posted last month or so that you must pick someone for all 20 spots or your vote for your artist won't count, but someone recently, said rather strongly, that you do NOT need to pick all 20 ???? I checked the site and see no requirments, so does someone know for sure ???? I do want my vote to count but I really just want to vote mostly for him.

Anonymous said...

when i see the pics of his hair with the hat i cringe hah i like buzz cuts but for some reason he looks like a cancer patient, not that thats bad but cancer is a bad thing

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 11:22am - save yourself a lot of time and aggravation - you only have to put Adam in the #1 spot and submit... I've gone through this debate-about-voting business before... you only need to vote for Adam.

Anonymous said...

iihy finally posted on itunes as #190. sounds like a high number, but im excited cuz it hasnt been on the list at all.

Anonymous said...

yeah boy george certainly messed with Adams head regarding the hats,he is so bad news,boy george is the cancer,just saying

Anonymous said...

wow, some of you don't give Adam much credit. The hat--take a look at Adam's pics from the Burning Man and I believe from some of his skits at the Zodiac. He's rocked that hat for a long time. As far as the hair is concerned, it's a style. Let it go. If you're so fixated on having Adam not change anything, you probably don't need to follow him because I think he's going to take his fans for a wild crazy ride. And that means change. He is creative and clearly makes his own decisions. You may not agree with everything, but for your mental health, it would probably be best just to sit back, relax and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

lovely photos of ADAM, the photo with the dancers Adam looks sad cause some of you don,t like his hair lol

Anonymous said...

anon @ 12:43
Thanks, I appreciate your response & sure hope you are right.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE someone post the voting link to VH1 again. I can't find it :-( Sry.

Anonymous said...

The first two pictures remind me of Boy George.....


Anonymous said...

@Anon June 18, 2010 1:14 PM - I agree with almost all of what you said...and thanks for saying it! These various looks that AL is breaking out to us, and mainstream, right now are hardly new FOR HIM. And btw, similarly, the partially shaved head thing - look at some old pix, SHAVED HEAD to be found easily, he and Brad/Cheeks I think. Hardly new for him. I think some fans (and I don't intend for this to be snarky - it's hard w/ internet because you can't hear a person's tone of voice and such, but not being mean) forget how much Burning Man/Club Kid etc. Adam is, and will probably always be at heart... who knows, I don't, none of us that don't personally know him don't... but one thing that is fairly certain is that we fans need to accept (and dare I say enjoy) every bit of AL, not just what suits our preferences (or fantasies :)), and I understand that most us do and some choose to not favor certains things - this site is for the exchange of everyone's ideas and thoughts... those are just mine. And actually Anon @ 1:14 I agree with ALL of what you said, not ALMOST all. Now let's VOTE

Anonymous said...

hot hot hot. hot pots as Gina says! love it.

Anonymous said...

totally hot pots!!!

Anonymous said...

If you are in doubt about the VOTING ... put it in this perspective ... if you VOTE for ADAM ONLY ... that goes in ADAM's favor. However, if you vote for ADAM plus 19 other artists ... you are also casting a vote for each of the other artists. WE want ONLY ADAM to get OUR votes ... let the other artists fans take care of voting for them! SO ... VOTE for ADAM ONLY .. submit ... rank again .. Vote, etc. It's that simple ... Keep VOTING FAITHFULLY!! THANX ADAM FANS ..

Anonymous said...

please STOP using that boy george comparison
boy george is not nice and i hope it does not damage Adam in anyway while he is on his international visits!