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A Sneak Peek at the Adam Lambert Glam Nation Tour Merchandises!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, June 4, 2010

Posted at : Friday, June 04, 2010

Credits: monalee62, shoujokakumei, vegas1024, FMKirbyCenter


Anonymous said...

and i won't get to see/buy any of it.

I can't stand my mom for lying and breaking her promise like that

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

dang sorry Emmaline!

I have to have a shirt!!!! OMG!!!! ADAM LAMBERT!!! 23 days !! My first time seeing him!!!! GOING CRAZY GUYS!!!! :) :)

Anonymous said...

OMG! The concert was amazing and I saw it live on Ustream, thanks so much HannaBec!
I want one of those t-shirts, are they available for sale in AdamOfficial?
I loved the acoustic version of Aftermath -my god! That song, or his amazing Sleepwalker acoustic version, is going to be his next HIT single! ^_^
And Soaked, oh Soaked was so beautifully sang by him..*sigh* Oh, Broken Open made my heart soar!
And Mad World was done in a more edgy version(loved it!)...oh and when he sang If I Had You - omg everyone started jumping and singing along, it was so crazy! I loved it!
Ok so sorry for dumping my excitment on you but I haven't slept, it's Portugal, and I'm still totally hyped on Adam's performances. Wow, the GlamNation Tour will rock this summer! Hope you have plenty of fun US fans, I did and I wasn't even there! If some of his shows weren't sold out, they certainly will be now! And there were so many males watching the live stream online, Adam's fanbase is definitely growing and growing...
Ok, off to bed, now. But I have to say: OMG the 'bulge' was rockin' tonight! LMAO
Portuguese Fan

Anonymous said...

BB, I have tears of joy this night, congratulations to you, the band and dancers!!!
Love and huges from Argentina!!

Shirley said...

That's too bad Emmaline. I'm sure you'll have another chance! Adam's not leaving you or anyone behind! he'll have more concerts in the future!

Anonymous said...

Hey Emmaline. Are you old enough to get a job for summer? Get out there and earn some bucks so maybe you can let your mom know how much it means to you. Concerts are expensive, and the clothing is outrageous in price. Good luck to you. If there's a will, there's a way. Don't blame your mom. Do something like Adam did. Make it happen!!! :-)))

Anonymous said...

To the people who went how much were the shirts? What other items were there to buy and in what range were they in? I need to know how much money to bring :D! Do they just accept cash? Thanks!!!!!

Anonymous said...

to anon 9:13 - I'm 14 years old, but no places where I live are hiring. I've been trying since I turned 14, but all places hiring are either for people older, or happen in several months. The only thing I can do is babysitting, and those are far and few between no matter how much i advertise.

and my mom just doesn't understand me. I've tried, but it seems more she's interested in how well i'm doing in school than my life. I'd have thought she'd care more, since I went through getting diagnosed with severe depression and stuff, but she seemed more detached. I'm not mad at her for that, but she wouldn't even consider me raising money for adam. She started yelling at me for being selfish and inconsiderate.

I wish adam would fit a madison show in his concert slot. I know how hard he's working and such, but he has large fan bases in the southern wisconsin area and the only way i would EVER see him this year is if he was in madison. My mom doesn't give a shit to drive me anywhere. And I just love him too much to not see him.

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

Emmamline: You're fourteen. Your mom knows you better than anyone in the world. And loves you more than you will know until you have kids of your own. Don't say things about her that you might regret. And NEVER hate your mom. If you spend more time with your mom and just a little less on Adam, she might not see you as selfish and inconsiderate. I've been 14 and I am a mom. If I thought one of my kids were saying that they hate me, it would break my heart. Adam is going to be around for a long time. You'll get your chance to see him and maybe take your mom with you.

Been there done that

Anonymous said...

Emmamline remember Adam is about love.

Anonymous said...

Emmaline....Hang in there and just start saving whatever you can, whenever you can. You will see Adam sometime.....and he is worth the wait. He isn't someone that will have this tour and then disappear. He has staying power and will be around making us all happy for a long time. Your mom is probably in a difficult place now, and she is trying to deal with that. Use Adam's best Love mom and keep loving Adam. Lots of us haven't had a chance to see Adam yet, but we will and so will you. Until then.......keep hanging out on this site and you will see the latest on Adam......I'm praying that you and your mom find peace. My mom and I argued ALL the time when I was fourteen, and now I just wish I could go back again and do it over. Lots of energy was wasted by both of us on hateful times....times we should have been celebrating love and family. Hang in there sweetie....Adam will give you the strength you need.....listen to his beautiful songs...they will make you smile and be happy. Toodles

Anonymous said...

Can someone answer anon 9:21's questions? I have the same problem as well and need answers. =)

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Emmaline. I didn't see the post about what your mom had promised but I'm sorry you were let down. I'm an adult with major depression and my mom doesn't get it. Maybe your mom doesn't know how to respond to it. Do you have a cool aunt you can talk to? If you aren't going to summer school I'm for doing yard work, house cleaning, dog walking, etc to earn money. Things could change in the next few weeks. I hope it works out for you to be able to go to a concert soon. In the meantime keep enjoying the videos with us.
PS - Be careful not to disclose too much personal info like your age, town, etc. Just want you to stay safe.

Anonymous said...

Yes Emmaline - as 1:31 said - don't disclose too much here... and I won't offer any advice as I don't know you, BUT I will just say that - DON'T FORGET TO BE EXCITED ABOUT THE TECHNOLOGY WE HAVE NOWADAYS THAT ALLOWS YOU TO SEE THE CONCERT FOOTAGE ONLINE... right?! Yay Yay Yay... We fans are so unbelievably fortunate nowadays that we have the Glamily uploading footage, and Emmaline, you know the Glamily won't disappoint, they will be uploading concert footage ALL SUMMER LONG :) ... so don't forget to be psyched about that awesome fact, okay?! :) With the Idols Tour, some of that footage was so awesome, I felt like I was there! I am an adult and can make it to the Glam Nation Tour, but I never got to go to concerts when I was young, and oh how I would have loved to have been able to sit down at a computer or iPod and enjoy the concerts that way - so that's my little bit of "see the glass as half full" Emmaline. Just don't spend too many hours at the computer such that you're not doing your school work or being with friends and family - cuz Adam wouldn't want that...remember how he talks about wanting people to live THEIR OWN BEST LIVES and not dote on him too much. Focus on your school and yourself right now, Adam's not going anywhere. Well, I guess that was a little bit of advice, but nothing too forward I hope!

MiMi said...

I am still on a cloud after seeing Adam's "kick off" tour in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. last night. I feel very blessed to have been able to attend the concert. It was OUT OF THIS WORLD!!

Teeshirts are $35 apiece. There were 6 different styles to choose from. I bought the tour shirt, and a keychain. The keychain was a disco ball with a piece of plastic on a separate loop with the name, Adam lambert, on it. it was $10. I was hoping for a keychain with his picture on it, but I bought the disco ball anyway. The show started at 8PM but they opened the doors to sell the merchandise at 7PM. As I said it was packed with people. Cash only. Hope that helps. I am sure they will add more merchandise as the tour gets going.

MiMi said...

Oops, I forgot, posters, only one style were $10.
See the picture above.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Emmaline, there are probably half a million
of us or more who can't go for all sorts of
reasons. Your life is just beginning with
these things and you will have lots of wonderful
experiences yet to come.

Anonymous said...

Hi Emmaline,I remember how important things were to me at 14.It's tough becaause you aren't old enough for employment and school has to be your priority now.2yrs from now you will have more choices. Sometimes grown-ups have financial concerns that they don't burden their children with and that has to be their priority to care for the entire family. Mothers want to give their children things in life to make them happy, but sometimes they have to make tough choices. Love and forgive your Mom.I'm sure she's doing the best that she can. All of the comments above care about your disappointment and we've all been there at your age. This site will bring you everything about Adam. Hang in there! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

i don't hate my mom anyone, i didn't mean for that to be how it came across. I'm mad at what she did and the fact that she just doesn't understand me. We've never been close, and any attempt I've tried didn't work out.

Especially with my depression. She hasn't emailed a doctor about medication, she doesn't even notice when I'm depressed anymore unless i piss her off. we're just not that connected.

and I wouldn't normally be upset, I'm trying to be as little a burden on my mom financially, but what I was more mad at was she was previously fine with taking me, said that i would be able to, and then just broke her promise she made for a reason that didn't even work. if it had been ANYTHING or ANYONE else, I wouldn't have cared this much. Its just that adam had helped me through some really low points in my depression (and I have MAJOR depression) and seeing him was something that meant more than anything to me.

I obviously will get past it, but it really hurt that my mom just betrayed a promise that meant a lot to me, especially when it was also at a time that would make up for a hard time last year.

and also to an upper previous comment - I don't actually live in madison, and I've very careful about my information. All i give is my first name and that I live in Wisconsin, I make sure to give no more away.

but I hope everyone has fun at adams concert. I'll get over it and see adam another time. It just really was a betrayal. I know most kids say this, but I've given up trying to communicate with my mom months ago, because she obviously doesn't want to.

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

Emmaline, I'm the one from above with major depression too. I know how hard it is when your parents don't get the depression. Unfortunately my sibling has debilitating depression but fortunately we have each other to talk to and for support. Our parents just pile on the expectations and guilt. I hope you have someone to talk to. And listening to Adam and watching the videos does help, doesn't it :)

Fluffy said...

Emmaline, I'm thinking of you honey and hope you get to see Adam someday. I live in New Zealand and I know how hard it is to know he is touring but you just can't go. One day I want to hear him sing live and I will be SO happy. But until then you can make plans for how to make it happen...and watch all the vids our glamily members post online. Take care sweetheart - it is hard being 14 but this too will pass.

Anonymous said...

Aww, Emmaline, I think we all care about you are sending you our glitter covered love.

Anonymous said...

Emmaline, never say never and don't give up on your Mom.She may be stressed and depressed too and it's hard to communicate sometimes if both are stressed at the same time.It's hard to be patient, but good things will come your way,just not always when you expect it..We care and are sorry that you're disappointed. Hugs and love. funbunn40