Adam Lambert hangs at #28 on airplay chart
Filed Under (charts,If I Had You ) by Admin on Sunday, July 25, 2010
Posted at : Sunday, July 25, 2010

Another week passes, and Adam Lambert is still at at #28 in the newest Top 40 chart data released by Mediabase. The good news in all of this? Even if there is no change in the rankings for "If I Had You", there is in terms of spin count -- the "American Idol" singer is now at 1,749, an increase of 237 from the week before.
In case the newest data isn't a substantial enough sign, Adam's part of the chart has become increasingly competitive thanks to new songs by Nicki Minaj, B.o.B., and Flo Rida that are all rising fairly fast. The next song that Lambert is feasibly pass is either Ne-Yo's "Beautiful Monster" or Justin Bieber's "Somebody To Love".
Keep requesting for "If I Had You" on your local music station!
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Does anyone know how to get Meet and Greet going to see adam on the 26th cant find any anywhere,, if u hav any info email me at
join and vote for IIHY. DJ's look at these surveys
IIHY is in the top40 category as of this week, WWFM is in the HAC and AC also, you can go to profile to change categories any time you want. Voting for IIHY in top 40 is the most important
Way t0 g0, sweet Adam: up, up, up, up, UP!!!!!.....Fan4fun
@3:00 i joined rate the music site but hoe do u vote for adam on there?
KATIE, I'm sorry but I think you have to have family members working in the music industry to have passses....basically, CONNECTIONS.
I have been trying to get backstage passes too with no luck.
I'm going to see Adam next month and called the venue for information and was told that all meet and greets are run by his fan club.
(Whatever that means.)
Also I think radio stations have contests for these passes
Had a contact with a snooty "insider" in Denver. She was in line about a hour before performance. We had designated tickets and asked the purpose of this particular line since there was no general admission. This one lady said it was "meet and greet." I just laughed and said, "how did you get to do that?" She very smugly said her daughter worked with "them," and then abruptly started waving to someone and walked off. Overall, very condescending. Most everyone--with this notable exception--was very nice.
I think some of the local radio stations have contests for tickets. As it turns out, the M&G was actually held earlier that afternoon at a bowling alley. This whole thing was in the downtown part of Denver, and when we were just shopping killing time in the afternoon, the sales person, knowing we were going to the concert, said "word on the street is that Adam is at the Lucky Strike Bowling." This was about half block away. She also said people were commenting how nice he was to them letting them take pics and signing, etc. We apparently missed 'em by about 30 minutes, but honestly, I felt like a stalker even going there. I would have liked to see him up close and personal, but that's OK. I respect his privacy as well.
I wish it would break the Top 10 already. I hate that there's so many crappy music on the Top 10 and all the good music are being shunned away.
OT, but...I was just thinking that there will come a time real soon when Adam no longer needs to do radio interviews for promoting his tour and album. What are we going to do without our Adam meal of the day? Things are going to change for him (and us) rapidly. I hope no one goes into deep depression. This has been a daily ritual for so many of us. I don't want to think what Adam withdrawal is going to be like.
San but True
I seem to remember that Adam went through this slow rise when WWFM came out to some extent and he promoted it to (#4?) but now he is on tour so it is harder to do so but I think he will probably find a way. (ie: Ellen and Oprah repeats of his performance to begin with.) I think this song will hang in and grow on the charts. Personally, I think he needs to get "Can't Let You Go" out somehow, someway, ASAP! He will be just fine, don't you think?
Anonymous 3:31
Sign up under the top 40, just choose that category and at the top it should say surveys available for you to complete. IIHY will show up as one of the songs, you have to rate the songs as you go along in the survey, but IIHY will pop up eventually. I always save the "LOVE IT ALOT" just for Adam's songs. Also when you are done with the Top40 survey you can go click "Profile" at the top and change your category to HAC and take that survey because WWFM is on that one, then change again in your profile to AC WWFM is also on that survey. The surveys take about 5 minutes to complete, very easy, let me know if you have any other questions that I can help with.
firstly thankyou MassGlamFan for link
WHAT THE ****!!!!
what is going on!!!
Why are we the Last country to get WWFM released its makes us in UK feel left behind and now this no Airplay for Adam!!!
every other country has Adam right at the top of Charts...its NOT fair!!!
SIMON FULLER why are you not plugging Adam in the UK you know you have POWERS..why have you forgotten about the UK..Adam needs to get Glam nation Tour over here come end of sept....Adam has a Strong following in the Uk but still not enough People have heard of Adam Lambert yet
Adam Lambert deserves radio plays in the UK
please tell everyone to buy WWFM and also to contact and complain and request WWFM to Radio 1
please checkout this link...and help Adam get radio airplay
one of the reasons radio gave was that UK acts should get more how comes...all i hear is lady GaGa..Rihanna.Justin bieper..Eminem..kelly Rowland..usher..kylie..scissor sisters...glee....STOP none of these acts are British so why play them ALL DAY LONG and NO Adam..
so come on lets go as Adam said before ~lets blow this shit up the charts~
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Oh good Glambrit Glamsister 6:33 - glad you found that link I shouted out to you!
@AdaGrammie July 25 4:23PM -
Hi There. I asked you a question a while back on and old thread and I forgot to go back and check to see if you answered :). Were you going to GNT at Cape Cod Melody Tent, or just South Shore Music Circus? Is that the venue that you mentioned calling in your post above @ 4:23pm - did you get any good info about revolving stage or anything like that?? Hope your Cape Trip is great!
@Glambrit Isle of Wight UK 6:33 PM - Happy Birthday to you AND ME on Tuesday btw :).
ON-Topic: Gotta say, I was a little irritated that IIHY didn't move up from 28... but yes, as was pointed out, it's up spins so that's good, and is facing some tough competition, so I'm going to remain positive and continue to respectfully request (just makes me so annoyed when songs that are sooo NOT that stellar, like Iglasias' "I Like It" get instantaneous good radio play) but Imma keep requesting :)...busier week coming up, don't think I can vote on VH1 as much, but will try to get my daily or every other day requests in.
Hey MassGlamFan
do you mean we share the same birthday JULY 27th
How Cool!!!!!!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
MassGlamFan, Happy Birthday to you on Tues. Wished one for Glambrit on another post. Adamluv
Hey lots of Bertdays in July on 24/7
are we from the Fierce Planet????? being LEOS
Glambrit Isle of Wight
Hey MGF and GIWUK, Happy Birthday to both of you. My birthday is on the 29th!
MGF, I called the Music Circus to get the meet & greet info. Never thought to ask about the stage but I'm curious, too. Also how will the lasers work? I'll call again. Actually took a ride there yesterday (only about 12 miles away) and saw what seemed like hundreds of young teenage girls around 2:30 pm in line for something. The group Hanson was appearing last night at 8pm so I don't know what was going on so early in the day.
I'm going to the Melody Tent this weekend for my birthday. I know Adam is there next month the night before Cohasset but I only have tickets for the Music Circus. Would love to drive to Hyannis anyway maybe just to "listen" or get some "views" since these areas and venues are so small.
I guess I'm just getting too anxious!
BERTdays, ha ha, you're a freakin' riot Glambrit, love it... yep, July 27th... won't give you the year though, lol...actually, it's not a bad # quite yet, I make myself seem like I'm 102 years old on this site, I'm probably younger than I come off here :)...but a gal's gotta keep some secrets!...and age is just a state of mind anyway - remember those AL Aftermath lyrics "It's not too late,
Think of what could be if you rewrite the role you play..." And yes, I am, and I suspect you are too Glambrit, a total LEO - I gotta say, I'm not so much into the astrology thing, but I have to admit that I'm a total Leo. There were, I learned on that old thread, indeed lots of 24/7 participant bertdays in July...and we're all getting such lovely gifts this year that aren't necessarily tangible, but awesome just the same! Thanks also Adamluv.
@AdaGrammie 7:56PM - oh that's right, your birthday too this week, Happy Birthday. I too really wish I had tix to Cape Cod GNT - I really just should have said screw it and got tix. But no use crying over spilled glitter. I think, if you're in the neighborhood, your idea of taking a ride to Hyannis on GNT date is a great idea. Only about 12 miles away huh... hhmmm not to far from my family's place I bet...but I can't get too personal on internet, that scares me :). Anyway, yes, I'm getting anxious for Cohasset too, and excited that it's such a small (hot and sweaty ;)) venue.
Hey Glambrit - just pulled this link off of another site while lurking - relevant to your UK airplay crusade (and nice pic too, lol)
MGF topic no not really how can Adam body rolls ever be...
Adam,s Body Rolls are Blistering Hot and Sexy...
the Sexixt Man EVER to Walk this Planet...for sure
I have been practising Body Rolling all day in the garden....other half thinks i have now totally lost it....and wonders if he will ever get his lunch or clean clothes again....
LOOK its like this i keep telling him...I'm tracking the Glam Nation Tour,watching Adam and Tommy Lick...and still playing the video interview in New York when Adam says...what did you expect Nudity...then that Beautiful Adam laugh..
and now i'm body rolling all day long... .
phew What a life we all have now we have ADAM LAMBERT 24/7...its like a Dream..we are so lucky to have Adam steal out Hearts YAY
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Hi MassGlamFan..thanks again for this link..
i feel much better now i have seen the support from Adam Fans in UK.....lots of emailing to do tommorrow
its 5.40 in the morning and i really have to shut down and get some shut eye or i will never get up
Adam Overdose Strikes Again!!
Nighty night and over and out zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
this is so HOT!I wish I could be Tommy just for one night..*Sigh*
A VERY happy birthday to all the "Julove" and "Augasm" glamsisters !!!
GIOW/UK - so nice to "hear" your voice again! LOL at your 9:06 post! Trying to picture you in a beautiful garden, body rolling your ass off! HA!
- Adam Fix
Hey fans, regarding the topic of this thread - just saw on MJ's that IIHY had two OPH spins and a Club Kane spin this weekend...that should help already w/ radio spins for next week I think. Yay.
Also, IIHY at #18 on Pop iTunes and was #42 earlier this evening on regular overall iTunes - which I think is the highest it's been, I think??, so good news I guess.
@ZZ July 25, 2010 9:39 PM - pic is hot yes, as hell (hope no major media outlets pick it up though)... isn't it sorta adorable how Tommy's tongue looks so, um, dainty, next to Adam's tongue, ha ha, is that wrong of me to notice such things?? ;).
@Glitz and Sparkles July 25 10:27PM -
thanks, and you're a hoot, good memory too :)!
Now I better make like Glambrit @ 9:38PM and get my ass to bed, 2:58am EST :(.
All Adam fans: request If I Had You on as many radio stations as you possibly can, just don't overdo it. I really think this is how we got WWFM a hit. You can request online and vote for his song on different sites. It only takes a few minutes.
IIHY has to be on Billboard Top 40 before the radio stations here (central IL) will play it. I wish they would base play on Media Base and not Billboard.
not only am i body rolling in my beautiful garden, i am also running through the woods singing ~*if i had you*~ draped in black leather lol
well it is keeping me fit!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
While you're out in the woods, maybe you can do a little scream therapy to release some of that pent up adrenaline from watching Adam's performances?
And I hope you're wearing tons of thick black eyeliner during all these rituals, that you slept in, so it's all smudgy.
And leather pants, so you'll be all sweaty.
And don't forget to roll in that pool of glitter - without which, none of these efforts would be worth a damn.
Wow - the mental image I have right now is kinda scaring me!
- Adam Fix
GIOW/UK - do some "Primal Scream Therapy" in the woods - that's the term I was looking for...was on the tip of my tongue!
- Adam Fix
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