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Short Clip of Adam Greeting the Crowd in San Francisco 7/23

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 25, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, July 25, 2010


Anonymous said...

Adam changed his hair again! Love it!:} You go away for few days and wham! new DO:}} shorter and sleeker! And that tongue again! has been making appearances lately:}... cuz we're loving it everytime you do it... and you know

Anonymous said...

The glittery hair...the tongue...lovin' it!!!

- Adam Fix

Glitz and Sparkles said...

He's soooooo beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous!!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Oh frick - stunning... the hair, mutha of gawd,
the tongue - I can't even...

Anonymous said...

Ohh yessss.. the hair.. n the tongue !!! Love it!!! mmmmm wonder how it'd taste like to be licked by Adam!!! Lucky Tommy!!! Always get that lick from our gorgeous Adam!!!! Arrgghhhh... so jealous of him :(((

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I've been licking glitters, eyeliners, mics, stage fl00rs and walls, sweet Adam's many different pictures (pre and p0st AI-8), «real f00d daily», my FYE cd, my damaged lapt0p keyb0ard, y0ur c0mments and mainly GNT p0sted 0n my damaged lapt0p's screem..... I've licking even my glamkitten Ic0n and s0me extra 0xigen fr0m a b0ttle, but.... N0P! N0 lucky at all 0n finding sweet Adam t0ngue's flav0ur yet....D0es anyb0dy kn0w it?..... Maybe «nectar 0f greek g0ds at 0lympus»??? (I'm sure y0u g0t it, funb0nn40! S0, let's keep it between US and 0ur AP0LL0, 0K??!)......Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

He puts Gene Simmons to shame.

magiclady said...

Gene Simmons who?

Love the glitter and new do. What a beautiful smile...

Anonymous said...

The hair, the tongue, the glitter, the voice, the charm and did I say the charts vocals and innovative change ups almost every night. Simply the whole incredible package that is Adam F. Lambert!!!

Anonymous said...

Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

The ULTIMATE tongue,gittery hairdo,smile, body. all that is Adam for us to savor. PERFECTION!!!!! FUNBUNN40

Anonymous said...

So freakin' gorgeous! How did he get it ALL!!! Thank god he is sharing it ALL with us cause it wouldn't be fair otherwise. Off the charts BRILLIANTLY talented, fresh every night, gorgeous, sweet as the day is long and that BODY!!! Eyes, the perfect nose, teeth, hair, LEGS and um....ALL the rest. We adore you so much Adam, you make our day. NEVER go away! (Only for much needed vacations). You take my breath away!

Anonymous said...

@ 3:29PM..........L0vely c0mment, sweet Adam is as beautiful as y0u described. Welc0me t0 0ur daily ad0rati0n!..........Fan4fun

glitzylady said...

@anon 3:29

"You take my breath away!"


Anonymous said...

I'm addicted to this clip, it's just not healthy