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Adam Lambert Interview with 93.1 Boise

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Another new interview! This is from today (July 20)!

Adam talks about his tour and his next album due out in the Spring!


Anonymous said...

in the spring!!!!
so excited
also i am so excited tonight for the GlamSisters......Adam Fix and Glitzylady so hoping they have found each other in the Glambert Crowd and Adam Fix has removed the Brown Paper Bag while shes ripping velco lol
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that 93.1 had done this interview because I was off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of glam. Snarky but glad it wasn't 10l.3 Kissfm. They don't play Adam enough.

What a beautiful picture of a beautiful man.


Anonymous said...

which are the 2 dancers that were also in Wicked? Anyone know? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

This is one of the best interviewers yet. Wish we could have seen him too.

Anonymous said...

I have a question on another matter: VH-1 Top 20 Countdown voting. Adam dropped from #1 this week and there have been a few comments posted about how to get your vote counted. A couple of fans have said it's best to vote for Adam at #1 & that's all that's needed. Others have said you have to complete all 20 grids.

Help...does any one know for sure? I can't find an answer at VH-1.

Anonymous said...

anon 7:27, I think the two dancers are Brooke and Terrance. I have seen those two in many of his old pics.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:02

Just fill in the # 1 box and that's it. And you can rank em again, and again for as many as you want!

Anonymous said...

Thanks 8:26!

Anonymous said...

Omg... there are so many I had to split it... not complaining!

Yah, Adam we are committed and dedicated too!:) Huuh... Adam made up a story, to make fun of us? funny! The DJ's laugh is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

hi there nite owl glams...about the vh1 voting...

shall we do some serious voting to get adam back up? i read the AO site got hacked which may have contributed to the drop...rumor maybe, but i'm voting from my own computer to be sure...


Anonymous said...

Friendly interview, just wish dj would have let Adam finish talking about Soak. Sensed he wasn't quite finished. Adam so quick when asked about planting a story and he said, "how did you I didn't?" lol Love it that he says the fans charge him up during the show. Always credits others and us. Will vote again on VHI! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Yes!!Album in the spring,love it!!

Love and peace from Norway