Adam Lambert Interview with Mybliss
Filed Under (interview ) by Admin on Monday, July 5, 2010
Posted at : Monday, July 05, 2010
A chat with Glambert

Bliss: Hi Adam! Congratulations on winning your MMVA. What was it like to win?
Adam: Thank you! It was great, I remember saying when I received the award that I’m not used to winning! I can’t believe I won. I thought I would be the runner up.
B: So have you ever practiced winning an award then when no ones watching with your shampoo bottle?
A: No, no maybe I should try it!
B: So Snooki from Jersey Shore presented you with the award, and you're pretty experimental with your hairstyles, would you rock a Snooki hair quiff?
A: I don’t think that will be happening any time soon!
B: When you singing WWFM you are full of emotion, are you thinking of anyone in particular?
A: I usually kind of put myself in the position of acting for the public. I think that’s what's great about the song, that it kind of has a double meaning. One way it could be about certain relationships, but on the other hand it's also about relationships with the public. That’s how I read into it.
B: You’re on the Glam nation Tour at the moment, if you were the ruler of a Glam Nation, what would be your most important rules?
A: I think the most important rule for the Glam Nation would be that you need to be proud and secure with who you are. That’s where it kind of all comes from, obviously there are lots of glitter and rhinestones and camp thrown into the whole thing, but at the heart of it would be, owning your own walk, being your own person.
B: On tour you dance with your backing dancers for For Your Entertainment - are you a bit of a show off on the dance floor in a club?
A: It depends on the situation really, sometimes I really like to dance and throw it out and at other times I am just a bit of a sit on the couch kind of guy.
B: So do you enjoy getting involved in dance routines?
A: Oh yeah, yeah I love to.
B: So when on stage, Beyonce channels her alter ego Sasha Fierce, do you have an alter ego ?
A: No I don’t have an alter ego, I mean its definitely an amplified version of myself, like exaggerated you know.
B: Do you ever have moments where you don’t feel so fierce, where you don’t want to perform?
A: There are times when its like ok, I’m tired but usually, especially on this tour when I hit the stage, I get charged right up!
B: We saw a picture of you with JLS at the MMA’s did you have a chat with them?
A: Yeah they seemed like really nice guys, but I only got to speak to them very briefly.
B: You actually look like you could have been in the band. Have you ever considered going down the boy band route?
A: No that’s probably not for me!
B: Okay, but if you were in a boy band, what would be you signature move or sound to set you apart?
A: Um….I’d probably get into trouble for trying to get crazy with the other boy band members!
B: So you can hit some pretty high notes, have you reached the Mariah Carey garage door opening league yet?
A: No, not the dog whistle thing yet. It is something that I am working on though!
B: Would you ever consider going back to Broadway?
A: Yeah I would be interested in that. I think that right now my focus is definitely on my music and recording. So what I am doing now is like a step in a new direction for me and I am really enjoying where I am at right now.
B: Your fans are pretty obsessed with how you look, do you feel as though you're under pressure to look glam all the time?
A: Yeah I mean, I think that if I just wore a t-shirt and jeans it wouldn’t work - that’s what I would dress like if I was just going about my day. I think that there is a certain persona that I have set up for myself but I think its good.
B: So do you think that you would feel naked if you went on stage without your hair done and your makeup?
A: Yeah I would probably feel a bit naked, probably a little bit exposed.
B: So have you ever committed the cardinal sin of wearing your makeup to bed?
A: I have done it a couple of times before… I don’t think that it has ever been intentional but I sometimes fall asleep after having one to many drinks!
B: Do you have any must-have makeup products you just cant live without?
A: You have to have eyeliner, that’s a given. Mac, they have this eyeliner called Smoulder, that’s pretty much perfect.
B: Your glitter buddy, Ke$ha, she said that you were a good kisser, would you like to comment on her kissing skills?
A: Ha. She was great she is a great kisser too. She is adorable, I love her. We get along quite well. Unfortunately we are always both so busy so we don’t get to spend much time together though but she is a lot of fun.
B: Have you ever worked together, would you like to work together?
A: No we haven’t, but possibly I think that would be good.
B: So Taylor Lautner recently claimed that he had never missed an episode of Idol, are you a Twilight fan?
A: Yeah I like the Twilight movies, they're fun. I probably prefer Taylor.
B: Have you had any crazy fan experiences?
A: No not really, my fans are really good and really passionate, they pop up everywhere so that’s always fun!
B: So no one has tattooed your face on their arm?
A: Actually there have been a couple of people who have tattooed my name on to their arm…it happened only the other night. There was this woman who wanted me to draw on her arm with a marker so she could get a tattoo of my signature. I feel a a mixture and shock and flattery!
B: If you had a day off, what would be your ideal day?
A: Lately, I just love relaxing. If I have been busy working its nice to relax when we have been on tour. Yesterday we had a day off so its really nice to do something leisurely and we took a boat out. It was great. It was really relaxing and we just had a glass of wine. We had fishing rods with us and went fishing. We were just like why not?
B: Do you get many days off or is it few and far between?
A: Um, every two to three days, sometimes after 4 days. I'll be working really hard on tour and singing every night.
B: So you are pretty well in with people like Perez Hilton, but how do you think it must be for the people who are on the other side of nasty gossip?
A: I think that it comes with the territory. It is kind of part of this place, I mean I think I would prefer it if people were more positive in general, but I think its part of what we do. So you just kind of roll with the punches.
B: What has been your most standout moment since American Idol?
A: I have a really great time making videos, I think that is like a really exciting thing for an artist. You know, because you have to create a visual image to go along with a great song, so I think that those are always really exciting for me!
B: What’s next for you then? Are you coming back to the UK?
A: Yeah I'll be coming in the fall. The dates haven’t been confirmed yet but we are working on bringing the tour over there so that should be fun. For now, I'm going to continue touring and that’s exciting. And after that I think that I will start working on some new material.
B: What did you do the last time you were here?
A: I went out a couple of times, you know did kind of a little bit of socialising. We went to restaurants and clubs and that kind of thing, I love doing it.
B: Did you meet any nice Brit boys?
A: No no I didn’t. I didn’t really have enough time.
B: What do you think of the British accent?
A: I love it, I love the whole culture, the history, I love the wit. I think I can see myself living there - I love it.
B: Thanks a million for talking to mybliss.
A: Thank you! It has been my pleasure.
Bliss: Hi Adam! Congratulations on winning your MMVA. What was it like to win?
Adam: Thank you! It was great, I remember saying when I received the award that I’m not used to winning! I can’t believe I won. I thought I would be the runner up.
B: So have you ever practiced winning an award then when no ones watching with your shampoo bottle?
A: No, no maybe I should try it!
B: So Snooki from Jersey Shore presented you with the award, and you're pretty experimental with your hairstyles, would you rock a Snooki hair quiff?
A: I don’t think that will be happening any time soon!
B: When you singing WWFM you are full of emotion, are you thinking of anyone in particular?
A: I usually kind of put myself in the position of acting for the public. I think that’s what's great about the song, that it kind of has a double meaning. One way it could be about certain relationships, but on the other hand it's also about relationships with the public. That’s how I read into it.
B: You’re on the Glam nation Tour at the moment, if you were the ruler of a Glam Nation, what would be your most important rules?
A: I think the most important rule for the Glam Nation would be that you need to be proud and secure with who you are. That’s where it kind of all comes from, obviously there are lots of glitter and rhinestones and camp thrown into the whole thing, but at the heart of it would be, owning your own walk, being your own person.
B: On tour you dance with your backing dancers for For Your Entertainment - are you a bit of a show off on the dance floor in a club?
A: It depends on the situation really, sometimes I really like to dance and throw it out and at other times I am just a bit of a sit on the couch kind of guy.
B: So do you enjoy getting involved in dance routines?
A: Oh yeah, yeah I love to.
B: So when on stage, Beyonce channels her alter ego Sasha Fierce, do you have an alter ego ?
A: No I don’t have an alter ego, I mean its definitely an amplified version of myself, like exaggerated you know.
B: Do you ever have moments where you don’t feel so fierce, where you don’t want to perform?
A: There are times when its like ok, I’m tired but usually, especially on this tour when I hit the stage, I get charged right up!
B: We saw a picture of you with JLS at the MMA’s did you have a chat with them?
A: Yeah they seemed like really nice guys, but I only got to speak to them very briefly.
B: You actually look like you could have been in the band. Have you ever considered going down the boy band route?
A: No that’s probably not for me!
B: Okay, but if you were in a boy band, what would be you signature move or sound to set you apart?
A: Um….I’d probably get into trouble for trying to get crazy with the other boy band members!
B: So you can hit some pretty high notes, have you reached the Mariah Carey garage door opening league yet?
A: No, not the dog whistle thing yet. It is something that I am working on though!
B: Would you ever consider going back to Broadway?
A: Yeah I would be interested in that. I think that right now my focus is definitely on my music and recording. So what I am doing now is like a step in a new direction for me and I am really enjoying where I am at right now.
B: Your fans are pretty obsessed with how you look, do you feel as though you're under pressure to look glam all the time?
A: Yeah I mean, I think that if I just wore a t-shirt and jeans it wouldn’t work - that’s what I would dress like if I was just going about my day. I think that there is a certain persona that I have set up for myself but I think its good.
B: So do you think that you would feel naked if you went on stage without your hair done and your makeup?
A: Yeah I would probably feel a bit naked, probably a little bit exposed.
B: So have you ever committed the cardinal sin of wearing your makeup to bed?
A: I have done it a couple of times before… I don’t think that it has ever been intentional but I sometimes fall asleep after having one to many drinks!
B: Do you have any must-have makeup products you just cant live without?
A: You have to have eyeliner, that’s a given. Mac, they have this eyeliner called Smoulder, that’s pretty much perfect.
B: Your glitter buddy, Ke$ha, she said that you were a good kisser, would you like to comment on her kissing skills?
A: Ha. She was great she is a great kisser too. She is adorable, I love her. We get along quite well. Unfortunately we are always both so busy so we don’t get to spend much time together though but she is a lot of fun.
B: Have you ever worked together, would you like to work together?
A: No we haven’t, but possibly I think that would be good.
B: So Taylor Lautner recently claimed that he had never missed an episode of Idol, are you a Twilight fan?
A: Yeah I like the Twilight movies, they're fun. I probably prefer Taylor.
B: Have you had any crazy fan experiences?
A: No not really, my fans are really good and really passionate, they pop up everywhere so that’s always fun!
B: So no one has tattooed your face on their arm?
A: Actually there have been a couple of people who have tattooed my name on to their arm…it happened only the other night. There was this woman who wanted me to draw on her arm with a marker so she could get a tattoo of my signature. I feel a a mixture and shock and flattery!
B: If you had a day off, what would be your ideal day?
A: Lately, I just love relaxing. If I have been busy working its nice to relax when we have been on tour. Yesterday we had a day off so its really nice to do something leisurely and we took a boat out. It was great. It was really relaxing and we just had a glass of wine. We had fishing rods with us and went fishing. We were just like why not?
B: Do you get many days off or is it few and far between?
A: Um, every two to three days, sometimes after 4 days. I'll be working really hard on tour and singing every night.
B: So you are pretty well in with people like Perez Hilton, but how do you think it must be for the people who are on the other side of nasty gossip?
A: I think that it comes with the territory. It is kind of part of this place, I mean I think I would prefer it if people were more positive in general, but I think its part of what we do. So you just kind of roll with the punches.
B: What has been your most standout moment since American Idol?
A: I have a really great time making videos, I think that is like a really exciting thing for an artist. You know, because you have to create a visual image to go along with a great song, so I think that those are always really exciting for me!
B: What’s next for you then? Are you coming back to the UK?
A: Yeah I'll be coming in the fall. The dates haven’t been confirmed yet but we are working on bringing the tour over there so that should be fun. For now, I'm going to continue touring and that’s exciting. And after that I think that I will start working on some new material.
B: What did you do the last time you were here?
A: I went out a couple of times, you know did kind of a little bit of socialising. We went to restaurants and clubs and that kind of thing, I love doing it.
B: Did you meet any nice Brit boys?
A: No no I didn’t. I didn’t really have enough time.
B: What do you think of the British accent?
A: I love it, I love the whole culture, the history, I love the wit. I think I can see myself living there - I love it.
B: Thanks a million for talking to mybliss.
A: Thank you! It has been my pleasure.
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Is there any YT vid on Adam making out with Ke$ha? Please share or post the link. At MMVA she called Adam her gay husband. They're good friends. She has nice personality.
B: So do you think that you would feel naked if you went on stage without your hair done and your makeup?
A: Yeah I would probably feel a bit naked, probably a little bit exposed.
LOL!!! You look great without make up too, Adam!
Adam is dating an older (not by much) and very successful guy - not Mike Ruiz - and the outings are just for relxation
I laugh sometimes when people say he should go out and take back to his hotel a young pretty boy , trust me that's not his type even if he says so, he's very happy with his new boyfriend
I know that i'll be scolded here for saying this but Adam loves being in a relatinship, he even dated a famous actor before idols (the unrequited love he used to talk about -an older guy )
so, he goes out to enjoy a drink or two and that doesn't include bringing a boy back to his hotel as you all want to imagine, he's an alpha male on stage for your fantasies but a very sweet young faithful boyfriend to his new man
enjoy the tour
yeah adam don't feel naked you look fantastic with no makeup or just a little. You would look super cute with a t-shirt and jeans too!!!
Adam could be exposed around me anytime! Diego,You've really teased us with inuendo! How did you get your info? I personally think that Adam would prefer to be in a monagamous relationship. He jokingly said, when a gay guy asked to kiss him, I'm not a whore! Laughingly and with humour he gracefully decined. Now I'm dying to know who the new man is and who the famous actor was, but if this actor is not out of the closet his identity should be respected. I certainly see no reason for you or anyone else to be scolded for saying Adam isn't a one-night stand kind of guy. I just want him to love and be loved in return and hope that whomever that person would be will value Adam for himself and bring him happiness and fulfillment.He has a loving heart and deserves the best. Now please give us dirt! haha funbunn40
It’s always the exception that proves the rule with the whole ”type” thing. I don’t doubt that if Adam is serious with someone it’s important to him that he be able to maintain his privacy. I hate to think that anyone close to Adam would use their access to expose Adam’s private life.
Got side-tracked with Diego's teasers, or are you playing with us? Hmm... Loved the interview. Adam is always thoughtful and questions were good and friendly.It's almost like Adam is in the same room and you're listening to a friend.Love the way he relates to the interview insuch a honest and forthright way. funbunn40
Adam is always open and honest (no filter) when he
answers questions. I think if he says repeatedly
that he is single, then he is. Otherwise, he might laugh it off like "well, you never know!.."
if he didn't want to answer.
Omg. It’s not as if all monogamous relationships spring up from the ocean fully formed. Just because they guy wants a serious relationship does not mean he’s living like a monk until he’s in one or that just because he’s says he’s ”single” he knits every night after the show. I hope as fans we don’t hold Adam to some asexual standard where the guy can’t hang out with someone or get laid every once in while without fear of some backlash.
@dego ... Do you know WHO ADAM is dating ... I mean, name? If so, where did you get the info? I'm SURPRISED one of the gossip rags hasn't found out yet. Now, I'm DYING of CURIOSITY!! Care to share? LOL
I am not doubting you Diego but it has been proven time after time that Adam likes vulnerable younger and cute boys....
the actor is a 'closet case' so i will not reveal his name here
but if you are a real fan you can research and i'm sure someone will come up with sth but if you do, for Adams sake, keep it to yourself
About his new boyfriend, i'm sorry but i can't say anymore
Oh, Oh, a can of worms has been opened and the ugly Enquirer will go fishing! Hope they don't catch any fish and what's said on 24/7, stays on 24/7. funbunn40
Twilight is so passe. Robert Pattinson will get the torch from Hugh Grant.
Whatever is going on in his life, he seems happy, and we are happy for him.
@ Funbonn40 (1:12PM)
May I make mine your words? Thank you. I will just add: if my sweet Adam is happy, I am happy!
PS: I loved your full report, fellow, but you are really welcome back from your «out of body experience»! Everytime I read your comments I learn something good, and it seems they happen to become even better, since the end of your «<Adamtrip».
@ Diego 11:23AM
If what you are telling us is correct, I mean not a lie or just speculation, I thank you very much for the information. It's always good to know about who we love so much... but let's give the sweet man some privacy, ok? Thank you, again.
My reason for revealing this litte information, was to show eveyone here that Adam is human and not just a stage sex object for fan fantasies
and when he says he's single, he's just being a wise businessman
and by the way fan4fan, his privacy is still protected since no names were mentioned, just a dose of reality
Okay, Diego, no offense, but between your word on the matter and Adam's, I'm going to take Adam's.
If he says he's single, I believe him.
are u Adam's close relative or sth? how in the world did u know about who Adam's dating right now?
Look we, Adam's fans will not be fooled by ur 'story'! Adam is an honest man n if he said he is single.. I believe him! Adam has nothing to hide n am sure will tell the media (in all his interviews) if he really is in a relationship or not!!
btw love this interview and Adam as always.. gave very informative answers and very articulate!!! U are a true artist Adam!!! Success will be with u ALWAYS!!!!
Just listened to the FUSE interview - all 9 episodes. He talked about how his view of relationships has changed........more mature and looking for someone as caretaking of him as he has been for others over the years. Really very sweet and genuine and ALL we are going to be privy to until he is ready, AS IT SHOULD BE!
I’d love to be able to celebrate that Adam is happy and in the relationship he wants but not at the expense of his privacy. And since (regrettably) Adam is unable to legally marry another man in most states “single” can have very broad connotations and still be technically accurate. It seems that famous people have had to intensely creative to keep some semblance of privacy
Yes, single can still mean he is dating sometimes.
I just wonder when he finds the time with this busy
schedule and people watching his every move!
Diego, or should I call you James? Please don't drop any more fantasies on this site. We are not into speculation here. We just deal in facts.
Maggie Longfellow
Relax,guys, Nothing hurtful or that earthshaking has been revealed. No names or reputations ruined.I get your meaning, Diego and yes, we act like lovesick puppies and gush all over the place how sexy Adam is, but underneath we all know that he's gay and a healthy sexual being and bottom line, just want him to have a life and a satisfying relationship, whatever that may be for him. You may very well have personal info and were just trying to make a point. No harm done to anyone. AS Adam says, it's not that deep.Bottom line, we just want him to be able to live his life as he sees fit. We after all don't really know every piece of his life even if we mistakenly think we do. It's also not out of the question for personal friends of Adam to also be on this site. Why not? If so, we all want no harm or unhappiness to come to him and feel protective towards him, a common goal. funbunn40
I understand your intent, Diego and no confidences of major importance has been broken,as you have stated. We gush over Adam like lovesick puppies and go on about his sex appeal, but realistically know that he is gay and isn't obligated in any way to share the most intimate details of his life. Nothing wrong with fantasies as long as we don't lose touch with reality. All in good fun. I also see the sense in stating he's single so media won't keep digging if he is in a friendly or serious relationship. His partner would be hounded to death and the relationship ruined. I agree business wise it's a smart decision to "stay unattached" for obvious reasons .
@ Anonymous 1:59 AM
VERY WELL said, it came from your heart and it comes from mine too. So good to have a fantasy once healthy and in touch with reality. I truly believe that this is what happens up to 99% of us posting here our love for this amazing young man. And truly believe that we all whish to swett Adam as much privacy as he may get on finding his owns ways to feel as complete and happy as he deserves to be.
Now... I'm going to get some Adam's WLL exposure and run back to my iced bathtube....again! LOL
It seems that Adam has never been one to keep much private (lucky for us!) Do they smuggle someone on to the bus when we're not looking?
Wouldn't he want to spend at least some free time
with this "person" tho we never see this or maybe
it's right under our noses and we don't see it!
He said he spends his spare time relaxing, reading, etc. Still, we all hope he is dating at
least sometimes.
I agree that he needs a right to privacy in these
things. I remember my mom's generation being taken aback when Elvis got married (even tho they
realized none of them had a chance) - it still
felt strange. Same with Prince Charles, haha
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