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Adam Lambert on Entertainment Tonight

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, July 19, 2010

Posted at : Monday, July 19, 2010

It's Adam new photo shoot with Lee Cherry!! (Behind the scenes)


Anonymous said...

Hot!:pant: I have those hair pins! Looong legs on the couch. I need a cool drink

Anonymous said...

24/7 is sooo good!... we don't even have to wait for ET!... it seems like we're getting the most exclusive news about Adam!... feeling so special! :)
Adam looks so good on everything he wears... he carries them so well! If it's not those beautiful eyes... its those pouty lips!!! damn!
And don't forget the tongue too! :)

Anonymous said...


Shirley said...

I love the second picture!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks 24/7

Shirley said...

Thanks for that notice 24/7. I commented earlier with a long posts but it never appeared but now the commenting is working again.

Anonymous said...

YES, YES, YES!!! YES#1, I've never believed 0ne day I c0uld fall in l0ve f0r S0ME GESTAP0 face! YES#2, S0 weird sp0rt b0xe can be s0metimes... give me y0ur left, n0w man, let me see y0ur left man, c0me 0n man, g0 f0r it, I'm ready, d0 it, d0 it, just 0ne left t0 kn0ck me 0ut, y0u d0 it pleeeeese, my king 0f all rings! YES#3, N0w it's my baby, a baby all mine, my diam0nd baby... c0me t0 mama, baby, let me sing y0ur baby dreams! Fan4fun

URANUS said...

He's so gorgeous! My fav is #1!

Anonymous said...

Is there only three photo shoots? I thought theere would be more. I hope they will release more.

glitz and sparkles said...

Adam is the most photogenic fabulous being around...soooooo dreamy!!! Gorgeous!!

off topic..
OMG OMG.......the universe has come thru again
just read that:
Idol Headlines for 07/19/10
July 19th, 2010 | Author: mj
"Adam Lambert scheduled for two dates in Hawaii on 10/25 and 10/26."

Glitzylady...are you coming? Anyone else??
Can't think or work now...I'm mush for the rest of the day.

Anonymous said...

Glitz & Sparkles 10:55

It's listed on Adams website too!

Anonymous said...

Better n0t t0 c0mment my sweet adult dream ab0ut s0me sweet pants c0vering sweet parts 0f a sweet y0ung man... it c0uld be cens0red by n0t s0 sweet m0derat0rs... yes, better t0 take a sweet walk 0N SN0W instead... Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Sorry way off topic... this cracked me up so much! I thought I'd share! Tweet from Adam's dad; - Tour merch folks are cutting edge: I'm sure the lifesize Neil mannequins will be a big seller

*** Must open the picture to make it so funny! :)

Anonymous said...

OMG, cant wait to see this tonite on TV! Adam is the hotttttttttest man on this planet! The voodoo look was my favorite. OMG!!!!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

he's adding dates in Hawaii?! I guess the Glam Nation Tour is doing so well for Adam.

Even people like Rihanna, Kesha, Christina all had to cancel their tours. While Adam is selling out. That's aamzing!

Anonymous said...

All the above diva's had venues with like a million people capacity and besides, who wants to see Kesha (although I like her) and Rihanna lip sync? Adam is the real thing. Christina has a huge voice but her songs lack the depth that they used to have.
Thanks Anon 11:15 for the link! it was so funny! Adam Dad is a hoot and some of the comments are hilarious as well!
Check it out if you haven't seen it! ROTFL.
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

Once the divas had the big venues, it's hard to come down and not be a diva anymore.

Anonymous said...

Love Adam! Love 24/7!

Anonymous said...

There was a long article on the front page of the Los Angeles Times last week saying this was the worst summer for touring ever, that even big names, like Rihanna, the Eagles (say it isnt so), Jonas Bros., Limp Bizkit canceled dates. Not entire tours, however. But no mention of Adam. maybe they only count venues of 10,000 or more? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

OH - YES!!!!

Adam, damn, you are such a beautiful man! I love every look you have. You are so over-the-top, fabulous, that I can barely stand it! And - further torture - camera licking?? You're killing me. Must watch video clip many, many more times. Must study and analyze it in great, excrutiating detail. The pictures posted here are all beautiful. Give me chills.

Can't believe I will see this man, in the flesh, tomorrow night! Do you all have thermal mapping capabilities? Because tomorrow night, there is going to be a burning red hot spot in Seattle. Will be hot to the touch! Glitzylady - can you stand it?

Also, side note, I love seeing how tall Adam is. Very sexy.

G&S - oh wow, NOW he's coming to HI? After you bought tickets for 2 other shows??? Oh, the irony. Well hey, you'll get to see him 3 times, you lucky dog!

- Adam Fix

7788 said...

Rihanna cancelled like 10 tours in the past month. And her tickets were selling for like 10 dollars. And no, she's not playing in huge stadiums. She's playing in sizes like Adam's.

GlammyLadybug said...

I think BB could have made a good life for himself from modelling alone. Usually, I don't fall for a poster person, but this man is mesmerizing not only in person, on stage, but also in pictures. Unbelievable photogenic man! Even in his 'ugly ducking' years... Even more so in preIdol/Zodiac/ Burning Man/non-star years.. Seems like he have always enjoyed posing for camera, for everyone and for himself alone. He's just doing that professionally now, isn't he? Good for him.. and for us all, boys and girls alike. :-))

As for the size of venues.. well.. it seems Adam's management made the right choice after all as tiresome as it is for all involved.

Adam Fix.. Enjoy the show tomorrow!

PLA! I was waiting for you to show up. Hi there!
I answered you on THAT thread :-).

glitz and sparkles said...

Adam Fix.....hmmmmmmm 4 times!! I plan on going both nites!! Yes oh the irony...but very very happy!! Can't wait for Vegas next week!!

ENJOY ENJOY your concert tomorrow in Seattle..
will be waiting for your report!!

Anonymous said...

Tonight, tonight. Morrison Center in Boise. I'll be there in all my glory and glam with my husband who loves Adam. Sold Out Venue Again!!

Adam is so good to his fans. Don't any of you realize the reason he wears his hat backwards? It's so his fans can see his face and also so he doesn't hit them in their face with the bill.
Never in my life have I seen anyone who is so courteous and accomodating in every way.

Don't mean to be snarky but on a scale of 10, 10 being best
Adam is 1,000,000
Neil is 0 zero, zilch, zip
Absolutely no comparison between the two

Neil got to be straight
Adam got all the rest of all the best attributes a person can have.

I'm off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of glam.

Robin from Eagle, Idaho 8 miles from Mr. L

Anonymous said...

Robin,"the wonderful wizard of Glam". I like that! Enjoy Adam! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

10:53 A photo shoot is comprised of 100 or more pictures taken in each outfit and in different poses. What you are seeing are pictures selected from the entire photo shoot. These are probably not what Lee Cherry considers the best although we think they're fabulous. He's saving the best for later.

Anonymous said...

I can just sit and stare at him for hours, never had this happen with anyone else. It's like he has that pied piper effect on people. I would follow him anywhere!! He is the epitome of gourgeous!!

Anonymous said...

Is that a pocket watch or a lense? "yo Mr Hot man! Can you please check me out with that hot lense of yours?" LOL Damn he is so FINEEEEEE! I can't believe I am looking at this pics for the million times.
And those rings, where the F does he buy them, they are so fierce. Adam, you are so COOOOOOL man! kIssesssssssssss <3

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:15 Thanks for the link.
Shows more of the Lambert boys than I ever knew. Just click on the picture and then click view full size. Neil appears to have acne scars as well. While Adams arms are hirsuit, Neil's seem to be hairless. Wonder if he shaves them. haha Cannot figure out why Neil does not appeal to me in any way.

Anonymous said...

Why a ticket to Adam Lambert concert can cost hundreds of dollars and a ticket to Rihannas concert only 10 dollars? I don't understand your ticket system. Rihanna is not the biggest diva though. I'm more worried about Gaga, she's making lots of money but she loses it too. I read she had 3 private planes on her world tour.

Anonymous said...

LOVE that SEXY open shirt at the end!! Great boots too!!


Anonymous said...

Apparently Cam (Adam's keyboardist) was bit by a spider...check out her twitter and twitter pic...

U H H UhHuhHerMusic



Anonymous said...

OMG check out Citizen Vein Adam grabbing his thang!



Anonymous said...

to fan4fun:

quit talking babytalk to my baby!!


glitzylady said...

@G & S

WOW, very cool!!!! Honolulu,.... Maui, ?????? Will be checking my calendar...Feeling the need to go back to that little grass shack....I bet I can even talk my husband into that one...not that he would mind at all!!! Loves Adam as well, and also loves Hawaii....perfect combination....And you were worried you wouldn't get a chance to see him at all....and now you are traveling all over the planet, ....another true Adam fan is born.....The Grateful Dead have nothing on Adam for dedicated fans who will follow him anywhere....

Anonymous said...

to daydreaminmyli:
we have watched that vid for the past year, almost everyday darling. WHere were you? But I know, it seems like new everytime I watch it, I just can't keep my eyes off glambulge..THud!

glitzylady said...

@Adam Fix

Yes, Seattle will be at least 10 degrees hotter in the Sodo area tomorrow and it won't be radiating from Safeco Field (Mariners are playing-ho hum..)
The Seattle fire department will be getting a lot of false alarms due to all of the area heat and smoke detectors going off.....And no doubt Mariner Fans will be wondering where all that cheering and screaming is coming from....because it will be drowning out whatever noise is coming from Safeco.....

Anonymous said...

Despite all the great photoshoots, my favorite look
for Adam is still his big happy smile!

Anonymous said...

To Robin at 12:59
I agree Adam is a 1000000.
Re the comment that Neil got to be straight, don't dismiss the possibility that there are people who are glad that they are gay.

Maybe Neil looks glum because nobody is asking for
his autograph...

Anonymous said...

Thank you 24/7 for posting this video.

I just watched ET and they played a clip about 30 seconds long with only a few parts of this vid in it.


Anonymous said...

I just watched ET also and they only showed a clip saying what was coming on. I think Adam got aced out tonight, because of the zza zza Gabor story. She only has a 50/50 chance to pull thru her operation she had today.May be they will fit Adam in tomorrow. I wish they would ace out some of the Meg Gibson crap. I am sick of hearing about him.

Anonymous said...

sorry MEL Gibson. LOL

Anonymous said...

Thank you 24/7 for this updated ET posts.

Adam u r awesome! U r so photogenic!! The camera loves u... u look so stunning in whatever outfit u wear!!! Love that sexy pout n also that camera licking!

Oh god.. I'm so so in love with Adam! The most gorgeous man on earth!!!
I love U Adam!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm also sick of Mel Gibson. This is old news that is going NOWHERE. They should cut that or the Lindsay Lohan Crap instead of Adam.


Anonymous said...

Yowzer is he handsome!! He is an amazing looking man. He really enjoys this I think and it shows.

Anonymous said...

As the "official" velcro ripper on Adam's wardrobe crew, I was saddended to learn that Adam had plenty of leisure time to change into his various outfits for this photo shoots, and was not drenched in sweat, as he is at his live my services were not needed at this time.

Well, I guess I got a well earned day off, then. My hands were starting to ache...but all in the line of duty.

- Adam Fix ;)

Anonymous said...

What a shoot!Love the suit. I can't understand how ignorant people would make statements about someones acne scars. My face has been ruined by it and I can't even picture my worse enemies posting comments on the internet about it. It's a flaw and does damage on it's own.Concentrate on your own flaws 1:41

Anonymous said...

Adam are you reading us? Tweet from Adam (just what we were talking about today):

"Rumor control: This movie project 'american empire' is b.s. Dunno how its on imdb. Dont know anything about it."


Janice said...


Janice said...

"Adam are you reading us? Tweet from Adam (just what we were talking about today):"

Yeah I read his twitter and I was like "OMG Adam knows what his fans are thinking and talking about!"

But too bad he's not in a movie. But I'm sure it'll be in the future. He's too talented.

Anonymous said...

@ BB...... «quit talking babytalk t0 «Y0UR» baby???»..... Y0u watc# 0ut t#e risk, fell0w, d0 n0t step t#e risk, t#at baby is s000 MINE. Y0u be aware 0f t#e wrat# 0f a sweet baby m0m!!! (L0L)........Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

PHEW!! ITS GETTING SIZZLING HOT ON HERE with these Stunningly Beautiful Sexy Pictures of Adam
....Hooray more pics for my Adam Gallery....

LOVE ADAM HAIR DOWN LOOKS.....Tantalizingly Sexy Delicious Man...who should also be Modelling for some Top Designers (if any spare time in Adam,s hectic Tour) if they can afford him lol
Bloody Beautiful is Our ADAM xxx
G;lambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Adam is a phototogs dream!So photogenic with so many different looks!Hope movie moguls see his versatality and ability to morph into a variety{not just glam ,gay or dark themed]of roles. Glad the American Empire was a rumor. Think Adam is worthy of a better vehicle to show his talent and put him in a first class movie, something glammed down and with an interesting character.He doesn't need to settle for mediocrity with his talent and charisma. He's a natural in front of the camera. Have to admit I'm a sucker for his smile and the hard rocker sneer not so much. My fave adjective for him,exquisitely beautiful,always..funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Thanks 24/7 for beautiful pics and the ET video that was shortened by ET. LOve all of the many comments and how funny that they seem to be reading my thoughts.I agree with and relate to so many of you. G&S,so glad Adam is coming to H and you'll have the opportunity to see him again! Seattle will be visited by heat seeking missiles zeroing in on Adam! Have fun tonite! funbunn40