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Adam Lambert Sings "Burning Ring of Fire" at Party City's Halloween Bash.

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Finally there's a clip from this event!

Party City's favorite "Glampire" Adam Lambert Sings for Donations to the Boys and Girls Club Charity at Party City's Halloween Bash. Party City Donates $400,000 from costume sales.

Party City, America's largest party specialty and Halloween retailer, celebrates Halloween early this year, as it generates excitement for kids who may not have otherwise been able to get into the spirit of the season. Through in-store customer donations, Party City has collected more than $400,000 to help support Boys & Girls Clubs of America.

The donation was announced at Party City's third annual Halloween Industry Awards, Saturday, Oct. 24, 2009, held at the company's annual Halloween Bash at the Boca Raton Resort & Club in Boca Raton, Fla.

More than 300 Party City company executives, designers and other manufacturer representatives attended the awards event dressed suitably in Halloween costumes. Party guests were entertained by American Idol star, Adam Lambert, who came dressed as a "glam-pire" and performed hits from his season on Idol.


Stephanie said...

WOAH. What's going on today? Why are there so many interviews and new clips? This will take all night for me to watch this lol.

I'll be back after I shower. :D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yeah 24/7 sloooooooow down abit...its 3 in the morning in the UK and i need to get to bed busy work day ahead!!!
no i am going to catch up later or am I its so tempting i love to hear Adam talk his voice is so Soothing,Sexy and Beautiful
Glambrit Isle of Wight Uk

Anonymous said...

Why dont we ever hear from the mainstream media about Adam doing charity work like this? Too positive an image? Adamluv

JessicaC said...


Glitz and Sparkles said...

cute....lovin the fangs...

Anonymous said...

Adamluv - you hit the nail on the head. Liberal media wants Adam to go away.


Anonymous said...

Wooow, who does that! sings with a fang on!!! How do you do that Adam!... and still keeps it in there!!! that alone is another

melissa toronto said...

I think Adam was hire for this charity event. He was the main performer to promote the event if I remember correctly. Adam, you can bite me anytime haha..

Anonymous said...

the fans are scary but sexy at the sametime, rawrrr. God he is so frickin fine!
oh, I was just watching Americas got talent and the first group used Adam's FYE for their set and I screamed through the whole thing :) feels good to hear his voice...*sigh*

Anonymous said...

correction to above post:

not fans, fangs...LOL

Glambird said...

How does Adam do that? Impressive...!!

Anonymous said...

That is just about the hottest thing I have ever seen!!!!!
How does he do that!?!?!

Anonymous said...

ok Glamily, I know you all like new hot pics of the "king" himself, so here is one link I found on twitter...Enjoy guys, oh and the credit goes to @QueenGlambert. Thankyou queenglambert for this sexy photo. I am just out of breath right now, paper bag please!


Anonymous said...

This is great. I wonder if there is a vid of the whole performance.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for lots of things to watch and listen to. I'm in the Eastern Time Zone trying desperately to stay awake to follow the twitter list for the Seattle show. If it's very active, it will help. If it's really slow, I may not last past 1am. That's what happened with me for the Boise show. I'm glad the fans were so entranced, they enjoyed the show but it did nothing for keeping me up.

After this, I'm googling the lastest news on him, going to the AO site and then reading my daily fanfics. Plus I had a nap this afternoon and I don't need to get up early in the morning so wish me luck. I'll even try Jimmy Falon.

DC Canadian

Anonymous said...

@ZZ July 20 8:02PM -

Don't watch AGT - what kind of act was it that used "FYE"??

Also, thanks for all your links lately :)!


Anonymous said...

@DC Canadian 9:08pm -

Are these fanfics that you're talking about fanfics about or including Adam Lambert?


Anonymous said...

Turned on Americas Got Talent just as the cheerleading group was performing to FYE! But the song went so much faster than the original. How do they do that? That song never was given the exposure here in the states that it should have received. And ZZ, that photo is something! Thank you and thank Adam Lambert even more. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

to MassGlamFan

It was the Cheer SF that used FYE. Here is a complete youtube video. The act kind of sucked IMO but the song is fab, can't go wrong with FYE!
love all the glamberts!

Shirley said...

I hope they upload the whole performance. How can they leave us hanging like that? xD

Anonymous said...

I know thanks to Adam, he is the He is so Phreshhhhh YUM!

Anonymous said...

Glad he didn't take the Dracula teeth off for the performance :D

Anonymous said...

I just love twitter... It keeps me all happy with adam pics..and I get to share them with my glamily..

Eleonora said...

Oh God!
Adam is really scary!
Maybe i am naive , but he scares me!
He is a good actor!

Anonymous said...

I want t#is beautiful y0ung vampire singing, smiling and playing mad at me! g0 0n, sweet vampire!! Please bite (0r lick me! Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

show us the full video with the fangs please!!!

glitzylady said...

Still catching up on these vids after my Seattle Adam Experience...Still a little dazed.....Loved that little snippet, and I agree with everyone else.......Where is the rest of it?????? Aren't we close enough to Halloween again???!!! At Adam's house growing up, it was always Halloween, so its okay with me if he brings out those fangs once in awhile.....its a very good look for him....just like all of his other looks....Lets see, Whole Lotta Love with fangs....let's give that one a try.....