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Adam Lambert to debut on the silver sceen?

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 18, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, July 18, 2010

According to IMDB, Adam Lambert is listed as one of the actors for the upcoming film "American Empire"!

There is no official confirmation other than the IMDB page but if Adam is really going to act in movies, that would be very exciting!

UPDATE: Adam denied this on twitter!

"Rumor control: This movie project 'american empire' is b.s. Dunno how its on imdb. Dont know anything about it."


Vannessa said...

So cool if this turns out to be true. But I hope Adam gets a main character role.

Anonymous said...

I saw this posted a while ago but have not heard anymore about it. Adam did give a hint during his interview in Denver that he might be in a movie so maybe this is true. I hope it is.

Anonymous said...

I Googled the movie title and it came up with a home page. I clicked on cast and there is Adam's name and picture between Pimintieri and Pollack. It doesn't look to be a leading role.

Anonymous said...

Really? If this is on their official website, then it's 100% confirmed!!!

Maybe it's a guest role, like Adam will sing for a certain part?

Shirley said...

I was hoping his first movie debut will be a leading role directed and produced by Tim Burton co-starring with Johnny Depp. But I guess that was too much to ask.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Huh. And when, on earth, would he have had time to sneak away and act in a movie??? :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

There is another Adam it him?

Anonymous said...

I am very excited for Adam and for us fans. BUT! when are they actually going to start filming? Adam's schedule is already over loaded till the end of this year... maybe next year? He also mentioned he's starting a new album next year? I guess he can juggle both! Wow! he works very hard... I guess take it when opportunity knocks!

Anonymous said...

I think this is another Adam Lambert

Anonymous said...

1. When you are a performer your name is like a copywrite. No one else can ever be Elvis Pressley or Marilyn Monroe. So only one Adam Lambert.

2. The movie is said to be out in 2011, they have all the cast, they can be shooting right now.

3. It is l7 months until December 2011, so lots of time to shoot and still be out in 2011.

Anonymous said...

If you click on American Empire above it takes you to a page with ADAM's name & picture (thumbnail) ... if you click on ADAM's picture it takes you to a page full of ADAM's TV appearances & loads of thumbnail pics, etc. Looks like the real deal to me. Check it out everyone & see what you all think.


Anonymous said...

IMDB is not canon.
This whole blog is an attempt to manufacture news.
This is an old story.
Nothing is known to be a fact.

Jeez people.

MiMi said...

I am sure this is all subject to change but I did find the AMERICAN EMPIRE website and it describes the movie as a journey into the bizarre undrworld of eccentric characters and political intrigue. It is also using the words "dark comedy" to help describe it. Adam is included with a long list of other actors. It sounds like it's a cameo role. I am sure Adam can squeeze in a small role despite his busy schedule. It sounds like fun. I hope he's singing and performing in the movie. Good for him if it happens.

Anonymous said...

I don't think this is true. They are just trying to create a buzz, and they sure did.. WOW Adam, everyone wants a piece of you, including ME!LOL

Anonymous said...

It was Adam on the list. I could like this movie, if it is about the players :)

Anonymous said...

Adam just tweeted that this is b.s. and does not know anything about it.


Anonymous said...

Looks to me like this could be legit, although it states it is in pre-production, so who knows what could happen. Also, it's a Florida Independent Film Production. The IMDB database lists Adam's trademarks as:

"Artistic interpretation of classic and current music with creative vision.
Vocal control while wailing in upper register of vocal range.
Costumed performance art coupled with strong vocal skills."

I like what they wrote - pretty good description. To say "strong" vocal skills, tho, I think is an under-description.

On the movie's website,
part of its description is "It showcases grunge hit men and otherworldly alternative/progressive nightclubs." "Otherworldly" certainly fits Adam to a T. Think about his FYE vid - I'm thinking he would probably appear as a singer in one of the clubs, and maybe w/his band? That would be cool. Chances are he probably has a smaller-type part, and would easily be able to fit it into his schedule, especially if it's after his GN tour is over. They are right/smart to have him appear in the movie, cause you know all of us fans will be going to it!! They have a guaranteed audience right off the bat! lol

Anonymous said...

OK, forget what I just said above with my long post! lol

Anonymous said...

Dontcha just love twitter!

Anonymous said...

Thanks 4 lettin us know, Adam!!

Anonymous said...

I think their cast list must be a wish list.

Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted on Adam Official its all BS. He knows nothing about it. It's not true, just another rumor.

Anonymous said...

Oh drat, I believed this was true. Really liked the name of the movie too xD

Anonymous said...

It's great that Adam can shoot rumors down so quickly with Twitter!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted:

Rumor control: This movie project 'american empire' is b.s. Dunno how its on imdb. Dont know anything about it

Anonymous said...

I hope when Adam makes a movie it will be with a quality script, director, etc and not some C class horror film without a plot. I'd hate to seem get pigeon holed and then only get offered rediculous parts. I think he could do comedy, drama,or anything. He has great facial expression and has theatre training which is much more exaggerated than movie filming, but with some acting lessons and good direction he could be convincing playing any character. It also doesn't have to be a singing part. I just would not want him to settle for a poor film and have it on his resume. He's first class and needs to keep his projects the same. funbunn40

Shirley said...

Awww I was hoping it would be true.

Anonymous said...

Are we being watched by Adam?! Does he read 24/7?! He must have tweeted after he read about it here. OMG We have to keep the trolls/haters out of here so they don't publish mean comments to try to hurt Adam!!

Adam is all about <3


Anonymous said...

When Adam says it's bogus, it's bogus. That's the glory of twitter. I'm always so greatful for Adam keeping us in the "know" and out of the b.s.

Thanks Adam. Love, love, love you, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuah!


Anonymous said...

@ Funb0nn40..........I'm pretty sure t#at w#en/if sweet Adam decides t0 make 0r t0 take part in a M0VIE t#e w#0le stuff will #ave t0 be very well prepared and managed by w#0ever be#ind cameras, mics and pr0ducti0n.... because sweet Adam uses t0 #ave always at least 0ne eye, 0ne ear and 0ne #and 0n w#atever bef0re #is n0se tells #im it's is safe t0 step 0ne f00t 0n any gr0und ! And t#at's my Diam0nd B0y w0rking it 0ut, being a seri0us business man, isn't it??? Anyway if sweet Adam decides t0 accept playing s0me nasty caracter, it s#0uld be quite difficult f0r me t0 «believe» t#at sweet Adam's w0rk ...I mean, #e may be n0t a trustful act0r f0r me at all...but y0u please d0n't get me wr0ng, maybe I'm just talking t0 myself 0n Paradise 24/7, 0k?... Let #imself g0...Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

don't know if I want to see Adam in an action movie..??

Anonymous said...

Hey Fan4fun, You're right. Diamond Boy is a good business man and will keep an eye out!Btw, I talk to myself all the time. You have to worry when you answer yourself!haha anon above, have to admit,an action movie might be a stretch,not the Bruce Willis type, but I could see him as a detective, good guy. I definitely could see him in True Blood as a romantic Glampire! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Hey,hey,hey Fan4fun. I talk to myself all the's the only way I get the truth. hahaha