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Adam promoting IHeartRadio!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, July 22, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, July 22, 2010

Funny clip! Courtesy of Z100!


Anonymous said...

Now that was funny. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

It's no wonder Adam rules my life. The vids just keep coming! I love it!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG, that was hilarious. Hebrew school no less.

Anonymous said...

Is Adam a natural comedian or what? His timing is great. That was so cute. Thanks 24/7 Made me laugh out loud.

Clarissa said...

Ohmyglitter! I LOVE how ridiculously funny he sounded when he said "I CAN!" xD He is brilliantly adorable.

Anonymous said...

So silly and so funny. Well Adam they should invite you to SNL sometime. They'd have a great time with you there.

Anonymous said...

He reminds me of that little Opie kid on The Andy Griffith Show with his cute, innocent face and his baseball cap.


cassie said...

haha...this is hilarious! I love him more every day...

Anonymous said...

This is great!!! He is the most likeable entertainer EVER!!! All ages love him and just watching the way he interacts you can understand why. And, oh yes, he can really sing.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm so late for this party!:{ And this is hilarious! Adam you are killing us just by being YOU!... just open your mouth and we are so entertained!!! Ok, minds off the gutter!:}... I meant by singing and talking... lol

Anonymous said...

He does have that little boy Opie side of him! funbunn40He can be such a goof and I love it! A natural born comedian. Don't think there's anything he can't do. His smile and laugh gets me every time.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful and so funny... No end to Adam's talent!

Anonymous said...

Adam the cutest guy in show biz today! Is there anything he can't do? I think not!

Anonymous said...

Silly - just love it. Who was it that said he could be a "cute dork" - such an adorable side of our gorgeous Adam. It's all Adam and it's all addicting!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Clarissa.....«0#myglitter!» is brilliantly ad0rable t00! (L0L)......Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

S0 silly is s0 funny because it is s0 natural and s0 «true»..... 0r just because it is s00000 sweet Adam!.......Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

@Anon July 23, 2010 9:34 AM -
I've seen the word "adorkable" applied to Adam in the blogosphere :).

Anonymous said...

Why has no one offered him a movie contract yet? Get with it...he's a 100% NATURAL ACTOR!
We love you, Adam!!! I don't just want to see clips of you...bring on a full feature movie!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone say "Star of Stage and Screen: Adam Lambert." This man can act! I really thought he was sad. Go Adam Go!

Eleonora said...


Anonymous said...

He looks like a "good old boy" is this vid. He is so funny and loves to get us going! LOL