"Glam Nation Tour" Box Office Update!
Filed Under (tour news ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Good news for the "Glam Nation Tour"! Adam has sold out 10 out of the 11 shows on the list! (This includes two shows that sold out 99% of the seats)
Congrats Adam!
The following are some updated box office numbers from the tour.
Allen Theatre
Cleveland, OH
Promoter: (In-House Promotion)
Allison Iraheta
Sold: 2,500
Capacity: 2,500
Ticket Price: $10 – $35
Gross: $83,000
Ryman Auditorium
Nashville, TN
Promoter: AEG Live / The Messina Group
Allison Iraheta
Sold: 2,306
Capacity: 2,338
Ticket Price: $40.50 – $0
Gross: $93,393
Tennessee Theatre
Knoxville, TN
Promoter: (In-House Promotion) / A.C. Entertainment
Allison Iraheta
Sold: 1,606
Capacity: 1,606
Ticket Price: $37.50 – $0
Gross: $60,225
Rams Head Live!
Baltimore, MD
Promoters: Rams Head Promotions / I.M.P. / Seth Hurwitz
Allison Iraheta
Sold: 1,400
Capacity: 1,400
Ticket Price: $40 – $0
Gross: $56,000
Royal Oak Music Theatre
Royal Oak, MI
Promoters: AEG Live
Allison Iraheta
Sold: 1,700
Capacity: 1,700
Ticket Price: $35 – $0
Gross: $59,500
The Venue At Horseshoe Casino
Hammond, IN
Promoters: AEG Live
Allison Iraheta
Sold: 2,819
Capacity: 3,027
Ticket Price: $45 – $0
Gross: $126,855
Riverside Theatre
Milwaukee, WI
Promoter: AEG Live
Allison Iraheta
Sold: 2,354
Capacity: 2,354
Ticket Price: $38.75 – $0
Gross: $91,218
Lifestyle Communities Pavilion
Columbus, OH
Promoter: PromoWest Productions
Allison Iraheta
Sold: 2,183
Capacity: 2,200
Ticket Price: $35 – $0
Gross: $76,405
Mystic Lake Casino
Prior Lake, MN
Promoter: (In-House Promotion)
Allison Iraheta
Sold: 2,104
Capacity: 2,104
Ticket Price: $59 – $69
Gross: $138,695
Harrah’s Casino – Stir Concert Cove
Council Bluffs, IA
Promoters: C3 Presents / Harrah’s Entertainment
Allison Iraheta
Sold: 3,741
Capacity: 3,741
Ticket Price: $37 – $0
Gross: $138,417
Starland Ballroom
Sayreville, NJ
Promoters: AEG Live
Allison Iraheta
Sold: 2,005
Capacity: 2,005
Ticket Price: $35.50 – $0
Gross: $71,178
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Wow!He must be so rich right now!:)
Congrats Adam! For all of your hard work :DD
No Kidding when i saw this thread i thought it said *lunch box update....oooops what was i thinking.....Glambulge mmmmm
Please all American Glamberts try not to wear Adam out as we so want Adam to come to UK with Glam Nation Tour
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Very impressive news! So thrilled for Adam ! Read today in LA Times that for today only tickets with Live Nation will be only $10.00 for dozens of upcoming shows here in So. Calif. Again, only for today (Tuesday) and you are out of luck if you already have tickets! Adamluv
You rock Adam and you are the best!
Peace and love from Norway
Keep in mind that there are lots of expenses that accompany a tour...and everyone gets a slice of the 'pie'. Wishing more SUCCESSES, love and happiness to Adam!!!
Just think how much scalpers are getting!!! Not fair. We paid 4X listed ticket price, but that was the only option.
I love hearing about this because we all know the other artists out there are suffering.
I'm just glad Adam's tours are selling like hotcakes. :D We can brag about it next time when we have a fight with someone who says Adam is "underperforming". He's definitely not.
Don't forget he had $375,000 up front. Any sales over that, he would get a percentage. So he had to take in $375,00 before he would start to get his percentage of the sales. Same with his Merchandise, his promoters get the first $75,000. But What a star, next year he might be very rich, bec ause then he can negotiate with them. This year they had to take a chance on him. Don't forget he wasn't actually the winner of AI, and gay to boot. But I am so happy that so many people love him, just as I do. His talent goes unsurpassed, and his looks don't hurt either, plus his personality.
I hope that Adam does make a HUGE profit off of his tour. He’s been working really hard and his concert is so cool!
wow...simply amazing.
This the best news I have heard all week.
I'm ashamed to say I paid 850.00 for 2 tickets [sec.C row B for the Raleigh concert. The most financially outrageous thing I've ever done.The sad thing is,the Stubhub supplier got it, not Adam. I rationalized it by it being a once in a lifetime opportunity to see him that close and it's a reserved seat, not GA. I would never do it for anyone else. He is so worth it.I just hate the scalpers profiting.Once he's in the large arenas you'll have to be happy with binoculars or watching on a big screen. I'm happy for all that can fly to more than one concert and especially to those that are able to see him in a meet and greet.Wish I knew the secret. So glad that this Glamtour is such a success with so many big tours cancelling dates. This looks so good for Adam and hopefully radio and media will take notice. funbunn40
it's a good time to tour and do something like the "Glam Nation" because there's not much else goin on....
it's also so great when the tickets are $5 or $10...
Brian May (Queen)said once: When we just started if we made on the tour 2,000,000 we spent this money on the next tour. So, it wasn't such a big profit, mostly if you want to have tour in UK or Japan, etc.
I think this is not anybodies business to count how much money Adam made.
Good luck, Adam
@ Glambrit Isle 0f Wig#t UK........Listen t0 me, fell0w, n0w t#at y0u are replacing Adam Fix as t#e president 0f «Club Weird», y0u'd better keep y0ur brain c00l by living in t#e s#ade (n0 m0re sun, except sweet Adam) and y0ur b0dy well fed, n0 matter t#e menu f0r lunc#..... y0u may be lucky: «Glambulge au FlambĂ© avec Glitter et.....v0ilá Mme. President, B0n Apetite!!!!L0L....(d0n't y0u f0rget I AM A C00K!!) L0L, L0L, L0L.......... Fan4fun
I didn't understand any word you said. Do you know who is Brian May or band Queen? Freddie Mercury is Adam's hero!
I just said that it is nobodies business what Adam is doing with his money!
And again GOOD LUCK, ADAM!!!!!!!!
@ An0nymus 11:45AM........well c0mmented, it is always g00d idea t0 remind us all; Sweet Adam is s0 amazing, we f0rget n0t everyb0dy kn0ws ab0ut 0r believe it.....yet! But sweet Adam's career just t00k 0ff and as it is g0ing 0n s0 amazingly, I'm pretty sure Diam0nd B0y quite early will get a private jet instead 0f a bus.......Fan4fun
I agree—it is no one’s business what Adam does with his money. However, if there is some action I take as a fan(or we collectively as fans) that will help him negotiate a fairer shake for himself then count me in! Does Adam have an agent?
Fan4Fun, what happened to your keyboards? Just wondering!
This is off the topic, but here goes
To all Glambrits, please know that Adam fans adore you for your love of Adam and your loyalty to him. Going back to the WBC thread an anon poster wrote they were glad they didn't have a sect like that in the UK. Another poster thought it was so cool the Rush Limbaugh had been banned in the UK because that poster hated him. Mr. Limbaugh is not banned in the UK. It irks me when people from any country, even the US, get their facts wrong and post them where they can be believed by uninformed readers.
Again I will stress that I enjoy the posts from the UK, from Poland, from Finland, from Portugal, from Hong Kong, from the Azores and everywhere else in the world. They are enlightening, funny and heartfelt to us who come to 24/7.
As all of us are so quick to jump to Adam's defense if we feel that he has been harmed in any way, so am I quick to jump to America's defense by anyone who does not live in this country and misstates the facts.
Rush Limbaugh is a man who stands behind the US Military and shows his generosity daily. I have been the recipient of "care packages" sent by Rush. Unless you have a loved one in the US Military, you will never know that fact because our liberal media will not put it in the news. You may not care for what the man says, but don't hate him since you don't know what he does.
I am currently home for a 6 month R&R. Will be redeployed to Afghanistan in September.
Staff Sgt Jason Foster
82nd Airborne
Fort Bragg, NC
P.S. Thanks to the Brits who are fighting alongside us in the Middle East.
Thanks 24/7
Thanks Adam Lambert - Youtube keeps us up to date with you. Many many troops are fans.
Thanks Mom - Deus te amat and I do too
Is this sweet man on Fire or what? I am so happy and proud of him. Go Adam! You earned it man!
Jason Foster, I remember reading on the newspaper that Dan Savage and Rush Limbaugh were both banned from entering the UK. Because they spew a lot of racist stuff etc. I have no opinion on those two though.
I listen to Rush and he does NOT "spew racist stuff." I do not listen to Dr. Michael Savage, so I have no opinion on him. Google Rush Limbaugh banned in UK and see for yourself. Thank you for your service to our country, Sgt. Foster.
Staff Sgt Jason Foster, I also want to thank you with all my heart for your service to our country. Also for a different perspective on Limbaugh. And that Adam has fans in the military is great to hear. Adamluv
@ Glambird.....my Glamkitten Ic0n g0t jeal0us because I give t00 muc# attenti0n t0 sweet Adam and Paradise 24/7. S0 decided t0 dr0p my lapt0p fr0m my desk t0 t#e fl00r t0 get my attenti0n back. Ever since t#e keyb0ard g0t s0me letters, numbers and c0ntr0lls bl0cked 0r s0rt 0f 0ut 0f 0rder... Believe me fell0w, it's a #ard «trip» t0 c0mment 0r access links, s0 muc# tr0uble, but f0r Sweet Adam I keep 0n p0sting, I d0n't feel as#amed, and #0pe y0u understand. My lapt0p is still under warranty but t#e st0re asks 20 days 0r m0re t0 fix it and d0esn't give me an0t#er f0r replacement...... and wit#0ut news 0f Glam Nati0n T0ur I w0n't last 3 days!!! Fan4fun
To Staff Sgt. Jason Foster, I too want to thank you for your service and your words.
I do wish that some people will realize that being a conservative is not a "bad" thing. Some are the most generous and thoughtful. I'm sure Adam will reach out and acknowledge his military fans.
There are so many guys and gals in country who have loved ones in the states that keep us up to date on Adam. We have Ipods with his music and other singers as well. I've seen my Lt. break into a dance listening to Fever or IIHY while we're on patrol. It makes us all laugh and relieves the stress for a while. You might think that soldiers are phobic, but we're not. We're just people doing our jobs and we like good music.
If I've changed just one person's mind about Rush Limbaugh that makes me happy. He's spent millions sending packages to the soldiers in the Middle East. I don't think he's trying to win us over I think he's just a good man.
Again I want to thank my Mom for telling me about 24/7. She signs - Deus te amat and I do too.
Staff Sgt Jason Foster
82nd Airborne
Fort Bragg, NC
Hi Jason Foster...firstly thankyou for your information on Rush Limbaugh,
i am embarassed to say as i am from the UK but i did not know who Rush Limbaugh was...thankyou for telling us in the UK
see how much we learn each day on this Heavenly 24/7 Adam Lambert site
also Jason thankyou again for painting a great picture for us of your fun time in the forces with Adam..its a great feeling knowing you get some good times
Glamlove to all the Troops who risk their lives for their countries..we so respect you all
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Yay this is too awesome!
Rush is a good guy. I am a religious and a conservative person, and love Adam Lambert. I am 67 years old and have seen our country change and not always for the better. I love our military and am very proud of them. Thank you Jason Foster for all you do for us.
The USA is a great place to live, I will defend Adam and USA always. You can't believe everything you read or hear.
OT...Staff Sgt.Jason, Thankyou for your very appreciated service to our country. I have the highest regard for you and all of our troops My very dear friend,Army Col. Bill Giles is a CRNA[anesthetist] and also will be deployed from NC this Sept.to Afghanistan for his 3rd tour of duty. He would send me emails and no one can imagine the heat, frustration and peril you all face. We both live in Charlotte. I hope there will be times when you can visit 24/7 and we can give you something to smile about. So glad to hear that our troops and you enjoy Adam too. He would be happy knowing that he brings you all some levity and keeps you dancing! I saw a video of him singing the star spangled banner in SanDiego for the troops while on Idol. It moved me to tears. I can picture you all dancing to Fever and Strut! I no longer listen to Rush, but am glad that he supports the troops. I wish he would be more supportive of our President and this country would once again be united and strong, but I would never live anywhere else. Hope you and your troops will safely return soon. funbunn40
Although I tend to be a "bit" on the liberal side of things (maybe more than a bit..) I do understand that we don't always get the complete, unbiased and true story from the media....Things and people are often presented in terms of "black or white", depending who you listen to...And conservative or liberal or somewhere in between, we are all very human and can be kind, generous, loving people...or the reverse. We just don't agree on everything. And while I'm not a big fan of some of the more "conservative" radio commentators, I am happy to hear that Rush Limbaugh is very generous with his Care Packages to the military overseas and probably in other things as well.
So thank you SGT. Foster for your dedicated service to this country. Its so much fun to hear that you and others enjoy and appreciate Adam so much and thanks to Adam for giving all of us our little respites from our busy lives....Its so nice to know there are so many in the military who know his music. Thanks for commenting and educating. And be careful when you get back to Afghanistan....
Do you know where did they get this picture of Adam above? It is look like Freddie Mercury whithout his famous microphone? Love Adam, but he is not Freddie!
Anon 8:06
Its from the Idol tour last year....just a great picture....Don't think Adam wants to be Freddie :-)
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