"If I Had You" jumps 4 spots on the Billboard Hot 100 chart!
Filed Under (charts,If I Had You ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Adam Lambert's 3rd single "If I Had You" continues to increase in digital sales and the radio plays! The song jumps 73-69 on this week's Hot 100.
Congrats to Adam!
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Wooow! it just keeps getting better and better!!! got to love all these great news Adam!:}} "Music to your ears"
Top 50 soon...... :D
IIHY video released today in Japan and it is already sitting at #1. http://tweetphoto.com/34017465
Credit goes to @adamlambertJP
Thank you Japan for supporting our BB.Go Japan, Go Japan!
funny pic, LOL @ MOnte
YES!!!! My Diamn0nd B0y is climbing s0me stairs...... great l0ng legs and amazing v0ice are t0 blame!..........Fan4fun
Dont know where to post this but read on another site that a "tweet" just came out from LP saying that Tommys dad is real sick, we need to pray for him, Tommy was on his way to Burbank, Cal., he'd be away 2 days and no-one is replacing him tonite. That's all I know. Dont know if it's all true but I wrote what I read. Adamluv
Poor Tommy. I hope his dad is okay.
Tommy is right... Family always come first. Hope and prayers for his Dad's speedy recovery.
I hope Adam and the rest of the Glamily are ok without one of their Glamily there. xxxx
yes our thoughts and prayers are with Tommy and his family.......
Tommy take care and be strong for your dad.
Love and Light
Lets all send Tommy's Dad our collective energy and prayers. Monte will pick up the slack just as Tommy did for him when the twins were born. Nothing is more important than family. I hope he will be ok. Is he in LA? Think Tommy has a brother and sister, but don't know if they all are in the same place. funbunn40
Hope we can get Adam up to number 1 again on VH1. I just voted a gazillion times .. thank goodness for Rank-um-again button.
I need to get some more votes into VH1 too... I'm supposed to be double voting for Fan4Fun cuz her keyboard is messing up her voting apparently :) (Hey Fan4Fun - thanks for the shoutouts to me lately, I've seen them, thanks! And yes Fan4Fun, AL's long legs, and strong thighs, lawdy lawdy lawdy)
Sending good vibes to TJR and his family!
I just came from the grocery store where I heard wwfm for the 1st time (I never even heard it played on the radio where I live) This is big!! I was so excited!!
Prayers go out to Tommy and his family,
Yes guys, if y0u please d0 me a fav0r and replace me v0ting f0r my Diam0nd B0y...... my jeal0us glamkitten «Ic0n» messed up my lapt0p keyb0ard! T#anks «neig#b0ur» MassGlamFan, I appreciated y0ur kind attenti0n.....FaN4FUN
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