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Movin997 Interviews Adam Lambert at his sold out show in San Francisco!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, July 26, 2010

Posted at : Monday, July 26, 2010

At the Warfield.


Anonymous said...

Adam's so cool, he sure loves his spirits!:}} Adam sure plugs a lot of brands... hope Adam gets credits from these companies for free ads! Hello!... endorsements!!!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this interview, good questions, some news things, but the guy seemed nervous or something. He was so in Adam's face and goofy. Adam, as always, was fantastic.

GlammyLadybug said...

Now that's your YOUNG MAN interviewer!! ..You, the fan from few threads back who complained about the people who get to interview Adam.. It wasn't quite fair what you said back there. I saw hundreds of Adam's interviews and there were people of both genders, younger or older, who took them.
But come on, how young could a DJ/VJ be? Or a TV reporter for that matter? It's really not about the age or gender, but the personality.
Anyway, lately, even young girl fans were able to interview Adam. Glad for them, but starstruck people are no fun, sorry. I, for one, prefer playful and witty professionals of any age for this job. Like this lovely interviewer! I guess/hope here we are in agreement. :-)

However, I love GlamMoms who, in spite of their own ..lust, are pushing young boys in front of the stage for BB to be happy and give back his love to the entire audience :-)

glitzylady said...

Off to Sephora to sniff Guchi by Guchi....

Anonymous said...

Loved this interview .Adam great as usual. The interviewer had a good personality and asked some really good questions.I wish I could see Adam's autograph in that room.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

adam's on Ellen today its a rerun but still

glitzylady said...

OOOPS!!!! Sorry.....(Embarrassed.....face is red...) Gucci....I'm a Versace least I can spell that!!! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow to Nordstrom to get a whiff of Adam [well, almost!] Nice interview. Patron is also a fave of mine, but only special occasions, like Raleigh concert coming up! Nice interview. Not much room on the wall to write. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I wonder if one of the too personal questions was did
he get his nipples pierced - does anybody know if he did?

Anonymous said...

Yay! I love seeing Adam finally getting some media coverage in SF...long overdue!! I think his support in the Bay Area is greatly underestimated by the local radio and other outlets, as evidenced by the extremely enthusiatic audiences his two sold-out Warfield shows. Anyway, loved the interview, very fun. (lol the fragrance question's a moving target.)


Anonymous said...

Anon 1;47. I believe he did. There's a video out there with allison hugging him and then saying something about hurting him. BTW Allison and orianthi are on SYTYCD this week,(Thurs.) Good promo for Allison! Finally! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

So true AL, so true... it depends on the mood...I'll take stiffer please... I like the hard stuff...'ya know, liquor I mean. MGF.

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv 2:22 - thanks for the SYTYCD tip!!! Excited for the exposure for Allison.
MGF (who fears she just baited the thread police above ;)...let's see how that works out :), okay I hope, lol, really was a good interview).

Anonymous said...

MGF, yea, sure, liquor! If you think we believe that clarification, I have some great property for sale in the Mojave desert that you might like. LOL! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

What the holy stupidness?????? Watched this vid this AM and loved it - came back tonight and got nothing but a moving film and stupid elevator music!! SUCKS!!!

Anonymous said...

Huh. Me too, 9:32. It just plays weird music...can't hear any talking. I even went to their website, and that seemed to be corrupted, because I would just get an error mssg when I tried watching this. And even the YouTube versions are just elevator music. Grrrrr.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Here is an article in a San Fransisco paper.

'Idol's' Adam Lambert makes magic in S.F.

Aidin Vaziri, Chronicle Pop Music Critic
San Francisco Chronicle July 26, 2010 04:00 AM Copyright San Francisco Chronicle. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Anonymous said...

why am i hearing strange music and not the interview????

Anonymous said...

Me too! What's with the music only and no Adam voice???

Anonymous said...

Glamcrap! If at least it was playing sweet Adam's music....but a s0 an0ying 0ne (music?)!.........Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

It's here if you click on the Adam with Strawberry Link:

I didn't know Orianthi did the guitar solo on Sleepwalker!
