Two Adam songs on the Top Airplay chart!
Filed Under (charts,If I Had You,what ya want from me ) by Admin on Monday, July 26, 2010
Posted at : Monday, July 26, 2010
Adam Lambert's If I Had You enters the Idol airplay Top 10 this week.

The good news for Adam Lambert continues, as "If I Had You" is now among the top ten songs by "American Idol" alum for the past week. According to the newest numbers according to USA Today, the third single off of "For Your Entertainment" this week jumped up two spots to finish at #10. The song receives 2,132 spins across all radio formats.
1 1 Carrie Underwood, Undo It (9297) (#1 Country)
2 2 Adam Lambert, Whataya Want From Me (6095) (#8 AC, #8 Hot AC)
3 3 Kelly Clarkson, Already Gone (4597)
4 4 Daughtry, Life After You (4222) (#7 AC)
5 5 Kris Allen, Live Like We're Dying (4214) (#9 AC, #23 Christian AC)
6 6 Fantasia, Bittersweet (3784) (#15 Urban, #5 Urban AC)
7 10 Daughtry, September (2359) (#14 Hot AC)
8 7 Daughtry, No Surprise (2352)
9 9 Carrie Underwood, Before He Cheats (2144)
10 12 Adam Lambert, If I Had You (2132) (#28 Top 40)
References: USA TODAY, Examiner

The good news for Adam Lambert continues, as "If I Had You" is now among the top ten songs by "American Idol" alum for the past week. According to the newest numbers according to USA Today, the third single off of "For Your Entertainment" this week jumped up two spots to finish at #10. The song receives 2,132 spins across all radio formats.
1 1 Carrie Underwood, Undo It (9297) (#1 Country)
2 2 Adam Lambert, Whataya Want From Me (6095) (#8 AC, #8 Hot AC)
3 3 Kelly Clarkson, Already Gone (4597)
4 4 Daughtry, Life After You (4222) (#7 AC)
5 5 Kris Allen, Live Like We're Dying (4214) (#9 AC, #23 Christian AC)
6 6 Fantasia, Bittersweet (3784) (#15 Urban, #5 Urban AC)
7 10 Daughtry, September (2359) (#14 Hot AC)
8 7 Daughtry, No Surprise (2352)
9 9 Carrie Underwood, Before He Cheats (2144)
10 12 Adam Lambert, If I Had You (2132) (#28 Top 40)
References: USA TODAY, Examiner
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Yay,All is going in right direction!!Let's keep up the voting!! funbunn40
That pic is delicious!!
Yeah! BTW, is anyone from this site going to Costa Mesa tomorrow or Wed. or san Diego? I just upgraded my tickets for Wed. and there are still a lot at ticketmaster or stubhub. Cant remember which but good seats still available. Adamluv
i am from holland and today iihy mv
on tmf and hear it on the radio
Yes, it is played by slam fm, but they don't play it on radio 538 or QMUSIC(or maybe they did but I missed it?)But he is still in the Tip parade(last week he was at 13 this week he is at 9, he is still gaining some spots!), I hope he will soon be in the top 40.!
@ 3.10 PS. Op welke radiozender heb jij IIHY gehoord? Laten ze sinds vandaag de clip zien op TMF? Heb hem nog niet gezien): Hollandfan
I called on Boise radiostation (93.1) and request to play IIHY. I called during 6 hours and they never played it.
Also, I am afraid Adam will never visit our little old Boise again. All tickets were sold. I checked to find 2 tickets for my friends in the day of concert. Coudn't find any tickets except on some web side. It was just one ticket left. But there were so many empty seats on Morrison Center. So we were confused. But still hope to see Adam again in Boise
yay for Adam and Yay for fans! Good job, keep requesting. FYI, Adam will be on Ryan Seacrest Kiss FM in the morning, tune in...I know I am.:)
good news, IIHY is # 4 on Australia Charts(with a bullet)..yay again!
ZZ, thank you so much for Seacrest info.! I've stopped listening to him since still no IIHY but after tomorrow, maybe he'll play it. Adamluv
Yeah I stopped listening to Ryan for such a long time since he betrayed Adam. But I'll listen to that interview.
@ 5:24 whoa am I late but how did Ryan betray Adam?
Yeah, what's the deal with Ryan? I thought he and Adam were friends.
BTW, still have not heard IIHY on my local KISS station in Austin, TX.
guys, I listen to Ryan's program every morning on KDWB and he does play IIHY atleast once a day. The only Adam's song that didn't get the deserved air time is FYE and I think it was not only Ryan rather every coward DJ in the country refused to play that awesome song. Lets just keep requesting IIHY in our local stations and hopefuly they will give it the deserved air time. I personally request on KDWB every day and I hear the song atleast once or twice when I tune in, which is fine considering I don't listen to radio that much. Ofcourse compared to the other crap music(katy perry, Justin B and alike)Adam isn't getting that much airtime but I believe he is climbing the charts now. So lets just keep on requesting IIHY.
Thanks guys!
yay Adam on Ryan tomorrow morning, can't wait.
another good news: IIHY is #17 on the ITunes Pop Chart and #38 overall.
lets just keep requesting, and voting on VH1. The more exposure he gets the better. Lets do it Glamberts.
OH - there's that picture of Adam that makes me feel all wiggly!!! I absolutely love it.
- Adam Fix
@Adam Fix
Just curious to know if there is any picture of Adam that DOESN'T make us feel all wiggly???!!! Trying to think of one....
1 keer op 538 en 26 7 voor het eerst op tmf gezien
Hey MGF and GIOW/UK - I left you some responses...go back a few the "Sacramento", and the "song hanging at #28"...
Glitzylady - yes, there are some pix of Adam that make me feel wiggly...some that make me fall out of my chair...some that make me forget to breathe...some that make my brain fall out of my know, there are different classifications of Adam Hotness/pictures, in my world...I just try to change it up so I'm not boring you guys by saying, over and over - "Adam, you are so freakin' HOT!". Which is what it all boils down to.
Ha, ha!!
- Adam Fix
@Adam Fix
In other words, the "wiggly" ones are just the first "level of hotness", followed by gripping the laptop, fingernail marks on the table, forgetting to breathe, falling off the chair,losing all power of speech, brain falling out, and the ultimate (limited speech has returned).."Hi honey, follow me...."
@ Adam sweet Adam trying t0 lick sweet Adam in t#e picture ab0ve? s0 «cat»sexy!.........Fan4fun
I understood that Boise 93.1 is doing good job.I requested IIHY about 20 times and they played it twice during 6 hours. However they play "California Gurls" every 30min and "Airplanes" every hour!
It sounds that Boise 93.1 is doing o'kay. They play IIHY twice in 6 hours! I just requested it 22 times!!!
@ZZ July 26, 2010 8:13 PM -
I saw that - how awesome!!!!
Thanks Adam Fix/11:23PM - LOVED IT.
glitzylady 11:45 - exxxxactly. You got it.
Now we have our own little reference chart for the different levels of Adam hotness...ranging from: hot enough to make you pull your finger back from the heat, all the way to pure molton lava oozing out of the screen.
- Adam Fix
@Adam Fix 9:47pm
Yowie!!! just that description makes me..........well, thought better of what I was going to say, had to sit on my hands for a minute, after my hand went over my mouth just in case you could "hear" what I was thinking (that made a lot of sense....).......don't want to get into trouble again...but it was GOOD!!! Had to do with "oozing".....but you'll never know....We'll just say it made me "wiggly"...
I think most of Adam's work is on the pure molten lava end of the scale...
Glitzylady - bad girl, I already KNOW what you were thinking!!! Ha, ha!
BTW, never got to say how HARD I laughed at your mussings about needing anti-anxiety meds when you can't get your Adam Fix...'cause I am SO right there with you! I think this must be the form my mid-life crises is taking on - the form of Adam - and what a glorious crises to have!! :-D
- Adam Fix
Well, you know you just get me started, and off I go....Those thoughts just pop up....
Talking about mid-life crisis, mine came a little later than some, thought I was going to escape that sort of thing, but it officially began the night of AI Season 8, MJ night, when Adam came charging out onto the stage in all of his fierce and exuberant glory singing Black or White (have since seen the auditions....Satisfaction, both versions....WHOA baby!!!.... .. "wiggly" moment) My mouth dropped open, my breathing stopped for about 3 minutes, eyes wide and riveted (thank goodness for that 50 inch plasma) and I haven't fully recovered yet...I was finally able to squeak out the words "OH....MY....GOD....!!!..." to my husband, who was also smitten but to a lesser degree....he said "There's the winner...." and then had to excuse myself while I regained my composure, closed my mouth, and steadied my breathing... ( I have NO idea what everyone else sang) but now it is full-blown, with no end in sight.. Must have been building for some time, in search of a "worthy" outlet, then Adam Lambert, the "Phenom", came along, and, well, here I am...a late-stage cougar-ish fan girl....Just ridiculous...but loving every minute of it...
re: Morrison Ctr.Boise empty seats, the scalpers scoop up most of the tickets, especially the good seats. At stubhub a company buys the majority and jacks up the price. I couldn't even get any through Adam Official with the password. It will only get worse, the more famous he becomes. funbunn40
You are so right, it will only get worse...(I think we are already there..) Had no knowledge of Stub Hub until this year, when trying to get River Rock tickets was impossible through Ticketmaster... A couple of weeks later, I heard about SH and checked it out, there were tickets at all different price levels.. was worth the extra cost to me to take my friend to this great concert, we had good seats, paid about 2 and a half times the original price, but otherwise we couldn't have gone at all and would have missed out on an amazing experience...I am going to the Puyallup show in Sept. and originally went the Ticketmaster route, got mediocre seats, and then said, WTH, and went to SH, and got some super good seats that someone had posted at a lower price than they could have asked, I scooped them up and am thrilled...And my husband said he would only go if he could actually SEE Adam up close (he's a fan-boy..) (Friends bought the other tickets at cost from me....) I know (and am grateful) that I am one of the fortunate ones in that I am a little "older' and can do this, even tho i don't like the idea of scalping, per se, and would rather see Adam benefit directly from ticket sales, that is the reality of it these days, with ALL of the music acts, theater, sports, etc., so I would encourage people to fill those empty seats one way or the other...often when it gets really close to the time for the concert, people drop their asking price way down, often to below original cost, just to unload them, and its another way of getting to see Adam and his amazing show....I want to emphasize that I am not promoting scalping, but unfortunately it is an option, and sometimes the only one...It is a bit of a moral dilemma but that "strong magnetic pull" that Adam has on me, and so many of us, wins out from time to time, have been to two other Adam events that I couldn't see much at all (too darn short...), but was still thrilled to be there, so even if you are in the back row, its the experience of a lifetime, every time ...
Couple things -
The talk of doing what one has to - to see Adam up close - is killing me... seriously thinking of saying F-it and doing what must be done to get up close tix to another Mass concert...hubby won't be happy (to the degree that he is benefiting 'though, he should just go with the flow :)...but real life and all that)
To my Glamsisers that are on here as often as I am - you guys are going to get me in trouble too :)... I have been using SO MUCH SELF DISCIPLINE to not get too saucy on this blog, in terms of my comments :)'s killing me, and I'm about to blow, the dike is about to burst...and when it does, it's gonna be bad...and the thread police are gonna go beserk ;)
Regarding the mid-life crisis thing - I wasn't ready for one, it was still a bit too early for that sort of thing for me - but I think AI8 auditions brought it on, and it hasn't stopped since :)... and yes, not a bad crisis to have as far as crisis' go... I was enjoying it indeed...but lawdy, I'm staring to seriously ache, like ache, for some of that man :)...and it's a little weird, lol, advice welcome :).
Ha, ha...."thar she blows...!!!" Just do what I did, sit on your hands, cover your mouth as a subtle reminder and wait for it to pass...and laugh hysterically for however long that takes...and hope no one else is there to hear you.....
Can offer no advice whatsoever....on the mid-life crisis....Enjoy the ride... (ooops, hope that didn't send you over the edge...)
MGF 2:19pm - ha, ha - blow, away! Let it all go! I can't supress what bubbles up inside when it comes to's just not healthy!
- Adam Fix
Too funny ladies - sometimes I wish we could register or something for an over-18 site...cuz lawdy the things that come to mind when blogging AL - wouldn't have any intention of being outrageously dirty or anything like that - I just think we'd all get such a laugh out of each other's comments, LOL.
And on the up-close tix thing - think I'm just gonna let it go and hope for the best with Cohasset tix... the "ache" is getting worse, and I think being up close in all AL's glammy parts would just exacerbate the situation :).
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