'Whataya Want From Me' is still #10 on Adult Contemporary chart
Filed Under (article,charts,what ya want from me ) by Admin on Monday, July 19, 2010
Posted at : Monday, July 19, 2010

Adam Lambert has sold over 1 million albums worldwide -- this is a major feat in the changing musical landscape. According to the Billboard Adult Contemporary chart, the singer's second single, "Whataya Want From Me," continues to do well -- coming in at number 10.
Train is still in the number one position with their single, "Hey, Soul Sister." Lambert's single comes just under another former American Idol contestant -- Chris Daughtry and his band Daughtry with their single, "Life After You."
Lambert and Daughtry have one of their major accomplishments in common -- their debut albums, after appearing on the hit singing competition have both gone platinum. They are both enjoying much success.
It is clear that Adam Lambert has become a superstar, and he has the talent, the hits, and the fans to prove it.
Lambert has said that the new album will be worked on in 2011. But do you think that another single should be released from For Your Entertainment?
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Calling all UK Glams...Monday 19th July..WWFM single Release please tell everyone to go Buy
WHY OH WHY are the UK the Last Country when it comes to Adam's single releases....it makes us feel so behind everyone else!!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Yes there are lots more singles from this great FYE Album...
soaked...sleeepwalker...music again....fever....down the rabbit hole....all are single material...
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Hi GIOW/UK - nice to "hear" from you more often, now that you'r finally catching up with everything you missed!
I agree - what is that all about? That is SO lame. I would like to know what prompted that decision. What I DO know is once all your Glambrits get your hands on Adam's music, we'll hear fireworks coming from across the pond!
- Adam Fix
How is Adam doing over there in the UK? And is he touring in the UK?
Hey Glitzylady - I'm just dropping this here, randomly, in hopes that you'll see it. I will try to find you tomorrow night. I have short red hair (hard to miss) and made a cheesy little hot pink sign. Keep an eye out! Ha, ha!
Any other Glamily on here, who will be at the Seattle show tomorrow night?
- Adam Fix
I think more singles could come out of this album.Everyone should be a video! funbunn40
glitzylady and Adam Fix...hope your paths cross. Keep us posted!
HI tickets go on sale Friday morn...can't wait... the concert hall will be a fabulous venue....come on over 'west coasters'!!!
I don't get why "Pick U Up" isn't more in demand...I guess when his CD first came out and Adam first asked which songs we liked best, it must have been in the bottom or it's to taxing on his vocals maybe, BUT It's my favorite!! So sad!
@Adam Fix: will definitely keep the eyes "peeled" for you,...and not to be chatty here.. :-) , but what time do you plan to line up??? (You KNEW I'd see this here!!!!) Was going to make a sign but too much going on, oh well....May still do something.....We'll figure this out....Getting VERY excited.... Sleep will be tough tonight...
Now...where are those Boise vids....now that they are back on the West Coast, takes "longer" to get them posted.....Won't have to wait at all tomorrow.....instant gratification....YAY!!!!
I like that the fans can officially say Adam has sold over a million copies! <3
Oh, and regarding the question about more songs being released from the album: OF COURSE!!!!!!!!! Just waiting for SLEEPWALKER , SOAKED, MUSIC AGAIN, and ,yes, FEVER to become singles.....( Agreeing with Glambrit on this one....). I think I said on another thread that I am hoping Adam will feel comfortable in releasing Fever at some point, it's fabulous, I love it, and after all, there's just that one little word that has kept it from already being released ....He has said he may release it overseas but not sure about here....yet....Would be a shame not to be able to but we'll see....
Check this scrapbook out
There are some very talented glamberts out there!
God, there's so much LOVE in there...
really, really loves the Glamily...
Almost crying..
Sorry, I meant:
"@QuinnAIT really, really loves the Glamily..."
Adam Fix, y0u'd better write y0ur address and p#0ne number in te back 0f y0ur «c#eesy little #0t pink sign» and glue it in y0ur #and, s0 if y0u #appen t0 l00se t#e 0t#er #alf 0f y0ur brain in t#e cr0wd, te Glamwatc#ers may take y0ur dead(deat# by Adam)b0dy #0me! Y0ur family w0uld appreciate #aving y0u back anyway... Afterall y0u live 0nly f0r raising 0ur star n0wadays, d0n't y0u? (Glam-dark L0L) Fan4fun
Fell0ws, I keep praying t0 «T#e Universal P0wer 0f Adam Lambert» t0 #elp me up wit# my freak and wretc#ed keyb0ard but f0r t#e very first time it isn't w0rking... N0pe!! S0 please, if my c0mments are very an0ying t0 read I'll understand if y0u prefer t0 miss t#em... n0 #ard feelings at all, 0k? (I myself can't stand reading t#em f0r «c0rrecti0n» s0metimes) Fan4fun
I agree with you Daydreaminmyli regarding Pick U Up. Love that song. It's also my fav. It WOULD be taxing on his vocals but it would be a fantastic encore maybe once in a while like when he appears in MA.
@ Glitzylady: fell0w, y0u please give y0ur best finding Adam Fix in t#e cr0wd and take care 0f #er...rememer, s#e l0st #alf 0f #er brain watc#ing sweet Adam's AI «Ring 0f fire» perf0rmance. S#e will be fine wit# y0u...y0u are just w#at I call «a reliable #arb0ur f0r damaged s#ips». And y0u tw0, girls, take y0ur time #aving a dream c0ming true, and d0 n0t f0rget t0 tell my sweet diam0nd b0y t#at I L0VE #im, rig#t? Pr0mise? Fan4fun
N0w, ab0ut t#e article in t#is t#read, I d0n't understand muc# ab0ut #ITS, but certainly sweet Adam #as TALENT and FANS like any0ne else, ever, never!... I agree wit# Funb0nn40 ... t#e w#0le album s#0wld be a vide0, but I #ave a crus# 0n AFTERMAT#S. Fever w0uld be rated ***** f0r sure, but never try a WLL vide0... it w0uld be rated t00 sweet killing p0rn0 f0r #is 0lder fans. Fan4fun
Absolutely... SLEEPWALKER! And IMHO he needs to perform it on SNL before taking off to Europe.
I think that there are at LEAST 4 more single hits from Adam's album. PICK U UP is my favorite. I also think SOAKED and FEVER and STRUT would be great. I always thought FEVER would be the next single after WWFM but I read that the "There He Goes" opening line to the song might not sell it. Sad. I still think Adam's album is one the best albums ever made.
It too bad our country didn't embrace Adam more. Don't get me wrong, he's doing great with his album, singles, and especially the tour, but when I see the high numbers of album sales for lesser performers, it's sad.
hell yeah, there are tons of hits in this album, it is freakintastic. Here are my favs as singles in order: Fever, Music again, Sleepwalker,strut,and I would like to hear FYE again(it kills me it didn' get enough radio play because of these chicken radio DJ's..ughhh)and ofcourse aftermath.These are all radio friendly. the bonus tracks are fantatic but I don't think they will end up as singles and that makes me sad, esp when I think of voodoo and DTRH.
I'm a little late to the party in terms of the last couple of threads - but thanks everybody so much for all your comments - love reading through them, Love the short ones, love the long ones, very entertaining, love seeing the regulars' comments and LOVE seeing a whole bunch of newbies' comments, I think it's fun IMHO, appreciate everyone's contributions (funny & serious), 24/7 is a fun playground. Thanks ZZ for your link and comments lately, would have definitely missed ET if not for your tip (btw, fans, if you have time, go hit that ET site a few times, the AL stories, to show ET that we love their coverage of AL and their great working relationship with him)
Adam Fix & glitzylady - OMG, I'm so excited for you and I don't even know you :), one might think you're my sisters or something (well, I guess we are Glamily sisters, lol) Have fun. I'm a bundle of nerves for you - but I know it will all work out perfectly!! And to EVERYONE going to concerts in the coming days - HAVE FUN, Yay for you!
Thats great that WWFM is still #10 after being out for so long!
I'm excited for the new album but I think another single should be released from FYE. Something like Sleepwalker, Fever, Music Again, or Pick U Up would be great IMO. I really hope Adam decides to release Fever but because of the "there he goes" part I don't know how well it would do.
@@ Adam Fix and Glitzylady................just 0ne m0re advice f0r y0ur t0nig#t's dream: y0u tw0 keep distance fr0m t#0se sweet Adam Fever's «UNDULATI0NS»; if 0ne 0f t#em get y0u, babies, y0u tw0 KAPUT! Please d0 n0t fall away, because bey0nd t#e «n0 return» sign t0 0ur regular lives, it's t#e very edge 0f t#is FLAT PLANET... yes, FLAT! «T#e Universal p0wer 0f Adam Lambert» #as s#0wed 0ff it is weig#ty! Fan4fun
hi there glamily, methinks this album is a treasure trove of hits ...dana
So happy WWFM is still blazing on the charts, love that song. Whether another single should be released, hell yeah!! I love every song the album, but for radio, I think Sleepwalker, Fever, and Strut, and Aftermath. I listen to his album everyday and never get tired of hearing any of the songs. I am sure his next album will just as good, if not better. Keep voting and requesting IIHY.
Hi Adam Fix and Glitzylady.
i agree 100% with MassGlamFan
OMG, I'm so excited for you and I don't even know you :), one might think you're my sisters or something (well, I guess we are Glamily sisters, lol) Have fun. I'm a bundle of nerves for you ...
my words exactly!! ~*GLAMSISTERS*~
We know we can trust you two Divine GLAMSISTERS for a Fantastic report on your Glam Nation Gig...WE WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING!!!
Adam Fix i know you have spent most of the day practicing your Velco Ripping Skills(Lucky You)lol
we are all hoping that you find each other in amongst the Glamberts...wish i was going (sigh)
please blow a KISS to Adam from me X
i hope you get to meet the band maybe...and make sure you try and get in some of the videos or photos so we can try and spot you
from everso slightly (very) Jealous Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
fan4fun go checkout that message on that thread then it will all become clear with GlamKit Icon's new job lolxxx
Lots of more great songs that would make #1 videos...but my favorite song is "CAN'T LET YOU GO!" I can just imagine Adam singing that with an orchestra behind him just starring into the camera...OMG!!Whatever he does, I'll be there and buy it...
Enjoy your dreams at the concert girls...It is an awesome experience...
@Glambrit and MassGlamFan
Thanks, wish you could go....I am sure you'll get your chance soon Glambrit...Would be fun to meet everyone someday, you never can tell...Will definitely blow him a kiss for you.....Off I go to get ready....Will be standing in line soon, have never done THAT for ANYONE ever.....Another first...
I'm already "kaput" so nothing to lose....I was kaput when Adam stepped on the stage during Idol...Bring on those undulations, I'm ready....
I love the album and fever is fabulous.Norway will love it and "there HE goes"are ok in my country :-)
Peace and love from Norway
Does anyone know when Can't Let You Go is going to be on iTunes?
another single from fye album? ooooooh....yessss!!!
CLYG and Soaked are the most vocally taxing of all the songs on the album. To me they are the most beautiful also. Can't wait to hear him sing CLYG live. I'm glad to see others appreciating CLYG as well. The lyrics are killer to the heart.
EACH SONG of his album is a potencial HIT, I don't understand why the late ??? with the release of at least 5 songs of the album (sure fire winners,Soaked, Music Again, Strut,Sleepwalker, etc..) he could be more know for his huge talent and vocals than just for the controversy
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