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Happy Birthday Video for Shannon from Glam Nation and Adam Lambert

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Friday, August 6, 2010

Posted at : Friday, August 06, 2010

Adam's part starts at 2:49

Thanks glitter4adam for the tip!


Anonymous said...

Call me stupid. I follow 24 7 like a hawk. But who is Shannon????? Sasha's sister? daughter?

Anonymous said...

I dont know who she is either! But what an awesome birthday gift! They are all so cute!!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, whatever! At least we know most of the people there like Sutan, Sasha, Taylor, Cam, Monte, Tommy, Terrance, Allison, Orianthi, David and of course............... ADAM!!!

Anonymous said...

OT but just heard that Sept. 22nd will be Longieus last day with Adam. Very sad to see him go. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Who is Shanon btw... is she part of the glam nation crew? wow so happy for this girl to hv Adam n his team wishing her happy b'day!!!

Anonymous said...

well sure looks like the Glamily are having Great FUN on Glam Nation Tour bus....shannon? i am guessing sashas sister?
Adam thats a wicked Irish accent...
oh no i am gonna miss Longieu so much...shame...
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Okay, I know I shouldn't be so Adam-centric... But hot dayum AL is so dang adorbs in this bday vid... Frick - so loving him... It just ain't healthy... this reha... um vaca and time away has only made my heart grow fonder... ;)

Anonymous said... have let the cat out the bag..are you on Vac or um REHAB!!!!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

@Glambrit Isle of Wight UK busted her big guys are my life, glamilyyyyyyyyyyy


Anonymous said...

WTF is Shannon btw? Sasha's sis? I thought it was Sasha B-day today? Confused...I need a drink pronto!


Anonymous said...

loool @ the comments xD

Anonymous said...

wow so many peoples BD today

Anonymous said...

I really feel stoooopid. I never realized just how handsome Terrence is. Wow. Happy Birthday Shannon, whoever you are.

Anonymous said...

Adam is on his stationary bike. Too funny...

Marianne said...

Adam's part is so hilarious and cute.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha everyone. Didn't pick up on the fact that AL is on stat. bike - hilarious. Yes, Terrence is gorgeous!

And just FYI - this video just got a shout-out on MJ's as being here on 24/7... on MJ's thread for GNT show tonight.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure Shannon is Sasha's girlfriend, but don't quote me on that.

Anonymous said...

They are all cute but Adam has that certain EXTRA cute-ness!
The charisma goes everywhere it seems..

Anonymous said...

OMG - when Adam appeared on screen, it was like staring into the sun! Like flashbulbs went off in front of my eyes! Like the sun glinted off a diamond! Like the room lit up! Like throwing open the curtains on a brilliant sunny day!

Did anyone else feel that way? ;)

Oh wait - there were other people on the video besides Adam? Must have missed those parts. Oh wait, I do remember
Tommy. He was lookin' quite de-lovely.

And MGF - don't apologize for being Adam-centric...isn't that why we're all here??

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

anon 8:20pm...Shanon is Sasha's girlfried? as in lover? I didn't know sasha was god I need to concentrate more on these blogs, take a note, may be I need to knock another Drink, pronto!
I love Sasha, she is so cool, and fierce, in fact she would be my type, if I were gay, shame on me...Opps, Beer spilled on my laptop, major disaster..WTF


Anonymous said...

Dear Glamily, my laptop is fine...its all GOODdddd


Anonymous said...

OMG - ZZ - you are cracking me up!! Drinking and ogling Adam at the same time can sometimes be disastrous, as Adam is enough to handle all by himself! But I confess I usually sit down at the end of the night with a drink, and jump on 24/7. It's my way of relaxing at the end of a crazy day.

Yes - Sasha is gay. And she's a cutie!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Didn't someone say, "Happy 17th birthday"? In that case, I would hope that Shannon is not Sasha's girlfriend...

Anonymous said...

Adam Fix - how you felt is EXACTLY how I felt when AL came on screen :)!! (just too long for me to type on iPod/Touch,lol)... But I'm giggling at your post cuz that was indeed my visceral reaction too :)! Intervention useless - just ADDICTION MANAGEMENT fully employed, in overdrive.

Anonymous said...

Hic Hic... has your laptop recovered from its drinking session!! lol
if you are looking for some more Glamily laughter
go to 'whataya want from me' on the global track chart for 21 weeks...
as Glitzylady...Adam Fix...HK fan...we have taken over that thread with our Addiction with Adam regarding our menfolk (gawd bless them) LOL
Love to the 24/7 Glamily
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

khaiezshronne said...

how awesome is that...

anyways, the people behind that must have prepared a lot for this.....

the whole Glamily is proud of the birthday girl...


Anonymous said...

hi zz and adamluv...i don't think we've met yet, loving your comments..
thankyou glambrit isle of white / funbunn 40 for your kind words of encouragement...
i looked at 'whataya want from me' on the global track chart for 21 weeks... indeed.. GIOW/UK i've got no idea what is wrong with people in the uk, i also think that most haven't heard of the sublime Adam..i am trying my very best to spread the word to anybody that will listen and get over excited when i succeed...i myself pre-ordered both copies of whataya want from me..what a treat.
i must say it was a fantastic thread, i was cackling very loudly at everyones i said to my friend "adam should come issued with a health warning" caution may cause serious addiction....

BTW...who indeed is shannon, happy birthday you lucky lady..Adam's irish accent ha ha so it.

chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

@ Chezza-sherbet/britfan, You're so welcome. So funny that so many of us think so much alike! My thoughts have already been posted. You all crack me up! I also caught that Shannon was 17 and definitely is an Irish lass. Maybe a daughter of one of the crew or production staff? Maybe someone will solve the mystery! Adam had a Scots brogue in Brigadoon and sure did a good job on his Irish one! Is there anything he can't do vocally? Have to go back and check him on the exercise bike! That face is so adorable!!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx

So glad your back btw!

MassGlamFan (MGF)

GlammyLadybug said...

I do remember Sasha saying on her (now disabled Formspring account) that she has an Irish girlfriend ...and taken from the text at the beginning and Sasha's difficulties to find the right words (of love) at the end of the video, I would agree with Anon. 8:20pm.
(@Anon. 3:35am )Terrance might just be joking about Shannon's age..I hope.. Judging from her Formspring answers, Sasha seems to be a very smart, receptive and loving person.
Sasha and Shannon.. Isn’t that sounds cool?

Anonymous said...

I dont see a problem even if Shannon is 17 years old. Sasha couldnt be much older? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

hello,,,,anybody see Neil in the birthday video? if so, give a shout out..
florida fan

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:40, no I didn't see Neil in the vid.
Anon 2:27 et all, I did some research (and subsequently picked up a computer virus!) and found out that Sasha was on season 4 of So You Think You Can Dance at which time she was 21. I don't know what year that was but she is probably in her mid 20's? I didn't dig any further as my son had to take my computer to get rid of the virus but now I'm good to go! She has a sister named Nicole, so yea, I suppose Shanon could be a girlfriend...hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

I just read Sasha's latest tweets and she says she is 23 and Shanon is "her favorite person"...see her tweets below.

# so its my favorite persons bday today... day after mine look how that worked out :P i love u sha! about 15 hours ago via web

# Alright.. Nuff with the gooey shit... IM 23 biotches :) rawwrrr!! (Leos are supposed to rawr) night twatters <3 thanks again for the luv <3 10:04 PM Aug 6th via Twitter for iPhone
