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Adam In The Cube

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, August 6, 2010

Posted at : Friday, August 06, 2010

Part 1. Adam talks about his album and his upcoming international tour.

Part 2. Adam answers questions.


Anonymous said...

Boy! he sure has grown a lot since then.

Anonymous said...

It's good SONY uploaded the full versions. I remember seeing just a few second clips.

Shirley said...

I love his old look :D So cute. Great interview. And I agree with Anon #1 that Adam has grown a lot since then. So many things happen being a singer and in the industry.

Anonymous said...

It's great for Adam to be in control every aspects of his career... peace of mind... IMO.

Haha... I knew the Iphone answer before I could even hear Adam's answer! And yes, he sure has grown a lot since this interview. More mature and sexier!:)

Anonymous said...

That seems to be sooo long ago when he did this interview but it hasnt even been one year! Talk about a life change! I never thought I would ever say this but I actually like his hair better now. That was then and this is now.! I love you, Adam Lambert! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam, honey, you don't need to fly to Spain or Rio to see beautiful people...simply look in two mirrors. :)

Anonymous said...

I love his old look too and miss it a lot. I think that's why the posts above me say he's "grown." The Elvis look makes him appear older. Listening to the interviews, they could have been done this morning. IMO :)

Anonymous said...

This is way off topic but....I've read so many posts about how "this was his best WLL ever". So, I've watched each and every performance (that's been filmed anyway) and have found the perfect one: Foxwoods, CT. This one has the perfect blend of tongue, looks, gyrations, high notes, etc. I've downloaded and also have it on my taskbar so I can play it whenever I need that special lift.

What do you think?

P.S. Mad World is at the beginning. Also thanks to whomever filmed this. You did a stellar job!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:03, love all the research done in the name of adam lambert! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine being one of Adam's friends and be able to hop on a jet with him and his friends and go to some exotic place? Adam, can I please be your friend?!!

He looks so amazing with his old rocker style hair. I am melting!


Anonymous said...

I have to agree Anon 4:03 (and not just cuz I saw that bad boy LIVE lol!!!!!) but because it did indeed have so many delicious sensual visuals IN ADDITION TO the most spectacular VOCAL... Just one person's opinion :)
MassGlamFan (MGF)

Anonymous said...

I miss that old look too! Love the hair.. n yes, can I be ur friend Adam? Neve mind if u're not taking me anywhere on the jet... think I'm the happiest person on earth if Adam wants me to be his friend!!!

Anonymous said...

Part 2 Questions - I just love his laugh at about :24 when he
says he would like to be to fly cause it looks like fun. SO cute!!

Anonymous said...

Brown rice? That was his answer - for real? I am laughing so hard! Love Adam - he always throws you for a twist.

Anon 4:03 - you seriously watched ALL WLL performances? Good god - the endurance...the stamina that must have taken! I would have spontaneously combusted. Don't think I could've lived to tell about it. I will re-watch the Foxwood clip and see if it meets with my approval/does much for me...(SO KIDDING - I will melt right off my chair!).

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm back - but I had to go towel off, first!! Yes - that was a tasty treat - that was quite a sensual version of WLL, until it exploded into fireworks at the end!! BAM!!!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

My WLL experiment started as a way to prove to my 21 y.o. son that Adam can and does do justice to Robert Plants version. (Must explain: my son is a "classic rock" snob and does not like Adams style of music at all.) Anyway, each performance from Adam is definitely unique, and I have enjoyed every single one...really, deeply enjoyed!

Pardon me, my mind wandered a bit there....anyway, the Foxwoods version was the most versatile. It had every element, whereas some have more sexiness, some have more vocal gymnastics, etc. It's the musical equivalent of sleeping in baby bears bed: "it was just right".

Sweet dreams ya'll ;)

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:21 - Foxwoods was "the most versatile" - that is hilarious!

I think this is the version where I said Adam spewed all over the audience...hand motions, you know...and I certainly enjoyed a peek at his midriff when his top rode up at the end. **whew!!**

Thanks for your grueling research. Really!

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

To anon at 10:21 pm

I too appreciate the great amount of research time that went into watching each and every version of WLL....How you did that and lived to tell about it is a wonder in itself...As a very objective watcher of many if not all of the 3 million or so versions of WLL, including the "original" Idol version, the many Idol Tour versions, the truly to die for (and I still think my personal fav) Fantasy Springs version, which I personally observed live and have revisited on numerous occasions,and all of the GlamNation tour versions, including the Seattle Sodo version....also quite versatile.... I do find the comment that the Foxwoods version is the most "versatile" to be quite scientific indeed...Not a word I would think to use when describing any of Adam's renditions of that particular song, but after watching who knows how many versions one after the other, I suppose you do need some sort of rating system. I will now try to use that term when mentioning the Foxwoods version....I mean, how many ways can you say "sexy", so versatile works for me....And I do understand what you are saying about your 21 year old son...My husband, who is an Adam fan, still prefers the "Idol" version, and doesn't quite get why I REALLLLLY like the acoustic, bluesy, sensual, sexy,....versatile....version (s)....and I don't try to explain it either.....

Anonymous said...

Things could slow down for Adam if he's going more acoustic. People lose interest very quickly, especially young. There are a lot of Glamberts that know about music and notes, but what I don't understand is how they prefer Gaga over for example Alicia Keys who's much better, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Am giggling at the WLL research and comments!

Now I have to go back and watch Foxwoods again. (though Fantasy Springs and Milwaukee are WAY at the top of my list at the moment)

Who else do you know that has SUCH a pleasurable and uplifting hobby as we do?!


Anonymous said...

Anon @4.03...
loving the WLL research...
indeed my second favorite WLL is foxwoods, my favorite being fantasy springs...and of course Sweetie..who could forget the stairway to heaven event that was the fantastic Milwaukee ahhh...

heck i love em all....

chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

I love the more "real" look of Adam. Hope he doesn't go nuts.

Anonymous said...

I don't know the venue but the one that I liked almost as much as Fantasy Springs was when ADAM sat on the stairs & lay back 'writhing' with what seemed to me like some inner sexual ... ummm ... dare I say PLEASURE?? I nearly fell off my computer chair!!! Does anyone remember where that one was??? Wait! I'm MUCH too OLD to feel like that!!
I think I'm getting the 'vapors'!! (fans self repeatedly)


Anonymous said...

Anon 10:28 that WLL was Milwaukee. And yes, I agree it was really good.

Anonymous said...

This thread is a riot - and actually compelled me, the other day, to go back (for the millionth time) and check out many of the various Fantasy Springs recordings (I have several saved on my favorite's list, lol, but I went back and checked out even the less popular recordings/footage on YT) ... and I've been od'ing on all of them since :)... man, IMHO, this original is the best... and may always be for all the obvious reasons that everyone already knows and I don't need to recite here... frick, it was incredible vocally... I can't even get into the sensuality of it :)...but the vocal was genius! Wish I had a magic button that I could press that would stop the world and make everyone just sit and watch it, lol.

glitzylady said...

Ah...yes....Milwaukee.....that was almost more than this little ol' heart could take......have to ration that one out.... it was sort of like he "forgot" where he was for just a minute (but we know he knew EXACTLY what he was doing, really....) and just let it follow the natural course of things....Well, think its time to look at that one again right now, just for scientific purposes..and then Fantasy Springs...and then Foxwoods....Hubby isn't home today so the perfect time to do my own bit of research with no interruptions, glares, requests for breakfast, lunch, dinner (this could take awhile....and I don't need food in Adamland....), clean clothes, etc...So if you don't hear from me for awhile, I am probably "blissed out" from one too many Whole Lotta Love's, although never enough IMO...