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Adam Lambert Coming Out To Thank The Counter Protesters! (His Supporters)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, August 8, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, August 08, 2010

in Springfield, yesterday.


Anonymous said...

That was so sweet of him to come out and thank them. Not much time before his performance, he's just that gracious. I imagine many of the counterprotesters may not have been fans of his, just came to fight morons, but I bet he made a great impression :)

DC Canadian

Anonymous said...

Springfield, that was so awesome to do this for Adam and he so appreciated it beyond words as you just saw! Why can't this be done (counter-protesting) more often? realnottooldyet

Julie said...

Dont' forget that it was thanks to Adam Crawford, student at Missouri State, who organized the counter protest at Adam Lambert concert!!

But yeah, everyone there deserves credit!!

Adam is so nice to come out to thank them. Other celebs wouldn't do that.

Anonymous said...

What Adam did to the counter protestors is to show his appreciation, right before he was to come on stage is showing his true character... a true class act!

Anonymous said...

adam has always been him so much.

Anonymous said...

He is to thoughtful! I am sure in his world where so many have been so mean this was a breath of fresh air. These students are our future and boy I for one am glad to see this love and attitude. Hug someone today and love many; it is an awesome pay it forward. Let's celebrate the love shown here and keep it going!!

Anonymous said...

So good of Adam to come out to show his appreciation of Adam Crawford and his Missouri fans.I just watched the 8 part thumbnail videos of The Most Hated Family in America. My brain is about to explode! It brings to mind the Jim Jones cult in Guyana kool-aid massacre. You cannot reason with any of these people with logic. They are brainwashed and completely devoid of common sense, reality and human decency. What they are doing to their children is evil child abuse and they should be prosecuted. I can't fathom the depth of their unwarranted hate and lack of basic intelligence. These people are dangerously destructive and mentally impaired. Counteracting with the "love in" warms my heart and I hope it will continue to dilute thier poisonous message and show the true meaning of love, God, Universe,and all things positive. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

hi funbunn40,
good comments as usual. this was a great moment! makes me very proud of all the glamberts everywhere.


glitzylady said...


These Westboro people are about to make my brain explode too....Just posted a comment in response to a question about why Adam would call them the "Bastard Church"........( on the Counter Protesters Rule thread) not a church in any sense at all, just a group of extremely hateful and potentially dangerous people....So happy to see all of the love sent to Adam and others in the form of this "Love-In" counter-protest.....And as always, he is so thoughtful and obviously so appreciates his fans efforts .....He is just the opposite of take that WBC!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dana! I'm so proud of the glamberts too. They keep my faith in the goodness of human nature, which still outweighs the bad. @ Glitzylady, I read your great comments on the other thread and once again, you parallel my thoughts. They most definitely are a cult and not in any sense of the word, a church. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Adam Crawford and Missouri State....Please go to the top of the Class for getting this protest together...
this is what i want to see you Americans doing
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Adam does not ignore hate but challenges it, and I am sure he was excited to see this amazing "love-in" protest, organized by another wonderful Adam. Adam Lambert is a catalyst for positivity, whether he admits it or not.